Exemple #1
func TestNull(t *testing.T) {
	if log.IsTrace() {
		t.Error("There should be no trace")
	if log.IsDebug() {
		t.Error("There should be no debug")
	if log.IsInfo() {
		t.Error("There should be no info")
	if log.IsWarn() {
		t.Error("There should be no warn")
	var args []interface{}
	args = append(args, "key1", 1, "key2", 3.14152)

	log.Trace("Hello World", args...)
	log.Debug("Hello World", args...)
	log.Info("Hello World", args...)
	log.Warn("Hello World", args...)
	log.Error("Hello World", args...)
	log.Log(1, "Hello World", args)
Exemple #2
// String for money type representation in a specific locale.
func (c Currency) String() string {
	var bufC buf
	if _, err := c.LocalizeWriter(&bufC); err != nil {
		if log.IsTrace() {
			log.Trace("Currency=String", "err", err, "c", c)
		log.Error("Currency=String", "err", err, "c", c)
	return string(bufC)
Exemple #3
// Sub subtracts one Currency type from another. Returns empty Currency on integer overflow.
// Errors will be logged and a trace is available when the level for tracing has been set.
func (c Currency) Sub(d Currency) Currency {
	r := c.m - d.m
	if (r^c.m)&^(r^d.m) < 0 {
		if log.IsTrace() {
			log.Trace("Currency=Sub", "err", ErrOverflow, "m", c, "n", d)
		log.Error("Currency=Sub", "err", ErrOverflow, "m", c, "n", d)
		return New()
	c.m = r
	return c
Exemple #4
// ParseFloat transforms a string float value into a real float64 value and
// sets it. Current value will be overridden. Returns a logged error.
func (c *Currency) ParseFloat(s string) error {
	f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
	if err != nil {
		if log.IsTrace() {
			log.Trace("Currency=ParseFloat", "err", err, "arg", s, "currency", c)
		return log.Error("Currency=ParseFloat", "err", err, "arg", s)
	c.Valid = true
	*c = c.Setf(f)
	return nil
Exemple #5
// Add adds two Currency types. Returns empty Currency on integer overflow.
// Errors will be logged and a trace is available when the level for tracing has been set.
func (c Currency) Add(d Currency) Currency {
	r := c.m + d.m
	if (r^c.m)&(r^d.m) < 0 {
		if log.IsTrace() {
			log.Trace("Currency=Add", "err", ErrOverflow, "m", c, "n", d)
		log.Error("Currency=Add", "err", ErrOverflow, "m", c, "n", d)
		return New()
	c.m = r
	c.Valid = true
	return c
Exemple #6
// SetCurrencyISO parses a 3-letter ISO 4217 code and sets it to the Currency
// struct. If parsing fails errors will be logged and falls back to DefaultCurrencyName.
// Calling this function sets also the CurrencySign() to the at the moment
// 3-letter ISO code. (Missing feature in text/language package)
// This function is called in NewCurrency().
func SetCurrencyISO(cur string) CurrencyOptions {
	return func(c *Currency) CurrencyOptions {
		previous := c.ISO.String()
		lc, err := language.ParseCurrency(cur)
		if err != nil {
			if log.IsTrace() {
				log.Trace("i18n.CurrencyISO.ParseCurrency.error", "err", err, "cur", cur)
			log.Error("i18n.CurrencyISO.ParseCurrency", "err", err, "cur", cur)
			lc = language.MustParseCurrency(DefaultCurrencyName)
		c.ISO = lc
		return SetCurrencyISO(previous)