func (d *idm) Mount(
	ctx types.Context,
	volumeID, volumeName string,
	opts *types.VolumeMountOpts) (string, *types.Volume, error) {

	opts.Preempt = d.preempt()

	fields := log.Fields{
		"volumeName": volumeName,
		"volumeID":   volumeID,
		"opts":       opts}
	ctx.WithFields(fields).Debug("mounting volume")

	mp, vol, err := d.IntegrationDriver.Mount(
		ctx.Join(d.ctx), volumeID, volumeName, opts)
	if err != nil {
		return "", nil, err

	// if the volume has attachments assign the new mount point to the
	// MountPoint field of the first attachment element
	if len(vol.Attachments) > 0 {
		vol.Attachments[0].MountPoint = mp

	return mp, vol, err
Exemple #2
func (d *odm) IsMounted(
	ctx types.Context,
	mountPoint string,
	opts types.Store) (bool, error) {

	return d.OSDriver.IsMounted(ctx.Join(d.Context), mountPoint, opts)
func (c *client) NextDevice(
	ctx types.Context,
	opts types.Store) (string, error) {

	if c.isController() {
		return "", utils.NewUnsupportedForClientTypeError(
			c.clientType, "NextDevice")

	if supported, _ := c.Supported(ctx, opts); !supported {
		return "", errExecutorNotSupported

	ctx = context.RequireTX(ctx.Join(c.ctx))

	serviceName, ok := context.ServiceName(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return "", goof.New("missing service name")

	si, err := c.getServiceInfo(serviceName)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	driverName := si.Driver.Name

	out, err := c.runExecutor(ctx, driverName, types.LSXCmdNextDevice)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	ctx.Debug("xli nextdevice success")
	return gotil.Trim(string(out)), nil
Exemple #4
func (d *odm) Unmount(
	ctx types.Context,
	mountPoint string,
	opts types.Store) error {

	return d.OSDriver.Unmount(ctx.Join(d.Context), mountPoint, opts)
func (d *idm) List(
	ctx types.Context,
	opts types.Store) ([]types.VolumeMapping, error) {

	fields := log.Fields{
		"opts": opts}
	ctx.WithFields(fields).Debug("listing volumes")

	volMaps, err := d.IntegrationDriver.List(ctx.Join(d.ctx), opts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	volMapsWithNames := []types.VolumeMapping{}
	for _, vm := range volMaps {
		if vm.VolumeName() != "" {
			volMapsWithNames = append(volMapsWithNames, vm)

	if !d.pathCacheEnabled() {
		return volMapsWithNames, nil

	for _, vm := range volMapsWithNames {
		vmn := vm.VolumeName()
		if !d.isCounted(vmn) && vm.MountPoint() != "" {

	return volMapsWithNames, nil
Exemple #6
func (d *odm) Mounts(
	ctx types.Context,
	deviceName, mountPoint string,
	opts types.Store) ([]*types.MountInfo, error) {
	ctx = ctx.Join(d.Context)

	return d.OSDriver.Mounts(ctx.Join(d.Context), deviceName, mountPoint, opts)
func (c *client) requireCtx(ctx types.Context) types.Context {
	if ctx == nil {
		ctx = c.ctx
	} else {
		ctx = ctx.Join(c.ctx)
	return context.RequireTX(ctx)
Exemple #8
func (d *odm) Mount(
	ctx types.Context,
	deviceName, mountPoint string,
	opts *types.DeviceMountOpts) error {
	ctx = ctx.Join(d.Context)

	return d.OSDriver.Mount(ctx.Join(d.Context), deviceName, mountPoint, opts)
Exemple #9
func (d *odm) Format(
	ctx types.Context,
	deviceName string,
	opts *types.DeviceFormatOpts) error {

	ctx = ctx.Join(d.Context)

	if strings.Contains(deviceName, ":") {
		return nil
	return d.OSDriver.Format(ctx, deviceName, opts)
func (d *idm) Inspect(
	ctx types.Context,
	volumeName string,
	opts types.Store) (types.VolumeMapping, error) {

	fields := log.Fields{
		"volumeName": volumeName,
		"opts":       opts}
	ctx.WithFields(fields).Debug("inspecting volume")

	return d.IntegrationDriver.Inspect(ctx.Join(d.ctx), volumeName, opts)
func (c *client) Supported(
	ctx types.Context,
	opts types.Store) (bool, error) {

	if c.isController() {
		return false, utils.NewUnsupportedForClientTypeError(
			c.clientType, "Supported")

	ctx = context.RequireTX(ctx.Join(c.ctx))

	serviceName, ok := context.ServiceName(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return false, goof.New("missing service name")

	si, err := c.getServiceInfo(serviceName)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	driverName := strings.ToLower(si.Driver.Name)

	// check to see if the driver's executor is supported on this host
	if ok := c.supportedCache.IsSet(driverName); ok {
		return c.supportedCache.GetBool(driverName), nil

	out, err := c.runExecutor(ctx, driverName, types.LSXCmdSupported)
	if err != nil {
		if err == types.ErrNotImplemented {
			ctx.WithField("serviceDriver", driverName).Warn(
				"supported cmd not implemented")
			c.supportedCache.Set(driverName, true)
			ctx.WithField("supported", true).Debug("cached supported flag")
			return true, nil
		return false, err

	if len(out) == 0 {
		return false, nil

	out = bytes.TrimSpace(out)
	b, err := strconv.ParseBool(string(out))
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	c.supportedCache.Set(driverName, b)
	ctx.WithField("supported", b).Debug("cached supported flag")
	return b, nil
func (d *idm) Detach(
	ctx types.Context,
	volumeName string,
	opts *types.VolumeDetachOpts) error {

	fields := log.Fields{
		"volumeName": volumeName,
		"opts":       opts}
	ctx.WithFields(fields).Debug("detaching volume")

	return d.IntegrationDriver.Detach(ctx.Join(d.ctx), volumeName, opts)

func (d *idm) Remove(
	ctx types.Context,
	volumeName string,
	opts types.Store) error {

	fields := log.Fields{
		"volumeName": volumeName,
		"opts":       opts}
	ctx.WithFields(fields).Debug("removing volume")

	if d.disableRemove() {
		ctx.Debug("disableRemove skipped deletion")
		return nil
	return d.IntegrationDriver.Remove(ctx.Join(d.ctx), volumeName, opts)
func (d *idm) Create(
	ctx types.Context,
	volumeName string,
	opts *types.VolumeCreateOpts) (*types.Volume, error) {

	fields := log.Fields{
		"volumeName": volumeName,
		"opts":       opts}
	ctx.WithFields(fields).Debug("creating volume")

	if d.disableCreate() {
		ctx.Debug("disableRemove skipped creation")
		return nil, nil
	return d.IntegrationDriver.Create(ctx.Join(d.ctx), volumeName, opts)
func (c *client) WaitForDevice(
	ctx types.Context,
	opts *types.WaitForDeviceOpts) (bool, *types.LocalDevices, error) {

	if c.isController() {
		return false, nil, utils.NewUnsupportedForClientTypeError(
			c.clientType, "WaitForDevice")

	if supported, _ := c.Supported(ctx, opts.Opts); !supported {
		return false, nil, errExecutorNotSupported

	ctx = context.RequireTX(ctx.Join(c.ctx))

	serviceName, ok := context.ServiceName(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return false, nil, goof.New("missing service name")

	si, err := c.getServiceInfo(serviceName)
	if err != nil {
		return false, nil, err
	driverName := si.Driver.Name

	out, err := c.runExecutor(
		ctx, driverName, types.LSXCmdWaitForDevice,
		opts.ScanType.String(), opts.Token, opts.Timeout.String())

	if err != types.ErrTimedOut {
		return false, nil, err

	matched := err == nil

	ld, err := unmarshalLocalDevices(ctx, out)
	if err != nil {
		return false, nil, err

	ctx.Debug("xli waitfordevice success")
	return matched, ld, nil
func (c *client) LocalDevices(
	ctx types.Context,
	opts *types.LocalDevicesOpts) (*types.LocalDevices, error) {

	if c.isController() {
		return nil, utils.NewUnsupportedForClientTypeError(
			c.clientType, "LocalDevices")

	if supported, _ := c.Supported(ctx, opts.Opts); !supported {
		return nil, errExecutorNotSupported

	ctx = context.RequireTX(ctx.Join(c.ctx))

	serviceName, ok := context.ServiceName(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return nil, goof.New("missing service name")

	si, err := c.getServiceInfo(serviceName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	driverName := si.Driver.Name

	out, err := c.runExecutor(
		ctx, driverName, types.LSXCmdLocalDevices, opts.ScanType.String())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ld, err := unmarshalLocalDevices(ctx, out)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ctx.Debug("xli localdevices success")
	return ld, nil
func (d *idm) Path(
	ctx types.Context,
	volumeID, volumeName string,
	opts types.Store) (string, error) {

	fields := log.Fields{
		"volumeName": volumeName,
		"volumeID":   volumeID,
		"opts":       opts}
	ctx.WithFields(fields).Debug("getting path to volume")

	if !d.pathCacheEnabled() {
		return d.IntegrationDriver.Path(
			ctx.Join(d.ctx), volumeID, volumeName, opts)

	if !d.isCounted(volumeName) {
		ctx.WithFields(fields).Debug("skipping path lookup")
		return "", nil

	return d.IntegrationDriver.Path(ctx.Join(d.ctx), volumeID, volumeName, opts)
func (d *idm) Unmount(
	ctx types.Context,
	volumeID, volumeName string,
	opts types.Store) (*types.Volume, error) {

	fields := log.Fields{
		"volumeName": volumeName,
		"volumeID":   volumeID,
		"opts":       opts}
	ctx.WithFields(fields).Debug("unmounting volume")

	if d.ignoreUsedCount() ||
		d.resetCount(volumeName) ||
		!d.isCounted(volumeName) {

		return d.IntegrationDriver.Unmount(
			ctx.Join(d.ctx), volumeID, volumeName, opts)

	return nil, nil
func (c *client) InstanceID(
	ctx types.Context,
	opts types.Store) (*types.InstanceID, error) {

	if c.isController() {
		return nil, utils.NewUnsupportedForClientTypeError(
			c.clientType, "InstanceID")

	if supported, _ := c.Supported(ctx, opts); !supported {
		return nil, errExecutorNotSupported

	ctx = context.RequireTX(ctx.Join(c.ctx))

	serviceName, ok := context.ServiceName(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return nil, goof.New("missing service name")

	si, err := c.getServiceInfo(serviceName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	driverName := strings.ToLower(si.Driver.Name)

	// check to see if the driver's instance ID is cached
	if iid := c.instanceIDCache.GetInstanceID(driverName); iid != nil {
		return iid, nil

	out, err := c.runExecutor(ctx, driverName, types.LSXCmdInstanceID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	iid := &types.InstanceID{}
	if err := iid.UnmarshalText(out); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ctx = ctx.WithValue(context.InstanceIDKey, iid)

	if iid.HasMetadata() {
		ctx.Debug("sending instanceID in API.InstanceInspect call")
		instance, err := c.InstanceInspect(ctx, serviceName)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		ctx.Debug("received instanceID from API.InstanceInspect call")
		iid.ID = instance.InstanceID.ID
		iid.Fields = instance.InstanceID.Fields

	c.instanceIDCache.Set(driverName, iid)
	ctx.Debug("cached instanceID")

	ctx.Debug("xli instanceID success")
	return iid, nil