Exemple #1
func (this *StandardCompiler) Compile(queryString string) (*plan.Plan, query.Error) {

	ast, err := this.parser.Parse(queryString)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, query.NewParseError(err, "Parse Error")

	// perform semantic verification
	err = ast.VerifySemantics()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, query.NewSemanticError(err, "Semantic Error")

	// simplify the statement
	err = ast.Simplify()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, query.NewError(err, "Error Simplifying Expression")

	planChannel, planErrChannel := this.planner.Plan(ast)

	optimalPlan, err := this.optimizer.Optimize(planChannel, planErrChannel)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, query.NewError(err, "Optimizer Error")

	return optimalPlan, nil
Exemple #2
func (s *site) loadPools() (e query.Error) {
	dirEntries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(s.path)
	if err != nil {
		return query.NewError(err, "")

	s.pools = make(map[string]*pool)
	s.poolNames = make([]string, 0)

	var p *pool
	for _, dirEntry := range dirEntries {
		if dirEntry.IsDir() {
			s.poolNames = append(s.poolNames, dirEntry.Name())
			diru := strings.ToUpper(dirEntry.Name())
			if _, ok := s.pools[diru]; ok {
				return query.NewError(nil, "Duplicate pool name "+dirEntry.Name())

			p, e = newPool(s, dirEntry.Name())
			if e != nil {

			s.pools[diru] = p

func (pi *bucketIndex) Lookup(value catalog.LookupValue, ch catalog.EntryChannel, warnch, errch query.ErrorChannel) {
	defer close(ch)
	defer close(warnch)
	defer close(errch)

	if value == nil || len(value) != 1 || value[0].Type() != dparval.STRING {
		errch <- query.NewError(nil, "Invalid lookup value: string required.")

	val, ok := value[0].Value().(string)
	if !ok {
		errch <- query.NewError(nil, "Invalid lookup value: string required.")

	ids := strings.SplitN(val, "/", 2)
	if len(ids) != 2 {

	pool, _ := pi.bucket.pool.site.actualSite.PoolById(ids[0])
	if pool == nil {

	bucket, _ := pool.BucketById(ids[1])
	if bucket != nil {
		entry := catalog.IndexEntry{PrimaryKey: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pool.Id(), bucket.Id())}
		ch <- &entry
func (b *indexbucket) Count() (int64, query.Error) {
	count := int64(0)
	poolIds, err := b.pool.site.actualSite.PoolIds()
	if err == nil {
		for _, poolId := range poolIds {
			pool, err := b.pool.site.actualSite.PoolById(poolId)
			if err == nil {
				bucketIds, err := pool.BucketIds()
				if err == nil {
					for _, bucketId := range bucketIds {
						bucket, err := pool.BucketById(bucketId)
						if err == nil {
							indexIds, err := bucket.IndexIds()
							if err == nil {
								count += int64(len(indexIds))
							} else {
								return 0, query.NewError(err, "")
						} else {
							return 0, query.NewError(err, "")
				} else {
					return 0, query.NewError(err, "")
			} else {
				return 0, query.NewError(err, "")
		return count, nil
	return 0, query.NewError(err, "")
Exemple #5
func (pi *primaryIndex) Lookup(value catalog.LookupValue, ch catalog.EntryChannel, warnch, errch query.ErrorChannel) {
	defer close(ch)
	defer close(warnch)
	defer close(errch)

	if value == nil || len(value) != 1 || value[0].Type() != dparval.STRING {
		errch <- query.NewError(nil, "Invalid lookup value: string required.")

	val, ok := value[0].Value().(string)
	if !ok {
		errch <- query.NewError(nil, "Invalid lookup value: string required.")

	fi, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(pi.bucket.path(), val+".json"))
	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		errch <- query.NewError(err, "IO error during lookup.")

	if fi != nil {
		entry := catalog.IndexEntry{EntryKey: value, PrimaryKey: val}
		ch <- &entry
Exemple #6
func (p *pool) loadBuckets() (e query.Error) {
	dirEntries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(p.path())
	if err != nil {
		return query.NewError(err, "")

	p.buckets = make(map[string]*bucket)
	p.bucketNames = make([]string, 0)

	var b *bucket
	for _, dirEntry := range dirEntries {
		if dirEntry.IsDir() {
			diru := strings.ToUpper(dirEntry.Name())
			if _, ok := p.buckets[diru]; ok {
				return query.NewError(nil, "Duplicate bucket name "+dirEntry.Name())

			b, e = newBucket(p, dirEntry.Name())
			if e != nil {

			p.buckets[diru] = b
			p.bucketNames = append(p.bucketNames, b.Name())

Exemple #7
func newPool(s *site, name string) (*pool, query.Error) {
	clog.To(catalog.CHANNEL, "Created New Pool %s", name)
	cbpool, err := s.client.GetPool(name)
	if err != nil {
		if name == "default" {
			// if default pool is not available, try reconnecting to the server
			url := s.URL()
			client, err := cb.Connect(url)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, query.NewError(nil, fmt.Sprintf("Pool %v not found.", name))
			// check if the default pool exists
			cbpool, err = client.GetPool(name)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, query.NewError(nil, fmt.Sprintf("Pool %v not found.", name))
			s.client = client
	rv := pool{
		site:        s,
		name:        name,
		cbpool:      cbpool,
		bucketCache: make(map[string]catalog.Bucket),
	go keepPoolFresh(&rv)
	return &rv, nil
Exemple #8
func WalkViewInBatches(result chan cb.ViewRow, errs query.ErrorChannel, bucket *cb.Bucket,
	ddoc string, view string, options map[string]interface{}, batchSize int64, limit int64) {

	if limit != 0 && limit < batchSize {
		batchSize = limit

	defer close(result)
	defer close(errs)

	defer func() {
		r := recover()
		if r != nil {
			clog.Error(fmt.Errorf("View Walking Panic: %v\n%s", r, debug.Stack()))
			errs <- query.NewError(nil, "Panic In View Walking")

	options["limit"] = batchSize + 1

	numRead := int64(0)
	ok := true
	for ok {

		logURL, err := bucket.ViewURL(ddoc, view, options)
		if err == nil {
			clog.To(NETWORK_CHANNEL, "Request View: %v", logURL)
		vres, err := bucket.View(ddoc, view, options)
		if err != nil {
			errs <- query.NewError(err, "Unable to access view")

		for i, row := range vres.Rows {
			if int64(i) < batchSize {
				// dont process the last row, its just used to see if we
				// need to continue processing
				result <- row
				numRead += 1

		if (int64(len(vres.Rows)) > batchSize) && (limit == 0 || (limit != 0 && numRead < limit)) {
			// prepare for next run
			skey := vres.Rows[batchSize].Key
			skeydocid := vres.Rows[batchSize].ID
			options["startkey"] = skey
			options["startkey_docid"] = cb.DocID(skeydocid)
		} else {
			// stop
			ok = false
Exemple #9
func (vi *viewIndex) Drop() query.Error {
	bucket := vi.bucket
	if vi.IsPrimary() {
		return query.NewError(nil, "Primary index cannot be dropped.")
	err := vi.DropViewIndex()
	if err != nil {
		return query.NewError(err, fmt.Sprintf("Cannot drop index %s", vi.Name()))
	delete(bucket.indexes, vi.name)
	return nil
Exemple #10
func (b *bucket) CreatePrimaryIndex() (catalog.PrimaryIndex, query.Error) {

	if _, exists := b.indexes[PRIMARY_INDEX]; exists {
		return nil, query.NewError(nil, "Primary index already exists")
	idx, err := newPrimaryIndex(b)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, query.NewError(err, "Error creating primary index")
	b.indexes[idx.Name()] = idx
	return idx, nil
Exemple #11
func (b *bucket) IndexByName(name string) (catalog.Index, query.Error) {
	index, ok := b.indexes[name]
	if !ok {
		return nil, query.NewError(nil, fmt.Sprintf("Index %v not found.", name))
	return index, nil
Exemple #12
func (this *KeyJoin) joinItems(item *dparval.Value, keyItem *dparval.Value) bool {

	if keyItem == nil {
		if this.Type == "LEFT" {
			return this.Base.SendItem(item)
		return true

	newItem := item.Duplicate()
	/* join the item and ship it */
	if this.Projection != nil {
		keyProj, Error := this.Base.Evaluate(this.Projection, keyItem)
		if Error != nil {
			switch err := Error.(type) {
			case *dparval.Undefined:
				return true
				return this.Base.SendError(query.NewError(err, "Internal error in KeyJoin"))

		newItem.SetPath(this.As, keyProj)
	} else {
		newItem.SetPath(this.As, keyItem)
	this.rowsFetched += 1
	return true
Exemple #13
func (b *bucket) Count() (int64, query.Error) {
	dirEntries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(b.path())
	if err != nil {
		return 0, query.NewError(err, "")
	return int64(len(dirEntries)), nil
Exemple #14
func (b *bucket) BulkFetch(ids []string) (map[string]*dparval.Value, query.Error) {
	rv := make(map[string]*dparval.Value, 0)

	bulkResponse, err := b.cbbucket.GetBulk(ids)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, query.NewError(err, "Error doing bulk get")
	for k, v := range bulkResponse {

		doc := dparval.NewValueFromBytes(v.Body)
		meta_flags := (v.Extras[0]&0xff)<<24 | (v.Extras[1]&0xff)<<16 | (v.Extras[2]&0xff)<<8 | (v.Extras[3] & 0xff)
		meta_type := "json"
		if doc.Type() == dparval.NOT_JSON {
			meta_type = "base64"
		doc.SetAttachment("meta", map[string]interface{}{
			"id":    k,
			"cas":   float64(v.Cas),
			"type":  meta_type,
			"flags": float64(meta_flags),

		rv[k] = doc

	return rv, nil
Exemple #15
func (b *bucket) CreatePrimaryIndex() (catalog.PrimaryIndex, query.Error) {
	if b.primary != nil {
		return b.primary, nil

	return nil, query.NewError(nil, "Not supported.")
Exemple #16
func (this *FastCount) RecoverPanic() {
	r := recover()
	if r != nil {
		clog.Error(fmt.Errorf("Query Execution Panic: %v\n%s", r, debug.Stack()))
		this.SendError(query.NewError(nil, "Panic In Exeuction Pipeline"))
Exemple #17
func (this *Grouper) processItem(item *dparval.Value) bool {
	groupkey := dparval.NewValue(make([]interface{}, len(this.GroupBy)))
	for i, groupElement := range this.GroupBy {
		groupkeyval, err := this.Base.Evaluate(groupElement, item)
		if err == nil {
			groupkey.SetIndex(i, groupkeyval)
		} else {
			switch err := err.(type) {
			case *dparval.Undefined:
				// FIXME better way?
				groupkey.SetIndex(i, "__tuqtng__MISSING__")
				return this.Base.SendError(query.NewError(err, "error evaluating group by"))
	// FIXME slow, but lets me use map to match same groups
	groupkeybytes := groupkey.Bytes()
	groupkeystring := string(groupkeybytes)

	group, ok := this.groups[groupkeystring]
	if !ok {
		// new group
		this.groups[groupkeystring] = item
		group = item
	this.updateGroup(group, item)
	return true
Exemple #18
func (p *pool) BucketByName(name string) (b catalog.Bucket, e query.Error) {
	b, ok := p.buckets[name]
	if !ok {
		return nil, query.NewError(nil, "Bucket "+name+" not found.")
	return b, nil
func (b *poolbucket) Count() (int64, query.Error) {
	poolIds, err := b.pool.site.actualSite.PoolIds()
	if err == nil {
		return int64(len(poolIds)), nil
	return 0, query.NewError(err, "")
Exemple #20
func newBucket(p *pool, name string) (*bucket, query.Error) {
	clog.To(catalog.CHANNEL, "Created New Bucket %s", name)
	cbbucket, err := p.cbpool.GetBucket(name)
	if err != nil {
		// go-couchbase caches the buckets
		// to be sure no such bucket exists right now
		// we trigger a refresh
		// and then check one more time
		cbbucket, err = p.cbpool.GetBucket(name)
		if err != nil {
			// really no such bucket exists
			return nil, query.NewError(nil, fmt.Sprintf("Bucket %v not found.", name))

	rv := &bucket{
		pool:     p,
		name:     name,
		cbbucket: cbbucket,
		indexes:  make(map[string]catalog.Index),

	ierr := rv.loadIndexes()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, ierr

	return rv, nil
Exemple #21
func (s *site) PoolByName(name string) (p catalog.Pool, e query.Error) {
	p, ok := s.pools[name]
	if !ok {
		return nil, query.NewError(nil, "Pool "+name+" not found.")
	return p, nil
Exemple #22
// simplest possible implementation
// 1.  read all plans off plan channel
// 2.  return last plan
func (this *SimpleOptimizer) Optimize(planChannel plan.PlanChannel, errChannel query.ErrorChannel) (*plan.Plan, query.Error) {

	plans := make([]plan.Plan, 0)

	var p plan.Plan
	var err query.Error
	ok := true
	for ok {
		select {
		case p, ok = <-planChannel:
			if ok {
				clog.To(optimizer.CHANNEL, "See plan %v", p)
				plans = append(plans, p)
		case err, ok = <-errChannel:
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

	if len(plans) > 0 {
		chosenPlan := plans[len(plans)-1]
		clog.To(optimizer.CHANNEL, "Choosing plan %v", chosenPlan)
		return &chosenPlan, nil

	return nil, query.NewError(nil, "No plans produced for optimizer to choose from")
Exemple #23
func (s *site) PoolByName(name string) (p catalog.Pool, e query.Error) {
	p, ok := s.pools[strings.ToUpper(name)]
	if !ok {
		e = query.NewError(nil, "Pool "+name+" not found.")

Exemple #24
func (p *pool) BucketByName(name string) (b catalog.Bucket, e query.Error) {
	b, ok := p.buckets[strings.ToUpper(name)]
	if !ok {
		e = query.NewError(nil, "Bucket "+name+" not found.")

Exemple #25
func (b *bucket) Fetch(id string) (item *dparval.Value, e query.Error) {
	i, err := strconv.Atoi(id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, query.NewError(err,
			fmt.Sprintf("no mock item: %v", id))
	return genItem(i, b.nitems)
Exemple #26
func (this *KeyNest) flushBatch(baseItem *dparval.Value, ids []string) bool {

	bulkResponse, err := this.bucket.BulkFetch(ids)
	if err != nil {
		return this.Base.SendError(query.NewError(err, "error getting bulk response"))

	// now we need to emit the bulk fetched items in the correct order (from the id list)

	for _, v := range ids {
		item, ok := bulkResponse[v]

		if ok {
			if this.Projection != nil {
				projectedVal, err := this.Base.projectedValueOfResultExpression(item, ast.NewResultExpression(this.Projection))
				if err != nil {
					switch err := err.(type) {
					case *dparval.Undefined:
						// undefined contributes nothing to the result map
						return this.Base.SendError(query.NewError(err, "unexpected error projecting fetch expression"))
				} else {
					this.Right = append(this.Right, projectedVal)
			} else {
				this.Right = append(this.Right, item)
			this.rowsFetched += 1
	if len(this.Right) > 0 {
		baseItem.SetPath(this.As, this.Right)
	// if the lenght of the array is 0 and the type of join is not LEFT
	// then we return an empty result for this evaluation
	if len(this.Right) == 0 && this.Type != "LEFT" {
		return true


	return true
Exemple #27
func genItem(i int, nitems int) (*dparval.Value, query.Error) {
	if i < 0 || i >= nitems {
		return nil, query.NewError(nil,
			fmt.Sprintf("item out of mock range: %v [0,%v)", i, nitems))
	id := strconv.Itoa(i)
	doc := dparval.NewValue(map[string]interface{}{"id": id, "i": float64(i)})
	doc.SetAttachment("meta", map[string]interface{}{"id": id})
	return doc, nil
Exemple #28
func (this *KeyJoin) Run(stopChannel misc.StopChannel) {
	clog.To(CHANNEL, "key join operator starting")
	if this.Base.Source != nil {
		this.Base.RunOperator(this, stopChannel)
	} else {
		this.Base.SendError(query.NewError(fmt.Errorf("missing source operator"), ""))

	clog.To(CHANNEL, "key join operator finished, fetched %d", this.rowsFetched)
func (b *sitebucket) Fetch(id string) (item *dparval.Value, e query.Error) {
	if id == b.pool.site.actualSite.Id() {
		doc := map[string]interface{}{
			"id":  b.pool.site.actualSite.Id(),
			"url": b.pool.site.actualSite.URL(),
		return dparval.NewValue(doc), nil
	return nil, query.NewError(nil, "Not Found")
Exemple #30
func (this *KeyJoin) flushBatch(baseItem *dparval.Value, ids []string) bool {

	bulkResponse, err := this.bucket.BulkFetch(ids)
	if err != nil {
		return this.Base.SendError(query.NewError(err, "error getting bulk response"))

	// now we need to emit the bulk fetched items in the correct order (from the id list)

	for _, v := range ids {
		item, ok := bulkResponse[v]
		newItem := baseItem.Duplicate()
		if item == nil {
			if this.Type == "LEFT" {
		if ok {
			if this.Projection != nil {
				projectedVal, err := this.Base.projectedValueOfResultExpression(item, ast.NewResultExpression(this.Projection))
				if err != nil {
					switch err := err.(type) {
					case *dparval.Undefined:
						// undefined contributes nothing to the result map
						return this.Base.SendError(query.NewError(err, "unexpected error projecting fetch expression"))
				} else {
					newItem.SetPath(this.As, projectedVal)
			} else {
				newItem.SetPath(this.As, item)
			this.rowsFetched += 1

	return true