Exemple #1
// Note: This function has no receiver, which makes it easier to test.
// The "json" input parameter should be a parsed JSON object structure, the output of a decoder.
func getScanVectorsFromJSON(json interface{}) (map[string]timestamp.Vector, errors.Error) {
	bucketMap, ok := json.(map[string]interface{})
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(SCAN_VECTORS, "map of strings to vectors")

	out := make(map[string]timestamp.Vector)
	for k, v := range bucketMap {
		// Is it a sparse vector?
		mapVector, ok := v.(map[string]interface{})
		if ok {
			entries, err := makeSparseVector(mapVector)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			out[k] = entries
		// Is it a full vector?
		arrayVector, ok := v.([]interface{})
		if ok {
			entries, err := makeFullVector(arrayVector)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			out[k] = entries
		return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(k, "full or sparse vector")

	return out, nil
Exemple #2
func makeVectorEntry(index int, args interface{}) (*scanVectorEntry, errors.Error) {
	data, is_map := args.(map[string]interface{})
	if !is_map {
		return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(SCAN_VECTOR, "array or map of { number, string }")
	value, has_value := data["value"]
	if !has_value {
		return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(SCAN_VECTOR, "array or map of { number, string }")
	value_val, is_number := value.(float64)
	if !is_number {
		return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(SCAN_VECTOR, "array or map of { number, string }")
	guard, has_guard := data["guard"]
	if !has_guard {
		return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(SCAN_VECTOR, "array or map of { number, string }")
	guard_val, guard_ok := guard.(string)
	if !guard_ok {
		return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(SCAN_VECTOR, "array or map of { number, string }")
	return &scanVectorEntry{
		position: uint32(index),
		value:    uint64(value_val),
		guard:    guard_val,
	}, nil
Exemple #3
func makeFullVector(args []interface{}) (*scanVectorEntries, errors.Error) {
	if len(args) != SCAN_VECTOR_SIZE {
		return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(SCAN_VECTOR,
			fmt.Sprintf("array of %d entries", SCAN_VECTOR_SIZE))
	entries := make([]timestamp.Entry, len(args))
	for i, arg := range args {
		array, ok := arg.([]interface{})
		if !ok {
			return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch("entry of a full scan vector",
				"array of length 2")
		sequenceNum, uuid, err := extractValues(array)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		entries[i] = &scanVectorEntry{
			position: uint32(i),
			value:    sequenceNum,
			guard:    uuid,
	return &scanVectorEntries{
		entries: entries,
	}, nil
Exemple #4
func makeSparseVector(args map[string]interface{}) (*scanVectorEntries, errors.Error) {
	entries := make([]timestamp.Entry, len(args))
	i := 0
	for key, arg := range args {
		index, err := strconv.Atoi(key)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorBadValue(err, SCAN_VECTOR)
		array, ok := arg.([]interface{})
		if !ok {
			return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch("scan vector entry", "two-element array")
		sequenceNum, uuid, error := extractValues(array)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, error
		entries[i] = &scanVectorEntry{
			position: uint32(index),
			value:    sequenceNum,
			guard:    uuid,
		i = i + 1
	return &scanVectorEntries{
		entries: entries,
	}, nil
Exemple #5
func (this *jsonArgs) getScanVector() (timestamp.Vector, errors.Error) {
	var type_ok bool

	scan_vector_data_field, in_request := this.getField(SCAN_VECTOR)
	if !in_request {
		return nil, nil
	full_vector_data, type_ok := scan_vector_data_field.([]interface{})
	if type_ok {
		if len(full_vector_data) != SCAN_VECTOR_SIZE {
			return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(SCAN_VECTOR,
				fmt.Sprintf("array of %d entries", SCAN_VECTOR_SIZE))
		entries := make([]timestamp.Entry, len(full_vector_data))
		for index, arg := range full_vector_data {
			nextEntry, err := makeVectorEntry(index, arg)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			entries[index] = nextEntry
	sparse_vector_data, type_ok := scan_vector_data_field.(map[string]interface{})
	if !type_ok {
		return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(SCAN_VECTOR, "array or map of { number, string }")
	entries := make([]timestamp.Entry, len(sparse_vector_data))
	i := 0
	for key, arg := range sparse_vector_data {
		index, e := strconv.Atoi(key)
		if e != nil {
			return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorBadValue(e, SCAN_VECTOR)
		nextEntry, err := makeVectorEntry(index, arg)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		entries[i] = nextEntry
		i = i + 1
	return &scanVectorEntries{
		entries: entries,
	}, nil
Exemple #6
// helper function to get a string type argument
func (this *jsonArgs) getString(f string, dflt string) (string, errors.Error) {
	value_field, in_request := this.getField(f)
	if !in_request {
		return dflt, nil

	value, type_ok := value_field.(string)
	if !type_ok {
		return value, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(f, "string")
	return value, nil
Exemple #7
func (this *jsonArgs) getTristate(f string) (value.Tristate, errors.Error) {
	value_tristate := value.NONE
	value_field, in_request := this.getField(f)
	if !in_request {
		return value_tristate, nil

	b, type_ok := value_field.(bool)
	if !type_ok {
		return value_tristate, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(f, "boolean")

	value_tristate = value.ToTristate(b)
	return value_tristate, nil
Exemple #8
func (this *jsonArgs) getCredentials() ([]map[string]string, errors.Error) {
	var creds_data []map[string]string

	creds_field, in_request := this.getField(CREDS)
	if !in_request {
		return creds_data, nil

	creds_data, type_ok := creds_field.([]map[string]string)
	if !type_ok {
		return creds_data, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(CREDS, "array of { user, pass }")

	return creds_data, nil
Exemple #9
// Note: This function has no receiver, which makes it easier to test.
// The "json" input parameter should be a parsed JSON object structure, the output of a decoder.
func getScanVectorFromJSON(json interface{}) (timestamp.Vector, errors.Error) {
	// Is it a sparse vector?
	mapVector, ok := json.(map[string]interface{})
	if ok {
		return makeSparseVector(mapVector)

	// Is it a full vector?
	arrayVector, ok := json.([]interface{})
	if ok {
		return makeFullVector(arrayVector)

	return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(SCAN_VECTOR, "full or sparse vector")
Exemple #10
// makeFullVector is used when the request includes all entries
func makeFullVector(args []*restArg) (*scanVectorEntries, errors.Error) {
	if len(args) != SCAN_VECTOR_SIZE {
		return nil, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(SCAN_VECTOR,
			fmt.Sprintf("array of %d entries", SCAN_VECTOR_SIZE))
	entries := make([]timestamp.Entry, len(args))
	for i, arg := range args {
		entries[i] = &scanVectorEntry{
			position: uint32(i),
			value:    arg.Value,
			guard:    arg.Guard,
	return &scanVectorEntries{
		entries: entries,
	}, nil
Exemple #11
func (this *jsonArgs) getPositionalArgs() (value.Values, errors.Error) {
	var positionalArgs value.Values

	args_field, in_request := this.getField(ARGS)
	if !in_request {
		return positionalArgs, nil

	args, type_ok := args_field.([]interface{})
	if !type_ok {
		return positionalArgs, errors.NewServiceErrorTypeMismatch(ARGS, "array")

	positionalArgs = make([]value.Value, len(args))
	// Put each element of args into positionalArgs
	for i, arg := range args {
		positionalArgs[i] = value.NewValue(arg)

	return positionalArgs, nil