Exemple #1
func (provider *Docker) containerFilter(container dockerData) bool {
	_, err := strconv.Atoi(container.Labels["traefik.port"])
	if len(container.NetworkSettings.Ports) == 0 && err != nil {
		log.Debugf("Filtering container without port and no traefik.port label %s", container.Name)
		return false

	if !isContainerEnabled(container, provider.ExposedByDefault) {
		log.Debugf("Filtering disabled container %s", container.Name)
		return false

	constraintTags := strings.Split(container.Labels["traefik.tags"], ",")
	if ok, failingConstraint := provider.MatchConstraints(constraintTags); !ok {
		if failingConstraint != nil {
			log.Debugf("Container %v pruned by '%v' constraint", container.Name, failingConstraint.String())
		return false

	if container.Health != "" && container.Health != "healthy" {
		log.Debugf("Filtering unhealthy or starting container %s", container.Name)
		return false

	return true
Exemple #2
// Provide allows the provider to provide configurations to traefik
// using the given configuration channel.
func (provider *Kubernetes) Provide(configurationChan chan<- types.ConfigMessage, pool *safe.Pool, constraints types.Constraints) error {
	k8sClient, err := provider.newK8sClient()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	provider.Constraints = append(provider.Constraints, constraints...)

	pool.Go(func(stop chan bool) {
		operation := func() error {
			for {
				stopWatch := make(chan struct{}, 1)
				defer close(stopWatch)
				log.Debugf("Using label selector: '%s'", provider.LabelSelector)
				eventsChan, err := k8sClient.WatchAll(provider.LabelSelector, stopWatch)
				if err != nil {
					log.Errorf("Error watching kubernetes events: %v", err)
					timer := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Second)
					select {
					case <-timer.C:
						return err
					case <-stop:
						return nil
				for {
					select {
					case <-stop:
						return nil
					case event := <-eventsChan:
						log.Debugf("Received event from kubernetes %+v", event)
						templateObjects, err := provider.loadIngresses(k8sClient)
						if err != nil {
							return err
						if reflect.DeepEqual(provider.lastConfiguration.Get(), templateObjects) {
							log.Debugf("Skipping event from kubernetes %+v", event)
						} else {
							configurationChan <- types.ConfigMessage{
								ProviderName:  "kubernetes",
								Configuration: provider.loadConfig(*templateObjects),

		notify := func(err error, time time.Duration) {
			log.Errorf("Kubernetes connection error %+v, retrying in %s", err, time)
		err := backoff.RetryNotify(operation, job.NewBackOff(backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()), notify)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Cannot connect to Kubernetes server %+v", err)

	return nil
Exemple #3
func (provider *Kv) get(defaultValue string, keys ...string) string {
	joinedKeys := strings.Join(keys, "")
	keyPair, err := provider.kvclient.Get(strings.TrimPrefix(joinedKeys, "/"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("Cannot get key %s %s, setting default %s", joinedKeys, err, defaultValue)
		return defaultValue
	} else if keyPair == nil {
		log.Debugf("Cannot get key %s, setting default %s", joinedKeys, defaultValue)
		return defaultValue
	return string(keyPair.Value)
Exemple #4
func (provider *Kv) splitGet(keys ...string) []string {
	joinedKeys := strings.Join(keys, "")
	keyPair, err := provider.kvclient.Get(joinedKeys)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("Cannot get key %s %s, setting default empty", joinedKeys, err)
		return []string{}
	} else if keyPair == nil {
		log.Debugf("Cannot get key %s, setting default %empty", joinedKeys)
		return []string{}
	return strings.Split(string(keyPair.Value), ",")
Exemple #5
func (a *ACME) loadCertificateOnDemand(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
	domain := types.CanonicalDomain(clientHello.ServerName)
	account := a.store.Get().(*Account)
	if certificateResource, ok := account.DomainsCertificate.getCertificateForDomain(domain); ok {
		return certificateResource.tlsCert, nil
	certificate, err := a.getDomainsCertificates([]string{domain})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	log.Debugf("Got certificate on demand for domain %s", domain)

	transaction, object, err := a.store.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	account = object.(*Account)
	cert, err := account.DomainsCertificate.addCertificateForDomains(certificate, Domain{Main: domain})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err = transaction.Commit(account); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return cert.tlsCert, nil
Exemple #6
// Commit allows to set an object in the KV store
func (s *datastoreTransaction) Commit(object Object) error {
	defer s.localLock.Unlock()
	if s.dirty {
		return fmt.Errorf("transaction already used, please begin a new one")
	s.Datastore.meta.object = object
	err := s.Datastore.meta.Marshall()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	err = s.kv.StoreConfig(s.Datastore.meta)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = s.remoteLock.Unlock()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	s.dirty = true
	log.Debugf("Transaction committed %s", s.id)
	return nil
Exemple #7
func (a *Authenticator) secretDigest(user, realm string) string {
	if secret, ok := a.users[user+":"+realm]; ok {
		return secret
	log.Debugf("User not found: %s:%s", user, realm)
	return ""
Exemple #8
func (provider *ConsulCatalog) healthyNodes(service string) (catalogUpdate, error) {
	health := provider.client.Health()
	opts := &api.QueryOptions{}
	data, _, err := health.Service(service, "", true, opts)
	if err != nil {
		log.WithError(err).Errorf("Failed to fetch details of " + service)
		return catalogUpdate{}, err

	nodes := fun.Filter(func(node *api.ServiceEntry) bool {
		constraintTags := provider.getContraintTags(node.Service.Tags)
		ok, failingConstraint := provider.MatchConstraints(constraintTags)
		if ok == false && failingConstraint != nil {
			log.Debugf("Service %v pruned by '%v' constraint", service, failingConstraint.String())
		return ok
	}, data).([]*api.ServiceEntry)

	//Merge tags of nodes matching constraints, in a single slice.
	tags := fun.Foldl(func(node *api.ServiceEntry, set []string) []string {
		return fun.Keys(fun.Union(
	}, []string{}, nodes).([]string)

	return catalogUpdate{
		Service: &serviceUpdate{
			ServiceName: service,
			Attributes:  tags,
		Nodes: nodes,
	}, nil
Exemple #9
func (a *Authenticator) secretBasic(user, realm string) string {
	if secret, ok := a.users[user]; ok {
		return secret
	log.Debugf("User not found: %s", user)
	return ""
Exemple #10
func (server *Server) loadEntryPointConfig(entryPointName string, entryPoint *EntryPoint) (http.Handler, error) {
	regex := entryPoint.Redirect.Regex
	replacement := entryPoint.Redirect.Replacement
	if len(entryPoint.Redirect.EntryPoint) > 0 {
		regex = "^(?:https?:\\/\\/)?([\\da-z\\.-]+)(?::\\d+)?(.*)$"
		if server.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[entryPoint.Redirect.EntryPoint] == nil {
			return nil, errors.New("Unknown entrypoint " + entryPoint.Redirect.EntryPoint)
		protocol := "http"
		if server.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[entryPoint.Redirect.EntryPoint].TLS != nil {
			protocol = "https"
		r, _ := regexp.Compile("(:\\d+)")
		match := r.FindStringSubmatch(server.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[entryPoint.Redirect.EntryPoint].Address)
		if len(match) == 0 {
			return nil, errors.New("Bad Address format: " + server.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[entryPoint.Redirect.EntryPoint].Address)
		replacement = protocol + "://$1" + match[0] + "$2"
	rewrite, err := middlewares.NewRewrite(regex, replacement, true)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	log.Debugf("Creating entryPoint redirect %s -> %s : %s -> %s", entryPointName, entryPoint.Redirect.EntryPoint, regex, replacement)
	negroni := negroni.New()
	return negroni, nil
Exemple #11
// LoadCertificateForDomains loads certificates from ACME for given domains
func (a *ACME) LoadCertificateForDomains(domains []string) {
	domains = fun.Map(types.CanonicalDomain, domains).([]string)
	safe.Go(func() {
		operation := func() error {
			if a.client == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("ACME client still not built")
			return nil
		notify := func(err error, time time.Duration) {
			log.Errorf("Error getting ACME client: %v, retrying in %s", err, time)
		ebo := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
		ebo.MaxElapsedTime = 30 * time.Second
		err := backoff.RetryNotify(operation, ebo, notify)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Error getting ACME client: %v", err)
		account := a.store.Get().(*Account)
		var domain Domain
		if len(domains) == 0 {
			// no domain

		} else if len(domains) > 1 {
			domain = Domain{Main: domains[0], SANs: domains[1:]}
		} else {
			domain = Domain{Main: domains[0]}
		if _, exists := account.DomainsCertificate.exists(domain); exists {
			// domain already exists
		certificate, err := a.getDomainsCertificates(domains)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Error getting ACME certificates %+v : %v", domains, err)
		log.Debugf("Got certificate for domains %+v", domains)
		transaction, object, err := a.store.Begin()

		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Error creating transaction %+v : %v", domains, err)
		account = object.(*Account)
		_, err = account.DomainsCertificate.addCertificateForDomains(certificate, domain)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Error adding ACME certificates %+v : %v", domains, err)
		if err = transaction.Commit(account); err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Error Saving ACME account %+v: %v", account, err)
Exemple #12
// NewAuthenticator builds a new Autenticator given a config
func NewAuthenticator(authConfig *types.Auth) (*Authenticator, error) {
	if authConfig == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating Authenticator: auth is nil")
	var err error
	authenticator := Authenticator{}
	if authConfig.Basic != nil {
		authenticator.users, err = parserBasicUsers(authConfig.Basic.Users)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		basicAuth := auth.NewBasicAuthenticator("traefik", authenticator.secretBasic)
		authenticator.handler = negroni.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) {
			if username := basicAuth.CheckAuth(r); username == "" {
				log.Debugf("Basic auth failed...")
				basicAuth.RequireAuth(w, r)
			} else {
				log.Debugf("Basic auth success...")
				if authConfig.HeaderField != "" {
					r.Header[authConfig.HeaderField] = []string{username}
				next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
	} else if authConfig.Digest != nil {
		authenticator.users, err = parserDigestUsers(authConfig.Digest.Users)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		digestAuth := auth.NewDigestAuthenticator("traefik", authenticator.secretDigest)
		authenticator.handler = negroni.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) {
			if username, _ := digestAuth.CheckAuth(r); username == "" {
				log.Debugf("Digest auth failed...")
				digestAuth.RequireAuth(w, r)
			} else {
				log.Debugf("Digest auth success...")
				if authConfig.HeaderField != "" {
					r.Header[authConfig.HeaderField] = []string{username}
				next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
	return &authenticator, nil
Exemple #13
// Participate tries to be a leader
func (l *Leadership) Participate(pool *safe.Pool) {
	pool.GoCtx(func(ctx context.Context) {
		log.Debugf("Node %s running for election", l.Cluster.Node)
		defer log.Debugf("Node %s no more running for election", l.Cluster.Node)
		backOff := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
		operation := func() error {
			return l.run(ctx, l.candidate)

		notify := func(err error, time time.Duration) {
			log.Errorf("Leadership election error %+v, retrying in %s", err, time)
		err := backoff.RetryNotify(operation, backOff, notify)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Cannot elect leadership %+v", err)
Exemple #14
func (a *ACME) getDomainsCertificates(domains []string) (*Certificate, error) {
	domains = fun.Map(types.CanonicalDomain, domains).([]string)
	log.Debugf("Loading ACME certificates %s...", domains)
	bundle := true
	certificate, failures := a.client.ObtainCertificate(domains, bundle, nil, OSCPMustStaple)
	if len(failures) > 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot obtain certificates %s+v", failures)
	log.Debugf("Loaded ACME certificates %s", domains)
	return &Certificate{
		Domain:        certificate.Domain,
		CertURL:       certificate.CertURL,
		CertStableURL: certificate.CertStableURL,
		PrivateKey:    certificate.PrivateKey,
		Certificate:   certificate.Certificate,
	}, nil
Exemple #15
func (server *Server) listenProviders(stop chan bool) {
	lastReceivedConfiguration := safe.New(time.Unix(0, 0))
	lastConfigs := cmap.New()
	for {
		select {
		case <-stop:
		case configMsg, ok := <-server.configurationChan:
			if !ok {
			currentConfigurations := server.currentConfigurations.Get().(configs)
			jsonConf, _ := json.Marshal(configMsg.Configuration)
			log.Debugf("Configuration received from provider %s: %s", configMsg.ProviderName, string(jsonConf))
			if configMsg.Configuration == nil || configMsg.Configuration.Backends == nil && configMsg.Configuration.Frontends == nil {
				log.Infof("Skipping empty Configuration for provider %s", configMsg.ProviderName)
			} else if reflect.DeepEqual(currentConfigurations[configMsg.ProviderName], configMsg.Configuration) {
				log.Infof("Skipping same configuration for provider %s", configMsg.ProviderName)
			} else {
				lastConfigs.Set(configMsg.ProviderName, &configMsg)
				lastReceivedConfigurationValue := lastReceivedConfiguration.Get().(time.Time)
				if time.Now().After(lastReceivedConfigurationValue.Add(time.Duration(server.globalConfiguration.ProvidersThrottleDuration))) {
					log.Debugf("Last %s config received more than %s, OK", configMsg.ProviderName, server.globalConfiguration.ProvidersThrottleDuration.String())
					// last config received more than n s ago
					server.configurationValidatedChan <- configMsg
				} else {
					log.Debugf("Last %s config received less than %s, waiting...", configMsg.ProviderName, server.globalConfiguration.ProvidersThrottleDuration.String())
					safe.Go(func() {
						lastReceivedConfigurationValue := lastReceivedConfiguration.Get().(time.Time)
						if time.Now().After(lastReceivedConfigurationValue.Add(time.Duration(server.globalConfiguration.ProvidersThrottleDuration))) {
							log.Debugf("Waited for %s config, OK", configMsg.ProviderName)
							if lastConfig, ok := lastConfigs.Get(configMsg.ProviderName); ok {
								server.configurationValidatedChan <- *lastConfig.(*types.ConfigMessage)
Exemple #16
func (a *ACME) renewCertificates() error {
	log.Debugf("Testing certificate renew...")
	account := a.store.Get().(*Account)
	for _, certificateResource := range account.DomainsCertificate.Certs {
		if certificateResource.needRenew() {
			log.Debugf("Renewing certificate %+v", certificateResource.Domains)
			renewedCert, err := a.client.RenewCertificate(acme.CertificateResource{
				Domain:        certificateResource.Certificate.Domain,
				CertURL:       certificateResource.Certificate.CertURL,
				CertStableURL: certificateResource.Certificate.CertStableURL,
				PrivateKey:    certificateResource.Certificate.PrivateKey,
				Certificate:   certificateResource.Certificate.Certificate,
			}, true, OSCPMustStaple)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Error renewing certificate: %v", err)
			log.Debugf("Renewed certificate %+v", certificateResource.Domains)
			renewedACMECert := &Certificate{
				Domain:        renewedCert.Domain,
				CertURL:       renewedCert.CertURL,
				CertStableURL: renewedCert.CertStableURL,
				PrivateKey:    renewedCert.PrivateKey,
				Certificate:   renewedCert.Certificate,
			transaction, object, err := a.store.Begin()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			account = object.(*Account)
			err = account.DomainsCertificate.renewCertificates(renewedACMECert, certificateResource.Domains)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Error renewing certificate: %v", err)

			if err = transaction.Commit(account); err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Error Saving ACME account %+v: %s", account, err.Error())
	return nil
Exemple #17
func (a *ACME) getCertificate(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
	domain := types.CanonicalDomain(clientHello.ServerName)
	account := a.store.Get().(*Account)
	if challengeCert, ok := a.challengeProvider.getCertificate(domain); ok {
		log.Debugf("ACME got challenge %s", domain)
		return challengeCert, nil
	if domainCert, ok := account.DomainsCertificate.getCertificateForDomain(domain); ok {
		log.Debugf("ACME got domain cert %s", domain)
		return domainCert.tlsCert, nil
	if a.OnDemand {
		if a.checkOnDemandDomain != nil && !a.checkOnDemandDomain(domain) {
			return nil, nil
		return a.loadCertificateOnDemand(clientHello)
	log.Debugf("ACME got nothing %s", domain)
	return nil, nil
func (c *challengeProvider) CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
	log.Debugf("Challenge CleanUp %s", domain)
	defer c.lock.Unlock()
	transaction, object, err := c.store.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	account := object.(*Account)
	delete(account.ChallengeCerts, domain)
	return transaction.Commit(account)
Exemple #19
// Stop stops the server
func (server *Server) Stop() {
	for serverEntryPointName, serverEntryPoint := range server.serverEntryPoints {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(server.globalConfiguration.GraceTimeOut)*time.Second)
		go func() {
			log.Debugf("Waiting %d seconds before killing connections on entrypoint %s...", 30, serverEntryPointName)
	server.stopChan <- true
Exemple #20
// Begin creates a transaction with the KV store.
func (d *Datastore) Begin() (Transaction, Object, error) {
	id := uuid.NewV4().String()
	log.Debugf("Transaction %s begins", id)
	remoteLock, err := d.kv.NewLock(d.lockKey, &store.LockOptions{TTL: 20 * time.Second, Value: []byte(id)})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	stopCh := make(chan struct{})
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(d.ctx)
	var errLock error
	go func() {
		_, errLock = remoteLock.Lock(stopCh)
	select {
	case <-ctx.Done():
		if errLock != nil {
			return nil, nil, errLock
	case <-d.ctx.Done():
		stopCh <- struct{}{}
		return nil, nil, d.ctx.Err()

	// we got the lock! Now make sure we are synced with KV store
	operation := func() error {
		meta := d.get()
		if meta.Lock != id {
			return fmt.Errorf("Object lock value: expected %s, got %s", id, meta.Lock)
		return nil
	notify := func(err error, time time.Duration) {
		log.Errorf("Datastore sync error: %v, retrying in %s", err, time)
		err = d.reload()
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Error reloading: %+v", err)
	ebo := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
	ebo.MaxElapsedTime = 60 * time.Second
	err = backoff.RetryNotify(operation, ebo, notify)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Datastore cannot sync: %v", err)

	// we synced with KV store, we can now return Setter
	return &datastoreTransaction{
		Datastore:  d,
		remoteLock: remoteLock,
		id:         id,
	}, d.meta.object, nil
Exemple #21
func dnsOverrideDelay(delay int) error {
	var err error
	if delay > 0 {
		log.Debugf("Delaying %d seconds rather than validating DNS propagation", delay)
		acme.PreCheckDNS = func(_, _ string) (bool, error) {
			time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Second)
			return true, nil
	} else if delay < 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid negative DelayDontCheckDNS: %d", delay)
	return err
Exemple #22
func mesosTaskFilter(task state.Task, exposedByDefaultFlag bool) bool {
	if len(task.DiscoveryInfo.Ports.DiscoveryPorts) == 0 {
		log.Debugf("Filtering mesos task without port %s", task.Name)
		return false
	if !isMesosApplicationEnabled(task, exposedByDefaultFlag) {
		log.Debugf("Filtering disabled mesos task %s", task.DiscoveryInfo.Name)
		return false

	//filter indeterminable task port
	portIndexLabel := labels(task, "traefik.portIndex")
	portValueLabel := labels(task, "traefik.port")
	if portIndexLabel != "" && portValueLabel != "" {
		log.Debugf("Filtering mesos task %s specifying both traefik.portIndex and traefik.port labels", task.Name)
		return false
	if portIndexLabel != "" {
		index, err := strconv.Atoi(labels(task, "traefik.portIndex"))
		if err != nil || index < 0 || index > len(task.DiscoveryInfo.Ports.DiscoveryPorts)-1 {
			log.Debugf("Filtering mesos task %s with unexpected value for traefik.portIndex label", task.Name)
			return false
	if portValueLabel != "" {
		port, err := strconv.Atoi(labels(task, "traefik.port"))
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("Filtering mesos task %s with unexpected value for traefik.port label", task.Name)
			return false

		var foundPort bool
		for _, exposedPort := range task.DiscoveryInfo.Ports.DiscoveryPorts {
			if port == exposedPort.Number {
				foundPort = true

		if !foundPort {
			log.Debugf("Filtering mesos task %s without a matching port for traefik.port label", task.Name)
			return false

	//filter healthchecks
	if task.Statuses != nil && len(task.Statuses) > 0 && task.Statuses[0].Healthy != nil && !*task.Statuses[0].Healthy {
		log.Debugf("Filtering mesos task %s with bad healthcheck", task.DiscoveryInfo.Name)
		return false

	return true
Exemple #23
func (provider *Kv) list(keys ...string) []string {
	joinedKeys := strings.Join(keys, "")
	keysPairs, err := provider.kvclient.List(joinedKeys)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("Cannot get keys %s %s ", joinedKeys, err)
		return nil
	directoryKeys := make(map[string]string)
	for _, key := range keysPairs {
		directory := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(key.Key, joinedKeys), "/")[0]
		directoryKeys[directory] = joinedKeys + directory
	return fun.Values(directoryKeys).([]string)
Exemple #24
func detectMasters(zk string, masters []string) <-chan []string {
	changed := make(chan []string, 1)
	if zk != "" {
		log.Debugf("Starting master detector for ZK ", zk)
		if md, err := detector.New(zk); err != nil {
			log.Errorf("failed to create master detector: %v", err)
		} else if err := md.Detect(detect.NewMasters(masters, changed)); err != nil {
			log.Errorf("failed to initialize master detector: %v", err)
	} else {
		changed <- masters
	return changed
Exemple #25
func (a *ACME) buildACMEClient(account *Account) (*acme.Client, error) {
	log.Debugf("Building ACME client...")
	caServer := "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
	if len(a.CAServer) > 0 {
		caServer = a.CAServer
	client, err := acme.NewClient(caServer, account, acme.RSA4096)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(a.DNSProvider) > 0 {
		log.Debugf("Using DNS Challenge provider: %s", a.DNSProvider)

		err = dnsOverrideDelay(a.DelayDontCheckDNS)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		var provider acme.ChallengeProvider
		provider, err = dns.NewDNSChallengeProviderByName(a.DNSProvider)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		client.ExcludeChallenges([]acme.Challenge{acme.HTTP01, acme.TLSSNI01})
		err = client.SetChallengeProvider(acme.DNS01, provider)
	} else {
		client.ExcludeChallenges([]acme.Challenge{acme.HTTP01, acme.DNS01})
		err = client.SetChallengeProvider(acme.TLSSNI01, a.challengeProvider)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return client, nil
Exemple #26
func (retry *Retry) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	attempts := 1
	for {
		recorder := NewRecorder()
		recorder.responseWriter = rw
		retry.next.ServeHTTP(recorder, r)
		if !isNetworkError(recorder.Code) || attempts >= retry.attempts {
			utils.CopyHeaders(rw.Header(), recorder.Header())
		log.Debugf("New attempt %d for request: %v", attempts, r.URL)
Exemple #27
func (d *Datastore) reload() error {
	log.Debugf("Datastore reload")
	err := d.kv.LoadConfig(d.meta)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	err = d.meta.unmarshall()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Exemple #28
func (server *Server) defaultConfigurationValues(configuration *types.Configuration) {
	if configuration == nil || configuration.Frontends == nil {
	for _, frontend := range configuration.Frontends {
		// default endpoints if not defined in frontends
		if len(frontend.EntryPoints) == 0 {
			frontend.EntryPoints = server.globalConfiguration.DefaultEntryPoints
	for backendName, backend := range configuration.Backends {
		_, err := types.NewLoadBalancerMethod(backend.LoadBalancer)
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("Load balancer method '%+v' for backend %s: %v. Using default wrr.", backend.LoadBalancer, backendName, err)
			backend.LoadBalancer = &types.LoadBalancer{Method: "wrr"}
Exemple #29
func (provider *Kv) checkConstraints(keys ...string) bool {
	joinedKeys := strings.Join(keys, "")
	keyPair, err := provider.kvclient.Get(joinedKeys)

	value := ""
	if err == nil && keyPair != nil && keyPair.Value != nil {
		value = string(keyPair.Value)

	constraintTags := strings.Split(value, ",")
	ok, failingConstraint := provider.MatchConstraints(constraintTags)
	if ok == false {
		if failingConstraint != nil {
			log.Debugf("Constraint %v not matching with following tags: %v", failingConstraint.String(), value)
		return false
	return true
Exemple #30
func (provider *Marathon) applicationFilter(app marathon.Application, filteredTasks []marathon.Task) bool {
	label, _ := provider.getLabel(app, "traefik.tags")
	constraintTags := strings.Split(label, ",")
	if provider.MarathonLBCompatibility {
		if label, err := provider.getLabel(app, "HAPROXY_GROUP"); err == nil {
			constraintTags = append(constraintTags, label)
	if ok, failingConstraint := provider.MatchConstraints(constraintTags); !ok {
		if failingConstraint != nil {
			log.Debugf("Application %v pruned by '%v' constraint", app.ID, failingConstraint.String())
		return false

	return fun.Exists(func(task marathon.Task) bool {
		return task.AppID == app.ID
	}, filteredTasks)