Exemple #1
func TestAutoAcceptOptionSetConflict(t *testing.T) {
	opt := NewAutoAcceptOption()
	assert.NilError(t, opt.Set("manager"))
	assert.Error(t, opt.Set("none"), "value NONE is incompatible with MANAGER")

	opt = NewAutoAcceptOption()
	assert.NilError(t, opt.Set("none"))
	assert.Error(t, opt.Set("worker"), "value NONE is incompatible with WORKER")
Exemple #2
func TestAutoAcceptOptionSetConflict(t *testing.T) {
	opt := NewAutoAcceptOption()
	assert.Error(t, opt.Set("none,manager"), "value NONE cannot be specified alongside other node types")

	opt = NewAutoAcceptOption()
	assert.Error(t, opt.Set("none,worker"), "value NONE cannot be specified alongside other node types")

	opt = NewAutoAcceptOption()
	assert.Error(t, opt.Set("worker,none,manager"), "value NONE cannot be specified alongside other node types")

	opt = NewAutoAcceptOption()
	assert.Error(t, opt.Set("worker,manager,none"), "value NONE cannot be specified alongside other node types")
Exemple #3
func TestExitStatusForInvalidSubcommandWithHelpFlag(t *testing.T) {
	discard := ioutil.Discard
	cmd := newDockerCommand(command.NewDockerCli(os.Stdin, discard, discard))
	cmd.SetArgs([]string{"help", "invalid"})
	err := cmd.Execute()
	assert.Error(t, err, "unknown help topic: invalid")
Exemple #4
func TestExternalCAOptionErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		externalCA    string
		expectedError string
			externalCA:    "",
			expectedError: "EOF",
			externalCA:    "anything",
			expectedError: "invalid field 'anything' must be a key=value pair",
			externalCA:    "foo=bar",
			expectedError: "the external-ca option needs a protocol= parameter",
			externalCA:    "protocol=baz",
			expectedError: "unrecognized external CA protocol baz",
			externalCA:    "protocol=cfssl",
			expectedError: "the external-ca option needs a url= parameter",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		opt := &ExternalCAOption{}
		assert.Error(t, opt.Set(tc.externalCA), tc.expectedError)
func TestDaemonCommand(t *testing.T) {
	cmd := newDaemonCommand()
	err := cmd.Execute()

	assert.Error(t, err, "Please run `dockerd`")
Exemple #6
func TestNodeRemoveErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		args           []string
		nodeRemoveFunc func() error
		expectedError  string
			expectedError: "requires at least 1 argument",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeRemoveFunc: func() error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error removing the node")
			expectedError: "error removing the node",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newRemoveCommand(
				nodeRemoveFunc: tc.nodeRemoveFunc,
			}, buf))
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
Exemple #7
func TestSwarmLeaveErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name           string
		args           []string
		swarmLeaveFunc func() error
		expectedError  string
			name:          "too-many-args",
			args:          []string{"foo"},
			expectedError: "accepts no argument(s)",
			name: "leave-failed",
			swarmLeaveFunc: func() error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error leaving the swarm")
			expectedError: "error leaving the swarm",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newLeaveCommand(
				swarmLeaveFunc: tc.swarmLeaveFunc,
			}, buf))
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
Exemple #8
func TestConvertHealthcheckDisableWithTest(t *testing.T) {
	source := &composetypes.HealthCheckConfig{
		Disable: true,
		Test:    []string{"EXEC", "touch"},
	_, err := convertHealthcheck(source)
	assert.Error(t, err, "test and disable can't be set")
Exemple #9
func TestHealthCheckOptionsToHealthConfigConflict(t *testing.T) {
	opt := healthCheckOptions{
		cmd:           "curl",
		noHealthcheck: true,
	_, err := opt.toHealthConfig()
	assert.Error(t, err, "--no-healthcheck conflicts with --health-* options")
Exemple #10
func TestConvertVolumeToMountInvalidFormat(t *testing.T) {
	namespace := NewNamespace("foo")
	invalids := []string{"::", "::cc", ":bb:", "aa::", "aa::cc", "aa:bb:", " : : ", " : :cc", " :bb: ", "aa: : ", "aa: :cc", "aa:bb: "}
	for _, vol := range invalids {
		_, err := convertVolumeToMount(vol, volumes{}, namespace)
		assert.Error(t, err, "invalid volume: "+vol)
Exemple #11
func TestUpdateDNSConfig(t *testing.T) {
	flags := newUpdateCommand(nil).Flags()

	// IPv4, with duplicates
	flags.Set("dns-add", "")
	flags.Set("dns-add", "")
	flags.Set("dns-add", "")
	flags.Set("dns-rm", "")
	flags.Set("dns-rm", "")
	// IPv6
	flags.Set("dns-add", "2001:db8:abc8::1")
	// Invalid dns record
	assert.Error(t, flags.Set("dns-add", "x.y.z.w"), "x.y.z.w is not an ip address")

	// domains with duplicates
	flags.Set("dns-search-add", "example.com")
	flags.Set("dns-search-add", "example.com")
	flags.Set("dns-search-add", "example.org")
	flags.Set("dns-search-rm", "example.org")
	// Invalid dns search domain
	assert.Error(t, flags.Set("dns-search-add", "example$com"), "example$com is not a valid domain")

	flags.Set("dns-option-add", "ndots:9")
	flags.Set("dns-option-rm", "timeout:3")

	config := &swarm.DNSConfig{
		Nameservers: []string{"", ""},
		Search:      []string{"localdomain"},
		Options:     []string{"timeout:3"},

	updateDNSConfig(flags, &config)

	assert.Equal(t, len(config.Nameservers), 3)
	assert.Equal(t, config.Nameservers[0], "")
	assert.Equal(t, config.Nameservers[1], "2001:db8:abc8::1")
	assert.Equal(t, config.Nameservers[2], "")

	assert.Equal(t, len(config.Search), 2)
	assert.Equal(t, config.Search[0], "example.com")
	assert.Equal(t, config.Search[1], "localdomain")

	assert.Equal(t, len(config.Options), 1)
	assert.Equal(t, config.Options[0], "ndots:9")
Exemple #12
func TestLoadFileSyntaxError(t *testing.T) {
	reader := strings.NewReader(`{
		"Version": "0.1",
		"Services": unquoted string

	_, err := LoadFile(reader)
	assert.Error(t, err, "syntax error at byte 37: invalid character 'u'")
Exemple #13
func TestNodeUpdateErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		args            []string
		flags           map[string]string
		nodeInspectFunc func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
		nodeUpdateFunc  func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error
		expectedError   string
			expectedError: "requires exactly 1 argument",
			args:          []string{"node1", "node2"},
			expectedError: "requires exactly 1 argument",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return swarm.Node{}, []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the node")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the node",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeUpdateFunc: func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error updating the node")
			expectedError: "error updating the node",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(NodeLabels(map[string]string{
					"key": "value",
				})), []byte{}, nil
			flags: map[string]string{
				"label-rm": "notpresent",
			expectedError: "key notpresent doesn't exist in node's labels",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newUpdateCommand(
				nodeInspectFunc: tc.nodeInspectFunc,
				nodeUpdateFunc:  tc.nodeUpdateFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
Exemple #14
func TestFindConfigurationConflicts(t *testing.T) {
	config := map[string]interface{}{"authorization-plugins": "foobar"}
	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)

	flags.String("authorization-plugins", "", "")
	assert.NilError(t, flags.Set("authorization-plugins", "asdf"))

		findConfigurationConflicts(config, flags),
		"authorization-plugins: (from flag: asdf, from file: foobar)")
Exemple #15
func TestContainersPruneError(t *testing.T) {
	client := &Client{
		client:  newMockClient(errorMock(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Server error")),
		version: "1.25",

	filters := filters.NewArgs()

	_, err := client.ContainersPrune(context.Background(), filters)
	assert.Error(t, err, "Error response from daemon: Server error")
Exemple #16
func TestFindConfigurationConflictsWithNamedOptions(t *testing.T) {
	config := map[string]interface{}{"hosts": []string{"qwer"}}
	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.ContinueOnError)

	var hosts []string
	flags.VarP(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("hosts", &hosts, opts.ValidateHost), "host", "H", "Daemon socket(s) to connect to")
	assert.NilError(t, flags.Set("host", "tcp://"))
	assert.NilError(t, flags.Set("host", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"))

	assert.Error(t, findConfigurationConflicts(config, flags), "hosts")
Exemple #17
func TestUpdatePortsConflictingFlags(t *testing.T) {
	// Test case for #25375
	flags := newUpdateCommand(nil).Flags()
	flags.Set("publish-add", "80:80")
	flags.Set("publish-add", "80:20")

	portConfigs := []swarm.PortConfig{
		{TargetPort: 80, PublishedPort: 80},

	err := updatePorts(flags, &portConfigs)
	assert.Error(t, err, "conflicting port mapping")
Exemple #18
func TestLoadFileTypeError(t *testing.T) {
	reader := strings.NewReader(`{
		"Version": "0.1",
		"Services": {
			"web": {
				"Image": "redis",
				"Networks": "none"

	_, err := LoadFile(reader)
	assert.Error(t, err, "Unexpected type at byte 94. Expected []string but received string")
Exemple #19
func TestLoadDaemonCliConfigWithConflicts(t *testing.T) {
	tempFile := tempfile.NewTempFile(t, "config", `{"labels": ["l3=foo"]}`)
	defer tempFile.Remove()
	configFile := tempFile.Name()

	opts := defaultOptions(configFile)
	flags := opts.flags

	assert.NilError(t, flags.Set(flagDaemonConfigFile, configFile))
	assert.NilError(t, flags.Set("label", "l1=bar"))
	assert.NilError(t, flags.Set("label", "l2=baz"))

	_, err := loadDaemonCliConfig(opts)
	assert.Error(t, err, "as a flag and in the configuration file: labels")
Exemple #20
func TestNodePsErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		args            []string
		flags           map[string]string
		infoFunc        func() (types.Info, error)
		nodeInspectFunc func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
		taskListFunc    func(options types.TaskListOptions) ([]swarm.Task, error)
		taskInspectFunc func(taskID string) (swarm.Task, []byte, error)
		expectedError   string
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{}, fmt.Errorf("error asking for node info")
			expectedError: "error asking for node info",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return swarm.Node{}, []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the node")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the node",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			taskListFunc: func(options types.TaskListOptions) ([]swarm.Task, error) {
				return []swarm.Task{}, fmt.Errorf("error returning the task list")
			expectedError: "error returning the task list",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newPsCommand(
				infoFunc:        tc.infoFunc,
				nodeInspectFunc: tc.nodeInspectFunc,
				taskInspectFunc: tc.taskInspectFunc,
				taskListFunc:    tc.taskListFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
Exemple #21
func TestPortOptInvalidComplexSyntax(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		value         string
		expectedError string
			value:         "invalid,target=80",
			expectedError: "invalid field",
			value:         "invalid=field",
			expectedError: "invalid field",
			value:         "protocol=invalid",
			expectedError: "invalid protocol value",
			value:         "target=invalid",
			expectedError: "invalid syntax",
			value:         "published=invalid",
			expectedError: "invalid syntax",
			value:         "mode=invalid",
			expectedError: "invalid publish mode value",
			value:         "published=8080,protocol=tcp,mode=ingress",
			expectedError: "missing mandatory field",
			value:         `target=80,protocol="tcp,mode=ingress"`,
			expectedError: "non-quoted-field",
			value:         `target=80,"protocol=tcp,mode=ingress"`,
			expectedError: "invalid protocol value",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		var port PortOpt
		assert.Error(t, port.Set(tc.value), tc.expectedError)
Exemple #22
func TestSwarmJoinErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name          string
		args          []string
		swarmJoinFunc func() error
		infoFunc      func() (types.Info, error)
		expectedError string
			name:          "not-enough-args",
			expectedError: "requires exactly 1 argument",
			name:          "too-many-args",
			args:          []string{"remote1", "remote2"},
			expectedError: "requires exactly 1 argument",
			name: "join-failed",
			args: []string{"remote"},
			swarmJoinFunc: func() error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error joining the swarm")
			expectedError: "error joining the swarm",
			name: "join-failed-on-init",
			args: []string{"remote"},
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{}, fmt.Errorf("error asking for node info")
			expectedError: "error asking for node info",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newJoinCommand(
				swarmJoinFunc: tc.swarmJoinFunc,
				infoFunc:      tc.infoFunc,
			}, buf))
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
Exemple #23
func TestUpdateHosts(t *testing.T) {
	flags := newUpdateCommand(nil).Flags()
	flags.Set("host-add", "example.net:")
	flags.Set("host-add", "ipv6.net:2001:db8:abc8::1")
	// remove with ipv6 should work
	flags.Set("host-rm", "example.net:2001:db8:abc8::1")
	// just hostname should work as well
	flags.Set("host-rm", "example.net")
	// bad format error
	assert.Error(t, flags.Set("host-add", "$example.com$"), "bad format for add-host:")

	hosts := []string{" example.com", " example.org", "2001:db8:abc8::1 example.net"}

	updateHosts(flags, &hosts)
	assert.Equal(t, len(hosts), 3)
	assert.Equal(t, hosts[0], " example.com")
	assert.Equal(t, hosts[1], "2001:db8:abc8::1 ipv6.net")
	assert.Equal(t, hosts[2], " example.org")
Exemple #24
// FIXME(vdemeester) port to opts.PortOpt
func TestValidatePort(t *testing.T) {
	validPorts := []string{"80/tcp", "80", "80/udp"}
	invalidPorts := map[string]string{
		"9999999":   "out of range",
		"80:80/tcp": "invalid port format",
		"53:53/udp": "invalid port format",
		"80:80":     "invalid port format",
		"80/xyz":    "invalid protocol",
		"tcp":       "invalid syntax",
		"udp":       "invalid syntax",
		"":          "invalid protocol",
	for _, port := range validPorts {
		_, err := validatePublishRemove(port)
		assert.Equal(t, err, nil)
	for port, e := range invalidPorts {
		_, err := validatePublishRemove(port)
		assert.Error(t, err, e)
Exemple #25
func TestMountOptVolumeNoCopy(t *testing.T) {
	var m MountOpt
	assert.Error(t, m.Set("type=volume,target=/foo,volume-nocopy"), "source is required")

	m = MountOpt{}
	assert.NilError(t, m.Set("type=volume,target=/foo,source=foo"))
	assert.Equal(t, m.values[0].VolumeOptions == nil, true)

	m = MountOpt{}
	assert.NilError(t, m.Set("type=volume,target=/foo,source=foo,volume-nocopy=true"))
	assert.Equal(t, m.values[0].VolumeOptions != nil, true)
	assert.Equal(t, m.values[0].VolumeOptions.NoCopy, true)

	m = MountOpt{}
	assert.NilError(t, m.Set("type=volume,target=/foo,source=foo,volume-nocopy"))
	assert.Equal(t, m.values[0].VolumeOptions != nil, true)
	assert.Equal(t, m.values[0].VolumeOptions.NoCopy, true)

	m = MountOpt{}
	assert.NilError(t, m.Set("type=volume,target=/foo,source=foo,volume-nocopy=1"))
	assert.Equal(t, m.values[0].VolumeOptions != nil, true)
	assert.Equal(t, m.values[0].VolumeOptions.NoCopy, true)
Exemple #26
func TestNodeDemoteErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		args            []string
		nodeInspectFunc func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
		nodeUpdateFunc  func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error
		expectedError   string
			expectedError: "requires at least 1 argument",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return swarm.Node{}, []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the node")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the node",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeUpdateFunc: func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error updating the node")
			expectedError: "error updating the node",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newDemoteCommand(
				nodeInspectFunc: tc.nodeInspectFunc,
				nodeUpdateFunc:  tc.nodeUpdateFunc,
			}, buf))
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
Exemple #27
func TestNodeListErrorOnAPIFailure(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		nodeListFunc  func() ([]swarm.Node, error)
		infoFunc      func() (types.Info, error)
		expectedError string
			nodeListFunc: func() ([]swarm.Node, error) {
				return []swarm.Node{}, fmt.Errorf("error listing nodes")
			expectedError: "error listing nodes",
			nodeListFunc: func() ([]swarm.Node, error) {
				return []swarm.Node{
						ID: "nodeID",
				}, nil
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{}, fmt.Errorf("error asking for node info")
			expectedError: "error asking for node info",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newListCommand(
				nodeListFunc: tc.nodeListFunc,
				infoFunc:     tc.infoFunc,
			}, buf))
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
Exemple #28
func TestUpdateHealthcheckTable(t *testing.T) {
	type test struct {
		flags    [][2]string
		initial  *container.HealthConfig
		expected *container.HealthConfig
		err      string
	testCases := []test{
			flags:    [][2]string{{"no-healthcheck", "true"}},
			initial:  &container.HealthConfig{Test: []string{"CMD-SHELL", "cmd1"}, Retries: 10},
			expected: &container.HealthConfig{Test: []string{"NONE"}},
			flags:    [][2]string{{"health-cmd", "cmd1"}},
			initial:  &container.HealthConfig{Test: []string{"NONE"}},
			expected: &container.HealthConfig{Test: []string{"CMD-SHELL", "cmd1"}},
			flags:    [][2]string{{"health-retries", "10"}},
			initial:  &container.HealthConfig{Test: []string{"NONE"}},
			expected: &container.HealthConfig{Retries: 10},
			flags:    [][2]string{{"health-retries", "10"}},
			initial:  &container.HealthConfig{Test: []string{"CMD", "cmd1"}},
			expected: &container.HealthConfig{Test: []string{"CMD", "cmd1"}, Retries: 10},
			flags:    [][2]string{{"health-interval", "1m"}},
			initial:  &container.HealthConfig{Test: []string{"CMD", "cmd1"}},
			expected: &container.HealthConfig{Test: []string{"CMD", "cmd1"}, Interval: time.Minute},
			flags:    [][2]string{{"health-cmd", ""}},
			initial:  &container.HealthConfig{Test: []string{"CMD", "cmd1"}, Retries: 10},
			expected: &container.HealthConfig{Retries: 10},
			flags:    [][2]string{{"health-retries", "0"}},
			initial:  &container.HealthConfig{Test: []string{"CMD", "cmd1"}, Retries: 10},
			expected: &container.HealthConfig{Test: []string{"CMD", "cmd1"}},
			flags: [][2]string{{"health-cmd", "cmd1"}, {"no-healthcheck", "true"}},
			err:   "--no-healthcheck conflicts with --health-* options",
			flags: [][2]string{{"health-interval", "10m"}, {"no-healthcheck", "true"}},
			err:   "--no-healthcheck conflicts with --health-* options",
			flags: [][2]string{{"health-timeout", "1m"}, {"no-healthcheck", "true"}},
			err:   "--no-healthcheck conflicts with --health-* options",
	for i, c := range testCases {
		flags := newUpdateCommand(nil).Flags()
		for _, flag := range c.flags {
			flags.Set(flag[0], flag[1])
		cspec := &swarm.ContainerSpec{
			Healthcheck: c.initial,
		err := updateHealthcheck(flags, cspec)
		if c.err != "" {
			assert.Error(t, err, c.err)
		} else {
			assert.NilError(t, err)
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(cspec.Healthcheck, c.expected) {
				t.Errorf("incorrect result for test %d, expected health config:\n\t%#v\ngot:\n\t%#v", i, c.expected, cspec.Healthcheck)
Exemple #29
func TestContainerContextWrite(t *testing.T) {
	unixTime := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1).Unix()
	expectedTime := time.Unix(unixTime, 0).String()

	cases := []struct {
		context  Context
		expected string
		// Errors
			Context{Format: "{{InvalidFunction}}"},
			`Template parsing error: template: :1: function "InvalidFunction" not defined
			Context{Format: "{{nil}}"},
			`Template parsing error: template: :1:2: executing "" at <nil>: nil is not a command
		// Table Format
			Context{Format: NewContainerFormat("table", false, true)},
			`CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES               SIZE
containerID1        ubuntu              ""                  24 hours ago                                                foobar_baz          0 B
containerID2        ubuntu              ""                  24 hours ago                                                foobar_bar          0 B
			Context{Format: NewContainerFormat("table", false, false)},
			`CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
containerID1        ubuntu              ""                  24 hours ago                                                foobar_baz
containerID2        ubuntu              ""                  24 hours ago                                                foobar_bar
			Context{Format: NewContainerFormat("table {{.Image}}", false, false)},
			Context{Format: NewContainerFormat("table {{.Image}}", false, true)},
			Context{Format: NewContainerFormat("table {{.Image}}", true, false)},
			Context{Format: NewContainerFormat("table", true, false)},
		// Raw Format
			Context{Format: NewContainerFormat("raw", false, false)},
			fmt.Sprintf(`container_id: containerID1
image: ubuntu
command: ""
created_at: %s
names: foobar_baz

container_id: containerID2
image: ubuntu
command: ""
created_at: %s
names: foobar_bar

`, expectedTime, expectedTime),
			Context{Format: NewContainerFormat("raw", false, true)},
			fmt.Sprintf(`container_id: containerID1
image: ubuntu
command: ""
created_at: %s
names: foobar_baz
size: 0 B

container_id: containerID2
image: ubuntu
command: ""
created_at: %s
names: foobar_bar
size: 0 B

`, expectedTime, expectedTime),
			Context{Format: NewContainerFormat("raw", true, false)},
			"container_id: containerID1\ncontainer_id: containerID2\n",
		// Custom Format
			Context{Format: "{{.Image}}"},
			Context{Format: NewContainerFormat("{{.Image}}", false, true)},

	for _, testcase := range cases {
		containers := []types.Container{
			{ID: "containerID1", Names: []string{"/foobar_baz"}, Image: "ubuntu", Created: unixTime},
			{ID: "containerID2", Names: []string{"/foobar_bar"}, Image: "ubuntu", Created: unixTime},
		out := bytes.NewBufferString("")
		testcase.context.Output = out
		err := ContainerWrite(testcase.context, containers)
		if err != nil {
			assert.Error(t, err, testcase.expected)
		} else {
			assert.Equal(t, out.String(), testcase.expected)
Exemple #30
func TestMountOptTypeConflict(t *testing.T) {
	var m MountOpt
	assert.Error(t, m.Set("type=bind,target=/foo,source=/foo,volume-nocopy=true"), "cannot mix")
	assert.Error(t, m.Set("type=volume,target=/foo,source=/foo,bind-propagation=rprivate"), "cannot mix")