Exemple #1
func TestTypeUnderlying(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		t Type
		u Type
		{t: intType, u: intType},
		{t: byteType, u: byteType},
		{t: t0, u: intType},
		{t: t1, u: intType},
		{t: &Star{Target: t0}, u: &Star{Target: t0}},
			t: &SliceType{Element: intType},
			u: &SliceType{Element: intType},
			t: &ArrayType{Size: intLit("5"), Element: intType},
			u: &ArrayType{Size: intLit("5"), Element: intType},
			t: &MapType{Key: t0, Value: intType},
			u: &MapType{Key: t0, Value: intType},
			t: &ChannelType{Send: true, Element: intType},
			u: &ChannelType{Send: true, Element: intType},
		{t: &FunctionType{}, u: &FunctionType{}},
		{t: &InterfaceType{}, u: &InterfaceType{}},
		{t: &StructType{}, u: &StructType{}},
	for _, test := range tests {
		u := test.t.Underlying()
		if eq.Deep(u, test.u) {
		t.Errorf("(%s).Underlying()=%s, want %s", pretty.String(test.t), pretty.String(u), pretty.String(test.u))
Exemple #2
func TestCheckTypes(t *testing.T) {
	// The source must contain an identifier α.
	// The test calls Check and compares the type of α to the given Type.
	tests := []struct {
		src string
		t   Type
		// Literals
		{`package a; const α = 1`, Untyped(IntegerConst)},
		{`package a; const α = 1.0`, Untyped(FloatConst)},
		{`package a; const α = 1.0i`, Untyped(ComplexConst)},
		{`package a; const α = 'a'`, Untyped(RuneConst)},
		{`package a; const α = "Hello, World!"`, Untyped(StringConst)},

		// Identifiers
		{`package a; const α = true`, Untyped(BoolConst)},
		{`package a; const α = false`, Untyped(BoolConst)},
		{`package a; const α = iota`, Untyped(IntegerConst)},
		{`package a; const ( a = iota; α )`, Untyped(IntegerConst)},
		{`package a; const α int = 1`, intType},
		{`package a; const α float64 = 'a'`, float64Type},
		{`package a; const a, b, c, α int = 1, 2, 3, 4`, intType},
		{`package a; const ( a int = iota; α )`, intType},

		// UnaryOps
		{`package a; const α = -1`, Untyped(IntegerConst)},
		{`package a; const α = -1.0`, Untyped(FloatConst)},
		{`package a; const α = -1.0i`, Untyped(ComplexConst)},
		{`package a; const α = -'a'`, Untyped(RuneConst)},
		{`package a; const α = !true`, Untyped(BoolConst)},
		{`package a; const α = -iota`, Untyped(IntegerConst)},
		{`package a; const α = ^1`, Untyped(IntegerConst)},
		{`package a; const α = +1.189`, Untyped(FloatConst)},
		{`package a; const α int = -1`, intType},
		{`package a; const α int = +1.0`, intType},
		{`package a; const α int = ^1`, intType},
		{`package a; const α int = ^1`, intType},
	for _, test := range tests {
		l := token.NewLexer("", test.src)
		p := NewParser(l)
		f := parseFile(p)
		if err := Check([]*File{f}); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Check(%v), unexpected error: %v", test.src, err)
		d := f.syms.Find("α")
		if d == nil {
			t.Errorf("Check(%v): failed to find symbol α", test.src)
		var typ Type
		switch d := d.(type) {
		case *constSpecView:
			typ = d.Type
		case *varSpecView:
			typ = d.Type
			panic("declaration type not supported")
		if !eq.Deep(typ, test.t) {
			t.Errorf("Check(%v)=%v: α's type is %v, want %v", test.src,
				pretty.String(f), pretty.String(typ), pretty.String(test.t))
Exemple #3
func TestConstFolding(t *testing.T) {
	runeNeg97 := intLit("-97")
	runeNeg97.Rune = true

	// The source must contain a const α. The test calls Check on the source and
	// compares the resulting value of α to the given Expression.
	tests := []struct {
		src string
		v   Expression
		{`package a; const α = 1`, intLit("1")},
		{`package a; const α = 1.0`, floatLit("1.0")},
		{`package a; const α = 1.0i`, imgLit("1.0")},
		{`package a; const α = 'a'`, runeLit('a')},
		{`package a; const α = "Hello, World!"`, strLit("Hello, World!")},
		{`package a; const α = true`, &BoolLiteral{Value: true}},
		{`package a; const α = false`, &BoolLiteral{Value: false}},
		{`package a; const α, b = b, 5`, intLit("5")},
		{`package a; const α = iota`, intLit("0")},
		{`package a; const ( zero = iota; α )`, intLit("1")},
		{`package a; const ( zero = iota; one; α )`, intLit("2")},
		{`package a; const α = +1`, intLit("1")},
		{`package a; const α = -1`, intLit("-1")},
		{`package a; const α = - -1`, intLit("1")},
		{`package a; const α = +'a'`, runeLit('a')},
		{`package a; const α = -'a'`, runeNeg97},
		{`package a; const α = +1.0`, floatLit("1.0")},
		{`package a; const α = - - -1.0`, floatLit("-1.0")},
		{`package a; const α = +1.0i`, imgLit("1.0")},
		{`package a; const α = - - -1.0i`, imgLit("-1.0")},
		{`package a; const α = ^0`, intLit("-1")},
		{`package a; const α = ^1`, intLit("-2")},
		{`package a; const α float64 = ^256`, intLit("-257")},
		{`package a; const α = !true`, &BoolLiteral{Value: false}},
		{`package a; const α = !!true`, &BoolLiteral{Value: true}},
		{`package a; const α = !false`, &BoolLiteral{Value: true}},
		{`package a; const α = !!false`, &BoolLiteral{Value: false}},
		{`package a; const f, α = false, !f`, &BoolLiteral{Value: true}},
	for _, test := range tests {
		l := token.NewLexer("", test.src)
		p := NewParser(l)
		f := parseFile(p)
		if err := Check([]*File{f}); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Check(%v), unexpected error: %v", test.src, err)
		d := f.syms.Find("α")
		if d == nil {
			t.Errorf("Check(%v): failed to find symbol α", test.src)
		a, ok := d.(*constSpecView)
		if !ok {
			t.Errorf("Check(%v): α is not a const", test.src)
		if !eq.Deep(a.Value, test.v) {
			t.Errorf("Check(%v)=%v: α folded to %v, want %v", test.src,
				pretty.String(f), pretty.String(a.Value), pretty.String(test.v))