Exemple #1
// Split this out so we can inject a deterministic time for testing.
func id_replacer(val string, ctx *bot.Context, ts time.Time) string {
	val = strings.Replace(val, "$nick", ctx.Nick, -1)
	val = strings.Replace(val, "$chan", ctx.Target(), -1)
	val = strings.Replace(val, "$username", ctx.Ident, -1)
	val = strings.Replace(val, "$user", ctx.Ident, -1)
	val = strings.Replace(val, "$host", ctx.Host, -1)
	val = strings.Replace(val, "$date", datetime.Format(ts), -1)
	val = strings.Replace(val, "$time", datetime.Format(ts, "15:04:05"), -1)
	return val
Exemple #2
func (n *Nick) String() string {
	if act, ok := actionMap[n.Action]; ok {
		return fmt.Sprintf("I last saw %s on %s (%s ago), %s.",
			n.Nick, datetime.Format(n.Timestamp),
			util.TimeSince(n.Timestamp), act(n))
	// No specific message format for the action seen.
	return fmt.Sprintf("I last saw %s at %s (%s ago).",
		n.Nick, datetime.Format(n.Timestamp),
Exemple #3
func (k *Karma) String() string {
	s := fmt.Sprintf("'%s' has a karma of %d after %d votes.",
		k.Subject, k.Score, k.Votes)
	if k.Upvoter != "" {
		s += fmt.Sprintf(" Last upvoted by %s at %s.",
			k.Upvoter, datetime.Format(k.Upvtime))
	if k.Downvoter != "" {
		s += fmt.Sprintf(" Last downvoted by %s at %s.",
			k.Downvoter, datetime.Format(k.Downvtime))
	return s
Exemple #4
// Factoid info: 'fact info key' => some information about key
func info(ctx *bot.Context) {
	key := ToKey(ctx.Text(), false)
	count := fc.GetCount(key)
	if count == 0 {
		ctx.ReplyN("I don't know anything about '%s'.", key)
	msgs := make([]string, 0, 10)
	if key == "" {
		msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("In total, I know %d things.", count))
	} else {
		msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("I know %d things about '%s'.",
			count, key))
	if created := fc.GetLast("created", key); created != nil {
		c := created.Created
		msgs = append(msgs, "A factoid")
		if key != "" {
			msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("for '%s'", key))
		msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("was last created on %s by %s,",
			datetime.Format(c.Timestamp), c.Nick))
	if modified := fc.GetLast("modified", key); modified != nil {
		m := modified.Modified
		msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("modified on %s by %s,",
			datetime.Format(m.Timestamp), m.Nick))
	if accessed := fc.GetLast("accessed", key); accessed != nil {
		a := accessed.Accessed
		msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("and accessed on %s by %s.",
			datetime.Format(a.Timestamp), a.Nick))
	if info := fc.InfoMR(key); info != nil {
		if key == "" {
			msgs = append(msgs, "These factoids have")
		} else {
			msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("'%s' has", key))
		msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf(
			"been modified %d times and accessed %d times.",
			info.Modified, info.Accessed))
	ctx.ReplyN("%s", strings.Join(msgs, " "))
Exemple #5
func cache(ctx *bot.Context) {
	var u *urls.Url
	if ctx.Text() == "" {
		// assume we have been given "cache that"
		if u = uc.GetById(lastseen[ctx.Target()]); u == nil {
			ctx.ReplyN("I seem to have forgotten what to cache")
		if u.CachedAs != "" {
			ctx.ReplyN("That was already cached as %s%s%s at %s",
				bot.HttpHost(), cachePath, u.CachedAs,
	} else {
		url := strings.TrimSpace(ctx.Text())
		if idx := strings.Index(url, " "); idx != -1 {
			url = url[:idx]
		if !util.LooksURLish(url) {
			ctx.ReplyN("'%s' doesn't look URLish", url)
		if u = uc.GetByUrl(url); u == nil {
			n, c := ctx.Storable()
			u = urls.NewUrl(url, n, c)
		} else if u.CachedAs != "" {
			ctx.ReplyN("That was already cached as %s%s%s at %s",
				bot.HttpHost(), cachePath, u.CachedAs,

	if err := Cache(u); err != nil {
		ctx.ReplyN("Failed to store cached url: %s", err)
	ctx.ReplyN("%s cached as %s%s%s",
		u.Url, bot.HttpHost(), cachePath, u.CachedAs)

Exemple #6
func date(ctx *bot.Context) {
	tstr, zone := ctx.Text(), ""
	if idx := strings.Index(tstr, "in "); idx != -1 {
		tstr, zone = tstr[:idx], strings.TrimSpace(tstr[idx+3:])
	tm, ok := time.Now(), true
	if tstr != "" {
		if tm, ok = datetime.Parse(tstr); !ok {
			ctx.ReplyN("Couldn't parse time string '%s'.", tstr)
	if loc := datetime.Zone(zone); zone != "" && loc != nil {
		tm = tm.In(loc)
		ctx.ReplyN("%s", tm.Format(datetime.TimeFormat))
	} else {
		ctx.ReplyN("%s", datetime.Format(tm))
Exemple #7
func urbanDictionary(ctx *bot.Context) {
	entry, ok, err := cache.fetch(strings.ToLower(ctx.Text()))
	if err != nil {
		ctx.ReplyN("ud request failed: %s", err)
	cached, r := "", entry.result
	if ok {
		cached = fmt.Sprintf(", result cached at %s",
	if r.Total == 0 || r.Type == "no_results" {
		ctx.ReplyN("%s isn't defined yet%s.", ctx.Text(), cached)
	// Cycle through all the definitions on repeated calls for the same term
	r.Pages = (r.Pages + 1) % r.Total
	def := r.List[r.Pages]
	ctx.Reply("[%d/%d] %s (%d up, %d down%s)", r.Pages+1, r.Total,
		strings.Replace(def.Definition, "\r\n", " ", -1),
		def.Upvotes, def.Downvotes, cached)
Exemple #8
func (r *Reminder) At() string {
	return datetime.Format(r.RemindAt)