Exemple #1
// TestRawNodeProposeAndConfChange ensures that RawNode.Propose and RawNode.ProposeConfChange
// send the given proposal and ConfChange to the underlying raft.
func TestRawNodeProposeAndConfChange(t *testing.T) {
	s := NewMemoryStorage()
	var err error
	rawNode, err := NewRawNode(newTestConfig(1, nil, 10, 1, s), []Peer{{ID: 1}})
	if err != nil {
	rd := rawNode.Ready()

	proposed := false
	var (
		lastIndex uint64
		ccdata    []byte
	for {
		rd = rawNode.Ready()
		// Once we are the leader, propose a command and a ConfChange.
		if !proposed && rd.SoftState.Lead == rawNode.raft.ID {

			cc := raftpb.ConfChange{Type: raftpb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: 1}
			ccdata, err = cc.Marshal()
			if err != nil {

			proposed = true

		// Exit when we have four entries: one ConfChange, one no-op for the election,
		// our proposed command and proposed ConfChange.
		lastIndex = s.LastIndex()
		if lastIndex >= 4 {

	entries, err := s.Entries(lastIndex-1, lastIndex+1, noLimit)
	if err != nil {
	if len(entries) != 2 {
		t.Fatalf("len(entries) = %d, want %d", len(entries), 2)
	if !bytes.Equal(entries[0].Data, []byte("somedata")) {
		t.Errorf("entries[0].Data = %v, want %v", entries[0].Data, []byte("somedata"))
	if entries[1].Type != raftpb.EntryConfChange {
		t.Fatalf("type = %v, want %v", entries[1].Type, raftpb.EntryConfChange)
	if !bytes.Equal(entries[1].Data, ccdata) {
		t.Errorf("data = %v, want %v", entries[1].Data, ccdata)
Exemple #2
// StartNode returns a new Node given configuration and a list of raft peers.
// It appends a ConfChangeAddNode entry for each given peer to the initial log.
func StartNode(c *Config, peers []Peer) Node {
	r := newRaft(c)
	// become the follower at term 1 and apply initial configuration
	// entries of term 1
	r.becomeFollower(1, None)
	for _, peer := range peers {
		cc := pb.ConfChange{Type: pb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: peer.ID, Context: peer.Context}
		d, err := cc.Marshal()
		if err != nil {
			panic("unexpected marshal error")
		e := pb.Entry{Type: pb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: r.raftLog.lastIndex() + 1, Data: d}
	// Mark these initial entries as committed.
	// TODO(bdarnell): These entries are still unstable; do we need to preserve
	// the invariant that committed < unstable?
	r.raftLog.committed = r.raftLog.lastIndex()
	// Now apply them, mainly so that the application can call Campaign
	// immediately after StartNode in tests. Note that these nodes will
	// be added to raft twice: here and when the application's Ready
	// loop calls ApplyConfChange. The calls to addNode must come after
	// all calls to raftLog.append so progress.next is set after these
	// bootstrapping entries (it is an error if we try to append these
	// entries since they have already been committed).
	// We do not set raftLog.applied so the application will be able
	// to observe all conf changes via Ready.CommittedEntries.
	for _, peer := range peers {

	n := newNode()
	go n.run(r)
	return &n
Exemple #3
func (n *node) ProposeConfChange(ctx context.Context, cc pb.ConfChange) error {
	data, err := cc.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return n.Step(ctx, pb.Message{Type: pb.MsgProp, Entries: []pb.Entry{{Type: pb.EntryConfChange, Data: data}}})
Exemple #4
func (c *RemoveCommand) Data5() ([]byte, error) {
	req5 := raftpb.ConfChange{
		ID:     0,
		Type:   raftpb.ConfChangeRemoveNode,
		NodeID: c.id,
	return req5.Marshal()
Exemple #5
// TestRawNodeStart ensures that a node can be started correctly. The node should
// start with correct configuration change entries, and can accept and commit
// proposals.
func TestRawNodeStart(t *testing.T) {
	cc := raftpb.ConfChange{Type: raftpb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: 1}
	ccdata, err := cc.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected marshal error: %v", err)
	wants := []Ready{
			HardState: raftpb.HardState{Term: 1, Commit: 1, Vote: 0},
			Entries: []raftpb.Entry{
				{Type: raftpb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: 1, Data: ccdata},
			CommittedEntries: []raftpb.Entry{
				{Type: raftpb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: 1, Data: ccdata},
			HardState:        raftpb.HardState{Term: 2, Commit: 3, Vote: 1},
			Entries:          []raftpb.Entry{{Term: 2, Index: 3, Data: []byte("foo")}},
			CommittedEntries: []raftpb.Entry{{Term: 2, Index: 3, Data: []byte("foo")}},

	storage := NewMemoryStorage()
	rawNode, err := NewRawNode(newTestConfig(1, nil, 10, 1, storage), []Peer{{ID: 1}})
	if err != nil {
	rd := rawNode.Ready()
	t.Logf("rd %v", rd)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(rd, wants[0]) {
		t.Fatalf("#%d: g = %+v,\n             w   %+v", 1, rd, wants[0])
	} else {

	rd = rawNode.Ready()

	if rd = rawNode.Ready(); !reflect.DeepEqual(rd, wants[1]) {
		t.Errorf("#%d: g = %+v,\n             w   %+v", 2, rd, wants[1])
	} else {

	if rawNode.HasReady() {
		t.Errorf("unexpected Ready: %+v", rawNode.Ready())
Exemple #6
func (n *nodeConfChangeCommitterRecorder) ProposeConfChange(ctx context.Context, conf raftpb.ConfChange) error {
	data, err := conf.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	n.Record(testutil.Action{Name: "ProposeConfChange:" + conf.Type.String()})
	n.readyc <- raft.Ready{CommittedEntries: []raftpb.Entry{{Index: n.index, Type: raftpb.EntryConfChange, Data: data}}}
	return nil
Exemple #7
// TestMultiNodeStart ensures that a node can be started correctly. The node should
// start with correct configuration change entries, and can accept and commit
// proposals.
func TestMultiNodeStart(t *testing.T) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()

	cc := raftpb.ConfChange{Type: raftpb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: 1}
	ccdata, err := cc.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected marshal error: %v", err)
	wants := []Ready{
			SoftState: &SoftState{Lead: 1, RaftState: StateLeader},
			HardState: raftpb.HardState{Term: 2, Commit: 2, Vote: 1},
			Entries: []raftpb.Entry{
				{Type: raftpb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: 1, Data: ccdata},
				{Term: 2, Index: 2},
			CommittedEntries: []raftpb.Entry{
				{Type: raftpb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: 1, Data: ccdata},
				{Term: 2, Index: 2},
			HardState:        raftpb.HardState{Term: 2, Commit: 3, Vote: 1},
			Entries:          []raftpb.Entry{{Term: 2, Index: 3, Data: []byte("foo")}},
			CommittedEntries: []raftpb.Entry{{Term: 2, Index: 3, Data: []byte("foo")}},
	mn := StartMultiNode(1)
	storage := NewMemoryStorage()
	mn.CreateGroup(1, newTestConfig(1, nil, 10, 1, storage), []Peer{{ID: 1}})
	mn.Campaign(ctx, 1)
	gs := <-mn.Ready()
	g := gs[1]
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(g, wants[0]) {
		t.Fatalf("#%d: g = %+v,\n             w   %+v", 1, g, wants[0])
	} else {

	mn.Propose(ctx, 1, []byte("foo"))
	if gs2 := <-mn.Ready(); !reflect.DeepEqual(gs2[1], wants[1]) {
		t.Errorf("#%d: g = %+v,\n             w   %+v", 2, gs2[1], wants[1])
	} else {

	select {
	case rd := <-mn.Ready():
		t.Errorf("unexpected Ready: %+v", rd)
	case <-time.After(time.Millisecond):
Exemple #8
// ProposeConfChange proposes a config change.
func (rn *RawNode) ProposeConfChange(cc pb.ConfChange) error {
	data, err := cc.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return rn.raft.Step(pb.Message{
		Type: pb.MsgProp,
		Entries: []pb.Entry{
			{Type: pb.EntryConfChange, Data: data},
Exemple #9
func (mn *multiNode) ProposeConfChange(ctx context.Context, group uint64, cc pb.ConfChange) error {
	data, err := cc.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return mn.Step(ctx, group,
			Type: pb.MsgProp,
			Entries: []pb.Entry{
				{Type: pb.EntryConfChange, Data: data},
Exemple #10
// TestMultiNodeProposeConfig ensures that multiNode.ProposeConfChange
// sends the given configuration proposal to the underlying raft.
func TestMultiNodeProposeConfig(t *testing.T) {
	mn := newMultiNode(1)
	go mn.run()
	s := NewMemoryStorage()
	mn.CreateGroup(1, newTestConfig(1, nil, 10, 1, s), []Peer{{ID: 1}})
	mn.Campaign(context.TODO(), 1)
	proposed := false
	var lastIndex uint64
	var ccdata []byte
	for {
		rds := <-mn.Ready()
		rd := rds[1]
		// change the step function to appendStep until this raft becomes leader
		if !proposed && rd.SoftState.Lead == mn.id {
			cc := raftpb.ConfChange{Type: raftpb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: 1}
			var err error
			ccdata, err = cc.Marshal()
			if err != nil {
			mn.ProposeConfChange(context.TODO(), 1, cc)
			proposed = true

		var err error
		lastIndex, err = s.LastIndex()
		if err != nil {
		if lastIndex >= 3 {

	entries, err := s.Entries(lastIndex, lastIndex+1, noLimit)
	if err != nil {
	if len(entries) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(entries) = %d, want %d", len(entries), 1)
	if entries[0].Type != raftpb.EntryConfChange {
		t.Fatalf("type = %v, want %v", entries[0].Type, raftpb.EntryConfChange)
	if !bytes.Equal(entries[0].Data, ccdata) {
		t.Errorf("data = %v, want %v", entries[0].Data, ccdata)
Exemple #11
// makeWAL creates a WAL for the initial cluster
func makeWAL(waldir string, cl *membership.RaftCluster) {
	if err := os.MkdirAll(waldir, 0755); err != nil {
		ExitWithError(ExitIO, err)

	m := cl.MemberByName(restoreName)
	md := &etcdserverpb.Metadata{NodeID: uint64(m.ID), ClusterID: uint64(cl.ID())}
	metadata, merr := md.Marshal()
	if merr != nil {
		ExitWithError(ExitInvalidInput, merr)

	w, walerr := wal.Create(waldir, metadata)
	if walerr != nil {
		ExitWithError(ExitIO, walerr)
	defer w.Close()

	peers := make([]raft.Peer, len(cl.MemberIDs()))
	for i, id := range cl.MemberIDs() {
		ctx, err := json.Marshal((*cl).Member(id))
		if err != nil {
			ExitWithError(ExitInvalidInput, err)
		peers[i] = raft.Peer{ID: uint64(id), Context: ctx}

	ents := make([]raftpb.Entry, len(peers))
	for i, p := range peers {
		cc := raftpb.ConfChange{
			Type:    raftpb.ConfChangeAddNode,
			NodeID:  p.ID,
			Context: p.Context}
		d, err := cc.Marshal()
		if err != nil {
			ExitWithError(ExitInvalidInput, err)
		e := raftpb.Entry{
			Type:  raftpb.EntryConfChange,
			Term:  1,
			Index: uint64(i + 1),
			Data:  d,
		ents[i] = e

		Term:   1,
		Vote:   peers[0].ID,
		Commit: uint64(len(ents))}, ents)
Exemple #12
func TestNode(t *testing.T) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()

	cc := raftpb.ConfChange{Type: raftpb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: 1}
	ccdata, err := cc.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected marshal error: %v", err)
	wants := []Ready{
			SoftState: &SoftState{Lead: 1, Nodes: []uint64{1}, RaftState: StateLeader},
			HardState: raftpb.HardState{Term: 1, Commit: 2},
			Entries: []raftpb.Entry{
				{Type: raftpb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: 1, Data: ccdata},
				{Term: 1, Index: 2},
			CommittedEntries: []raftpb.Entry{
				{Type: raftpb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: 1, Data: ccdata},
				{Term: 1, Index: 2},
			HardState:        raftpb.HardState{Term: 1, Commit: 3},
			Entries:          []raftpb.Entry{{Term: 1, Index: 3, Data: []byte("foo")}},
			CommittedEntries: []raftpb.Entry{{Term: 1, Index: 3, Data: []byte("foo")}},
	n := StartNode(1, []Peer{{ID: 1}}, 10, 1)
	if g := <-n.Ready(); !reflect.DeepEqual(g, wants[0]) {
		t.Errorf("#%d: g = %+v,\n             w   %+v", 1, g, wants[0])

	n.Propose(ctx, []byte("foo"))
	if g := <-n.Ready(); !reflect.DeepEqual(g, wants[1]) {
		t.Errorf("#%d: g = %+v,\n             w   %+v", 2, g, wants[1])

	select {
	case rd := <-n.Ready():
		t.Errorf("unexpected Ready: %+v", rd)
Exemple #13
// NewRawNode returns a new RawNode given configuration and a list of raft peers.
func NewRawNode(config *Config, peers []Peer) (*RawNode, error) {
	if config.ID == 0 {
		panic("config.ID must not be zero")
	r := newRaft(config)
	rn := &RawNode{
		raft: r,
	lastIndex, err := config.Storage.LastIndex()
	if err != nil {
		panic(err) // TODO(bdarnell)
	// If the log is empty, this is a new RawNode (like StartNode); otherwise it's
	// restoring an existing RawNode (like RestartNode).
	// TODO(bdarnell): rethink RawNode initialization and whether the application needs
	// to be able to tell us when it expects the RawNode to exist.
	if lastIndex == 0 {
		r.becomeFollower(1, None)
		ents := make([]pb.Entry, len(peers))
		for i, peer := range peers {
			cc := pb.ConfChange{Type: pb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: peer.ID, Context: peer.Context}
			data, err := cc.Marshal()
			if err != nil {
				panic("unexpected marshal error")

			ents[i] = pb.Entry{Type: pb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: uint64(i + 1), Data: data}
		r.raftLog.committed = uint64(len(ents))
		for _, peer := range peers {

	// Set the initial hard and soft states after performing all initialization.
	rn.prevSoftSt = r.softState()
	if lastIndex == 0 {
		rn.prevHardSt = emptyState
	} else {
		rn.prevHardSt = r.hardState()

	return rn, nil
Exemple #14
// StartNode returns a new Node given a unique raft id, a list of raft peers, and
// the election and heartbeat timeouts in units of ticks.
// It also builds ConfChangeAddNode entry for each peer and puts them at the head of the log.
func StartNode(id uint64, peers []Peer, election, heartbeat int) Node {
	n := newNode()
	r := newRaft(id, nil, election, heartbeat)

	for _, peer := range peers {
		cc := pb.ConfChange{Type: pb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: peer.ID, Context: peer.Context}
		d, err := cc.Marshal()
		if err != nil {
			panic("unexpected marshal error")
		e := pb.Entry{Type: pb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: r.raftLog.lastIndex() + 1, Data: d}
		r.raftLog.append(r.raftLog.lastIndex(), e)
	r.raftLog.committed = r.raftLog.lastIndex()

	go n.run(r)
	return &n
Exemple #15
// StartNode returns a new Node given a unique raft id, a list of raft peers, and
// the election and heartbeat timeouts in units of ticks.
// It appends a ConfChangeAddNode entry for each given peer to the initial log.
func StartNode(id uint64, peers []Peer, election, heartbeat int, storage Storage) Node {
	n := newNode()
	r := newRaft(id, nil, election, heartbeat, storage)

	for _, peer := range peers {
		cc := pb.ConfChange{Type: pb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: peer.ID, Context: peer.Context}
		d, err := cc.Marshal()
		if err != nil {
			panic("unexpected marshal error")
		e := pb.Entry{Type: pb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: r.raftLog.lastIndex() + 1, Data: d}
		r.raftLog.append(r.raftLog.lastIndex(), e)
	// Mark these initial entries as committed.
	// TODO(bdarnell): These entries are still unstable; do we need to preserve
	// the invariant that committed < unstable?
	r.raftLog.committed = r.raftLog.lastIndex()

	go n.run(r)
	return &n
Exemple #16
// TestNodeProposeConfig ensures that node.ProposeConfChange sends the given configuration proposal
// to the underlying raft.
func TestNodeProposeConfig(t *testing.T) {
	msgs := []raftpb.Message{}
	appendStep := func(r *raft, m raftpb.Message) {
		msgs = append(msgs, m)

	n := newNode()
	s := NewMemoryStorage()
	r := newTestRaft(1, []uint64{1}, 10, 1, s)
	go n.run(r)
	for {
		rd := <-n.Ready()
		// change the step function to appendStep until this raft becomes leader
		if rd.SoftState.Lead == r.id {
			r.step = appendStep
	cc := raftpb.ConfChange{Type: raftpb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: 1}
	ccdata, err := cc.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
	n.ProposeConfChange(context.TODO(), cc)

	if len(msgs) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(msgs) = %d, want %d", len(msgs), 1)
	if msgs[0].Type != raftpb.MsgProp {
		t.Errorf("msg type = %d, want %d", msgs[0].Type, raftpb.MsgProp)
	if !bytes.Equal(msgs[0].Entries[0].Data, ccdata) {
		t.Errorf("data = %v, want %v", msgs[0].Entries[0].Data, ccdata)
Exemple #17
// TestNodeProposeAddDuplicateNode ensures that two proposes to add the same node should
// not affect the later propose to add new node.
func TestNodeProposeAddDuplicateNode(t *testing.T) {
	n := newNode()
	s := NewMemoryStorage()
	r := newTestRaft(1, []uint64{1}, 10, 1, s)
	go n.run(r)
	rdyEntries := make([]raftpb.Entry, 0)
	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 100)
	done := make(chan struct{})
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	applyConfChan := make(chan struct{})

	go func() {
		defer close(done)
		for {
			select {
			case <-stop:
			case <-ticker.C:
			case rd := <-n.Ready():
				for _, e := range rd.Entries {
					rdyEntries = append(rdyEntries, e)
					switch e.Type {
					case raftpb.EntryNormal:
					case raftpb.EntryConfChange:
						var cc raftpb.ConfChange
						applyConfChan <- struct{}{}

	cc1 := raftpb.ConfChange{Type: raftpb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: 1}
	ccdata1, _ := cc1.Marshal()
	n.ProposeConfChange(context.TODO(), cc1)

	// try add the same node again
	n.ProposeConfChange(context.TODO(), cc1)

	// the new node join should be ok
	cc2 := raftpb.ConfChange{Type: raftpb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: 2}
	ccdata2, _ := cc2.Marshal()
	n.ProposeConfChange(context.TODO(), cc2)


	if len(rdyEntries) != 4 {
		t.Errorf("len(entry) = %d, want %d, %v\n", len(rdyEntries), 3, rdyEntries)
	if !bytes.Equal(rdyEntries[1].Data, ccdata1) {
		t.Errorf("data = %v, want %v", rdyEntries[1].Data, ccdata1)
	if !bytes.Equal(rdyEntries[3].Data, ccdata2) {
		t.Errorf("data = %v, want %v", rdyEntries[3].Data, ccdata2)
Exemple #18
// TestNodeStart ensures that a node can be started correctly. The node should
// start with correct configuration change entries, and can accept and commit
// proposals.
func TestNodeStart(t *testing.T) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()

	cc := raftpb.ConfChange{Type: raftpb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: 1}
	ccdata, err := cc.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected marshal error: %v", err)
	wants := []Ready{
			HardState: raftpb.HardState{Term: 1, Commit: 1, Vote: 0},
			Entries: []raftpb.Entry{
				{Type: raftpb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: 1, Data: ccdata},
			CommittedEntries: []raftpb.Entry{
				{Type: raftpb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: 1, Data: ccdata},
			HardState:        raftpb.HardState{Term: 2, Commit: 3, Vote: 1},
			Entries:          []raftpb.Entry{{Term: 2, Index: 3, Data: []byte("foo")}},
			CommittedEntries: []raftpb.Entry{{Term: 2, Index: 3, Data: []byte("foo")}},
	storage := NewMemoryStorage()
	c := &Config{
		ID:              1,
		ElectionTick:    10,
		HeartbeatTick:   1,
		Storage:         storage,
		MaxSizePerMsg:   noLimit,
		MaxInflightMsgs: 256,
	n := StartNode(c, []Peer{{ID: 1}})
	defer n.Stop()
	g := <-n.Ready()
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(g, wants[0]) {
		t.Fatalf("#%d: g = %+v,\n             w   %+v", 1, g, wants[0])
	} else {

	rd := <-n.Ready()

	n.Propose(ctx, []byte("foo"))
	if g2 := <-n.Ready(); !reflect.DeepEqual(g2, wants[1]) {
		t.Errorf("#%d: g = %+v,\n             w   %+v", 2, g2, wants[1])
	} else {

	select {
	case rd := <-n.Ready():
		t.Errorf("unexpected Ready: %+v", rd)
	case <-time.After(time.Millisecond):
Exemple #19
// makeWAL creates a WAL for the initial cluster
func makeWALAndSnap(waldir, snapdir string, cl *membership.RaftCluster) {
	if err := fileutil.CreateDirAll(waldir); err != nil {
		ExitWithError(ExitIO, err)

	// add members again to persist them to the store we create.
	st := store.New(etcdserver.StoreClusterPrefix, etcdserver.StoreKeysPrefix)
	for _, m := range cl.Members() {

	m := cl.MemberByName(restoreName)
	md := &etcdserverpb.Metadata{NodeID: uint64(m.ID), ClusterID: uint64(cl.ID())}
	metadata, merr := md.Marshal()
	if merr != nil {
		ExitWithError(ExitInvalidInput, merr)

	w, walerr := wal.Create(waldir, metadata)
	if walerr != nil {
		ExitWithError(ExitIO, walerr)
	defer w.Close()

	peers := make([]raft.Peer, len(cl.MemberIDs()))
	for i, id := range cl.MemberIDs() {
		ctx, err := json.Marshal((*cl).Member(id))
		if err != nil {
			ExitWithError(ExitInvalidInput, err)
		peers[i] = raft.Peer{ID: uint64(id), Context: ctx}

	ents := make([]raftpb.Entry, len(peers))
	nodeIDs := make([]uint64, len(peers))
	for i, p := range peers {
		nodeIDs[i] = p.ID
		cc := raftpb.ConfChange{
			Type:    raftpb.ConfChangeAddNode,
			NodeID:  p.ID,
			Context: p.Context}
		d, err := cc.Marshal()
		if err != nil {
			ExitWithError(ExitInvalidInput, err)
		e := raftpb.Entry{
			Type:  raftpb.EntryConfChange,
			Term:  1,
			Index: uint64(i + 1),
			Data:  d,
		ents[i] = e

	commit, term := uint64(len(ents)), uint64(1)

	if err := w.Save(raftpb.HardState{
		Term:   term,
		Vote:   peers[0].ID,
		Commit: commit}, ents); err != nil {
		ExitWithError(ExitIO, err)

	b, berr := st.Save()
	if berr != nil {
		ExitWithError(ExitError, berr)

	raftSnap := raftpb.Snapshot{
		Data: b,
		Metadata: raftpb.SnapshotMetadata{
			Index: commit,
			Term:  term,
			ConfState: raftpb.ConfState{
				Nodes: nodeIDs,
	snapshotter := snap.New(snapdir)
	if err := snapshotter.SaveSnap(raftSnap); err != nil {

	if err := w.SaveSnapshot(walpb.Snapshot{Index: commit, Term: term}); err != nil {
		ExitWithError(ExitIO, err)
Exemple #20
func (mn *multiNode) run() {
	groups := map[uint64]*groupState{}
	rds := map[uint64]Ready{}
	var advancec chan map[uint64]Ready
	for {
		// Only select readyc if we have something to report and we are not
		// currently waiting for an advance.
		readyc := mn.readyc
		if len(rds) == 0 || advancec != nil {
			readyc = nil

		// group points to the group that was touched on this iteration (if any)
		var group *groupState
		select {
		case gc := <-mn.groupc:
			gc.config.ID = mn.id
			r := newRaft(gc.config)
			group = &groupState{
				id:   gc.id,
				raft: r,
			groups[gc.id] = group
			lastIndex, err := gc.config.Storage.LastIndex()
			if err != nil {
				panic(err) // TODO(bdarnell)
			// If the log is empty, this is a new group (like StartNode); otherwise it's
			// restoring an existing group (like RestartNode).
			// TODO(bdarnell): rethink group initialization and whether the application needs
			// to be able to tell us when it expects the group to exist.
			if lastIndex == 0 {
				r.becomeFollower(1, None)
				ents := make([]pb.Entry, len(gc.peers))
				for i, peer := range gc.peers {
					cc := pb.ConfChange{Type: pb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: peer.ID, Context: peer.Context}
					data, err := cc.Marshal()
					if err != nil {
						panic("unexpected marshal error")
					ents[i] = pb.Entry{Type: pb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: uint64(i + 1), Data: data}
				r.raftLog.committed = uint64(len(ents))
				for _, peer := range gc.peers {
			// Set the initial hard and soft states after performing all initialization.
			group.prevSoftSt = r.softState()
			group.prevHardSt = r.HardState

		case gr := <-mn.rmgroupc:
			delete(groups, gr.id)
			delete(rds, gr.id)

		case mm := <-mn.propc:
			// TODO(bdarnell): single-node impl doesn't read from propc unless the group
			// has a leader; we can't do that since we have one propc for many groups.
			// We'll have to buffer somewhere on a group-by-group basis, or just let
			// raft.Step drop any such proposals on the floor.
			mm.msg.From = mn.id
			var ok bool
			if group, ok = groups[mm.group]; ok {

		case mm := <-mn.recvc:
			group = groups[mm.group]
			if _, ok := group.raft.prs[mm.msg.From]; ok || !IsResponseMsg(mm.msg) {

		case mcc := <-mn.confc:
			group = groups[mcc.group]
			if mcc.msg.NodeID == None {
				select {
				case mcc.ch <- pb.ConfState{Nodes: group.raft.nodes()}:
				case <-mn.done:
			switch mcc.msg.Type {
			case pb.ConfChangeAddNode:
			case pb.ConfChangeRemoveNode:
			case pb.ConfChangeUpdateNode:
				panic("unexpected conf type")
			select {
			case mcc.ch <- pb.ConfState{Nodes: group.raft.nodes()}:
			case <-mn.done:

		case <-mn.tickc:
			// TODO(bdarnell): instead of calling every group on every tick,
			// we should have a priority queue of groups based on their next
			// time-based event.
			for _, g := range groups {
				rd := g.newReady()
				if rd.containsUpdates() {
					rds[g.id] = rd

		case readyc <- rds:
			// Clear outgoing messages as soon as we've passed them to the application.
			for g := range rds {
				groups[g].raft.msgs = nil
			rds = map[uint64]Ready{}
			advancec = mn.advancec

		case advs := <-advancec:
			for groupID, rd := range advs {
				g, ok := groups[groupID]
				if !ok {

				// We've been accumulating new entries in rds which may now be obsolete.
				// Drop the old Ready object and create a new one if needed.
				delete(rds, groupID)
				newRd := g.newReady()
				if newRd.containsUpdates() {
					rds[groupID] = newRd
			advancec = nil

		case ms := <-mn.status:
			if g, ok := groups[ms.group]; ok {
				s := getStatus(g.raft)
				ms.ch <- &s
			} else {
				ms.ch <- nil

		case <-mn.stop:

		if group != nil {
			rd := group.newReady()
			if rd.containsUpdates() {
				rds[group.id] = rd