Exemple #1
func (n *network) requestPoolHelper(ipam ipamapi.Ipam, addressSpace, preferredPool, subPool string, options map[string]string, v6 bool) (string, *net.IPNet, map[string]string, error) {
	for {
		poolID, pool, meta, err := ipam.RequestPool(addressSpace, preferredPool, subPool, options, v6)
		if err != nil {
			return "", nil, nil, err

		// If the network belongs to global scope or the pool was
		// explicitely chosen or it is invalid, do not perform the overlap check.
		if n.Scope() == datastore.GlobalScope || preferredPool != "" || !types.IsIPNetValid(pool) {
			return poolID, pool, meta, nil

		// Check for overlap and if none found, we have found the right pool.
		if _, err := netutils.FindAvailableNetwork([]*net.IPNet{pool}); err == nil {
			return poolID, pool, meta, nil

		// Pool obtained in this iteration is
		// overlapping. Hold onto the pool and don't release
		// it yet, because we don't want ipam to give us back
		// the same pool over again. But make sure we still do
		// a deferred release when we have either obtained a
		// non-overlapping pool or ran out of pre-defined
		// pools.
		defer func() {
			if err := ipam.ReleasePool(poolID); err != nil {
				log.Warnf("Failed to release overlapping pool %s while returning from pool request helper for network %s", pool, n.Name())

		// If this is a preferred pool request and the network
		// is local scope and there is a overlap, we fail the
		// network creation right here. The pool will be
		// released in the defer.
		if preferredPool != "" {
			return "", nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("requested subnet %s overlaps in the host", preferredPool)
Exemple #2
func (n *network) ipamAllocateVersion(ipVer int, ipam ipamapi.Ipam) error {
	var (
		cfgList  *[]*IpamConf
		infoList *[]*IpamInfo
		err      error

	switch ipVer {
	case 4:
		cfgList = &n.ipamV4Config
		infoList = &n.ipamV4Info
	case 6:
		cfgList = &n.ipamV6Config
		infoList = &n.ipamV6Info
		return types.InternalErrorf("incorrect ip version passed to ipam allocate: %d", ipVer)

	if len(*cfgList) == 0 {
		if ipVer == 6 {
			return nil
		*cfgList = []*IpamConf{&IpamConf{}}

	*infoList = make([]*IpamInfo, len(*cfgList))

	log.Debugf("Allocating IPv%d pools for network %s (%s)", ipVer, n.Name(), n.ID())

	for i, cfg := range *cfgList {
		if err = cfg.Validate(); err != nil {
			return err
		d := &IpamInfo{}
		(*infoList)[i] = d

		d.PoolID, d.Pool, d.Meta, err = ipam.RequestPool(n.addrSpace, cfg.PreferredPool, cfg.SubPool, cfg.Options, ipVer == 6)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		defer func() {
			if err != nil {
				if err := ipam.ReleasePool(d.PoolID); err != nil {
					log.Warnf("Failed to release address pool %s after failure to create network %s (%s)", d.PoolID, n.Name(), n.ID())

		if gws, ok := d.Meta[netlabel.Gateway]; ok {
			if d.Gateway, err = types.ParseCIDR(gws); err != nil {
				return types.BadRequestErrorf("failed to parse gateway address (%v) returned by ipam driver: %v", gws, err)

		// If user requested a specific gateway, libnetwork will allocate it
		// irrespective of whether ipam driver returned a gateway already.
		// If none of the above is true, libnetwork will allocate one.
		if cfg.Gateway != "" || d.Gateway == nil {
			if d.Gateway, _, err = ipam.RequestAddress(d.PoolID, net.ParseIP(cfg.Gateway), nil); err != nil {
				return types.InternalErrorf("failed to allocate gateway (%v): %v", cfg.Gateway, err)

		// Auxiliary addresses must be part of the master address pool
		// If they fall into the container addressable pool, libnetwork will reserve them
		if cfg.AuxAddresses != nil {
			var ip net.IP
			d.IPAMData.AuxAddresses = make(map[string]*net.IPNet, len(cfg.AuxAddresses))
			for k, v := range cfg.AuxAddresses {
				if ip = net.ParseIP(v); ip == nil {
					return types.BadRequestErrorf("non parsable secondary ip address (%s:%s) passed for network %s", k, v, n.Name())
				if !d.Pool.Contains(ip) {
					return types.ForbiddenErrorf("auxilairy address: (%s:%s) must belong to the master pool: %s", k, v, d.Pool)
				// Attempt reservation in the container addressable pool, silent the error if address does not belong to that pool
				if d.IPAMData.AuxAddresses[k], _, err = ipam.RequestAddress(d.PoolID, ip, nil); err != nil && err != ipamapi.ErrIPOutOfRange {
					return types.InternalErrorf("failed to allocate secondary ip address (%s:%s): %v", k, v, err)

	return nil