Exemple #1
func shaBlkToKey(sha *wire.ShaHash) []byte {
	shaB := sha.Bytes()
	return shaB
Exemple #2
func shaSpentTxToKey(sha *wire.ShaHash) []byte {
	shaB := sha.Bytes()
	shaB = append(shaB, "sx"...)
	return shaB
Exemple #3
// pushDirBlockMsg sends a dir block message for the provided block hash to the
// connected peer.  An error is returned if the block hash is not known.
func (p *peer) pushDirBlockMsg(sha *wire.ShaHash, doneChan, waitChan chan struct{}) error {
	commonhash := new(common.Hash)
	blk, err := db.FetchDBlockByHash(commonhash)

	if err != nil {
		peerLog.Tracef("Unable to fetch requested dir block sha %v: %v",
			sha, err)

		if doneChan != nil {
			doneChan <- struct{}{}
		return err

	// Once we have fetched data wait for any previous operation to finish.
	if waitChan != nil {

	// We only send the channel for this message if we aren't sending(sha)
	// an inv straight after.
	var dc chan struct{}
	sendInv := p.continueHash != nil && p.continueHash.IsEqual(sha)
	if !sendInv {
		dc = doneChan
	msg := wire.NewMsgDirBlock()
	msg.DBlk = blk
	p.QueueMessage(msg, dc) //blk.MsgBlock(), dc)

	// When the peer requests the final block that was advertised in
	// response to a getblocks message which requested more blocks than
	// would fit into a single message, send it a new inventory message
	// to trigger it to issue another getblocks message for the next
	// batch of inventory.
	if p.continueHash != nil && p.continueHash.IsEqual(sha) {
		peerLog.Debug("continueHash: " + spew.Sdump(sha))
		// Sleep for 5 seconds for the peer to catch up
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

		// Note: Rather than the latest block height, we should pass
		// the last block height of this batch of wire.MaxBlockLocatorsPerMsg
		// to signal this is the end of the batch and
		// to trigger a client to send a new GetDirBlocks message
		//hash, _, err := db.FetchBlockHeightCache()
		//if err == nil {
		invMsg := wire.NewMsgDirInvSizeHint(1)
		iv := wire.NewInvVect(wire.InvTypeFactomDirBlock, sha) //hash)
		p.QueueMessage(invMsg, doneChan)
		p.continueHash = nil
		//} else if doneChan != nil {
		if doneChan != nil {
			doneChan <- struct{}{}
	return nil