Exemple #1
func main() {

	defer func() {

	if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
		chk.PrintTitle("Test ODE 02b")
		io.Pfcyan("Hairer-Wanner VII-p5 Eq.(1.5) Van der Pol's Equation (MPI)\n")
	if mpi.Size() != 2 {
		chk.Panic(">> error: this test requires 2 MPI processors\n")

	eps := 1.0e-6
	w := make([]float64, 2) // workspace
	fcn := func(f []float64, x float64, y []float64, args ...interface{}) error {
		f[0], f[1] = 0, 0
		switch mpi.Rank() {
		case 0:
			f[0] = y[1]
		case 1:
			f[1] = ((1.0-y[0]*y[0])*y[1] - y[0]) / eps
		// join all f
		mpi.AllReduceSum(f, w)
		return nil
	jac := func(dfdy *la.Triplet, x float64, y []float64, args ...interface{}) error {
		if dfdy.Max() == 0 {
			dfdy.Init(2, 2, 4)
		if false { // per column
			switch mpi.Rank() {
			case 0:
				dfdy.Put(0, 0, 0.0)
				dfdy.Put(1, 0, (-2.0*y[0]*y[1]-1.0)/eps)
			case 1:
				dfdy.Put(0, 1, 1.0)
				dfdy.Put(1, 1, (1.0-y[0]*y[0])/eps)
		} else { // per row
			switch mpi.Rank() {
			case 0:
				dfdy.Put(0, 0, 0.0)
				dfdy.Put(0, 1, 1.0)
			case 1:
				dfdy.Put(1, 0, (-2.0*y[0]*y[1]-1.0)/eps)
				dfdy.Put(1, 1, (1.0-y[0]*y[0])/eps)
		return nil

	// data
	silent := false
	fixstp := false
	//method := "Dopri5"
	method := "Radau5"
	xa, xb := 0.0, 2.0
	ya := []float64{2.0, -0.6}
	ndim := len(ya)

	// output
	var b bytes.Buffer
	out := func(first bool, dx, x float64, y []float64, args ...interface{}) error {
		if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
			if first {
				fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%23s %23s %23s %23s\n", "dx", "x", "y0", "y1")
			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%23.15E %23.15E %23.15E %23.15E\n", dx, x, y[0], y[1])
		return nil
	defer func() {
		if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
			extra := "d2 = Read('data/vdpol_radau5_for.dat')\n" +
				"subplot(3,1,1)\n" +
				"plot(d2['x'],d2['y0'],'k+',label='res',ms=10)\n" +
				"subplot(3,1,2)\n" +
			ode.Plot("/tmp/gosl", "vdpolB", method, &b, []int{0, 1}, ndim, nil, xa, xb, true, false, extra)

	// one run
	var o ode.ODE
	o.Distr = true
	//numjac := true
	numjac := false
	if numjac {
		o.Init(method, ndim, fcn, nil, nil, out, silent)
	} else {
		o.Init(method, ndim, fcn, jac, nil, out, silent)

	// tolerances and initial step size
	rtol := 1e-4
	atol := rtol
	o.SetTol(atol, rtol)
	o.IniH = 1.0e-4

	//o.NmaxSS = 2

	y := make([]float64, ndim)
	copy(y, ya)
	t0 := time.Now()
	if fixstp {
		o.Solve(y, xa, xb, 0.05, fixstp)
	} else {
		o.Solve(y, xa, xb, xb-xa, fixstp)
	if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
		io.Pfmag("elapsed time = %v\n", time.Now().Sub(t0))
Exemple #2
// run_iterations solves the nonlinear problem
func run_iterations(t, Δt float64, d *Domain, sum *Summary) (diverging, ok bool) {

	// zero accumulated increments
	la.VecFill(d.Sol.ΔY, 0)

	// calculate global starred vectors and interpolate starred variables from nodes to integration points
	if LogErr(d.star_vars(Δt), "cannot compute starred variables") {

	// auxiliary variables
	var it int
	var largFb, largFb0, Lδu float64
	var prevFb, prevLδu float64

	// message
	if Global.Sim.Data.ShowR {
		io.Pf("\n%13s%4s%23s%23s\n", "t", "it", "largFb", "Lδu")
		defer func() {
			io.Pf("%13.6e%4d%23.15e%23.15e\n", t, it, largFb, Lδu)

	// iterations
	for it = 0; it < Global.Sim.Solver.NmaxIt; it++ {

		// assemble right-hand side vector (fb) with negative of residuals
		la.VecFill(d.Fb, 0)
		for _, e := range d.Elems {
			if !e.AddToRhs(d.Fb, d.Sol) {
		if Stop() {

		// join all fb
		if Global.Distr {
			mpi.AllReduceSum(d.Fb, d.Wb) // this must be done here because there might be nodes sharing boundary conditions

		// point natural boundary conditions; e.g. concentrated loads
		d.PtNatBcs.AddToRhs(d.Fb, t)

		// essential boundary conditioins; e.g. constraints
		d.EssenBcs.AddToRhs(d.Fb, d.Sol)

		// debug
		if Global.Debug {
			//la.PrintVec("fb", d.Fb[:d.Ny], "%13.10f ", false)

		// find largest absolute component of fb
		largFb = la.VecLargest(d.Fb, 1)

		// save residual
		if Global.Stat {
			sum.Resids.Append(it == 0, largFb)

		// check largFb value
		if it == 0 {
			// store largest absolute component of fb
			largFb0 = largFb
		} else {
			// check convergence on Lf0
			if largFb < Global.Sim.Solver.FbTol*largFb0 { // converged on fb
			// check convergence on fb_min
			if largFb < Global.Sim.Solver.FbMin { // converged with smallest value of fb

		// check divergence on fb
		if it > 1 && Global.Sim.Solver.DvgCtrl {
			if largFb > prevFb {
				diverging = true
		prevFb = largFb

		// assemble Jacobian matrix
		do_asm_fact := (it == 0 || !Global.Sim.Data.CteTg)
		if do_asm_fact {

			// assemble element matrices
			for _, e := range d.Elems {
				if !e.AddToKb(d.Kb, d.Sol, it == 0) {
			if Stop() {

			// debug
			if Global.DebugKb != nil {
				Global.DebugKb(d, it)

			// join A and tr(A) matrices into Kb
			if Global.Root {

			// initialise linear solver
			if d.InitLSol {
				if LogErr(d.LinSol.InitR(d.Kb, Global.Sim.LinSol.Symmetric, Global.Sim.LinSol.Verbose, Global.Sim.LinSol.Timing), "cannot initialise linear solver") {
				d.InitLSol = false

			// perform factorisation
			LogErr(d.LinSol.Fact(), "factorisation")
			if Stop() {

		// debug
		//KK := d.Kb.ToMatrix(nil).ToDense()
		//la.PrintMat("KK", KK, "%20.10f", false)

		// solve for wb := δyb
		LogErr(d.LinSol.SolveR(d.Wb, d.Fb, false), "solve")
		if Stop() {

		// debug
		if Global.Debug {
			//la.PrintVec("wb", d.Wb[:d.Ny], "%13.10f ", false)

		// update primary variables (y)
		for i := 0; i < d.Ny; i++ {
			d.Sol.Y[i] += d.Wb[i]  // y += δy
			d.Sol.ΔY[i] += d.Wb[i] // ΔY += δy
		if !Global.Sim.Data.Steady {
			for _, I := range d.T1eqs {
				d.Sol.Dydt[I] = Global.DynCoefs.β1*d.Sol.Y[I] - d.Sol.Psi[I]
			for _, I := range d.T2eqs {
				d.Sol.Dydt[I] = Global.DynCoefs.α4*d.Sol.Y[I] - d.Sol.Chi[I]
				d.Sol.D2ydt2[I] = Global.DynCoefs.α1*d.Sol.Y[I] - d.Sol.Zet[I]

		// update Lagrange multipliers (λ)
		for i := 0; i < d.Nlam; i++ {
			d.Sol.L[i] += d.Wb[d.Ny+i] // λ += δλ

		// backup / restore
		if it == 0 {
			// create backup copy of all secondary variables
			for _, e := range d.ElemIntvars {
		} else {
			// recover last converged state from backup copy
			for _, e := range d.ElemIntvars {

		// update secondary variables
		for _, e := range d.Elems {
			if !e.Update(d.Sol) {
		if Stop() {

		// compute RMS norm of δu and check convegence on δu
		Lδu = la.VecRmsErr(d.Wb[:d.Ny], Global.Sim.Solver.Atol, Global.Sim.Solver.Rtol, d.Sol.Y[:d.Ny])

		// message
		if Global.Sim.Data.ShowR {
			io.Pf("%13.6e%4d%23.15e%23.15e\n", t, it, largFb, Lδu)

		// stop if converged on δu
		if Lδu < Global.Sim.Solver.Itol {

		// check divergence on Lδu
		if it > 1 && Global.Sim.Solver.DvgCtrl {
			if Lδu > prevLδu {
				diverging = true
		prevLδu = Lδu

	// check if iterations diverged
	if it == Global.Sim.Solver.NmaxIt {
		io.PfMag("max number of iterations reached: it = %d\n", it)

	// success
	ok = true
Exemple #3
// run_iterations solves the nonlinear problem
func run_iterations(t, Δt float64, d *Domain, dc *DynCoefs, sum *Summary, dbgKb DebugKb_t) (diverging bool, err error) {

	// zero accumulated increments
	la.VecFill(d.Sol.ΔY, 0)

	// calculate global starred vectors and interpolate starred variables from nodes to integration points
	if !d.Sim.Data.Steady {

		// compute starred vectors
		for _, I := range d.T1eqs {
			d.Sol.Psi[I] = dc.β1*d.Sol.Y[I] + dc.β2*d.Sol.Dydt[I]
		for _, I := range d.T2eqs {
			d.Sol.Zet[I] = dc.α1*d.Sol.Y[I] + dc.α2*d.Sol.Dydt[I] + dc.α3*d.Sol.D2ydt2[I]
			d.Sol.Chi[I] = dc.α4*d.Sol.Y[I] + dc.α5*d.Sol.Dydt[I] + dc.α6*d.Sol.D2ydt2[I]

		// set internal starred variables
		for _, e := range d.Elems {
			err = e.InterpStarVars(d.Sol)
			if err != nil {
				err = chk.Err("cannot compute starred variables:\n%v", err)

	// auxiliary variables
	var it int
	var largFb, largFb0, Lδu float64
	var prevFb, prevLδu float64
	dat := d.Sim.Solver

	// message
	if dat.ShowR {
		io.Pf("\n%13s%4s%23s%23s\n", "t", "it", "largFb", "Lδu")
		defer func() {
			io.Pf("%13.6e%4d%23.15e%23.15e\n", t, it, largFb, Lδu)

	// iterations
	for it = 0; it < dat.NmaxIt; it++ {

		// assemble right-hand side vector (fb) with negative of residuals
		la.VecFill(d.Fb, 0)
		for _, e := range d.Elems {
			err = e.AddToRhs(d.Fb, d.Sol)
			if err != nil {

		// join all fb
		if d.Distr {
			mpi.AllReduceSum(d.Fb, d.Wb) // this must be done here because there might be nodes sharing boundary conditions

		// point natural boundary conditions; e.g. concentrated loads
		d.PtNatBcs.AddToRhs(d.Fb, t)

		// essential boundary conditioins; e.g. constraints
		d.EssenBcs.AddToRhs(d.Fb, d.Sol)

		// find largest absolute component of fb
		largFb = la.VecLargest(d.Fb, 1)

		// save residual
		if d.Sim.Data.Stat {
			if sum != nil {
				sum.Resids.Append(it == 0, largFb)

		// check largFb value
		if it == 0 {
			// store largest absolute component of fb
			largFb0 = largFb
		} else {
			// check convergence on Lf0
			if largFb < dat.FbTol*largFb0 { // converged on fb
			// check convergence on fb_min
			if largFb < dat.FbMin { // converged with smallest value of fb

		// check divergence on fb
		if it > 1 && dat.DvgCtrl {
			if largFb > prevFb {
				diverging = true
		prevFb = largFb

		// assemble Jacobian matrix
		do_asm_fact := (it == 0 || !dat.CteTg)
		if do_asm_fact {

			// assemble element matrices
			for _, e := range d.Elems {
				err = e.AddToKb(d.Kb, d.Sol, it == 0)
				if err != nil {

			// debug
			if dbgKb != nil {
				dbgKb(d, it)

			// join A and tr(A) matrices into Kb
			if d.Proc == 0 {

			// initialise linear solver
			if d.InitLSol {
				err = d.LinSol.InitR(d.Kb, d.Sim.LinSol.Symmetric, d.Sim.LinSol.Verbose, d.Sim.LinSol.Timing)
				if err != nil {
					err = chk.Err("cannot initialise linear solver:\n%v", err)
				d.InitLSol = false

			// perform factorisation
			err = d.LinSol.Fact()
			if err != nil {
				err = chk.Err("factorisation failed:\n%v", err)

		// solve for wb := δyb
		err = d.LinSol.SolveR(d.Wb, d.Fb, false)
		if err != nil {
			err = chk.Err("solve failed:%v\n", err)

		// update primary variables (y)
		for i := 0; i < d.Ny; i++ {
			d.Sol.Y[i] += d.Wb[i]  // y += δy
			d.Sol.ΔY[i] += d.Wb[i] // ΔY += δy
		if !d.Sim.Data.Steady {
			for _, I := range d.T1eqs {
				d.Sol.Dydt[I] = dc.β1*d.Sol.Y[I] - d.Sol.Psi[I]
			for _, I := range d.T2eqs {
				d.Sol.Dydt[I] = dc.α4*d.Sol.Y[I] - d.Sol.Chi[I]
				d.Sol.D2ydt2[I] = dc.α1*d.Sol.Y[I] - d.Sol.Zet[I]

		// update Lagrange multipliers (λ)
		for i := 0; i < d.Nlam; i++ {
			d.Sol.L[i] += d.Wb[d.Ny+i] // λ += δλ

		// backup / restore
		if it == 0 {
			// create backup copy of all secondary variables
			for _, e := range d.ElemIntvars {
		} else {
			// recover last converged state from backup copy
			for _, e := range d.ElemIntvars {

		// update secondary variables
		for _, e := range d.Elems {
			err = e.Update(d.Sol)
			if err != nil {

		// compute RMS norm of δu and check convegence on δu
		Lδu = la.VecRmsErr(d.Wb[:d.Ny], dat.Atol, dat.Rtol, d.Sol.Y[:d.Ny])

		// message
		if dat.ShowR {
			io.Pf("%13.6e%4d%23.15e%23.15e\n", t, it, largFb, Lδu)

		// stop if converged on δu
		if Lδu < dat.Itol {

		// check divergence on Lδu
		if it > 1 && dat.DvgCtrl {
			if Lδu > prevLδu {
				diverging = true
		prevLδu = Lδu

	// check if iterations diverged
	if it == dat.NmaxIt {
		err = chk.Err("max number of iterations reached: it = %d\n", it)
Exemple #4
func main() {

	defer func() {

	if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
		chk.PrintTitle("Test ODE 04b (MPI)")
		io.Pfcyan("Hairer-Wanner VII-p376 Transistor Amplifier (MPI)\n")
		io.Pfcyan("(from E Hairer's website, not the system in the book)\n")
	if mpi.Size() != 3 {
		chk.Panic(">> error: this test requires 3 MPI processors\n")

	w := make([]float64, 8) // workspace
	fcn := func(f []float64, x float64, y []float64, args ...interface{}) error {
		d := args[0].(*HWtransData)
		UET := d.UE * math.Sin(d.W*x)
		FAC1 := d.BETA * (math.Exp((y[3]-y[2])/d.UF) - 1.0)
		FAC2 := d.BETA * (math.Exp((y[6]-y[5])/d.UF) - 1.0)
		la.VecFill(f, 0)
		switch mpi.Rank() {
		case 0:
			f[0] = y[0] / d.R9
		case 1:
			f[1] = (y[1]-d.UB)/d.R8 + d.ALPHA*FAC1
			f[2] = y[2]/d.R7 - FAC1
		case 2:
			f[3] = y[3]/d.R5 + (y[3]-d.UB)/d.R6 + (1.0-d.ALPHA)*FAC1
			f[4] = (y[4]-d.UB)/d.R4 + d.ALPHA*FAC2
			f[5] = y[5]/d.R3 - FAC2
			f[6] = y[6]/d.R1 + (y[6]-d.UB)/d.R2 + (1.0-d.ALPHA)*FAC2
			f[7] = (y[7] - UET) / d.R0
		mpi.AllReduceSum(f, w)
		return nil

	jac := func(dfdy *la.Triplet, x float64, y []float64, args ...interface{}) error {
		d := args[0].(*HWtransData)
		FAC14 := d.BETA * math.Exp((y[3]-y[2])/d.UF) / d.UF
		FAC27 := d.BETA * math.Exp((y[6]-y[5])/d.UF) / d.UF
		if dfdy.Max() == 0 {
			dfdy.Init(8, 8, 16)
		NU := 2
		switch mpi.Rank() {
		case 0:
			dfdy.Put(2+0-NU, 0, 1.0/d.R9)
			dfdy.Put(2+1-NU, 1, 1.0/d.R8)
			dfdy.Put(1+2-NU, 2, -d.ALPHA*FAC14)
			dfdy.Put(0+3-NU, 3, d.ALPHA*FAC14)
			dfdy.Put(2+2-NU, 2, 1.0/d.R7+FAC14)
		case 1:
			dfdy.Put(1+3-NU, 3, -FAC14)
			dfdy.Put(2+3-NU, 3, 1.0/d.R5+1.0/d.R6+(1.0-d.ALPHA)*FAC14)
			dfdy.Put(3+2-NU, 2, -(1.0-d.ALPHA)*FAC14)
			dfdy.Put(2+4-NU, 4, 1.0/d.R4)
			dfdy.Put(1+5-NU, 5, -d.ALPHA*FAC27)
		case 2:
			dfdy.Put(0+6-NU, 6, d.ALPHA*FAC27)
			dfdy.Put(2+5-NU, 5, 1.0/d.R3+FAC27)
			dfdy.Put(1+6-NU, 6, -FAC27)
			dfdy.Put(2+6-NU, 6, 1.0/d.R1+1.0/d.R2+(1.0-d.ALPHA)*FAC27)
			dfdy.Put(3+5-NU, 5, -(1.0-d.ALPHA)*FAC27)
			dfdy.Put(2+7-NU, 7, 1.0/d.R0)
		return nil

	// MATRIX "M"
	c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 := 1.0e-6, 2.0e-6, 3.0e-6, 4.0e-6, 5.0e-6
	var M la.Triplet
	M.Init(8, 8, 14)
	NU := 1
	switch mpi.Rank() {
	case 0:
		M.Put(1+0-NU, 0, -c5)
		M.Put(0+1-NU, 1, c5)
		M.Put(2+0-NU, 0, c5)
		M.Put(1+1-NU, 1, -c5)
		M.Put(1+2-NU, 2, -c4)
		M.Put(1+3-NU, 3, -c3)
	case 1:
		M.Put(0+4-NU, 4, c3)
		M.Put(2+3-NU, 3, c3)
		M.Put(1+4-NU, 4, -c3)
	case 2:
		M.Put(1+5-NU, 5, -c2)
		M.Put(1+6-NU, 6, -c1)
		M.Put(0+7-NU, 7, c1)
		M.Put(2+6-NU, 6, c1)
		M.Put(1+7-NU, 7, -c1)

	idxstp := 1
	var b bytes.Buffer
	out := func(first bool, dx, x float64, y []float64, args ...interface{}) error {
		if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
			if first {
				fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%6s%23s%23s%23s%23s%23s%23s%23s%23s%23s\n", "ns", "x", "y0", "y1", "y2", "y3", "y4", "y5", "y6", "y7")
			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%6d%23.15E", idxstp, x)
			for j := 0; j < len(y); j++ {
				fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%23.15E", y[j])
			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\n")
			idxstp += 1
		return nil
	defer func() {
		if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
			io.WriteFileD("/tmp/gosl", "hwamplifierB.res", &b)

	D, xa, xb, ya := HWtransIni()

	silent := false
	fixstp := false
	//method := "Dopri5"
	method := "Radau5"
	ndim := len(ya)
	//numjac := true
	numjac := false
	var osol ode.ODE

	osol.Pll = true

	if numjac {
		osol.Init(method, ndim, fcn, nil, &M, out, silent)
	} else {
		osol.Init(method, ndim, fcn, jac, &M, out, silent)
	osol.IniH = 1.0e-6 // initial step size

	atol, rtol := 1e-11, 1e-5
	osol.SetTol(atol, rtol)

	// RUN
	t0 := time.Now()
	if fixstp {
		osol.Solve(ya, xa, xb, 0.01, fixstp, &D)
	} else {
		osol.Solve(ya, xa, xb, xb-xa, fixstp, &D)
	if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
		io.Pfmag("elapsed time = %v\n", time.Now().Sub(t0))
Exemple #5
// Radau5 step function
func radau5_step_mpi(o *Solver, y0 []float64, x0 float64, args ...interface{}) (rerr float64, err error) {

	// factors
	α := r5.α_ / o.h
	β := r5.β_ / o.h
	γ := r5.γ_ / o.h

	// Jacobian and decomposition
	if o.reuseJdec {
		o.reuseJdec = false
	} else {

		// calculate only first Jacobian for all iterations (simple/modified Newton's method)
		if o.reuseJ {
			o.reuseJ = false
		} else if !o.jacIsOK {

			// Jacobian triplet
			if o.jac == nil { // numerical
				//if x0 == 0.0 { io.Pfgrey(" > > > > > > > > . . . numerical Jacobian . . . < < < < < < < < <\n") }
				err = num.JacobianMpi(&o.dfdyT, func(fy, y []float64) (e error) {
					e = o.fcn(fy, o.h, x0, y, args...)
				}, y0, o.f0, o.w[0], o.Distr) // w works here as workspace variable
			} else { // analytical
				//if x0 == 0.0 { io.Pfgrey(" > > > > > > > > . . . analytical Jacobian . . . < < < < < < < < <\n") }
				err = o.jac(&o.dfdyT, o.h, x0, y0, args...)
			if err != nil {

			// create M matrix
			if o.doinit && !o.hasM {
				o.mTri = new(la.Triplet)
				if o.Distr {
					id, sz := mpi.Rank(), mpi.Size()
					start, endp1 := (id*o.ndim)/sz, ((id+1)*o.ndim)/sz
					o.mTri.Init(o.ndim, o.ndim, endp1-start)
					for i := start; i < endp1; i++ {
						o.mTri.Put(i, i, 1.0)
				} else {
					o.mTri.Init(o.ndim, o.ndim, o.ndim)
					for i := 0; i < o.ndim; i++ {
						o.mTri.Put(i, i, 1.0)
			o.njeval += 1
			o.jacIsOK = true

		// initialise triplets
		if o.doinit {
			o.rctriR = new(la.Triplet)
			o.rctriC = new(la.TripletC)
			o.rctriR.Init(o.ndim, o.ndim, o.mTri.Len()+o.dfdyT.Len())
			xzmono := o.Distr
			o.rctriC.Init(o.ndim, o.ndim, o.mTri.Len()+o.dfdyT.Len(), xzmono)

		// update triplets
		la.SpTriAdd(o.rctriR, γ, o.mTri, -1, &o.dfdyT)       // rctriR :=      γ*M - dfdy
		la.SpTriAddR2C(o.rctriC, α, β, o.mTri, -1, &o.dfdyT) // rctriC := (α+βi)*M - dfdy

		// initialise solver
		if o.doinit {
			err = o.lsolR.InitR(o.rctriR, false, false, false)
			if err != nil {
			err = o.lsolC.InitC(o.rctriC, false, false, false)
			if err != nil {

		// perform factorisation
		o.ndecomp += 1

	// updated u[i]
	o.u[0] = x0 + r5.c[0]*o.h
	o.u[1] = x0 + r5.c[1]*o.h
	o.u[2] = x0 + r5.c[2]*o.h

	// (trial/initial) updated z[i] and w[i]
	if o.first || o.ZeroTrial {
		for m := 0; m < o.ndim; m++ {
			o.z[0][m], o.w[0][m] = 0.0, 0.0
			o.z[1][m], o.w[1][m] = 0.0, 0.0
			o.z[2][m], o.w[2][m] = 0.0, 0.0
	} else {
		c3q := o.h / o.hprev
		c1q := r5.μ1 * c3q
		c2q := r5.μ2 * c3q
		for m := 0; m < o.ndim; m++ {
			o.z[0][m] = c1q * (o.ycol[0][m] + (c1q-r5.μ4)*(o.ycol[1][m]+(c1q-r5.μ3)*o.ycol[2][m]))
			o.z[1][m] = c2q * (o.ycol[0][m] + (c2q-r5.μ4)*(o.ycol[1][m]+(c2q-r5.μ3)*o.ycol[2][m]))
			o.z[2][m] = c3q * (o.ycol[0][m] + (c3q-r5.μ4)*(o.ycol[1][m]+(c3q-r5.μ3)*o.ycol[2][m]))
			o.w[0][m] = r5.Ti[0][0]*o.z[0][m] + r5.Ti[0][1]*o.z[1][m] + r5.Ti[0][2]*o.z[2][m]
			o.w[1][m] = r5.Ti[1][0]*o.z[0][m] + r5.Ti[1][1]*o.z[1][m] + r5.Ti[1][2]*o.z[2][m]
			o.w[2][m] = r5.Ti[2][0]*o.z[0][m] + r5.Ti[2][1]*o.z[1][m] + r5.Ti[2][2]*o.z[2][m]

	// iterations
	o.nit = 0
	o.η = math.Pow(max(o.η, o.ϵ), 0.8)
	o.θ = o.θmax
	o.diverg = false
	var Lδw, oLδw, thq, othq, iterr, itRerr, qnewt float64
	var it int
	for it = 0; it < o.NmaxIt; it++ {

		// max iterations ?
		o.nit = it + 1
		if o.nit > o.nitmax {
			o.nitmax = o.nit

		// evaluate f(x,y) at (u[i],v[i]=y0+z[i])
		for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
			for m := 0; m < o.ndim; m++ {
				o.v[i][m] = y0[m] + o.z[i][m]
			o.nfeval += 1
			err = o.fcn(o.f[i], o.h, o.u[i], o.v[i], args...)
			if err != nil {

		// calc rhs
		if o.hasM {
			// using δw as workspace here
			la.SpMatVecMul(o.δw[0], 1, o.mMat, o.w[0]) // δw0 := M * w0
			la.SpMatVecMul(o.δw[1], 1, o.mMat, o.w[1]) // δw1 := M * w1
			la.SpMatVecMul(o.δw[2], 1, o.mMat, o.w[2]) // δw2 := M * w2
			if o.Distr {
				mpi.AllReduceSum(o.δw[0], o.v[0]) // v is used as workspace here
				mpi.AllReduceSum(o.δw[1], o.v[1]) // v is used as workspace here
				mpi.AllReduceSum(o.δw[2], o.v[2]) // v is used as workspace here
			for m := 0; m < o.ndim; m++ {
				o.v[0][m] = r5.Ti[0][0]*o.f[0][m] + r5.Ti[0][1]*o.f[1][m] + r5.Ti[0][2]*o.f[2][m] - γ*o.δw[0][m]
				o.v[1][m] = r5.Ti[1][0]*o.f[0][m] + r5.Ti[1][1]*o.f[1][m] + r5.Ti[1][2]*o.f[2][m] - α*o.δw[1][m] + β*o.δw[2][m]
				o.v[2][m] = r5.Ti[2][0]*o.f[0][m] + r5.Ti[2][1]*o.f[1][m] + r5.Ti[2][2]*o.f[2][m] - β*o.δw[1][m] - α*o.δw[2][m]
		} else {
			for m := 0; m < o.ndim; m++ {
				o.v[0][m] = r5.Ti[0][0]*o.f[0][m] + r5.Ti[0][1]*o.f[1][m] + r5.Ti[0][2]*o.f[2][m] - γ*o.w[0][m]
				o.v[1][m] = r5.Ti[1][0]*o.f[0][m] + r5.Ti[1][1]*o.f[1][m] + r5.Ti[1][2]*o.f[2][m] - α*o.w[1][m] + β*o.w[2][m]
				o.v[2][m] = r5.Ti[2][0]*o.f[0][m] + r5.Ti[2][1]*o.f[1][m] + r5.Ti[2][2]*o.f[2][m] - β*o.w[1][m] - α*o.w[2][m]

		// solve linear system
		o.nlinsol += 1
		var errR, errC error
		if !o.Distr && o.Pll {
			wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
			go func() {
				errR = o.lsolR.SolveR(o.δw[0], o.v[0], false)
			go func() {
				errC = o.lsolC.SolveC(o.δw[1], o.δw[2], o.v[1], o.v[2], false)
		} else {
			errR = o.lsolR.SolveR(o.δw[0], o.v[0], false)
			errC = o.lsolC.SolveC(o.δw[1], o.δw[2], o.v[1], o.v[2], false)

		// check for errors from linear solution
		if errR != nil || errC != nil {
			var errmsg string
			if errR != nil {
				errmsg += errR.Error()
			if errC != nil {
				if errR != nil {
					errmsg += "\n"
				errmsg += errC.Error()
			err = errors.New(errmsg)

		// update w and z
		for m := 0; m < o.ndim; m++ {
			o.w[0][m] += o.δw[0][m]
			o.w[1][m] += o.δw[1][m]
			o.w[2][m] += o.δw[2][m]
			o.z[0][m] = r5.T[0][0]*o.w[0][m] + r5.T[0][1]*o.w[1][m] + r5.T[0][2]*o.w[2][m]
			o.z[1][m] = r5.T[1][0]*o.w[0][m] + r5.T[1][1]*o.w[1][m] + r5.T[1][2]*o.w[2][m]
			o.z[2][m] = r5.T[2][0]*o.w[0][m] + r5.T[2][1]*o.w[1][m] + r5.T[2][2]*o.w[2][m]

		// rms norm of δw
		Lδw = 0.0
		for m := 0; m < o.ndim; m++ {
			Lδw += math.Pow(o.δw[0][m]/o.scal[m], 2.0) + math.Pow(o.δw[1][m]/o.scal[m], 2.0) + math.Pow(o.δw[2][m]/o.scal[m], 2.0)
		Lδw = math.Sqrt(Lδw / float64(3*o.ndim))

		// check convergence
		if it > 0 {
			thq = Lδw / oLδw
			if it == 1 {
				o.θ = thq
			} else {
				o.θ = math.Sqrt(thq * othq)
			othq = thq
			if o.θ < 0.99 {
				o.η = o.θ / (1.0 - o.θ)
				iterr = Lδw * math.Pow(o.θ, float64(o.NmaxIt-o.nit)) / (1.0 - o.θ)
				itRerr = iterr / o.fnewt
				if itRerr >= 1.0 { // diverging
					qnewt = max(1.0e-4, min(20.0, itRerr))
					o.dvfac = 0.8 * math.Pow(qnewt, -1.0/(4.0+float64(o.NmaxIt)-1.0-float64(o.nit)))
					o.diverg = true
			} else { // diverging badly (unexpected step-rejection)
				o.dvfac = 0.5
				o.diverg = true

		// save old norm
		oLδw = Lδw

		// converged
		if o.η*Lδw < o.fnewt {

	// did not converge
	if it == o.NmaxIt-1 {
		chk.Panic("radau5_step failed with it=%d", it)

	// diverging => stop
	if o.diverg {
		rerr = 2.0 // must leave state intact, any rerr is OK

	// error estimate
	if o.LerrStrat == 1 {

		// simple strategy => HW-VII p123 Eq.(8.17) (not good for stiff problems)
		for m := 0; m < o.ndim; m++ {
			o.ez[m] = r5.e0*o.z[0][m] + r5.e1*o.z[1][m] + r5.e2*o.z[2][m]
			o.lerr[m] = r5.γ0*o.h*o.f0[m] + o.ez[m]
			rerr += math.Pow(o.lerr[m]/o.scal[m], 2.0)
		rerr = max(math.Sqrt(rerr/float64(o.ndim)), 1.0e-10)

	} else {

		// common
		if o.hasM {
			for m := 0; m < o.ndim; m++ {
				o.ez[m] = r5.e0*o.z[0][m] + r5.e1*o.z[1][m] + r5.e2*o.z[2][m]
				o.rhs[m] = o.f0[m]
			if o.Distr {
				la.SpMatVecMul(o.δw[0], γ, o.mMat, o.ez)     // δw[0] = γ * M * ez (δw[0] is workspace)
				mpi.AllReduceSumAdd(o.rhs, o.δw[0], o.δw[1]) // rhs += join_with_sum(δw[0]) (δw[1] is workspace)
			} else {
				la.SpMatVecMulAdd(o.rhs, γ, o.mMat, o.ez) // rhs += γ * M * ez
		} else {
			for m := 0; m < o.ndim; m++ {
				o.ez[m] = r5.e0*o.z[0][m] + r5.e1*o.z[1][m] + r5.e2*o.z[2][m]
				o.rhs[m] = o.f0[m] + γ*o.ez[m]

		// HW-VII p123 Eq.(8.19)
		if o.LerrStrat == 2 {
			o.lsolR.SolveR(o.lerr, o.rhs, false)
			rerr = o.rms_norm(o.lerr)

			// HW-VII p123 Eq.(8.20)
		} else {
			o.lsolR.SolveR(o.lerr, o.rhs, false)
			rerr = o.rms_norm(o.lerr)
			if !(rerr < 1.0) {
				if o.first || o.reject {
					for m := 0; m < o.ndim; m++ {
						o.v[0][m] = y0[m] + o.lerr[m] // y0perr
					o.nfeval += 1
					err = o.fcn(o.f[0], o.h, x0, o.v[0], args...) // f0perr
					if err != nil {
					if o.hasM {
						la.VecCopy(o.rhs, 1, o.f[0]) // rhs := f0perr
						if o.Distr {
							la.SpMatVecMul(o.δw[0], γ, o.mMat, o.ez)     // δw[0] = γ * M * ez (δw[0] is workspace)
							mpi.AllReduceSumAdd(o.rhs, o.δw[0], o.δw[1]) // rhs += join_with_sum(δw[0]) (δw[1] is workspace)
						} else {
							la.SpMatVecMulAdd(o.rhs, γ, o.mMat, o.ez) // rhs += γ * M * ez
					} else {
						la.VecAdd2(o.rhs, 1, o.f[0], γ, o.ez) // rhs = f0perr + γ * ez
					o.lsolR.SolveR(o.lerr, o.rhs, false)
					rerr = o.rms_norm(o.lerr)
Exemple #6
func main() {

	defer func() {

	if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
		io.PfYel("\nTest MPI 01\n")
	if mpi.Size() != 3 {
		chk.Panic("this test needs 3 processors")
	n := 11
	x := make([]float64, n)
	id, sz := mpi.Rank(), mpi.Size()
	start, endp1 := (id*n)/sz, ((id+1)*n)/sz
	for i := start; i < endp1; i++ {
		x[i] = float64(i)

	// Barrier

	io.Pfgrey("x @ proc # %d = %v\n", id, x)

	// SumToRoot
	r := make([]float64, n)
	mpi.SumToRoot(r, x)
	var tst testing.T
	if id == 0 {
		chk.Vector(&tst, fmt.Sprintf("SumToRoot:       r @ proc # %d", id), 1e-17, r, []float64{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10})
	} else {
		chk.Vector(&tst, fmt.Sprintf("SumToRoot:       r @ proc # %d", id), 1e-17, r, make([]float64, n))

	// BcastFromRoot
	r[0] = 666
	chk.Vector(&tst, fmt.Sprintf("BcastFromRoot:   r @ proc # %d", id), 1e-17, r, []float64{666, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10})

	// AllReduceSum
	w := make([]float64, n)
	mpi.AllReduceSum(x, w)
	chk.Vector(&tst, fmt.Sprintf("AllReduceSum:    w @ proc # %d", id), 1e-17, w, []float64{110, 110, 110, 1021, 1021, 1021, 2032, 2032, 2032, 3043, 3043})

	// AllReduceSumAdd
	y := []float64{-1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000}
	mpi.AllReduceSumAdd(y, x, w)
	chk.Vector(&tst, fmt.Sprintf("AllReduceSumAdd: y @ proc # %d", id), 1e-17, y, []float64{-890, -890, -890, 21, 21, 21, 1032, 1032, 1032, 2043, 2043})

	// AllReduceMin
	mpi.AllReduceMin(x, w)
	chk.Vector(&tst, fmt.Sprintf("AllReduceMin:    x @ proc # %d", id), 1e-17, x, []float64{0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3})

	// AllReduceMax
	mpi.AllReduceMax(x, w)
	chk.Vector(&tst, fmt.Sprintf("AllReduceMax:    x @ proc # %d", id), 1e-17, x, []float64{100, 100, 100, 1000, 1000, 1000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 3000, 3000})
Exemple #7
// solve_linear_problem solves the linear problem
func solve_linear_problem(t float64, d *Domain, dc *DynCoefs, sum *Summary, first bool) (err error) {

	// assemble right-hand side vector (fb) with **negative** of residuals
	la.VecFill(d.Fb, 0)
	for _, e := range d.Elems {
		err = e.AddToRhs(d.Fb, d.Sol)
		if err != nil {

	// join all fb
	if d.Distr {
		mpi.AllReduceSum(d.Fb, d.Wb) // this must be done here because there might be nodes sharing boundary conditions

	// point natural boundary conditions; e.g. concentrated loads
	d.PtNatBcs.AddToRhs(d.Fb, t)

	// essential boundary conditioins; e.g. constraints
	d.EssenBcs.AddToRhs(d.Fb, d.Sol)

	// assemble and factorise Jacobian matrix just once
	if first {

		// assemble element matrices
		for _, e := range d.Elems {
			err = e.AddToKb(d.Kb, d.Sol, true)
			if err != nil {

		// join A and tr(A) matrices into Kb
		if d.Proc == 0 {

		// initialise linear solver (just once)
		if d.InitLSol {
			err = d.LinSol.InitR(d.Kb, d.Sim.LinSol.Symmetric, d.Sim.LinSol.Verbose, d.Sim.LinSol.Timing)
			if err != nil {
				err = chk.Err("cannot initialise linear solver:\n%v", err)
			d.InitLSol = false

		// perform factorisation (always if not CteTg)
		err = d.LinSol.Fact()
		if err != nil {
			err = chk.Err("factorisation failed:\n%v", err)

	// solve for wb
	err = d.LinSol.SolveR(d.Wb, d.Fb, false)
	if err != nil {
		err = chk.Err("solve failed:%v\n", err)

	// update primary variables (y)
	for i := 0; i < d.Ny; i++ {
		d.Sol.Y[i] += d.Wb[i] // y += δy
		d.Sol.ΔY[i] = d.Wb[i] // ΔY = δy

	// update Lagrange multipliers (λ)
	for i := 0; i < d.Nlam; i++ {
		d.Sol.L[i] += d.Wb[d.Ny+i] // λ += δλ

	// update secondary variables
	for _, e := range d.Elems {
		err = e.Update(d.Sol)
		if err != nil {
Exemple #8
func main() {

	defer func() {

	if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
		chk.PrintTitle("ode04: Hairer-Wanner VII-p376 Transistor Amplifier\n")
	if mpi.Size() != 3 {
		chk.Panic(">> error: this test requires 3 MPI processors\n")

	// data
	UE, UB, UF, ALPHA, BETA := 0.1, 6.0, 0.026, 0.99, 1.0e-6
	R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 := 1000.0, 9000.0, 9000.0, 9000.0, 9000.0, 9000.0
	R6, R7, R8, R9 := 9000.0, 9000.0, 9000.0, 9000.0
	W := 2.0 * 3.141592654 * 100.0

	// initial values
	xa := 0.0
	ya := []float64{0.0,
		UB / (R6/R5 + 1.0),
		UB / (R6/R5 + 1.0),
		UB / (R2/R1 + 1.0),
		UB / (R2/R1 + 1.0),

	// endpoint of integration
	xb := 0.05
	//xb = 0.0123 // OK
	//xb = 0.01235 // !OK

	// right-hand side of the amplifier problem
	w := make([]float64, 8) // workspace
	fcn := func(f []float64, dx, x float64, y []float64, args ...interface{}) error {
		UET := UE * math.Sin(W*x)
		FAC1 := BETA * (math.Exp((y[3]-y[2])/UF) - 1.0)
		FAC2 := BETA * (math.Exp((y[6]-y[5])/UF) - 1.0)
		la.VecFill(f, 0)
		switch mpi.Rank() {
		case 0:
			f[0] = y[0] / R9
		case 1:
			f[1] = (y[1]-UB)/R8 + ALPHA*FAC1
			f[2] = y[2]/R7 - FAC1
		case 2:
			f[3] = y[3]/R5 + (y[3]-UB)/R6 + (1.0-ALPHA)*FAC1
			f[4] = (y[4]-UB)/R4 + ALPHA*FAC2
			f[5] = y[5]/R3 - FAC2
			f[6] = y[6]/R1 + (y[6]-UB)/R2 + (1.0-ALPHA)*FAC2
			f[7] = (y[7] - UET) / R0
		mpi.AllReduceSum(f, w)
		return nil

	// Jacobian of the amplifier problem
	jac := func(dfdy *la.Triplet, dx, x float64, y []float64, args ...interface{}) error {
		FAC14 := BETA * math.Exp((y[3]-y[2])/UF) / UF
		FAC27 := BETA * math.Exp((y[6]-y[5])/UF) / UF
		if dfdy.Max() == 0 {
			dfdy.Init(8, 8, 16)
		NU := 2
		switch mpi.Rank() {
		case 0:
			dfdy.Put(2+0-NU, 0, 1.0/R9)
			dfdy.Put(2+1-NU, 1, 1.0/R8)
			dfdy.Put(1+2-NU, 2, -ALPHA*FAC14)
			dfdy.Put(0+3-NU, 3, ALPHA*FAC14)
			dfdy.Put(2+2-NU, 2, 1.0/R7+FAC14)
		case 1:
			dfdy.Put(1+3-NU, 3, -FAC14)
			dfdy.Put(2+3-NU, 3, 1.0/R5+1.0/R6+(1.0-ALPHA)*FAC14)
			dfdy.Put(3+2-NU, 2, -(1.0-ALPHA)*FAC14)
			dfdy.Put(2+4-NU, 4, 1.0/R4)
			dfdy.Put(1+5-NU, 5, -ALPHA*FAC27)
		case 2:
			dfdy.Put(0+6-NU, 6, ALPHA*FAC27)
			dfdy.Put(2+5-NU, 5, 1.0/R3+FAC27)
			dfdy.Put(1+6-NU, 6, -FAC27)
			dfdy.Put(2+6-NU, 6, 1.0/R1+1.0/R2+(1.0-ALPHA)*FAC27)
			dfdy.Put(3+5-NU, 5, -(1.0-ALPHA)*FAC27)
			dfdy.Put(2+7-NU, 7, 1.0/R0)
		return nil

	// matrix "M"
	c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 := 1.0e-6, 2.0e-6, 3.0e-6, 4.0e-6, 5.0e-6
	var M la.Triplet
	M.Init(8, 8, 14)
	NU := 1
	switch mpi.Rank() {
	case 0:
		M.Put(1+0-NU, 0, -c5)
		M.Put(0+1-NU, 1, c5)
		M.Put(2+0-NU, 0, c5)
		M.Put(1+1-NU, 1, -c5)
		M.Put(1+2-NU, 2, -c4)
		M.Put(1+3-NU, 3, -c3)
	case 1:
		M.Put(0+4-NU, 4, c3)
		M.Put(2+3-NU, 3, c3)
		M.Put(1+4-NU, 4, -c3)
	case 2:
		M.Put(1+5-NU, 5, -c2)
		M.Put(1+6-NU, 6, -c1)
		M.Put(0+7-NU, 7, c1)
		M.Put(2+6-NU, 6, c1)
		M.Put(1+7-NU, 7, -c1)

	// flags
	silent := false
	fixstp := false
	//method := "Dopri5"
	method := "Radau5"
	ndim := len(ya)
	numjac := false

	// structure to hold numerical results
	res := ode.Results{Method: method}

	// ODE solver
	var osol ode.Solver
	osol.Pll = true

	// solve problem
	if numjac {
		osol.Init(method, ndim, fcn, nil, &M, ode.SimpleOutput, silent)
	} else {
		osol.Init(method, ndim, fcn, jac, &M, ode.SimpleOutput, silent)
	osol.IniH = 1.0e-6 // initial step size

	// set tolerances
	atol, rtol := 1e-11, 1e-5
	osol.SetTol(atol, rtol)

	// run
	t0 := time.Now()
	if fixstp {
		osol.Solve(ya, xa, xb, 0.01, fixstp, &res)
	} else {
		osol.Solve(ya, xa, xb, xb-xa, fixstp, &res)

	// plot
	if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
		io.Pfmag("elapsed time = %v\n", time.Now().Sub(t0))
		plt.SetForEps(2.0, 400)
		args := "'b-', marker='.', lw=1, clip_on=0"
		ode.Plot("/tmp/gosl/ode", "hwamplifier_mpi.eps", &res, nil, xa, xb, "", args, func() {
			_, T, err := io.ReadTable("data/radau5_hwamplifier.dat")
			if err != nil {
				chk.Panic("%v", err)
			for j := 0; j < ndim; j++ {
				plt.Subplot(ndim+1, 1, j+1)
				plt.Plot(T["x"], T[io.Sf("y%d", j)], "'k+',label='reference',ms=10")
Exemple #9
func main() {

	defer func() {

	if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
		chk.PrintTitle("ode02: Hairer-Wanner VII-p5 Eq.(1.5) Van der Pol's Equation")
	if mpi.Size() != 2 {
		chk.Panic(">> error: this test requires 2 MPI processors\n")

	eps := 1.0e-6
	w := make([]float64, 2) // workspace
	fcn := func(f []float64, dx, x float64, y []float64, args ...interface{}) error {
		f[0], f[1] = 0, 0
		switch mpi.Rank() {
		case 0:
			f[0] = y[1]
		case 1:
			f[1] = ((1.0-y[0]*y[0])*y[1] - y[0]) / eps
		// join all f
		mpi.AllReduceSum(f, w)
		return nil
	jac := func(dfdy *la.Triplet, dx, x float64, y []float64, args ...interface{}) error {
		if dfdy.Max() == 0 {
			dfdy.Init(2, 2, 4)
		if false { // per column
			switch mpi.Rank() {
			case 0:
				dfdy.Put(0, 0, 0.0)
				dfdy.Put(1, 0, (-2.0*y[0]*y[1]-1.0)/eps)
			case 1:
				dfdy.Put(0, 1, 1.0)
				dfdy.Put(1, 1, (1.0-y[0]*y[0])/eps)
		} else { // per row
			switch mpi.Rank() {
			case 0:
				dfdy.Put(0, 0, 0.0)
				dfdy.Put(0, 1, 1.0)
			case 1:
				dfdy.Put(1, 0, (-2.0*y[0]*y[1]-1.0)/eps)
				dfdy.Put(1, 1, (1.0-y[0]*y[0])/eps)
		return nil

	// method and flags
	silent := false
	fixstp := false
	//method := "Dopri5"
	method := "Radau5"
	numjac := false
	xa, xb := 0.0, 2.0
	ya := []float64{2.0, -0.6}
	ndim := len(ya)

	// structure to hold numerical results
	res := ode.Results{Method: method}

	// allocate ODE object
	var o ode.Solver
	o.Distr = true
	if numjac {
		o.Init(method, ndim, fcn, nil, nil, ode.SimpleOutput, silent)
	} else {
		o.Init(method, ndim, fcn, jac, nil, ode.SimpleOutput, silent)

	// tolerances and initial step size
	rtol := 1e-4
	atol := rtol
	o.IniH = 1.0e-4
	o.SetTol(atol, rtol)
	//o.NmaxSS = 2

	// solve problem
	y := make([]float64, ndim)
	copy(y, ya)
	t0 := time.Now()
	if fixstp {
		o.Solve(y, xa, xb, 0.05, fixstp, &res)
	} else {
		o.Solve(y, xa, xb, xb-xa, fixstp, &res)

	// plot
	if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
		io.Pfmag("elapsed time = %v\n", time.Now().Sub(t0))
		plt.SetForEps(1.5, 400)
		args := "'b-', marker='.', lw=1, ms=4, clip_on=0"
		ode.Plot("/tmp/gosl/ode", "vdpolA_mpi.eps", &res, nil, xa, xb, "", args, func() {
			_, T, err := io.ReadTable("data/vdpol_radau5_for.dat")
			if err != nil {
				chk.Panic("%v", err)
			plt.Subplot(3, 1, 1)
			plt.Plot(T["x"], T["y0"], "'k+',label='reference',ms=7")
			plt.Subplot(3, 1, 2)
			plt.Plot(T["x"], T["y1"], "'k+',label='reference',ms=7")