Exemple #1
// RateLimited returns a rate limited Notifier. only limit goroutines
// will be spawned. If limit is zero, no rate limiting happens. This
// is the same as `Notifier{}`.
func RateLimited(limit int) Notifier {
	n := Notifier{}
	if limit > 0 {
		n.lim = ratelimit.NewRateLimiter(process.Background(), limit)
	return n
Exemple #2
func (bs *Bitswap) provideWorker(px process.Process) {

	limiter := ratelimit.NewRateLimiter(px, provideWorkerMax)

	limitedGoProvide := func(k key.Key, wid int) {
		ev := logging.LoggableMap{"ID": wid}
		limiter.LimitedGo(func(px process.Process) {

			ctx := procctx.OnClosingContext(px) // derive ctx from px
			defer log.EventBegin(ctx, "Bitswap.ProvideWorker.Work", ev, &k).Done()

			ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, provideTimeout) // timeout ctx
			defer cancel()

			if err := bs.network.Provide(ctx, k); err != nil {

	// worker spawner, reads from bs.provideKeys until it closes, spawning a
	// _ratelimited_ number of workers to handle each key.
	limiter.Go(func(px process.Process) {
		for wid := 2; ; wid++ {
			ev := logging.LoggableMap{"ID": 1}
			log.Event(procctx.OnClosingContext(px), "Bitswap.ProvideWorker.Loop", ev)

			select {
			case <-px.Closing():
			case k, ok := <-bs.provideKeys:
				if !ok {
					log.Debug("provideKeys channel closed")
				limitedGoProvide(k, wid)
Exemple #3
func (s *Swarm) dialAddrs(ctx context.Context, d *conn.Dialer, p peer.ID, remoteAddrs []ma.Multiaddr) (conn.Conn, error) {

	// try to connect to one of the peer's known addresses.
	// we dial concurrently to each of the addresses, which:
	// * makes the process faster overall
	// * attempts to get the fastest connection available.
	// * mitigates the waste of trying bad addresses
	log.Debugf("%s swarm dialing %s %s", s.local, p, remoteAddrs)

	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
	defer cancel() // cancel work when we exit func

	foundConn := make(chan struct{})
	conns := make(chan conn.Conn, len(remoteAddrs))
	errs := make(chan error, len(remoteAddrs))

	// dialSingleAddr is used in the rate-limited async thing below.
	dialSingleAddr := func(addr ma.Multiaddr) {
		connC, err := s.dialAddr(ctx, d, p, addr)

		// check parent still wants our results
		select {
		case <-foundConn:
			if connC != nil {

		if err != nil {
			errs <- err
		} else if connC == nil {
			errs <- fmt.Errorf("failed to dial %s %s", p, addr)
		} else {
			conns <- connC

	// this whole thing is in a goroutine so we can use foundConn
	// to end early.
	go func() {
		// rate limiting just in case. at most 10 addrs at once.
		limiter := ratelimit.NewRateLimiter(process.Background(), 10)
		limiter.Go(func(worker process.Process) {
			// permute addrs so we try different sets first each time.
			for _, i := range rand.Perm(len(remoteAddrs)) {
				select {
				case <-foundConn: // if one of them succeeded already
				case <-worker.Closing(): // our context was cancelled

				workerAddr := remoteAddrs[i] // shadow variable to avoid race
				limiter.LimitedGo(func(worker process.Process) {

		processctx.CloseAfterContext(limiter, ctx)

	// wair fot the results.
	exitErr := fmt.Errorf("failed to dial %s", p)
	for i := 0; i < len(remoteAddrs); i++ {
		select {
		case exitErr = <-errs: //
			log.Debug("dial error: ", exitErr)
		case connC := <-conns:
			// take the first + return asap
			return connC, nil
	return nil, exitErr