Exemple #1
func (n *node) Repr(recurisive, sorted bool) *NodeExtern {
	if n.IsDir() {
		node := &NodeExtern{
			Key:           n.Path,
			Dir:           true,
			ModifiedIndex: n.ModifiedIndex,
			CreatedIndex:  n.CreatedIndex,
		node.Expiration, node.TTL = n.ExpirationAndTTL()

		if !recurisive {
			return node

		children, _ := n.List()
		node.Nodes = make(NodeExterns, len(children))

		// we do not use the index in the children slice directly
		// we need to skip the hidden one
		i := 0

		for _, child := range children {

			if child.IsHidden() { // get will not list hidden node

			node.Nodes[i] = child.Repr(recurisive, sorted)


		// eliminate hidden nodes
		node.Nodes = node.Nodes[:i]
		if sorted {

		return node

	// since n.Value could be changed later, so we need to copy the value out
	value := ustrings.Clone(n.Value)
	node := &NodeExtern{
		Key:           n.Path,
		Value:         &value,
		ModifiedIndex: n.ModifiedIndex,
		CreatedIndex:  n.CreatedIndex,
	node.Expiration, node.TTL = n.ExpirationAndTTL()
	return node
Exemple #2
// Update updates the value/ttl of the node.
// If the node is a file, the value and the ttl can be updated.
// If the node is a directory, only the ttl can be updated.
func (s *store) Update(nodePath string, newValue string, expireTime time.Time) (*Event, error) {
	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()

	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))
	// we do not allow the user to change "/"
	if nodePath == "/" {
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeRootROnly, "/", s.CurrentIndex)

	currIndex, nextIndex := s.CurrentIndex, s.CurrentIndex+1

	n, err := s.internalGet(nodePath)

	if err != nil { // if the node does not exist, return error
		return nil, err

	e := newEvent(Update, nodePath, nextIndex, n.CreatedIndex)
	e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false)
	eNode := e.Node

	if n.IsDir() && len(newValue) != 0 {
		// if the node is a directory, we cannot update value to non-empty
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, nodePath, currIndex)

	n.Write(newValue, nextIndex)

	if n.IsDir() {
		eNode.Dir = true
	} else {
		// copy the value for safety
		newValueCopy := ustrings.Clone(newValue)
		eNode.Value = &newValueCopy

	// update ttl

	eNode.Expiration, eNode.TTL = n.ExpirationAndTTL()



	s.CurrentIndex = nextIndex

	return e, nil
Exemple #3
func (s *store) CompareAndSwap(nodePath string, prevValue string, prevIndex uint64,
	value string, expireTime time.Time) (*Event, error) {

	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()

	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))
	// we do not allow the user to change "/"
	if nodePath == "/" {
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeRootROnly, "/", s.CurrentIndex)

	n, err := s.internalGet(nodePath)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if n.IsDir() { // can only compare and swap file
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, nodePath, s.CurrentIndex)

	// If both of the prevValue and prevIndex are given, we will test both of them.
	// Command will be executed, only if both of the tests are successful.
	if ok, which := n.Compare(prevValue, prevIndex); !ok {
		cause := getCompareFailCause(n, which, prevValue, prevIndex)
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeTestFailed, cause, s.CurrentIndex)

	// update etcd index

	e := newEvent(CompareAndSwap, nodePath, s.CurrentIndex, n.CreatedIndex)
	e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false)
	eNode := e.Node

	// if test succeed, write the value
	n.Write(value, s.CurrentIndex)

	// copy the value for safety
	valueCopy := ustrings.Clone(value)
	eNode.Value = &valueCopy
	eNode.Expiration, eNode.TTL = n.ExpirationAndTTL()

	return e, nil
Exemple #4
func (s *store) internalCreate(nodePath string, dir bool, value string, unique, replace bool,
	expireTime time.Time, action string) (*Event, error) {

	currIndex, nextIndex := s.CurrentIndex, s.CurrentIndex+1

	if unique { // append unique item under the node path
		nodePath += "/" + strconv.FormatUint(nextIndex, 10)

	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))

	// we do not allow the user to change "/"
	if nodePath == "/" {
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeRootROnly, "/", currIndex)

	// Assume expire times that are way in the past are not valid.
	// This can occur when the time is serialized to JSON and read back in.
	if expireTime.Before(minExpireTime) {
		expireTime = Permanent

	dirName, nodeName := path.Split(nodePath)

	// walk through the nodePath, create dirs and get the last directory node
	d, err := s.walk(dirName, s.checkDir)

	if err != nil {
		err.Index = currIndex
		return nil, err

	e := newEvent(action, nodePath, nextIndex, nextIndex)
	eNode := e.Node

	n, _ := d.GetChild(nodeName)

	// force will try to replace a existing file
	if n != nil {
		if replace {
			if n.IsDir() {
				return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, nodePath, currIndex)
			e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false)

			n.Remove(false, false, nil)
		} else {
			return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNodeExist, nodePath, currIndex)

	if !dir { // create file
		// copy the value for safety
		valueCopy := ustrings.Clone(value)
		eNode.Value = &valueCopy

		n = newKV(s, nodePath, value, nextIndex, d, "", expireTime)

	} else { // create directory
		eNode.Dir = true

		n = newDir(s, nodePath, nextIndex, d, "", expireTime)

	// we are sure d is a directory and does not have the children with name n.Name

	// node with TTL
	if !n.IsPermanent() {

		eNode.Expiration, eNode.TTL = n.ExpirationAndTTL()

	s.CurrentIndex = nextIndex

	return e, nil