Exemple #1
// migrateLegacySqliteLinks migrates sqlite links to use links from HostConfig
// when sqlite links were used, hostConfig.Links was set to nil
func (daemon *Daemon) migrateLegacySqliteLinks(db *graphdb.Database, container *container.Container) error {
	// if links is populated (or an empty slice), then this isn't using sqlite links and can be skipped
	if container.HostConfig == nil || container.HostConfig.Links != nil {
		return nil

	logrus.Debugf("migrating legacy sqlite link info for container: %s", container.ID)

	fullName := container.Name
	if fullName[0] != '/' {
		fullName = "/" + fullName

	// don't use a nil slice, this ensures that the check above will skip once the migration has completed
	links := []string{}
	children, err := db.Children(fullName, 0)
	if err != nil {
		if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Cannot find child for") {
			return err
		// else continue... it's ok if we didn't find any children, it'll just be nil and we can continue the migration

	for _, child := range children {
		c, err := daemon.GetContainer(child.Entity.ID())
		if err != nil {
			return err

		links = append(links, c.Name+":"+child.Edge.Name)

	container.HostConfig.Links = links
	return container.WriteHostConfig()