Exemple #1
// Scans the specific path which can be a glob (/**/**/*.log)
// For all found files it is checked if a harvester should be started
func (p *Prospector) scan(path string, output chan *input.FileEvent) {

	logp.Debug("prospector", "scan path %s", path)
	// Evaluate the path as a wildcards/shell glob
	matches, err := filepath.Glob(path)
	if err != nil {
		logp.Debug("prospector", "glob(%s) failed: %v", path, err)

	p.missingFiles = map[string]os.FileInfo{}

	// Check any matched files to see if we need to start a harvester
	for _, file := range matches {
		logp.Debug("prospector", "Check file for harvesting: %s", file)

		// Stat the file, following any symlinks.
		fileinfo, err := os.Stat(file)

		// TODO(sissel): check err
		if err != nil {
			logp.Debug("prospector", "stat(%s) failed: %s", file, err)

		newFile := input.File{
			FileInfo: fileinfo,

		if newFile.FileInfo.IsDir() {
			logp.Debug("prospector", "Skipping directory: %s", file)

		// Check the current info against p.prospectorinfo[file]
		lastinfo, isKnown := p.prospectorList[file]

		oldFile := input.File{
			FileInfo: lastinfo.Fileinfo,

		// Create a new prospector info with the stat info for comparison
		newInfo := harvester.NewFileStat(newFile.FileInfo, p.iteration)

		// Conditions for starting a new harvester:
		// - file path hasn't been seen before
		// - the file's inode or device changed
		if !isKnown {
			p.checkNewFile(newInfo, file, output)
		} else {
			p.checkExistingFile(newInfo, &newFile, &oldFile, file, output)

		// Track the stat data for this file for later comparison to check for
		// rotation/etc
		p.prospectorList[file] = *newInfo
	} // for each file matched by the glob
Exemple #2
// Scans the specific path which can be a glob (/**/**/*.log)
// For all found files it is checked if a harvester should be started
func (p *Prospector) scan(path string, output chan *input.FileEvent) {

	logp.Debug("prospector", "scan path %s", path)

	// Evaluate the path as a wildcards/shell glob
	matches, err := filepath.Glob(path)
	if err != nil {
		logp.Debug("prospector", "glob(%s) failed: %v", path, err)

	p.missingFiles = map[string]os.FileInfo{}
	p.oldStates = map[string]oldState{}

	// Check any matched files to see if we need to start a harvester
	for _, file := range matches {
		logp.Debug("prospector", "Check file for harvesting: %s", file)

		// check if the file is in the exclude_files list
		if p.isFileExcluded(file) {
			logp.Debug("prospector", "Exclude file: %s", file)

		// Stat the file, following any symlinks.
		fileinfo, err := os.Stat(file)

		// TODO(sissel): check err
		if err != nil {
			logp.Debug("prospector", "stat(%s) failed: %s", file, err)

		if fileinfo.IsDir() {
			logp.Debug("prospector", "Skipping directory: %s", file)

		// Check the current info against p.prospectorinfo[file]
		lastinfo, isKnown := p.prospectorList[file]

		// Create a new prospector info with the stat info for comparison
		newInfo := harvester.NewFileStat(fileinfo, p.iteration)

		// Call crawler if there if there exists a state for the given file
		offset, resuming := p.registrar.fetchState(file, newInfo.Fileinfo)

		p.oldStates[file] = oldState{
			fileinfo: fileinfo,
			lastinfo: lastinfo,
			isKnown:  isKnown,
			newInfo:  newInfo,
			offset:   offset,
			resuming: resuming,

	for file, oldState := range p.oldStates {
		newFile := input.File{
			FileInfo: oldState.fileinfo,

		oldFile := input.File{
			FileInfo: oldState.lastinfo.Fileinfo,

		// Conditions for starting a new harvester:
		// - file path hasn't been seen before
		// - the file's inode or device changed
		if !oldState.isKnown {
			p.checkNewFile(oldState.newInfo, file, output, oldState)
		} else {
			p.checkExistingFile(oldState.newInfo, &newFile, &oldFile, file, output, oldState)

		// Track the stat data for this file for later comparison to check for
		// rotation/etc
		p.prospectorList[file] = *oldState.newInfo
	} // for each file matched by the glob
Exemple #3
// Scans the specific path which can be a glob (/**/**/*.log)
// For all found files it is checked if a harvester should be started
func (p ProspectorLog) scanGlob(glob string) {

	logp.Debug("prospector", "scan path %s", glob)

	// Evaluate the path as a wildcards/shell glob
	matches, err := filepath.Glob(glob)
	if err != nil {
		logp.Debug("prospector", "glob(%s) failed: %v", glob, err)

	p.missingFiles = map[string]os.FileInfo{}

	// Check any matched files to see if we need to start a harvester
	for _, file := range matches {
		logp.Debug("prospector", "Check file for harvesting: %s", file)

		// check if the file is in the exclude_files list
		if p.isFileExcluded(file) {
			logp.Debug("prospector", "Exclude file: %s", file)

		// Stat the file, following any symlinks.
		fileinfo, err := os.Stat(file)
		if err != nil {
			logp.Debug("prospector", "stat(%s) failed: %s", file, err)

		newFile := input.NewFile(fileinfo)

		if newFile.FileInfo.IsDir() {
			logp.Debug("prospector", "Skipping directory: %s", file)

		// Check the current info against p.prospectorinfo[file]
		lastinfo, isKnown := p.prospectorList[file]

		oldFile := input.NewFile(lastinfo.Fileinfo)

		// Create a new prospector info with the stat info for comparison
		newInfo := harvester.NewFileStat(newFile.FileInfo, p.iteration)

		// Init harvester with info
		h, err := p.Prospector.AddHarvester(file, newInfo)

		if err != nil {
			logp.Err("Error initializing harvester: %v", err)

		// Conditions for starting a new harvester:
		// - file path hasn't been seen before
		// - the file's inode or device changed
		if !isKnown {
		} else {
			p.checkExistingFile(h, &newFile, &oldFile)

		// Track the stat data for this file for later comparison to check for
		// rotation/etc
		p.prospectorList[h.Path] = *h.Stat