Exemple #1
// MakeChain creates a chain manager from set command line flags.
func MakeChain(ctx *cli.Context) (chain *core.ChainManager, blockDB, stateDB, extraDB common.Database) {
	dd := ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name)
	var err error
	if blockDB, err = ethdb.NewLDBDatabase(filepath.Join(dd, "blockchain")); err != nil {
		Fatalf("Could not open database: %v", err)
	if stateDB, err = ethdb.NewLDBDatabase(filepath.Join(dd, "state")); err != nil {
		Fatalf("Could not open database: %v", err)
	if extraDB, err = ethdb.NewLDBDatabase(filepath.Join(dd, "extra")); err != nil {
		Fatalf("Could not open database: %v", err)

	eventMux := new(event.TypeMux)
	pow := ethash.New()
	genesis := core.GenesisBlock(uint64(ctx.GlobalInt(GenesisNonceFlag.Name)), blockDB)
	chain, err = core.NewChainManager(genesis, blockDB, stateDB, pow, eventMux)
	if err != nil {
		Fatalf("Could not start chainmanager: %v", err)

	proc := core.NewBlockProcessor(stateDB, extraDB, pow, chain, eventMux)
	return chain, blockDB, stateDB, extraDB
func newProtocolManagerForTesting(txAdded chan<- []*types.Transaction) *ProtocolManager {
	var (
		em       = new(event.TypeMux)
		db, _    = ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
		chain, _ = core.NewChainManager(core.GenesisBlock(0, db), db, db, core.FakePow{}, em)
		txpool   = &fakeTxPool{added: txAdded}
		pm       = NewProtocolManager(ProtocolVersion, 0, em, txpool, core.FakePow{}, chain)
	return pm
Exemple #3
func New(config *Config) (*Ethereum, error) {
	// Bootstrap database
	logger.New(config.DataDir, config.LogFile, config.Verbosity)
	if len(config.LogJSON) > 0 {
		logger.NewJSONsystem(config.DataDir, config.LogJSON)

	// Let the database take 3/4 of the max open files (TODO figure out a way to get the actual limit of the open files)
	const dbCount = 3
	ethdb.OpenFileLimit = 128 / (dbCount + 1)

	newdb := config.NewDB
	if newdb == nil {
		newdb = func(path string) (common.Database, error) { return ethdb.NewLDBDatabase(path) }
	blockDb, err := newdb(filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "blockchain"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("blockchain db err: %v", err)
	stateDb, err := newdb(filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "state"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("state db err: %v", err)
	extraDb, err := newdb(filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "extra"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("extra db err: %v", err)
	nodeDb := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "nodes")

	// Perform database sanity checks
	d, _ := blockDb.Get([]byte("ProtocolVersion"))
	protov := int(common.NewValue(d).Uint())
	if protov != config.ProtocolVersion && protov != 0 {
		path := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "blockchain")
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Database version mismatch. Protocol(%d / %d). `rm -rf %s`", protov, config.ProtocolVersion, path)
	saveProtocolVersion(blockDb, config.ProtocolVersion)
	glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Protocol Version: %v, Network Id: %v", config.ProtocolVersion, config.NetworkId)

	if !config.SkipBcVersionCheck {
		b, _ := blockDb.Get([]byte("BlockchainVersion"))
		bcVersion := int(common.NewValue(b).Uint())
		if bcVersion != config.BlockChainVersion && bcVersion != 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Blockchain DB version mismatch (%d / %d). Run geth upgradedb.\n", bcVersion, config.BlockChainVersion)
		saveBlockchainVersion(blockDb, config.BlockChainVersion)
	glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Blockchain DB Version: %d", config.BlockChainVersion)

	eth := &Ethereum{
		shutdownChan:            make(chan bool),
		databasesClosed:         make(chan bool),
		blockDb:                 blockDb,
		stateDb:                 stateDb,
		extraDb:                 extraDb,
		eventMux:                &event.TypeMux{},
		accountManager:          config.AccountManager,
		DataDir:                 config.DataDir,
		etherbase:               common.HexToAddress(config.Etherbase),
		clientVersion:           config.Name, // TODO should separate from Name
		ethVersionId:            config.ProtocolVersion,
		netVersionId:            config.NetworkId,
		NatSpec:                 config.NatSpec,
		MinerThreads:            config.MinerThreads,
		SolcPath:                config.SolcPath,
		AutoDAG:                 config.AutoDAG,
		GpoMinGasPrice:          config.GpoMinGasPrice,
		GpoMaxGasPrice:          config.GpoMaxGasPrice,
		GpoFullBlockRatio:       config.GpoFullBlockRatio,
		GpobaseStepDown:         config.GpobaseStepDown,
		GpobaseStepUp:           config.GpobaseStepUp,
		GpobaseCorrectionFactor: config.GpobaseCorrectionFactor,

	eth.pow = ethash.New()
	genesis := core.GenesisBlock(uint64(config.GenesisNonce), stateDb)
	eth.chainManager, err = core.NewChainManager(genesis, blockDb, stateDb, eth.pow, eth.EventMux())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	eth.txPool = core.NewTxPool(eth.EventMux(), eth.chainManager.State, eth.chainManager.GasLimit)

	eth.blockProcessor = core.NewBlockProcessor(stateDb, extraDb, eth.pow, eth.chainManager, eth.EventMux())
	eth.protocolManager = NewProtocolManager(config.ProtocolVersion, config.NetworkId, eth.eventMux, eth.txPool, eth.pow, eth.chainManager)

	eth.miner = miner.New(eth, eth.EventMux(), eth.pow)
	if config.Shh {
		eth.whisper = whisper.New()
		eth.shhVersionId = int(eth.whisper.Version())

	netprv, err := config.nodeKey()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	protocols := []p2p.Protocol{eth.protocolManager.SubProtocol}
	if config.Shh {
		protocols = append(protocols, eth.whisper.Protocol())
	eth.net = &p2p.Server{
		PrivateKey:      netprv,
		Name:            config.Name,
		MaxPeers:        config.MaxPeers,
		MaxPendingPeers: config.MaxPendingPeers,
		Discovery:       config.Discovery,
		Protocols:       protocols,
		NAT:             config.NAT,
		NoDial:          !config.Dial,
		BootstrapNodes:  config.parseBootNodes(),
		StaticNodes:     config.parseNodes(staticNodes),
		TrustedNodes:    config.parseNodes(trustedNodes),
		NodeDatabase:    nodeDb,
	if len(config.Port) > 0 {
		eth.net.ListenAddr = ":" + config.Port

	vm.Debug = config.VmDebug

	return eth, nil
Exemple #4
func New(config *Config) (*Ethereum, error) {
	// Bootstrap database
	logger.New(config.DataDir, config.LogFile, config.Verbosity)
	if len(config.LogJSON) > 0 {
		logger.NewJSONsystem(config.DataDir, config.LogJSON)

	// Let the database take 3/4 of the max open files (TODO figure out a way to get the actual limit of the open files)
	const dbCount = 3
	ethdb.OpenFileLimit = 128 / (dbCount + 1)

	newdb := config.NewDB
	if newdb == nil {
		newdb = func(path string) (common.Database, error) { return ethdb.NewLDBDatabase(path) }
	blockDb, err := newdb(filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "blockchain"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("blockchain db err: %v", err)
	if db, ok := blockDb.(*ethdb.LDBDatabase); ok {
		db.GetTimer = metrics.NewTimer("eth/db/block/user/gets")
		db.PutTimer = metrics.NewTimer("eth/db/block/user/puts")
		db.MissMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/block/user/misses")
		db.ReadMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/block/user/reads")
		db.WriteMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/block/user/writes")
		db.CompTimeMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/block/compact/time")
		db.CompReadMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/block/compact/input")
		db.CompWriteMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/block/compact/output")
	stateDb, err := newdb(filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "state"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("state db err: %v", err)
	if db, ok := stateDb.(*ethdb.LDBDatabase); ok {
		db.GetTimer = metrics.NewTimer("eth/db/state/user/gets")
		db.PutTimer = metrics.NewTimer("eth/db/state/user/puts")
		db.MissMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/state/user/misses")
		db.ReadMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/state/user/reads")
		db.WriteMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/state/user/writes")
		db.CompTimeMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/state/compact/time")
		db.CompReadMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/state/compact/input")
		db.CompWriteMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/state/compact/output")
	extraDb, err := newdb(filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "extra"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("extra db err: %v", err)
	if db, ok := extraDb.(*ethdb.LDBDatabase); ok {
		db.GetTimer = metrics.NewTimer("eth/db/extra/user/gets")
		db.PutTimer = metrics.NewTimer("eth/db/extra/user/puts")
		db.MissMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/extra/user/misses")
		db.ReadMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/extra/user/reads")
		db.WriteMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/extra/user/writes")
		db.CompTimeMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/extra/compact/time")
		db.CompReadMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/extra/compact/input")
		db.CompWriteMeter = metrics.NewMeter("eth/db/extra/compact/output")
	nodeDb := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "nodes")

	// Perform database sanity checks
		// The databases were previously tied to protocol versions. Currently we
		// are moving away from this decision as approaching Frontier. The below
		// check was left in for now but should eventually be just dropped.

		d, _ := blockDb.Get([]byte("ProtocolVersion"))
		protov := int(common.NewValue(d).Uint())
		if protov != config.ProtocolVersion && protov != 0 {
			path := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "blockchain")
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Database version mismatch. Protocol(%d / %d). `rm -rf %s`", protov, config.ProtocolVersion, path)
		saveProtocolVersion(blockDb, config.ProtocolVersion)
	glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Protocol Versions: %v, Network Id: %v", ProtocolVersions, config.NetworkId)

	if !config.SkipBcVersionCheck {
		b, _ := blockDb.Get([]byte("BlockchainVersion"))
		bcVersion := int(common.NewValue(b).Uint())
		if bcVersion != config.BlockChainVersion && bcVersion != 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Blockchain DB version mismatch (%d / %d). Run geth upgradedb.\n", bcVersion, config.BlockChainVersion)
		saveBlockchainVersion(blockDb, config.BlockChainVersion)
	glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Blockchain DB Version: %d", config.BlockChainVersion)

	eth := &Ethereum{
		shutdownChan:            make(chan bool),
		databasesClosed:         make(chan bool),
		blockDb:                 blockDb,
		stateDb:                 stateDb,
		extraDb:                 extraDb,
		eventMux:                &event.TypeMux{},
		accountManager:          config.AccountManager,
		DataDir:                 config.DataDir,
		etherbase:               config.Etherbase,
		clientVersion:           config.Name, // TODO should separate from Name
		netVersionId:            config.NetworkId,
		NatSpec:                 config.NatSpec,
		MinerThreads:            config.MinerThreads,
		SolcPath:                config.SolcPath,
		AutoDAG:                 config.AutoDAG,
		PowTest:                 config.PowTest,
		GpoMinGasPrice:          config.GpoMinGasPrice,
		GpoMaxGasPrice:          config.GpoMaxGasPrice,
		GpoFullBlockRatio:       config.GpoFullBlockRatio,
		GpobaseStepDown:         config.GpobaseStepDown,
		GpobaseStepUp:           config.GpobaseStepUp,
		GpobaseCorrectionFactor: config.GpobaseCorrectionFactor,

	if config.PowTest {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("ethash used in test mode")
		eth.pow, err = ethash.NewForTesting()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	} else {
		eth.pow = ethash.New()
	genesis := core.GenesisBlock(uint64(config.GenesisNonce), stateDb)
	eth.chainManager, err = core.NewChainManager(genesis, blockDb, stateDb, extraDb, eth.pow, eth.EventMux())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	eth.txPool = core.NewTxPool(eth.EventMux(), eth.chainManager.State, eth.chainManager.GasLimit)

	eth.blockProcessor = core.NewBlockProcessor(stateDb, extraDb, eth.pow, eth.chainManager, eth.EventMux())
	eth.protocolManager = NewProtocolManager(config.NetworkId, eth.eventMux, eth.txPool, eth.pow, eth.chainManager)

	eth.miner = miner.New(eth, eth.EventMux(), eth.pow)
	if config.Shh {
		eth.whisper = whisper.New()
		eth.shhVersionId = int(eth.whisper.Version())

	netprv, err := config.nodeKey()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	protocols := append([]p2p.Protocol{}, eth.protocolManager.SubProtocols...)
	if config.Shh {
		protocols = append(protocols, eth.whisper.Protocol())
	eth.net = &p2p.Server{
		PrivateKey:      netprv,
		Name:            config.Name,
		MaxPeers:        config.MaxPeers,
		MaxPendingPeers: config.MaxPendingPeers,
		Discovery:       config.Discovery,
		Protocols:       protocols,
		NAT:             config.NAT,
		NoDial:          !config.Dial,
		BootstrapNodes:  config.parseBootNodes(),
		StaticNodes:     config.parseNodes(staticNodes),
		TrustedNodes:    config.parseNodes(trustedNodes),
		NodeDatabase:    nodeDb,
	if len(config.Port) > 0 {
		eth.net.ListenAddr = ":" + config.Port

	vm.Debug = config.VmDebug

	return eth, nil