Exemple #1
// CraftAndSubmitFullFault is called from the Negotiate goroutine
// (which fires once every 5 seconds on each server); most of the time
// these are "incomplete" FullFault messages which serve as status pings
// for the negotiation in progress
func CraftAndSubmitFullFault(pl *ProcessList, faultID [32]byte) *messages.FullServerFault {
	faultState := pl.GetFaultState(faultID)
	fc := faultState.FaultCore

	sf := messages.NewServerFault(fc.ServerID, fc.AuditServerID, int(fc.VMIndex), fc.DBHeight, fc.Height, pl.System.Height, fc.Timestamp)

	var listOfSigs []interfaces.IFullSignature
	for _, sig := range faultState.VoteMap {
		listOfSigs = append(listOfSigs, sig)
	var pff *messages.FullServerFault
	if pl.System.Height > 0 {
		pff = pl.System.List[pl.System.Height-1].(*messages.FullServerFault)
	fullFault := messages.NewFullServerFault(pff, sf, listOfSigs, pl.System.Height)
	//adminBlockEntryForFault := fullFault.ToAdminBlockEntry()
	if fullFault != nil {
		fullFault.SendOut(pl.State, fullFault)

	return fullFault
Exemple #2
// CraftAndSubmitFault is how we issue ServerFault messages when we have an
// open choice of which Audit Server we want to vote for (i.e. when we're not
// just matching someone else's existing Fault message vote)
func CraftAndSubmitFault(pl *ProcessList, vmIndex int, height int) {
	// TODO: if I am the Leader being faulted, I should respond by sending out
	// a MissingMsgResponse to everyone for the msg I'm being faulted for

	// Only consider Online Audit servers as candidates for promotion (this
	// allows us to cycle through Audits on successive calls to CraftAndSubmitFault,
	// so that we make sure to (eventually) find one that is ready and able to
	// accept the promotion)
	auditServerList := pl.State.GetOnlineAuditServers(pl.DBHeight)
	if len(auditServerList) > 0 {
		// Nominate the top candidate from the list of Online Audit Servers
		replacementServer := auditServerList[0]
		leaderMin := pl.State.CurrentMinute

		faultedFed := pl.ServerMap[leaderMin][vmIndex]
		faultedFedID := pl.FedServers[faultedFed].GetChainID()

		// Create and send ServerFault (vote) message
		sf := messages.NewServerFault(faultedFedID, replacementServer.GetChainID(), vmIndex, pl.DBHeight, uint32(height), pl.System.Height, pl.State.GetTimestamp())
		if sf != nil {
			//pl.State.NetworkOutMsgQueue() <- sf
			pl.State.InMsgQueue() <- sf
			fm := pl.GetFaultState(sf.GetCoreHash().Fixed())
			if !fm.IsNil() {
				// If we already have a FaultState saved to our ProcessList's
				// FaultMap, we update its "LastMatch" value to the current time
				// (LastMatch is merely a throttling mechanism)
				fm.LastMatch = time.Now().Unix()
				pl.AddFaultState(sf.GetCoreHash().Fixed(), fm)
	} else {
		// If we don't see any Audit servers as Online, we reset all of
		// them to an Online state and start the cycle anew
		for _, aud := range pl.AuditServers {
Exemple #3
// When we execute a FullFault message, it could be complete (includes all
// necessary signatures + pledge) or incomplete, in which case it is just
// a negotiation ping
func (s *State) FollowerExecuteFullFault(m interfaces.IMsg) {
	fullFault, _ := m.(*messages.FullServerFault)

	pl := s.ProcessLists.Get(fullFault.DBHeight)

	if fullFault.ServerID.IsZero() || fullFault.AuditServerID.IsZero() {

	auditServerList := s.GetAuditServers(fullFault.DBHeight)
	var theAuditReplacement interfaces.IFctServer

	for _, auditServer := range auditServerList {
		if auditServer.GetChainID().IsSameAs(fullFault.AuditServerID) {
			theAuditReplacement = auditServer
	if theAuditReplacement == nil {
		// If we don't have any Audit Servers in our Authority set
		// that match the nominated Audit Server in the FullFault,
		// we can't really do anything useful with it

	vm := pl.VMs[int(fullFault.VMIndex)]
	rHt := vm.Height
	ffHt := int(fullFault.Height)
	if false && rHt > ffHt {
		fmt.Printf("dddd  %20s VM[%d] height %d Full Fault ht: %d \n", s.FactomNodeName, fullFault.VMIndex, rHt, ffHt)
		vm.Height = ffHt
		vm.List = vm.List[:ffHt] // Nuke all the extra messages that might annoy us.

	if int(fullFault.SystemHeight) == pl.System.Height {
		if fullFault.HasEnoughSigs(s) && s.pledgedByAudit(fullFault) {
		} else {
			mightMatch := false
			willUpdate := false
			if s.IdentityChainID.IsSameAs(fullFault.AuditServerID) {
				// We are the nominated auditServer
				mightMatch = true
			} else {
				if vm.whenFaulted != 0 {
					//I AGREE
					currentTopPriority := TopPriorityFaultState(pl)
					var tpts int64
					if currentTopPriority.IsNil() {
						tpts = 0
					} else {
						tpts = currentTopPriority.FaultCore.Timestamp.GetTimeSeconds()
					ffts := fullFault.Timestamp.GetTimeSeconds()
					if ffts >= tpts {
						if !currentTopPriority.IsNil() && fullFault.ServerID.IsSameAs(currentTopPriority.FaultCore.ServerID) && ffts > tpts {
							//IT IS A RENEWAL
							if int(ffts-tpts) < s.FaultTimeout {
								//TOO SOON
								newVMI := (int(fullFault.VMIndex) + 1) % len(pl.FedServers)
								Fault(pl, newVMI, int(fullFault.Height))
							} else {
								if !currentTopPriority.IsNil() && couldIFullFault(pl, int(currentTopPriority.FaultCore.VMIndex)) {
									newVMI := (int(fullFault.VMIndex) + 1) % len(pl.FedServers)
									Fault(pl, newVMI, int(fullFault.Height))
								} else {
									willUpdate = true
						} else {
							willUpdate = true
			if willUpdate {
				mightMatch = true
				s.regularFullFaultExecution(fullFault, pl)
			if mightMatch {
				theFaultState := pl.GetFaultState(fullFault.GetCoreHash().Fixed())
				if !theFaultState.MyVoteTallied {
					now := time.Now().Unix()

					if now-theFaultState.LastMatch > 5 && int(now-s.LastTiebreak) > s.FaultTimeout/2 {
						if theFaultState.SigTally(s) >= len(pl.FedServers)-1 {
							s.LastTiebreak = now
						nsf := messages.NewServerFault(fullFault.ServerID, fullFault.AuditServerID, int(fullFault.VMIndex),
							fullFault.DBHeight, fullFault.Height, int(fullFault.SystemHeight), fullFault.Timestamp)
Exemple #4
// regularFullFaultExecution does the same thing as regularFaultExecution, except
// it will make sure to add every signature from the FullFault to the corresponding
// FaultState's VoteMap
func (s *State) regularFullFaultExecution(sf *messages.FullServerFault, pl *ProcessList) {
	coreHash := sf.GetCoreHash().Fixed()

	for _, signature := range sf.SignatureList.List {
		var issuerID [32]byte
		rawIssuerID := signature.GetKey()
		for i := 0; i < 32; i++ {
			if i < len(rawIssuerID) {
				issuerID[i] = rawIssuerID[i]

		faultState := pl.GetFaultState(coreHash)
		if !faultState.IsNil() {
			// We already have a map entry
		} else {
			// We don't have a map entry yet; let's create one
			fcore := ExtractFaultCore(sf)
			faultState = FaultState{FaultCore: fcore, AmINegotiator: false, MyVoteTallied: false, VoteMap: make(map[[32]byte]interfaces.IFullSignature)}

			if isMyNegotiation(fcore, pl) {
				faultState.AmINegotiator = true
				pl.AmINegotiator = true

			if faultState.VoteMap == nil {
				faultState.VoteMap = make(map[[32]byte]interfaces.IFullSignature)
			pl.AddFaultState(coreHash, faultState)

		if s.Leader || s.IdentityChainID.IsSameAs(sf.AuditServerID) {
			if !faultState.MyVoteTallied {
				nsf := messages.NewServerFault(sf.ServerID, sf.AuditServerID, int(sf.VMIndex), sf.DBHeight, sf.Height, int(sf.SystemHeight), sf.Timestamp)
				sfbytes, err := nsf.MarshalForSignature()
				myAuth, _ := s.GetAuthority(s.IdentityChainID)
				if myAuth == nil || err != nil {
				valid, err := myAuth.VerifySignature(sfbytes, signature.GetSignature())
				if err == nil && valid {
					faultState.MyVoteTallied = true
					pl.AddFaultState(coreHash, faultState)

		lbytes := sf.GetCoreHash().Bytes()

		isPledge := false
		auth, _ := s.GetAuthority(sf.AuditServerID)
		if auth == nil {
			isPledge = false
		} else {
			valid, err := auth.VerifySignature(lbytes, signature.GetSignature())
			if err == nil && valid {
				isPledge = true
				faultState.PledgeDone = true
				pl.AddFaultState(coreHash, faultState)

		sfSigned, err := s.FastVerifyAuthoritySignature(lbytes, signature, sf.DBHeight)

		if err == nil && (sfSigned > 0 || (sfSigned == 0 && isPledge)) {
			faultState.VoteMap[issuerID] = sf.GetSignature()
			pl.AddFaultState(coreHash, faultState)

	faultState := pl.GetFaultState(coreHash)
	if !faultState.IsNil() {
		if s.Leader || s.IdentityChainID.IsSameAs(sf.AuditServerID) {
			if !faultState.MyVoteTallied {
				now := time.Now().Unix()
				if int(now-s.LastTiebreak) > s.FaultTimeout/2 {
					if faultState.SigTally(s) >= len(pl.FedServers)-1 {
						s.LastTiebreak = now

					nsf := messages.NewServerFault(sf.ServerID, sf.AuditServerID, int(sf.VMIndex), sf.DBHeight, sf.Height, int(sf.SystemHeight), sf.Timestamp)