Exemple #1
func IpcSocketPath(ctx *cli.Context) (ipcpath string) {
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		ipcpath = common.DefaultIpcPath()
		if ctx.GlobalIsSet(IPCPathFlag.Name) {
			ipcpath = ctx.GlobalString(IPCPathFlag.Name)
	} else {
		ipcpath = common.DefaultIpcPath()
		if ctx.GlobalIsSet(DataDirFlag.Name) {
			ipcpath = filepath.Join(ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name), "geth.ipc")
		if ctx.GlobalIsSet(IPCPathFlag.Name) {
			ipcpath = ctx.GlobalString(IPCPathFlag.Name)

Exemple #2
func IpcSocketPath(ctx *cli.Context) (ipcpath string) {
	if common.IsWindows() {
		ipcpath = common.DefaultIpcPath()
		if ipcpath != ctx.GlobalString(IPCPathFlag.Name) {
			ipcpath = ctx.GlobalString(IPCPathFlag.Name)
	} else {
		ipcpath = common.DefaultIpcPath()
		if ctx.GlobalString(IPCPathFlag.Name) != common.DefaultIpcPath() {
			ipcpath = ctx.GlobalString(IPCPathFlag.Name)
		} else if ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name) != "" &&
			ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name) != common.DefaultDataDir() {
			ipcpath = filepath.Join(ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name), "geth.ipc")

Exemple #3


var (
	monitorCommandAttachFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "attach",
		Value: "ipc:" + common.DefaultIpcPath(),
		Usage: "API endpoint to attach to",
	monitorCommandRowsFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "rows",
		Value: 5,
		Usage: "Maximum rows in the chart grid",
	monitorCommandRefreshFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "refresh",
		Value: 3,
		Usage: "Refresh interval in seconds",
	monitorCommand = cli.Command{
		Action: monitor,
		Name:   "monitor",
Exemple #4
		Usage: "API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface",
		Value: comms.DefaultHttpRpcApis,
	IPCDisabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "ipcdisable",
		Usage: "Disable the IPC-RPC server",
	IPCApiFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "ipcapi",
		Usage: "API's offered over the IPC-RPC interface",
		Value: comms.DefaultIpcApis,
	IPCPathFlag = DirectoryFlag{
		Name:  "ipcpath",
		Usage: "Filename for IPC socket/pipe",
		Value: DirectoryString{common.DefaultIpcPath()},
	ExecFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "exec",
		Usage: "Execute JavaScript statement (only in combination with console/attach)",
	// Network Settings
	MaxPeersFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "maxpeers",
		Usage: "Maximum number of network peers (network disabled if set to 0)",
		Value: 25,
	MaxPendingPeersFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "maxpendpeers",
		Usage: "Maximum number of pending connection attempts (defaults used if set to 0)",
		Value: 0,