// EndpointGroupCreate creates end point group
func (ac *APIController) EndpointGroupCreate(endpointGroup *contivModel.EndpointGroup) error {
	log.Infof("Received EndpointGroupCreate: %+v", endpointGroup)

	// assign unique endpoint group ids
	endpointGroup.EndpointGroupID = globalEpgID
	globalEpgID = globalEpgID + 1

	// Find the tenant
	tenant := contivModel.FindTenant(endpointGroup.TenantName)
	if tenant == nil {
		return core.Errorf("Tenant not found")

	// Setup links
	modeldb.AddLink(&endpointGroup.Links.Tenant, tenant)
	modeldb.AddLinkSet(&tenant.LinkSets.EndpointGroups, endpointGroup)

	// Save the tenant too since we added the links
	err := tenant.Write()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// create the endpoint group state
	err = master.CreateEndpointGroup(endpointGroup.TenantName, endpointGroup.NetworkName,
		endpointGroup.GroupName, endpointGroup.EndpointGroupID)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error creating endpoing group %+v. Err: %v", endpointGroup, err)
		return err

	// for each policy create an epg policy Instance
	for _, policyName := range endpointGroup.Policies {
		policyKey := endpointGroup.TenantName + ":" + policyName
		// find the policy
		policy := contivModel.FindPolicy(policyKey)
		if policy == nil {
			log.Errorf("Could not find policy %s", policyName)
			return core.Errorf("Policy not found")

		// attach policy to epg
		err = master.PolicyAttach(endpointGroup, policy)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Error attaching policy %s to epg %s", policyName, endpointGroup.Key)
			return err

		// establish Links
		modeldb.AddLinkSet(&policy.LinkSets.EndpointGroups, endpointGroup)
		modeldb.AddLinkSet(&endpointGroup.LinkSets.Policies, policy)

		// Write the policy
		err = policy.Write()
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
// EndpointGroupCreate creates end point group
func (ac *APIController) EndpointGroupCreate(endpointGroup *contivModel.EndpointGroup) error {
	log.Infof("Received EndpointGroupCreate: %+v", endpointGroup)

	// Find the tenant
	tenant := contivModel.FindTenant(endpointGroup.TenantName)
	if tenant == nil {
		return core.Errorf("Tenant not found")

	// Find the network
	nwObjKey := endpointGroup.TenantName + ":" + endpointGroup.NetworkName
	network := contivModel.FindNetwork(nwObjKey)
	if network == nil {
		return core.Errorf("Network %s not found", endpointGroup.NetworkName)

	// If there is a Network with the same name as this endpointGroup, reject.
	nameClash := contivModel.FindNetwork(endpointGroup.Key)
	if nameClash != nil {
		return core.Errorf("Network %s conflicts with the endpointGroup name",

	// create the endpoint group state
	err := master.CreateEndpointGroup(endpointGroup.TenantName, endpointGroup.NetworkName, endpointGroup.GroupName)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error creating endpoing group %+v. Err: %v", endpointGroup, err)
		return err

	// for each policy create an epg policy Instance
	for _, policyName := range endpointGroup.Policies {
		policyKey := endpointGroup.TenantName + ":" + policyName
		// find the policy
		policy := contivModel.FindPolicy(policyKey)
		if policy == nil {
			log.Errorf("Could not find policy %s", policyName)
			return core.Errorf("Policy not found")

		// attach policy to epg
		err = master.PolicyAttach(endpointGroup, policy)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Error attaching policy %s to epg %s", policyName, endpointGroup.Key)
			return err

		// establish Links
		modeldb.AddLinkSet(&policy.LinkSets.EndpointGroups, endpointGroup)
		modeldb.AddLinkSet(&endpointGroup.LinkSets.Policies, policy)

		// Write the policy
		err = policy.Write()
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Setup external contracts this EPG might have.
	err = setupExternalContracts(endpointGroup, endpointGroup.ExtContractsGrps)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error setting up external contracts for epg %s", endpointGroup.Key)
		return err

	// Setup links
	modeldb.AddLink(&endpointGroup.Links.Network, network)
	modeldb.AddLink(&endpointGroup.Links.Tenant, tenant)
	modeldb.AddLinkSet(&network.LinkSets.EndpointGroups, endpointGroup)
	modeldb.AddLinkSet(&tenant.LinkSets.EndpointGroups, endpointGroup)

	// Save the tenant and network since we added the links
	err = network.Write()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = tenant.Write()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil