Exemple #1
func loadProgramSource(filename string) ([][]byte, []cl.CL_size_t, error) {
	var program_buffer [1][]byte
	var program_size [1]cl.CL_size_t

	/* Read each program file and place content into buffer array */
	program_handle, err := os.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	defer program_handle.Close()

	fi, err := program_handle.Stat()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	program_size[0] = cl.CL_size_t(fi.Size())
	program_buffer[0] = make([]byte, program_size[0])
	read_size, err := program_handle.Read(program_buffer[0])
	if err != nil || cl.CL_size_t(read_size) != program_size[0] {
		return nil, nil, err

	return program_buffer[:], program_size[:], nil
Exemple #2
func (d *Device) runDevice() error {
	minrLog.Infof("Started GPU #%d", d.index)
	outputData := make([]uint32, outputBufferSize)
	var status cl.CL_int
	for {

		select {
		case <-d.quit:
			return nil

		// Increment nonce1

		// arg 0: pointer to the buffer
		obuf := d.outputBuffer
		status = cl.CLSetKernelArg(d.kernel, 0, cl.CL_size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(obuf)), unsafe.Pointer(&obuf))
		if status != cl.CL_SUCCESS {
			return clError(status, "CLSetKernelArg")

		// args 1..8: midstate
		for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
			ms := d.midstate[i]
			status = cl.CLSetKernelArg(d.kernel, cl.CL_uint(i+1), uint32Size, unsafe.Pointer(&ms))
			if status != cl.CL_SUCCESS {
				return clError(status, "CLSetKernelArg")

		// args 9..20: lastBlock except nonce
		i2 := 0
		for i := 0; i < 12; i++ {
			if i2 == nonce0Word {
			lb := d.lastBlock[i2]
			status = cl.CLSetKernelArg(d.kernel, cl.CL_uint(i+9), uint32Size, unsafe.Pointer(&lb))
			if status != cl.CL_SUCCESS {
				return clError(status, "CLSetKernelArg")

		// Clear the found count from the buffer
		status = cl.CLEnqueueWriteBuffer(d.queue, d.outputBuffer, cl.CL_FALSE, 0, uint32Size, unsafe.Pointer(&zeroSlice[0]), 0, nil, nil)
		if status != cl.CL_SUCCESS {
			return clError(status, "CLEnqueueWriteBuffer")

		// Execute the kernel
		var globalWorkSize [1]cl.CL_size_t
		globalWorkSize[0] = globalWorksize
		var localWorkSize [1]cl.CL_size_t
		localWorkSize[0] = localWorksize
		status = cl.CLEnqueueNDRangeKernel(d.queue, d.kernel, 1, nil, globalWorkSize[:], localWorkSize[:], 0, nil, nil)
		if status != cl.CL_SUCCESS {
			return clError(status, "CLEnqueueNDRangeKernel")

		// Read the output buffer
		cl.CLEnqueueReadBuffer(d.queue, d.outputBuffer, cl.CL_TRUE, 0, uint32Size*outputBufferSize, unsafe.Pointer(&outputData[0]), 0, nil, nil)
		if status != cl.CL_SUCCESS {
			return clError(status, "CLEnqueueReadBuffer")

		for i := uint32(0); i < outputData[0]; i++ {
			minrLog.Debugf("Found candidate: %d", outputData[i+1])
			d.foundCandidate(d.lastBlock[nonce1Word], outputData[i+1])

		d.workDoneLast += globalWorksize
		d.workDoneTotal += globalWorksize
Exemple #3
package main

import (


const (
	outputBufferSize = cl.CL_size_t(64)
	globalWorksize   = 65536 * 1024
	localWorksize    = 64
	uint32Size       = cl.CL_size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(cl.CL_uint(0)))

	nonce0Word = 3
	nonce1Word = 4
	nonce2Word = 5

var zeroSlice = []cl.CL_uint{cl.CL_uint(0)}

func loadProgramSource(filename string) ([][]byte, []cl.CL_size_t, error) {
	var program_buffer [1][]byte
	var program_size [1]cl.CL_size_t

	/* Read each program file and place content into buffer array */