Exemple #1
func buildEndpointResource(e libnetwork.Endpoint) types.EndpointResource {
	er := types.EndpointResource{}
	if e == nil {
		return er

	er.EndpointID = e.ID()
	ei := e.Info()
	if ei == nil {
		return er

	if iface := ei.Iface(); iface != nil {
		if mac := iface.MacAddress(); mac != nil {
			er.MacAddress = mac.String()
		if ip := iface.Address(); ip != nil && len(ip.IP) > 0 {
			er.IPv4Address = ip.String()

		if ipv6 := iface.AddressIPv6(); ipv6 != nil && len(ipv6.IP) > 0 {
			er.IPv6Address = ipv6.String()
	return er
Exemple #2
func (container *Container) buildEndpointInfo(ep libnetwork.Endpoint, networkSettings *network.Settings) (*network.Settings, error) {
	if ep == nil {
		return nil, derr.ErrorCodeEmptyEndpoint

	if networkSettings == nil {
		return nil, derr.ErrorCodeEmptyNetwork

	epInfo := ep.Info()
	if epInfo == nil {
		// It is not an error to get an empty endpoint info
		return networkSettings, nil

	iface := epInfo.Iface()
	if iface == nil {
		return networkSettings, nil

	ones, _ := iface.Address().Mask.Size()
	networkSettings.IPAddress = iface.Address().IP.String()
	networkSettings.IPPrefixLen = ones

	if iface.AddressIPv6().IP.To16() != nil {
		onesv6, _ := iface.AddressIPv6().Mask.Size()
		networkSettings.GlobalIPv6Address = iface.AddressIPv6().IP.String()
		networkSettings.GlobalIPv6PrefixLen = onesv6

	return networkSettings, nil
Exemple #3
func (container *Container) disconnectFromNetwork(n libnetwork.Network) error {
	var (
		ep   libnetwork.Endpoint
		sbox libnetwork.Sandbox

	s := func(current libnetwork.Endpoint) bool {
		if sb := current.Info().Sandbox(); sb != nil {
			if sb.ContainerID() == container.ID {
				ep = current
				sbox = sb
				return true
		return false

	if ep == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("container %s is not connected to the network", container.ID)

	if err := ep.Leave(sbox); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("container %s failed to leave network %s: %v", container.ID, n.Name(), err)

	if err := ep.Delete(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("endpoint delete failed for container %s on network %s: %v", container.ID, n.Name(), err)

	delete(container.NetworkSettings.Networks, n.Name())
	return nil
func (container *Container) buildEndpointInfo(ep libnetwork.Endpoint, networkSettings *network.Settings) (*network.Settings, error) {
	if ep == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid endpoint while building port map info")

	if networkSettings == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid networksettings while building port map info")

	epInfo := ep.Info()
	if epInfo == nil {
		// It is not an error to get an empty endpoint info
		return networkSettings, nil

	iface := epInfo.Iface()
	if iface == nil {
		return networkSettings, nil

	ones, _ := iface.Address().Mask.Size()
	networkSettings.IPAddress = iface.Address().IP.String()
	networkSettings.IPPrefixLen = ones

	if iface.AddressIPv6().IP.To16() != nil {
		onesv6, _ := iface.AddressIPv6().Mask.Size()
		networkSettings.GlobalIPv6Address = iface.AddressIPv6().IP.String()
		networkSettings.GlobalIPv6PrefixLen = onesv6

	return networkSettings, nil
func parallelLeave(t *testing.T, rc libnetwork.Sandbox, ep libnetwork.Endpoint, thrNumber int) {
	debugf("L%d.", thrNumber)
	var err error

	cid := fmt.Sprintf("%drace", thrNumber)
	sb := sboxes[thrNumber-1]

	if thrNumber == first {
		err = ep.Leave(sb)
	} else {
		err = sb.Delete()
		// re add sandbox
		defer func() {
			if err == nil {
				var e error
				if sboxes[thrNumber-1], e = controller.NewSandbox(cid); e != nil {
					t.Fatalf("Failed to recreate sandbox %s: %v", cid, e)

	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(types.ForbiddenError); !ok {
			t.Fatalf("thread %d: %v", thrNumber, err)
		debugf("LE%d(%v).", thrNumber, err)
	debugf("LD%d.", thrNumber)
Exemple #6
func (container *Container) buildPortMapInfo(ep libnetwork.Endpoint, networkSettings *network.Settings) (*network.Settings, error) {
	if ep == nil {
		return nil, derr.ErrorCodeEmptyEndpoint

	if networkSettings == nil {
		return nil, derr.ErrorCodeEmptyNetwork

	driverInfo, err := ep.DriverInfo()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if driverInfo == nil {
		// It is not an error for epInfo to be nil
		return networkSettings, nil

	if mac, ok := driverInfo[netlabel.MacAddress]; ok {
		networkSettings.MacAddress = mac.(net.HardwareAddr).String()

	networkSettings.Ports = nat.PortMap{}

	if expData, ok := driverInfo[netlabel.ExposedPorts]; ok {
		if exposedPorts, ok := expData.([]types.TransportPort); ok {
			for _, tp := range exposedPorts {
				natPort, err := nat.NewPort(tp.Proto.String(), strconv.Itoa(int(tp.Port)))
				if err != nil {
					return nil, derr.ErrorCodeParsingPort.WithArgs(tp.Port, err)
				networkSettings.Ports[natPort] = nil

	mapData, ok := driverInfo[netlabel.PortMap]
	if !ok {
		return networkSettings, nil

	if portMapping, ok := mapData.([]types.PortBinding); ok {
		for _, pp := range portMapping {
			natPort, err := nat.NewPort(pp.Proto.String(), strconv.Itoa(int(pp.Port)))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			natBndg := nat.PortBinding{HostIP: pp.HostIP.String(), HostPort: strconv.Itoa(int(pp.HostPort))}
			networkSettings.Ports[natPort] = append(networkSettings.Ports[natPort], natBndg)

	return networkSettings, nil
Exemple #7
func parallelLeave(t *testing.T, ep libnetwork.Endpoint, thrNumber int) {
	debugf("L%d.", thrNumber)
	err := ep.Leave("racing_container")
	if err != nil {
		if err != libnetwork.ErrNoContainer && err != libnetwork.ErrInvalidJoin {
		debugf("LE%d(%v).", thrNumber, err)
	debugf("LD%d.", thrNumber)
Exemple #8
func (container *Container) buildEndpointInfo(ep libnetwork.Endpoint, networkSettings *network.Settings) (*network.Settings, error) {
	if ep == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid endpoint while building port map info")

	if networkSettings == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid networksettings while building port map info")

	epInfo := ep.Info()
	if epInfo == nil {
		// It is not an error to get an empty endpoint info
		return networkSettings, nil

	ifaceList := epInfo.InterfaceList()
	if len(ifaceList) == 0 {
		return networkSettings, nil

	iface := ifaceList[0]

	ones, _ := iface.Address().Mask.Size()
	networkSettings.IPAddress = iface.Address().IP.String()
	networkSettings.IPPrefixLen = ones

	if iface.AddressIPv6().IP.To16() != nil {
		onesv6, _ := iface.AddressIPv6().Mask.Size()
		networkSettings.GlobalIPv6Address = iface.AddressIPv6().IP.String()
		networkSettings.GlobalIPv6PrefixLen = onesv6

	if len(ifaceList) == 1 {
		return networkSettings, nil

	networkSettings.SecondaryIPAddresses = make([]network.Address, 0, len(ifaceList)-1)
	networkSettings.SecondaryIPv6Addresses = make([]network.Address, 0, len(ifaceList)-1)
	for _, iface := range ifaceList[1:] {
		ones, _ := iface.Address().Mask.Size()
		addr := network.Address{Addr: iface.Address().IP.String(), PrefixLen: ones}
		networkSettings.SecondaryIPAddresses = append(networkSettings.SecondaryIPAddresses, addr)

		if iface.AddressIPv6().IP.To16() != nil {
			onesv6, _ := iface.AddressIPv6().Mask.Size()
			addrv6 := network.Address{Addr: iface.AddressIPv6().IP.String(), PrefixLen: onesv6}
			networkSettings.SecondaryIPv6Addresses = append(networkSettings.SecondaryIPv6Addresses, addrv6)

	return networkSettings, nil
Exemple #9
func (container *Container) updateJoinInfo(n libnetwork.Network, ep libnetwork.Endpoint) error {
	epInfo := ep.Info()
	if epInfo == nil {
		// It is not an error to get an empty endpoint info
		return nil
	container.NetworkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].Gateway = epInfo.Gateway().String()
	if epInfo.GatewayIPv6().To16() != nil {
		container.NetworkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].IPv6Gateway = epInfo.GatewayIPv6().String()

	return nil
Exemple #10
func parallelJoin(t *testing.T, ep libnetwork.Endpoint, thrNumber int) {
	debugf("J%d.", thrNumber)
	_, err := ep.Join("racing_container")
	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(libnetwork.ErrNoContainer); !ok {
			if _, ok := err.(libnetwork.ErrInvalidJoin); !ok {
		debugf("JE%d(%v).", thrNumber, err)
	debugf("JD%d.", thrNumber)
func (container *Container) buildPortMapInfo(n libnetwork.Network, ep libnetwork.Endpoint, networkSettings *network.Settings) (*network.Settings, error) {
	if ep == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid endpoint while building port map info")

	if networkSettings == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid networksettings while building port map info")

	driverInfo, err := ep.DriverInfo()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if driverInfo == nil {
		// It is not an error for epInfo to be nil
		return networkSettings, nil

	if mac, ok := driverInfo[netlabel.MacAddress]; ok {
		networkSettings.MacAddress = mac.(net.HardwareAddr).String()

	networkSettings.Ports = nat.PortMap{}

	if expData, ok := driverInfo[netlabel.ExposedPorts]; ok {
		if exposedPorts, ok := expData.([]types.TransportPort); ok {
			for _, tp := range exposedPorts {
				natPort := nat.NewPort(tp.Proto.String(), strconv.Itoa(int(tp.Port)))
				networkSettings.Ports[natPort] = nil

	mapData, ok := driverInfo[netlabel.PortMap]
	if !ok {
		return networkSettings, nil

	if portMapping, ok := mapData.([]types.PortBinding); ok {
		for _, pp := range portMapping {
			natPort := nat.NewPort(pp.Proto.String(), strconv.Itoa(int(pp.Port)))
			natBndg := nat.PortBinding{HostIp: pp.HostIP.String(), HostPort: strconv.Itoa(int(pp.HostPort))}
			networkSettings.Ports[natPort] = append(networkSettings.Ports[natPort], natBndg)

	return networkSettings, nil
Exemple #12
func (container *Container) updateJoinInfo(ep libnetwork.Endpoint) error {
	epInfo := ep.Info()
	if epInfo == nil {
		// It is not an error to get an empty endpoint info
		return nil

	container.NetworkSettings.Gateway = epInfo.Gateway().String()
	if epInfo.GatewayIPv6().To16() != nil {
		container.NetworkSettings.IPv6Gateway = epInfo.GatewayIPv6().String()

	container.NetworkSettings.SandboxKey = epInfo.SandboxKey()

	return nil
func parallelJoin(t *testing.T, rc libnetwork.Sandbox, ep libnetwork.Endpoint, thrNumber int) {
	debugf("J%d.", thrNumber)
	var err error

	sb := sboxes[thrNumber-1]
	err = ep.Join(sb)

	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(types.ForbiddenError); !ok {
			t.Fatalf("thread %d: %v", thrNumber, err)
		debugf("JE%d(%v).", thrNumber, err)
	debugf("JD%d.", thrNumber)
Exemple #14
// BuildEndpointInfo sets endpoint-related fields on container.NetworkSettings based on the provided network and endpoint.
func (container *Container) BuildEndpointInfo(n libnetwork.Network, ep libnetwork.Endpoint) error {
	if ep == nil {
		return errInvalidEndpoint

	networkSettings := container.NetworkSettings
	if networkSettings == nil {
		return errInvalidNetwork

	epInfo := ep.Info()
	if epInfo == nil {
		// It is not an error to get an empty endpoint info
		return nil

	if _, ok := networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()]; !ok {
		networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()] = &network.EndpointSettings{
			EndpointSettings: &networktypes.EndpointSettings{},
	networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].NetworkID = n.ID()
	networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].EndpointID = ep.ID()

	iface := epInfo.Iface()
	if iface == nil {
		return nil

	if iface.MacAddress() != nil {
		networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].MacAddress = iface.MacAddress().String()

	if iface.Address() != nil {
		ones, _ := iface.Address().Mask.Size()
		networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].IPAddress = iface.Address().IP.String()
		networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].IPPrefixLen = ones

	if iface.AddressIPv6() != nil && iface.AddressIPv6().IP.To16() != nil {
		onesv6, _ := iface.AddressIPv6().Mask.Size()
		networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].GlobalIPv6Address = iface.AddressIPv6().IP.String()
		networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].GlobalIPv6PrefixLen = onesv6

	return nil
Exemple #15
func (container *Container) disconnectFromNetwork(n libnetwork.Network, updateSettings bool) error {
	var (
		ep   libnetwork.Endpoint
		sbox libnetwork.Sandbox

	s := func(current libnetwork.Endpoint) bool {
		if sb := current.Info().Sandbox(); sb != nil {
			if sb.ContainerID() == container.ID {
				ep = current
				sbox = sb
				return true
		return false

	if ep == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not locate network endpoint for container %s", container.ID)

	if err := ep.Leave(sbox); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("container %s failed to leave network %s: %v", container.ID, n.Name(), err)

	if err := ep.Delete(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("endpoint delete failed for container %s on network %s: %v", container.ID, n.Name(), err)

	if updateSettings {
		networks := container.NetworkSettings.Networks
		for i, s := range networks {
			sn, err := container.daemon.FindNetwork(s)
			if err != nil {
			if sn.Name() == n.Name() {
				networks = append(networks[:i], networks[i+1:]...)
				container.NetworkSettings.Networks = networks
	return nil
Exemple #16
func (container *Container) buildEndpointInfo(n libnetwork.Network, ep libnetwork.Endpoint, networkSettings *network.Settings) (*network.Settings, error) {
	if ep == nil {
		return nil, derr.ErrorCodeEmptyEndpoint

	if networkSettings == nil {
		return nil, derr.ErrorCodeEmptyNetwork

	epInfo := ep.Info()
	if epInfo == nil {
		// It is not an error to get an empty endpoint info
		return networkSettings, nil

	if _, ok := networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()]; !ok {
		networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()] = new(network.EndpointSettings)
	networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].EndpointID = ep.ID()

	iface := epInfo.Iface()
	if iface == nil {
		return networkSettings, nil

	if iface.MacAddress() != nil {
		networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].MacAddress = iface.MacAddress().String()

	if iface.Address() != nil {
		ones, _ := iface.Address().Mask.Size()
		networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].IPAddress = iface.Address().IP.String()
		networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].IPPrefixLen = ones

	if iface.AddressIPv6() != nil && iface.AddressIPv6().IP.To16() != nil {
		onesv6, _ := iface.AddressIPv6().Mask.Size()
		networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].GlobalIPv6Address = iface.AddressIPv6().IP.String()
		networkSettings.Networks[n.Name()].GlobalIPv6PrefixLen = onesv6

	return networkSettings, nil
func (daemon *Daemon) disconnectFromNetwork(container *container.Container, n libnetwork.Network, force bool) error {
	var (
		ep   libnetwork.Endpoint
		sbox libnetwork.Sandbox

	s := func(current libnetwork.Endpoint) bool {
		epInfo := current.Info()
		if epInfo == nil {
			return false
		if sb := epInfo.Sandbox(); sb != nil {
			if sb.ContainerID() == container.ID {
				ep = current
				sbox = sb
				return true
		return false

	if ep == nil && force {
		epName := strings.TrimPrefix(container.Name, "/")
		ep, err := n.EndpointByName(epName)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return ep.Delete(force)

	if ep == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("container %s is not connected to the network", container.ID)

	if err := ep.Leave(sbox); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("container %s failed to leave network %s: %v", container.ID, n.Name(), err)

	container.NetworkSettings.Ports = getPortMapInfo(sbox)

	if err := ep.Delete(false); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("endpoint delete failed for container %s on network %s: %v", container.ID, n.Name(), err)

	delete(container.NetworkSettings.Networks, n.Name())

	if daemon.clusterProvider != nil && n.Info().Dynamic() && !container.Managed {
		if err := daemon.clusterProvider.DetachNetwork(n.Name(), container.ID); err != nil {
			logrus.Warnf("error detaching from network %s: %v", n.Name(), err)
			if err := daemon.clusterProvider.DetachNetwork(n.ID(), container.ID); err != nil {
				logrus.Warnf("error detaching from network %s: %v", n.ID(), err)

	return nil
Exemple #18
func getEndpointPortMapInfo(ep libnetwork.Endpoint) (nat.PortMap, error) {
	pm := nat.PortMap{}
	driverInfo, err := ep.DriverInfo()
	if err != nil {
		return pm, err

	if driverInfo == nil {
		// It is not an error for epInfo to be nil
		return pm, nil

	if expData, ok := driverInfo[netlabel.ExposedPorts]; ok {
		if exposedPorts, ok := expData.([]types.TransportPort); ok {
			for _, tp := range exposedPorts {
				natPort, err := nat.NewPort(tp.Proto.String(), strconv.Itoa(int(tp.Port)))
				if err != nil {
					return pm, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing Port value(%v):%v", tp.Port, err)
				pm[natPort] = nil

	mapData, ok := driverInfo[netlabel.PortMap]
	if !ok {
		return pm, nil

	if portMapping, ok := mapData.([]types.PortBinding); ok {
		for _, pp := range portMapping {
			natPort, err := nat.NewPort(pp.Proto.String(), strconv.Itoa(int(pp.Port)))
			if err != nil {
				return pm, err
			natBndg := nat.PortBinding{HostIP: pp.HostIP.String(), HostPort: strconv.Itoa(int(pp.HostPort))}
			pm[natPort] = append(pm[natPort], natBndg)

	return pm, nil
func parallelJoin(t *testing.T, ep libnetwork.Endpoint, thrNumber int) {
	debugf("J%d.", thrNumber)
	var err error
	if thrNumber == first {
		err = ep.Join(fmt.Sprintf("%drace", thrNumber), libnetwork.JoinOptionUseDefaultSandbox())
	} else {
		err = ep.Join(fmt.Sprintf("%drace", thrNumber))

	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(libnetwork.ErrNoContainer); !ok {
			if _, ok := err.(libnetwork.ErrInvalidJoin); !ok {
				t.Fatalf("thread %d: %v", thrNumber, err)
		debugf("JE%d(%v).", thrNumber, err)
	debugf("JD%d.", thrNumber)
Exemple #20
func (container *Container) updateEndpointNetworkSettings(n libnetwork.Network, ep libnetwork.Endpoint) error {
	networkSettings := &network.Settings{NetworkID: n.ID(), EndpointID: ep.ID()}

	networkSettings, err := container.buildPortMapInfo(ep, networkSettings)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	networkSettings, err = container.buildEndpointInfo(ep, networkSettings)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if container.hostConfig.NetworkMode == runconfig.NetworkMode("bridge") {
		networkSettings.Bridge = container.daemon.configStore.Bridge.Iface

	container.NetworkSettings = networkSettings
	return nil
func parallelLeave(t *testing.T, ep libnetwork.Endpoint, thrNumber int) {
	debugf("L%d.", thrNumber)
	var err error
	if thrNumber == first {
		err = ep.Leave(fmt.Sprintf("%drace", thrNumber))
	} else {
		err = controller.LeaveAll(fmt.Sprintf("%drace", thrNumber))

	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(libnetwork.ErrNoContainer); !ok {
			if _, ok := err.(libnetwork.ErrInvalidJoin); !ok {
				t.Fatalf("thread %d: %v", thrNumber, err)
		debugf("LE%d(%v).", thrNumber, err)
	debugf("LD%d.", thrNumber)
Exemple #22
func (daemon *Daemon) getRunzAnet(ep libnetwork.Endpoint) (specs.Anet, error) {
	var (
		linkName  string
		lowerLink string
		defRouter string

	epInfo := ep.Info()
	if epInfo == nil {
		return specs.Anet{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid endpoint")

	nw, err := daemon.GetNetworkByName(ep.Network())
	if err != nil {
		return specs.Anet{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get network %s: %v", ep.Network(), err)

	// Evaluate default router, linkname and lowerlink for interface endpoint
	switch nw.Type() {
	case "bridge":
		defRouter = epInfo.Gateway().String()
		linkName = "net0" // Should always be net0 for a container

		// TODO We construct lowerlink here exactly as done for solaris bridge
		// initialization. Need modular code to reuse.
		options := nw.Info().DriverOptions()
		nwName := options["com.docker.network.bridge.name"]
		lastChar := nwName[len(nwName)-1:]
		if _, err = strconv.Atoi(lastChar); err != nil {
			lowerLink = nwName + "_0"
		} else {
			lowerLink = nwName

	case "overlay":
		defRouter = ""
		linkName = "net1"

		// TODO Follows generateVxlanName() in solaris overlay.
		id := nw.ID()
		if len(nw.ID()) > 12 {
			id = nw.ID()[:12]
		lowerLink = "vx_" + id + "_0"

	runzanet := specs.Anet{
		Linkname:          linkName,
		Lowerlink:         lowerLink,
		Allowedaddr:       epInfo.Iface().Address().String(),
		Configallowedaddr: "true",
		Defrouter:         defRouter,
		Linkprotection:    "mac-nospoof, ip-nospoof",
		Macaddress:        epInfo.Iface().MacAddress().String(),

	return runzanet, nil
Exemple #23
func buildEndpointResource(ep libnetwork.Endpoint) *endpointResource {
	r := &endpointResource{}
	if ep != nil {
		r.Name = ep.Name()
		r.ID = ep.ID()
		r.Network = ep.Network()
	return r
Exemple #24
func buildEndpointResource(ep libnetwork.Endpoint) *endpointResource {
	r := &endpointResource{}
	var iplist []string
	if ep != nil {
		r.Name = ep.Name()
		r.ID = ep.ID()
		r.Network = ep.Network()
		// Build a list of ip addrs on this endpoint.
		for _, iface := range ep.Info().InterfaceList() {
			if iface.Address().IP != nil && len(iface.Address().IP) > 0 {
				ip := iface.Address().IP.String()
				iplist = append(iplist, ip)
		r.InterfaceList = iplist
	return r
func disconnectFromNetwork(container *container.Container, n libnetwork.Network, force bool) error {
	var (
		ep   libnetwork.Endpoint
		sbox libnetwork.Sandbox

	s := func(current libnetwork.Endpoint) bool {
		epInfo := current.Info()
		if epInfo == nil {
			return false
		if sb := epInfo.Sandbox(); sb != nil {
			if sb.ContainerID() == container.ID {
				ep = current
				sbox = sb
				return true
		return false

	if ep == nil && force {
		epName := strings.TrimPrefix(container.Name, "/")
		ep, err := n.EndpointByName(epName)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return ep.Delete(force)

	if ep == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("container %s is not connected to the network", container.ID)

	if err := ep.Leave(sbox); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("container %s failed to leave network %s: %v", container.ID, n.Name(), err)

	if err := ep.Delete(false); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("endpoint delete failed for container %s on network %s: %v", container.ID, n.Name(), err)

	delete(container.NetworkSettings.Networks, n.Name())
	return nil
func runParallelTests(t *testing.T, thrNumber int) {
	var (
		ep  libnetwork.Endpoint
		sb  libnetwork.Sandbox
		err error


	pTest := flag.Lookup("test.parallel")
	if pTest == nil {
		t.Skip("Skipped because test.parallel flag not set;")
	numParallel, err := strconv.Atoi(pTest.Value.String())
	if err != nil {
	if numParallel < numThreads {
		t.Skip("Skipped because t.parallel was less than ", numThreads)

	defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

	if thrNumber == first {

	if thrNumber != first {
		select {
		case <-start:

		thrdone := make(chan struct{})
		done <- thrdone
		defer close(thrdone)

		if thrNumber == last {
			defer close(done)

		err = netns.Set(testns)
		if err != nil {
	defer netns.Set(origns)

	net1, err := controller.NetworkByName("testhost")
	if err != nil {
	if net1 == nil {
		t.Fatal("Could not find testhost")

	net2, err := controller.NetworkByName("network2")
	if err != nil {
	if net2 == nil {
		t.Fatal("Could not find network2")

	epName := fmt.Sprintf("pep%d", thrNumber)

	if thrNumber == first {
		ep, err = net1.EndpointByName(epName)
	} else {
		ep, err = net2.EndpointByName(epName)

	if err != nil {
	if ep == nil {
		t.Fatal("Got nil ep with no error")

	cid := fmt.Sprintf("%drace", thrNumber)
	controller.WalkSandboxes(libnetwork.SandboxContainerWalker(&sb, cid))
	if sb == nil {
		t.Fatalf("Got nil sandbox for container: %s", cid)

	for i := 0; i < iterCnt; i++ {
		parallelJoin(t, sb, ep, thrNumber)
		parallelLeave(t, sb, ep, thrNumber)


	err = ep.Delete()
	if err != nil {

	if thrNumber == first {
		for thrdone := range done {
			select {
			case <-thrdone:

		err = sb.Delete()
		if err != nil {

		if err != nil {

		if err := net2.Delete(); err != nil {