// Create a new Acknowledgement.  Must be called by a leader.  This
// call assumes all the pieces are in place to create a new acknowledgement
func (s *State) NewAck(msg interfaces.IMsg) interfaces.IMsg {

	vmIndex := msg.GetVMIndex()

	ack := new(messages.Ack)
	ack.DBHeight = s.LLeaderHeight
	ack.VMIndex = vmIndex
	ack.Minute = byte(s.ProcessLists.Get(s.LLeaderHeight).VMs[vmIndex].LeaderMinute)
	ack.Timestamp = s.GetTimestamp()
	ack.SaltNumber = s.GetSalt(ack.Timestamp)
	copy(ack.Salt[:8], s.Salt.Bytes()[:8])
	ack.MessageHash = msg.GetMsgHash()
	ack.LeaderChainID = s.IdentityChainID

	listlen := len(s.LeaderPL.VMs[vmIndex].List)
	if listlen == 0 {
		ack.Height = 0
		ack.SerialHash = ack.MessageHash
	} else {
		last := s.LeaderPL.GetAckAt(vmIndex, listlen-1)
		ack.Height = last.Height + 1
		ack.SerialHash, _ = primitives.CreateHash(last.MessageHash, ack.MessageHash)


	return ack