Exemple #1
// GetRepo will fetch the data about the repo from the database.
// If the repo exist, return the RepoInfo populated
// If the repo doesn't exist in the database, return Repo with Exist = false
// Return an error only if something unexepected happened.
func (db Datastore) GetRepo(repo string) (github.RepoInfo, *datastore.Key, error) {
	var repoInfo github.RepoInfo
	key := new(datastore.Key)
	q := datastore.NewQuery(kind).Ancestor(repoInfoKey(db.Context)).Filter("Name =", repo)
	for t := q.Run(db.Context); ; {
		var info github.RepoInfo
		var err error
		key, err = t.Next(&info)
		if err == datastore.Done {
		if err != nil {
			return repoInfo, nil, err
		repoInfo = info
	return repoInfo, key, nil