// String returns the extended key as a human-readable base58-encoded string.
func (k *ExtendedKey) String() (string, error) {
	if len(k.key) == 0 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("zeroed extended key")

	var childNumBytes [4]byte
	depthByte := byte(k.depth % 256)
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(childNumBytes[:], k.childNum)

	// The serialized format is:
	//   version (4) || depth (1) || parent fingerprint (4)) ||
	//   child num (4) || chain code (32) || key data (33) || checksum (4)
	serializedBytes := make([]byte, 0, serializedKeyLen+4)
	serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.version...)
	serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, depthByte)
	serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.parentFP...)
	serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, childNumBytes[:]...)
	serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.chainCode...)
	if k.isPrivate {
		serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, 0x00)
		serializedBytes = paddedAppend(32, serializedBytes, k.key)
	} else {
		serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.pubKeyBytes()...)

	checkSum := chainhash.HashFuncB(chainhash.HashFuncB(serializedBytes))[:4]
	serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, checkSum...)
	return base58.Encode(serializedBytes), nil
// NewKeyFromString returns a new extended key instance from a base58-encoded
// extended key.
func NewKeyFromString(key string) (*ExtendedKey, error) {
	// The base58-decoded extended key must consist of a serialized payload
	// plus an additional 4 bytes for the checksum.
	decoded := base58.Decode(key)
	if len(decoded) != serializedKeyLen+4 {
		return nil, ErrInvalidKeyLen

	// The serialized format is:
	//   version (4) || depth (1) || parent fingerprint (4)) ||
	//   child num (4) || chain code (32) || key data (33) || checksum (4)

	// Split the payload and checksum up and ensure the checksum matches.
	payload := decoded[:len(decoded)-4]
	checkSum := decoded[len(decoded)-4:]
	expectedCheckSum := chainhash.HashFuncB(chainhash.HashFuncB(payload))[:4]
	if !bytes.Equal(checkSum, expectedCheckSum) {
		return nil, ErrBadChecksum

	// Deserialize each of the payload fields.
	version := payload[:4]
	depth := uint16(payload[4:5][0])
	parentFP := payload[5:9]
	childNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(payload[9:13])
	chainCode := payload[13:45]
	keyData := payload[45:78]

	// The key data is a private key if it starts with 0x00.  Serialized
	// compressed pubkeys either start with 0x02 or 0x03.
	isPrivate := keyData[0] == 0x00
	if isPrivate {
		// Ensure the private key is valid.  It must be within the range
		// of the order of the secp256k1 curve and not be 0.
		keyData = keyData[1:]
		keyNum := new(big.Int).SetBytes(keyData)
		if keyNum.Cmp(chainec.Secp256k1.GetN()) >= 0 || keyNum.Sign() == 0 {
			return nil, ErrUnusableSeed
	} else {
		// Ensure the public key parses correctly and is actually on the
		// secp256k1 curve.
		_, err := chainec.Secp256k1.ParsePubKey(keyData)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return newExtendedKey(version, keyData, chainCode, parentFP, depth,
		childNum, isPrivate), nil
Exemple #3
// This example demonstrates signing a message with a secp256k1 private key that
// is first parsed form raw bytes and serializing the generated signature.
func Example_signMessage() {
	// Decode a hex-encoded private key.
	pkBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("22a47fa09a223f2aa079edf85a7c2d4f87" +
	if err != nil {
	privKey, pubKey := secp256k1.PrivKeyFromBytes(secp256k1.S256(), pkBytes)

	// Sign a message using the private key.
	message := "test message"
	messageHash := chainhash.HashFuncB([]byte(message))
	signature, err := privKey.Sign(messageHash)
	if err != nil {

	// Serialize and display the signature.
	fmt.Printf("Serialized Signature: %x\n", signature.Serialize())

	// Verify the signature for the message using the public key.
	verified := signature.Verify(messageHash, pubKey)
	fmt.Printf("Signature Verified? %v\n", verified)

	// Output:
	// Serialized Signature: 3045022100fcc0a8768cfbcefcf2cadd7cfb0fb18ed08dd2e2ae84bef1a474a3d351b26f0302200fc1a350b45f46fa00101391302818d748c2b22615511a3ffd5bb638bd777207
	// Signature Verified? true
Exemple #4
func BenchmarkHashPRNG(b *testing.B) {
	seed := chainhash.HashFuncB([]byte{0x01})
	prng := stake.NewHash256PRNG(seed)

	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
Exemple #5
func TestLotteryNumErrors(t *testing.T) {
	seed := chainhash.HashFuncB([]byte{0x01})
	prng := NewHash256PRNG(seed)

	// Too big pool.
	_, err := FindTicketIdxs(1000000000000, 5, prng)
	if err == nil {
		t.Errorf("Expected pool size too big error")
Exemple #6
func (a *AddrManager) getTriedBucket(netAddr *wire.NetAddress) int {
	// bitcoind hashes this as:
	// doublesha256(key + group + truncate_to_64bits(doublesha256(key))
	// % buckets_per_group) % num_buckets
	data1 := []byte{}
	data1 = append(data1, a.key[:]...)
	data1 = append(data1, []byte(NetAddressKey(netAddr))...)
	hash1 := chainhash.HashFuncB(data1)
	hash64 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(hash1)
	hash64 %= triedBucketsPerGroup
	var hashbuf [8]byte
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)
	data2 := []byte{}
	data2 = append(data2, a.key[:]...)
	data2 = append(data2, GroupKey(netAddr)...)
	data2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)

	hash2 := chainhash.HashFuncB(data2)
	return int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(hash2) % triedBucketCount)
Exemple #7
func (a *AddrManager) getNewBucket(netAddr, srcAddr *wire.NetAddress) int {
	// bitcoind:
	// doublesha256(key + sourcegroup + int64(doublesha256(key + group
	// + sourcegroup))%bucket_per_source_group) % num_new_buckets

	data1 := []byte{}
	data1 = append(data1, a.key[:]...)
	data1 = append(data1, []byte(GroupKey(netAddr))...)
	data1 = append(data1, []byte(GroupKey(srcAddr))...)
	hash1 := chainhash.HashFuncB(data1)
	hash64 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(hash1)
	hash64 %= newBucketsPerGroup
	var hashbuf [8]byte
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)
	data2 := []byte{}
	data2 = append(data2, a.key[:]...)
	data2 = append(data2, GroupKey(srcAddr)...)
	data2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)

	hash2 := chainhash.HashFuncB(data2)
	return int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(hash2) % newBucketCount)
Exemple #8
// BenchmarkHashFuncB performs a benchmark on how long it takes to perform a
// hash returning a byte slice.
func BenchmarkHashFuncB(b *testing.B) {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	if err := genesisCoinbaseTx.Serialize(&buf); err != nil {
		b.Errorf("Serialize: unexpected error: %v", err)
	txBytes := buf.Bytes()

	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		_ = chainhash.HashFuncB(txBytes)
Exemple #9
func TestBasicPRNG(t *testing.T) {
	seed := chainhash.HashFuncB([]byte{0x01})
	prng := stake.NewHash256PRNG(seed)
	for i := 0; i < 100000; i++ {

	lastHashExp, _ := chainhash.NewHashFromStr("24f1cd72aefbfc85a9d3e21e2eb" +
	lastHash := prng.StateHash()
	if *lastHashExp != lastHash {
		t.Errorf("expected final state of %v, got %v", lastHashExp, lastHash)
Exemple #10
// String creates the Wallet Import Format string encoding of a WIF structure.
// See DecodeWIF for a detailed breakdown of the format and requirements of
// a valid WIF string.
func (w *WIF) String() string {
	// Precalculate size.  Maximum number of bytes before base58 encoding
	// is two bytes for the network, one byte for the ECDSA type, 32 bytes
	// of private key and finally four bytes of checksum.
	encodeLen := 2 + 1 + 32 + 4

	a := make([]byte, 0, encodeLen)
	a = append(a, w.netID[:]...)
	a = append(a, byte(w.ecType))
	a = append(a, w.PrivKey.Serialize()...)

	cksum := chainhash.HashFuncB(a)
	a = append(a, cksum[:4]...)
	return base58.Encode(a)
Exemple #11
func TestLotteryNumSelection(t *testing.T) {
	// Test finding ticket indexes.
	seed := chainhash.HashFuncB([]byte{0x01})
	prng := stake.NewHash256PRNG(seed)
	ticketsInPool := int64(56789)
	tooFewTickets := int64(4)
	justEnoughTickets := int64(5)
	ticketsPerBlock := 5

	_, err := stake.FindTicketIdxs(tooFewTickets, ticketsPerBlock, prng)
	if err == nil {
		t.Errorf("got unexpected no error for FindTicketIdxs too few tickets " +

	tickets, err := stake.FindTicketIdxs(ticketsInPool, ticketsPerBlock, prng)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("got unexpected error for FindTicketIdxs 1 test")
	ticketsExp := []int{34850, 8346, 27636, 54482, 25482}
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ticketsExp, tickets) {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected tickets selected; got %v, want %v", tickets,

	// Ensure that it can find all suitable ticket numbers in a small
	// bucket of tickets.
	tickets, err = stake.FindTicketIdxs(justEnoughTickets, ticketsPerBlock, prng)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("got unexpected error for FindTicketIdxs 2 test")
	ticketsExp = []int{3, 0, 4, 2, 1}
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ticketsExp, tickets) {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected tickets selected; got %v, want %v", tickets,

	lastHashExp, _ := chainhash.NewHashFromStr("e97ce54aea63a883a82871e752c" +
	lastHash := prng.StateHash()
	if *lastHashExp != lastHash {
		t.Errorf("expected final state of %v, got %v", lastHashExp, lastHash)
Exemple #12
// NewHash256PRNG creates a pointer to a newly created hash256PRNG.
func NewHash256PRNG(seed []byte) *Hash256PRNG {
	// idx and lastHash are automatically initialized
	// as 0. We initialize the seed by appending a constant
	// to it and hashing to give 32 bytes. This ensures
	// that regardless of the input, the PRNG is always
	// doing a short number of rounds because it only
	// has to hash < 64 byte messages. The constant is
	// derived from the hexadecimal representation of
	// pi.
	cst := []byte{0x24, 0x3F, 0x6A, 0x88,
		0x85, 0xA3, 0x08, 0xD3}
	hp := new(Hash256PRNG)
	hp.seed = chainhash.HashFuncB(append(seed, cst...))
	initLH, err := chainhash.NewHash(hp.seed)
	if err != nil {
		return nil
	hp.seedState = *initLH
	hp.lastHash = *initLH
	hp.idx = 0
	return hp
Exemple #13
// This example demonstrates verifying a secp256k1 signature against a public
// key that is first parsed from raw bytes.  The signature is also parsed from
// raw bytes.
func Example_verifySignature() {
	// Decode hex-encoded serialized public key.
	pubKeyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("02a673638cb9587cb68ea08dbef685c" +
	if err != nil {
	pubKey, err := secp256k1.ParsePubKey(pubKeyBytes, secp256k1.S256())
	if err != nil {

	// Decode hex-encoded serialized signature.
	sigBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("3045022100fcc0a8768cfbcefcf2cadd7cfb0" +
		"fb18ed08dd2e2ae84bef1a474a3d351b26f0302200fc1a350b45f46fa0010139130" +

	if err != nil {
	signature, err := secp256k1.ParseSignature(sigBytes, secp256k1.S256())
	if err != nil {

	// Verify the signature for the message using the public key.
	message := "test message"
	messageHash := chainhash.HashFuncB([]byte(message))
	verified := signature.Verify(messageHash, pubKey)
	fmt.Println("Signature Verified?", verified)

	// Output:
	// Signature Verified? true
Exemple #14
// DecodeWIF creates a new WIF structure by decoding the string encoding of
// the import format.
// The WIF string must be a base58-encoded string of the following byte
// sequence:
//  * 2 bytes to identify the network, must be 0x80 for mainnet or 0xef for testnet
//  * 1 byte for ECDSA type
//  * 32 bytes of a binary-encoded, big-endian, zero-padded private key
//  * 4 bytes of checksum, must equal the first four bytes of the double SHA256
//    of every byte before the checksum in this sequence
// If the base58-decoded byte sequence does not match this, DecodeWIF will
// return a non-nil error.  ErrMalformedPrivateKey is returned when the WIF
// is of an impossible length.  ErrChecksumMismatch is returned if the
// expected WIF checksum does not match the calculated checksum.
func DecodeWIF(wif string) (*WIF, error) {
	decoded := base58.Decode(wif)
	decodedLen := len(decoded)

	if decodedLen != 39 {
		return nil, ErrMalformedPrivateKey

	// Checksum is first four bytes of hash of the identifier byte
	// and privKey.  Verify this matches the final 4 bytes of the decoded
	// private key.
	cksum := chainhash.HashFuncB(decoded[:decodedLen-4])
	if !bytes.Equal(cksum[:4], decoded[decodedLen-4:]) {
		return nil, ErrChecksumMismatch

	netID := [2]byte{decoded[0], decoded[1]}
	var privKey chainec.PrivateKey

	ecType := 0
	switch int(decoded[2]) {
	case chainec.ECTypeSecp256k1:
		privKeyBytes := decoded[3 : 3+chainec.Secp256k1.PrivKeyBytesLen()]
		privKey, _ = chainec.Secp256k1.PrivKeyFromScalar(privKeyBytes)
		ecType = chainec.ECTypeSecp256k1
	case chainec.ECTypeEdwards:
		privKeyBytes := decoded[3 : 3+32]
		privKey, _ = chainec.Edwards.PrivKeyFromScalar(privKeyBytes)
		ecType = chainec.ECTypeEdwards
	case chainec.ECTypeSecSchnorr:
		privKeyBytes := decoded[3 : 3+chainec.SecSchnorr.PrivKeyBytesLen()]
		privKey, _ = chainec.SecSchnorr.PrivKeyFromScalar(privKeyBytes)
		ecType = chainec.ECTypeSecSchnorr

	return &WIF{ecType, privKey, netID}, nil
Exemple #15
// calcSignatureHash will, given a script and hash type for the current script
// engine instance, calculate the signature hash to be used for signing and
// verification.
func calcSignatureHash(script []parsedOpcode, hashType SigHashType,
	tx *wire.MsgTx, idx int, cachedPrefix *chainhash.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
	// The SigHashSingle signature type signs only the corresponding input
	// and output (the output with the same index number as the input).
	// Since transactions can have more inputs than outputs, this means it
	// is improper to use SigHashSingle on input indices that don't have a
	// corresponding output.
	// A bug in the original Satoshi client implementation means specifying
	// an index that is out of range results in a signature hash of 1 (as a
	// uint256 little endian).  The original intent appeared to be to
	// indicate failure, but unfortunately, it was never checked and thus is
	// treated as the actual signature hash.  This buggy behavior is now
	// part of the consensus and a hard fork would be required to fix it.
	// Due to this, care must be taken by software that creates transactions
	// which make use of SigHashSingle because it can lead to an extremely
	// dangerous situation where the invalid inputs will end up signing a
	// hash of 1.  This in turn presents an opportunity for attackers to
	// cleverly construct transactions which can steal those coins provided
	// they can reuse signatures.
	// Decred mitigates this by actually returning an error instead.
	if hashType&sigHashMask == SigHashSingle && idx >= len(tx.TxOut) {
		return nil, ErrSighashSingleIdx

	// Remove all instances of OP_CODESEPARATOR from the script.
	script = removeOpcode(script, OP_CODESEPARATOR)

	// Make a deep copy of the transaction, zeroing out the script for all
	// inputs that are not currently being processed.
	txCopy := tx.Copy()
	for i := range txCopy.TxIn {
		if i == idx {
			// UnparseScript cannot fail here because removeOpcode
			// above only returns a valid script.
			sigScript, _ := unparseScript(script)
			txCopy.TxIn[idx].SignatureScript = sigScript
		} else {
			txCopy.TxIn[i].SignatureScript = nil

	switch hashType & sigHashMask {
	case SigHashNone:
		txCopy.TxOut = txCopy.TxOut[0:0] // Empty slice.
		for i := range txCopy.TxIn {
			if i != idx {
				txCopy.TxIn[i].Sequence = 0

	case SigHashSingle:
		// Resize output array to up to and including requested index.
		txCopy.TxOut = txCopy.TxOut[:idx+1]

		// All but current output get zeroed out.
		for i := 0; i < idx; i++ {
			txCopy.TxOut[i].Value = -1
			txCopy.TxOut[i].PkScript = nil

		// Sequence on all other inputs is 0, too.
		for i := range txCopy.TxIn {
			if i != idx {
				txCopy.TxIn[i].Sequence = 0

		// Consensus treats undefined hashtypes like normal SigHashAll
		// for purposes of hash generation.
	case SigHashOld:
	case SigHashAllValue:
	case SigHashAll:
		// Nothing special here.
	if hashType&SigHashAnyOneCanPay != 0 {
		txCopy.TxIn = txCopy.TxIn[idx : idx+1]
		idx = 0

	// The final hash (message to sign) is the hash of:
	// 1) hash of the prefix ||
	// 2) hash of the witness for signing ||
	// 3) the hash type (encoded as a 4-byte little-endian value)
	var wbuf bytes.Buffer
	binary.Write(&wbuf, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(hashType))

	// Optimization for SIGHASH_ALL. In this case, the prefix hash is
	// the same as the transaction hash because only the inputs have
	// been modified, so don't bother to do the wasteful O(N^2) extra
	// hash here.
	// The caching only works if the "anyone can pay flag" is also
	// disabled.
	var prefixHash chainhash.Hash
	if cachedPrefix != nil &&
		(hashType&sigHashMask == SigHashAll) &&
		(hashType&SigHashAnyOneCanPay == 0) &&
		chaincfg.SigHashOptimization {
		prefixHash = *cachedPrefix
	} else {
		prefixHash = txCopy.TxSha()

	// If the ValueIn is to be included in what we're signing, sign
	// the witness hash that includes it. Otherwise, just sign the
	// prefix and signature scripts.
	var witnessHash chainhash.Hash
	if hashType&sigHashMask != SigHashAllValue {
		witnessHash = txCopy.TxShaWitnessSigning()
	} else {
		witnessHash = txCopy.TxShaWitnessValueSigning()
	return chainhash.HashFuncB(wbuf.Bytes()), nil
Exemple #16
// checksum: first four bytes of hash^2
func checksum(input []byte) (cksum [4]byte) {
	h := chainhash.HashFuncB(input)
	h2 := chainhash.HashFuncB(h[:])
	copy(cksum[:], h2[:4])
Exemple #17
// LoadBestNode is used when the blockchain is initialized, to get the initial
// stake node from the database bucket.  The blockchain must pass the height
// and the blockHash to confirm that the ticket database is on the same
// location in the blockchain as the blockchain itself.  This function also
// checks to ensure that the database has not failed the upgrade process and
// reports the current version.  Upgrades are also handled by this function,
// when they become applicable.
func LoadBestNode(dbTx database.Tx, height uint32, blockHash chainhash.Hash, header wire.BlockHeader, params *chaincfg.Params) (*Node, error) {
	info, err := ticketdb.DbFetchDatabaseInfo(dbTx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Compare the tip and make sure it matches.
	state, err := ticketdb.DbFetchBestState(dbTx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if state.Hash != blockHash || state.Height != height {
		return nil, stakeRuleError(ErrDatabaseCorrupt, "best state corruption")

	// Restore the best node treaps form the database.
	node := new(Node)
	node.height = height
	node.params = params
	node.liveTickets, err = ticketdb.DbLoadAllTickets(dbTx,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if node.liveTickets.Len() != int(state.Live) {
		return nil, stakeRuleError(ErrDatabaseCorrupt,
			fmt.Sprintf("live tickets corruption (got "+
				"%v in state but loaded %v)", int(state.Live),
	node.missedTickets, err = ticketdb.DbLoadAllTickets(dbTx,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if node.missedTickets.Len() != int(state.Missed) {
		return nil, stakeRuleError(ErrDatabaseCorrupt,
			fmt.Sprintf("missed tickets corruption (got "+
				"%v in state but loaded %v)", int(state.Missed),
	node.revokedTickets, err = ticketdb.DbLoadAllTickets(dbTx,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if node.revokedTickets.Len() != int(state.Revoked) {
		return nil, stakeRuleError(ErrDatabaseCorrupt,
			fmt.Sprintf("revoked tickets corruption (got "+
				"%v in state but loaded %v)", int(state.Revoked),

	// Restore the node undo and new tickets data.
	node.databaseUndoUpdate, err = ticketdb.DbFetchBlockUndoData(dbTx, height)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	node.databaseBlockTickets, err = ticketdb.DbFetchNewTickets(dbTx, height)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Restore the next winners for the node.
	node.nextWinners = make([]chainhash.Hash, 0)
	if node.height >= uint32(node.params.StakeValidationHeight-1) {
		node.nextWinners = make([]chainhash.Hash, len(state.NextWinners))
		for i := range state.NextWinners {
			node.nextWinners[i] = state.NextWinners[i]

		// Calculate the final state from the block header.
		stateBuffer := make([]byte, 0,
		for _, ticketHash := range node.nextWinners {
			stateBuffer = append(stateBuffer, ticketHash[:]...)
		hB, err := header.Bytes()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		prng := NewHash256PRNG(hB)
		_, err = findTicketIdxs(int64(node.liveTickets.Len()),
			int(node.params.TicketsPerBlock), prng)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		lastHash := prng.StateHash()
		stateBuffer = append(stateBuffer, lastHash[:]...)
		copy(node.finalState[:], chainhash.HashFuncB(stateBuffer)[0:6])

	log.Infof("Stake database version %v loaded", info.Version)

	return node, nil
Exemple #18
// ReadMessageN reads, validates, and parses the next decred Message from r for
// the provided protocol version and decred network.  It returns the number of
// bytes read in addition to the parsed Message and raw bytes which comprise the
// message.  This function is the same as ReadMessage except it also returns the
// number of bytes read.
func ReadMessageN(r io.Reader, pver uint32, dcrnet CurrencyNet) (int, Message, []byte, error) {
	totalBytes := 0
	n, hdr, err := readMessageHeader(r)
	totalBytes += n
	if err != nil {
		return totalBytes, nil, nil, err

	// Enforce maximum message payload.
	if hdr.length > MaxMessagePayload {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("message payload is too large - header "+
			"indicates %d bytes, but max message payload is %d "+
			"bytes.", hdr.length, MaxMessagePayload)
		return totalBytes, nil, nil, messageError("ReadMessage", str)


	// Check for messages from the wrong decred network.
	if hdr.magic != dcrnet {
		discardInput(r, hdr.length)
		str := fmt.Sprintf("message from other network [%v]", hdr.magic)
		return totalBytes, nil, nil, messageError("ReadMessage", str)

	// Check for malformed commands.
	command := hdr.command
	if !utf8.ValidString(command) {
		discardInput(r, hdr.length)
		str := fmt.Sprintf("invalid command %v", []byte(command))
		return totalBytes, nil, nil, messageError("ReadMessage", str)

	// Create struct of appropriate message type based on the command.
	msg, err := makeEmptyMessage(command)
	if err != nil {
		discardInput(r, hdr.length)
		return totalBytes, nil, nil, messageError("ReadMessage",

	// Check for maximum length based on the message type as a malicious client
	// could otherwise create a well-formed header and set the length to max
	// numbers in order to exhaust the machine's memory.
	mpl := msg.MaxPayloadLength(pver)
	if hdr.length > mpl {
		discardInput(r, hdr.length)
		str := fmt.Sprintf("payload exceeds max length - header "+
			"indicates %v bytes, but max payload size for "+
			"messages of type [%v] is %v.", hdr.length, command, mpl)
		return totalBytes, nil, nil, messageError("ReadMessage", str)

	// Read payload.
	payload := make([]byte, hdr.length)
	n, err = io.ReadFull(r, payload)
	totalBytes += n
	if err != nil {
		return totalBytes, nil, nil, err

	// Test checksum.
	checksum := chainhash.HashFuncB(payload)[0:4]
	if !bytes.Equal(checksum[:], hdr.checksum[:]) {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("payload checksum failed - header "+
			"indicates %v, but actual checksum is %v.",
			hdr.checksum, checksum)
		return totalBytes, nil, nil, messageError("ReadMessage", str)

	// Unmarshal message.  NOTE: This must be a *bytes.Buffer since the
	// MsgVersion BtcDecode function requires it.
	pr := bytes.NewBuffer(payload)
	err = msg.BtcDecode(pr, pver)
	if err != nil {
		return totalBytes, nil, nil, err

	return totalBytes, msg, payload, nil
Exemple #19
// WriteMessageN writes a decred Message to w including the necessary header
// information and returns the number of bytes written.    This function is the
// same as WriteMessage except it also returns the number of bytes written.
func WriteMessageN(w io.Writer, msg Message, pver uint32, dcrnet CurrencyNet) (int, error) {
	totalBytes := 0

	// Enforce max command size.
	var command [CommandSize]byte
	cmd := msg.Command()
	if len(cmd) > CommandSize {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("command [%s] is too long [max %v]",
			cmd, CommandSize)
		return totalBytes, messageError("WriteMessage", str)
	copy(command[:], []byte(cmd))

	// Encode the message payload.
	var bw bytes.Buffer
	err := msg.BtcEncode(&bw, pver)
	if err != nil {
		return totalBytes, err
	payload := bw.Bytes()
	lenp := len(payload)

	// Enforce maximum overall message payload.
	if lenp > MaxMessagePayload {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("message payload is too large - encoded "+
			"%d bytes, but maximum message payload is %d bytes",
			lenp, MaxMessagePayload)
		return totalBytes, messageError("WriteMessage", str)

	// Enforce maximum message payload based on the message type.
	mpl := msg.MaxPayloadLength(pver)
	if uint32(lenp) > mpl {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("message payload is too large - encoded "+
			"%d bytes, but maximum message payload size for "+
			"messages of type [%s] is %d.", lenp, cmd, mpl)
		return totalBytes, messageError("WriteMessage", str)

	// Create header for the message.
	hdr := messageHeader{}
	hdr.magic = dcrnet
	hdr.command = cmd
	hdr.length = uint32(lenp)
	copy(hdr.checksum[:], chainhash.HashFuncB(payload)[0:4])

	// Encode the header for the message.  This is done to a buffer
	// rather than directly to the writer since writeElements doesn't
	// return the number of bytes written.
	hw := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, MessageHeaderSize))
	writeElements(hw, hdr.magic, command, hdr.length, hdr.checksum)

	// Write header.
	n, err := w.Write(hw.Bytes())
	totalBytes += n
	if err != nil {
		return totalBytes, err

	// Write payload.
	n, err = w.Write(payload)
	totalBytes += n
	if err != nil {
		return totalBytes, err

	return totalBytes, nil
Exemple #20
// connectNode connects a child to a parent stake node, returning the
// modified stake node for the child.  It is important to keep in mind that
// the argument node is the parent node, and that the child stake node is
// returned after subsequent modification of the parent node's immutable
// data.
func connectNode(node *Node, header wire.BlockHeader, ticketsSpentInBlock, revokedTickets, newTickets []chainhash.Hash) (*Node, error) {
	if node == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing stake node pointer input when connecting")

	connectedNode := &Node{
		height:               node.height + 1,
		liveTickets:          node.liveTickets,
		missedTickets:        node.missedTickets,
		revokedTickets:       node.revokedTickets,
		databaseUndoUpdate:   make(UndoTicketDataSlice, 0),
		databaseBlockTickets: newTickets,
		nextWinners:          make([]chainhash.Hash, 0),
		params:               node.params,

	// We only have to deal with voted related issues and expiry after
	// StakeEnabledHeight.
	var err error
	if connectedNode.height >= uint32(connectedNode.params.StakeEnabledHeight) {
		// Basic sanity check.
		for i := range ticketsSpentInBlock {
			if !hashInSlice(ticketsSpentInBlock[i], node.nextWinners) {
				return nil, stakeRuleError(ErrUnknownTicketSpent,
					fmt.Sprintf("unknown ticket %v spent in block",

		// Iterate through all possible winners and construct the undo data,
		// updating the live and missed ticket treaps as necessary.  We need
		// to copy the value here so we don't modify it in the previous treap.
		for _, ticket := range node.nextWinners {
			k := tickettreap.Key(ticket)
			v, err := safeGet(connectedNode.liveTickets, k)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			// If it's spent in this block, mark it as being spent.  Otherwise,
			// it was missed.  Spent tickets are dropped from the live ticket
			// bucket, while missed tickets are pushed to the missed ticket
			// bucket.  Because we already know from the above check that the
			// ticket should still be in the live tickets treap, we probably
			// do not have to use the safe delete functions, but do so anyway
			// just to be safe.
			if hashInSlice(ticket, ticketsSpentInBlock) {
				v.Spent = true
				v.Missed = false
				connectedNode.liveTickets, err =
					safeDelete(connectedNode.liveTickets, k)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
			} else {
				v.Spent = false
				v.Missed = true
				connectedNode.liveTickets, err =
					safeDelete(connectedNode.liveTickets, k)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				connectedNode.missedTickets, err =
					safePut(connectedNode.missedTickets, k, v)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err

			connectedNode.databaseUndoUpdate =
				append(connectedNode.databaseUndoUpdate, ticketdb.UndoTicketData{
					TicketHash:   ticket,
					TicketHeight: v.Height,
					Missed:       v.Missed,
					Revoked:      v.Revoked,
					Spent:        v.Spent,
					Expired:      v.Expired,

		// Find the expiring tickets and drop them as well.  We already know what
		// the winners are from the cached information in the previous block, so
		// no drop the results of that here.
		toExpireHeight := uint32(0)
		if connectedNode.height > uint32(connectedNode.params.TicketExpiry) {
			toExpireHeight = connectedNode.height -
		expired := fetchExpired(toExpireHeight, connectedNode.liveTickets)
		for _, treapKey := range expired {
			v, err := safeGet(connectedNode.liveTickets, *treapKey)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			v.Missed = true
			v.Expired = true
			connectedNode.liveTickets, err =
				safeDelete(connectedNode.liveTickets, *treapKey)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			connectedNode.missedTickets, err =
				safePut(connectedNode.missedTickets, *treapKey, v)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			ticketHash := chainhash.Hash(*treapKey)
			connectedNode.databaseUndoUpdate =
				append(connectedNode.databaseUndoUpdate, ticketdb.UndoTicketData{
					TicketHash:   ticketHash,
					TicketHeight: v.Height,
					Missed:       v.Missed,
					Revoked:      v.Revoked,
					Spent:        v.Spent,
					Expired:      v.Expired,

		// Process all the revocations, moving them from the missed to the
		// revoked treap and recording them in the undo data.
		for _, revokedTicket := range revokedTickets {
			v, err := safeGet(connectedNode.missedTickets,
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			v.Revoked = true
			connectedNode.missedTickets, err =
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			connectedNode.revokedTickets, err =
					tickettreap.Key(revokedTicket), v)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			connectedNode.databaseUndoUpdate =
				append(connectedNode.databaseUndoUpdate, ticketdb.UndoTicketData{
					TicketHash:   revokedTicket,
					TicketHeight: v.Height,
					Missed:       v.Missed,
					Revoked:      v.Revoked,
					Spent:        v.Spent,
					Expired:      v.Expired,

	// Add all the new tickets.
	for _, newTicket := range newTickets {
		k := tickettreap.Key(newTicket)
		v := &tickettreap.Value{
			Height:  connectedNode.height,
			Missed:  false,
			Revoked: false,
			Spent:   false,
			Expired: false,
		connectedNode.liveTickets, err =
			safePut(connectedNode.liveTickets, k, v)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		connectedNode.databaseUndoUpdate =
			append(connectedNode.databaseUndoUpdate, ticketdb.UndoTicketData{
				TicketHash:   newTicket,
				TicketHeight: v.Height,
				Missed:       v.Missed,
				Revoked:      v.Revoked,
				Spent:        v.Spent,
				Expired:      v.Expired,

	// The first block voted on is at StakeEnabledHeight, so begin calculating
	// winners at the block before StakeEnabledHeight.
	if connectedNode.height >=
		uint32(connectedNode.params.StakeValidationHeight-1) {
		// Find the next set of winners.
		hB, err := header.Bytes()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		prng := NewHash256PRNG(hB)
		idxs, err := findTicketIdxs(int64(connectedNode.liveTickets.Len()),
			int(connectedNode.params.TicketsPerBlock), prng)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		stateBuffer := make([]byte, 0,
		nextWinnersKeys, err := fetchWinners(idxs, connectedNode.liveTickets)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		for _, treapKey := range nextWinnersKeys {
			ticketHash := chainhash.Hash(*treapKey)
			connectedNode.nextWinners = append(connectedNode.nextWinners,
			stateBuffer = append(stateBuffer, ticketHash[:]...)
		lastHash := prng.StateHash()
		stateBuffer = append(stateBuffer, lastHash[:]...)
		copy(connectedNode.finalState[:], chainhash.HashFuncB(stateBuffer)[0:6])

	return connectedNode, nil
Exemple #21
// Hash160 calculates the hash ripemd160(hash256(b)).
func Hash160(buf []byte) []byte {
	return calcHash(chainhash.HashFuncB(buf), ripemd160.New())
Exemple #22
// disconnectNode disconnects a stake node from itself and returns the state of
// the parent node.  The database transaction should be included if the
// UndoTicketDataSlice or tickets are nil in order to look up the undo data or
// tickets from the database.
func disconnectNode(node *Node, parentHeader wire.BlockHeader, parentUtds UndoTicketDataSlice, parentTickets []chainhash.Hash, dbTx database.Tx) (*Node, error) {
	// Edge case for the parent being the genesis block.
	if node.height == 1 {
		return genesisNode(node.params), nil

	if node == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing stake node pointer input when " +

	// The undo ticket slice is normally stored in memory for the most
	// recent blocks and the sidechain, but it may be the case that it
	// is missing because it's in the mainchain and very old (thus
	// outside the node cache).  In this case, restore this data from
	// disk.
	if parentUtds == nil || parentTickets == nil {
		if dbTx == nil {
			return nil, stakeRuleError(ErrMissingDatabaseTx, "needed to "+
				"look up undo data in the database, but no dbtx passed")

		var err error
		parentUtds, err = ticketdb.DbFetchBlockUndoData(dbTx, node.height-1)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		parentTickets, err = ticketdb.DbFetchNewTickets(dbTx, node.height-1)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	restoredNode := &Node{
		height:               node.height - 1,
		liveTickets:          node.liveTickets,
		missedTickets:        node.missedTickets,
		revokedTickets:       node.revokedTickets,
		databaseUndoUpdate:   parentUtds,
		databaseBlockTickets: parentTickets,
		nextWinners:          make([]chainhash.Hash, 0),
		params:               node.params,

	// Iterate through the block undo data and write all database
	// changes to the respective treap, reversing all the changes
	// added when the child block was added to the chain.
	stateBuffer := make([]byte, 0,
	for _, undo := range node.databaseUndoUpdate {
		var err error
		k := tickettreap.Key(undo.TicketHash)
		v := &tickettreap.Value{
			Height:  undo.TicketHeight,
			Missed:  undo.Missed,
			Revoked: undo.Revoked,
			Spent:   undo.Spent,
			Expired: undo.Expired,

		switch {
		// All flags are unset; this is a newly added ticket.
		// Remove it from the list of live tickets.
		case !undo.Missed && !undo.Revoked && !undo.Spent:
			restoredNode.liveTickets, err =
				safeDelete(restoredNode.liveTickets, k)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

		// The ticket was missed and revoked.  It needs to
		// be moved from the revoked ticket treap to the
		// missed ticket treap.
		case undo.Missed && undo.Revoked:
			v.Revoked = false
			restoredNode.revokedTickets, err =
				safeDelete(restoredNode.revokedTickets, k)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			restoredNode.missedTickets, err =
				safePut(restoredNode.missedTickets, k, v)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

		// The ticket was missed and was previously live.
		// Remove it from the missed tickets bucket and
		// move it to the live tickets bucket.
		case undo.Missed && !undo.Revoked:
			// Expired tickets could never have been
			// winners.
			if !undo.Expired {
				restoredNode.nextWinners = append(restoredNode.nextWinners,
				stateBuffer = append(stateBuffer,
			} else {
				v.Expired = false
			v.Missed = false
			restoredNode.missedTickets, err =
				safeDelete(restoredNode.missedTickets, k)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			restoredNode.liveTickets, err =
				safePut(restoredNode.liveTickets, k, v)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

		// The ticket was spent.  Reinsert it into the live
		// tickets treap and add it to the list of next
		// winners.
		case undo.Spent:
			v.Spent = false
			restoredNode.nextWinners = append(restoredNode.nextWinners,
			stateBuffer = append(stateBuffer, undo.TicketHash[:]...)
			restoredNode.liveTickets, err =
				safePut(restoredNode.liveTickets, k, v)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			return nil, stakeRuleError(ErrMemoryCorruption,
				"unknown ticket state in undo data")

	if node.height >= uint32(node.params.StakeValidationHeight) {
		phB, err := parentHeader.Bytes()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		prng := NewHash256PRNG(phB)
		_, err = findTicketIdxs(int64(restoredNode.liveTickets.Len()),
			int(node.params.TicketsPerBlock), prng)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		lastHash := prng.StateHash()
		stateBuffer = append(stateBuffer, lastHash[:]...)
		copy(restoredNode.finalState[:], chainhash.HashFuncB(stateBuffer)[0:6])

	return restoredNode, nil
Exemple #23
// getWinningTicketsWithStore is a helper function that returns winning tickets
// along with the ticket pool size and transaction store for the given node.
// Note that this function evaluates the lottery data predominantly for mining
// purposes; that is, it retrieves the lottery data which needs to go into
// the next block when mining on top of this block.
// This function is NOT safe for concurrent access.
func (b *BlockChain) getWinningTicketsWithStore(node *blockNode) ([]chainhash.Hash,
	int, [6]byte, TicketStore, error) {
	if node.height < b.chainParams.StakeEnabledHeight {
		return []chainhash.Hash{}, 0, [6]byte{}, nil, nil

	evalLotteryWinners := false
	if node.height >= b.chainParams.StakeValidationHeight-1 {
		evalLotteryWinners = true

	block, err := b.getBlockFromHash(node.hash)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, [6]byte{}, nil, err

	headerB, err := node.header.Bytes()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, [6]byte{}, nil, err

	ticketStore, err := b.fetchTicketStore(node)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, [6]byte{}, nil,
			fmt.Errorf("Failed to generate ticket store for node %v; "+
				"error given: %v", node.hash, err)

	if ticketStore != nil {
		// We need the viewpoint of spendable tickets given that the
		// current block was actually added.
		err = b.connectTickets(ticketStore, node, block)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, 0, [6]byte{}, nil, err

	// Sort the entire list of tickets lexicographically by sorting
	// each bucket and then appending it to the list.
	tpdBucketMap := make(map[uint8][]*TicketPatchData)
	for _, tpd := range ticketStore {
		// Bucket does not exist.
		if _, ok := tpdBucketMap[tpd.td.Prefix]; !ok {
			tpdBucketMap[tpd.td.Prefix] = make([]*TicketPatchData, 1)
			tpdBucketMap[tpd.td.Prefix][0] = tpd
		} else {
			// Bucket exists.
			data := tpdBucketMap[tpd.td.Prefix]
			tpdBucketMap[tpd.td.Prefix] = append(data, tpd)
	totalTickets := 0
	sortedSlice := make([]*stake.TicketData, 0)
	for i := 0; i < stake.BucketsSize; i++ {
		ltb, err := b.GenerateLiveTicketBucket(ticketStore, tpdBucketMap,
		if err != nil {
			h := node.hash
			str := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to generate a live ticket bucket "+
				"to evaluate the lottery data for node %v, height %v! Error "+
				"given: %v",
			return nil, 0, [6]byte{}, nil, fmt.Errorf(str)
		mapLen := len(ltb)

		tempTdSlice := stake.NewTicketDataSlice(mapLen)
		itr := 0 // Iterator
		for _, td := range ltb {
			tempTdSlice[itr] = td
		sortedSlice = append(sortedSlice, tempTdSlice...)

	// Use the parent block's header to seed a PRNG that picks the
	// lottery winners.
	winningTickets := make([]chainhash.Hash, 0)
	var finalState [6]byte
	stateBuffer := make([]byte, 0,
	if evalLotteryWinners {
		ticketsPerBlock := int(b.chainParams.TicketsPerBlock)
		prng := stake.NewHash256PRNG(headerB)
		ts, err := stake.FindTicketIdxs(int64(totalTickets), ticketsPerBlock, prng)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, 0, [6]byte{}, nil, err
		for _, idx := range ts {
			winningTickets = append(winningTickets, sortedSlice[idx].SStxHash)
			stateBuffer = append(stateBuffer, sortedSlice[idx].SStxHash[:]...)

		lastHash := prng.StateHash()
		stateBuffer = append(stateBuffer, lastHash[:]...)
		copy(finalState[:], chainhash.HashFuncB(stateBuffer)[0:6])

	return winningTickets, totalTickets, finalState, ticketStore, nil