Exemple #1
// pluralCamelNameType takes a type, and returns its type converted
// to camel_case and pluralised.
func pluralCamelNameType(typ reflect.Type) string {
	t := fmt.Sprintf("%v", typ)
	a := strings.Split(t, ".")
	t1 := a[len(a)-1]
	t2 := snaker.CamelToSnake(t1)
	t3 := inflector.Pluralize(t2)
	return t3
Exemple #2
// pluralCamelName takes an interface, and returns its type converted
// to camel_case and pluralised. eg. pluralCamelName(ImportantPerson{})
// should return "important_people"
func pluralCamelName(i interface{}) string {
	t := fmt.Sprintf("%T", i)
	a := strings.Split(t, ".")
	t1 := a[len(a)-1]
	t2 := snaker.CamelToSnake(t1)
	t3 := inflector.Pluralize(t2)
	return t3
Exemple #3
func main() {
	for _, s := range singulars {
		fmt.Printf("Plural of %v = %v\n", s, inflector.Pluralize(s))


	for _, s := range plurals {
		fmt.Printf("Singular of %v = %v\n", s, inflector.Singularize(s))
Exemple #4
func GenerateModels(s *models.Schema) (map[string][]byte, error) {
	modelSrc := make(map[string][]byte)
	for _, table := range s.Tables {
		buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
		structName := inflector.Singularize(strings.Title(table.Name))
		buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n// %s is a generated struct from a %s database. See github.com/alistanis/stg for more information.", structName, s.Adapter))
		buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\ntype %s struct {\n", structName))
		for _, row := range table.Rows {
			buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %s", strings.Title(row.Field)))
			t := row.Type
			switch {
			case strings.Contains(t, "int"), strings.Contains(t, "numeric"):
				buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" int `db:\"%s\"` \n", row.Field))
			case strings.Contains(t, "varchar"), strings.Contains(t, "text"), strings.Contains(t, "char"):
				buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" string `db:\"%s\"` \n", row.Field))
			case strings.Contains(t, "real"), strings.Contains(t, "float"):
				buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" float64 `db:\"%s\"` \n", row.Field))
			case strings.Contains(t, "bool"):
				buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" bool `db:\"%s\"` \n", row.Field))
			case strings.Contains(t, "enum"):
				buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" interface{} `db:\"%s\"` \n", row.Field))
			case strings.Contains(t, "blob"), strings.Contains(t, "binary"):
				buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" []byte `db:\"%s\"` \n", row.Field))
				return nil, errors.New("Unsupported type")


		buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`var (
		%s = &%s{}
		`, inflector.Pluralize(strings.Title(table.Name)), strings.Title(table.Name)))
		methods, err := GenerateMethods(table, s.Adapter)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		for _, m := range methods {
		src, err := format.Source(buffer.Bytes())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		modelSrc[strings.ToLower(table.Name)] = src
	return modelSrc, nil
Exemple #5
Fichier : util.go Projet : knq/xo
// BuildIndexFuncName builds the index func name for an index and its supplied
// fields.
func (a *ArgType) BuildIndexFuncName(ixTpl *Index) {
	// build func name
	funcName := ixTpl.Type.Name
	if !ixTpl.Index.IsUnique {
		funcName = inflector.Pluralize(ixTpl.Type.Name)
	funcName = funcName + "By"

	// add param names
	paramNames := []string{}

	ixName := fmtIndexName(ixTpl.Index.IndexName, ixTpl.Type.Table.TableName)
	if a.UseIndexNames && ixName != "" {
		paramNames = append(paramNames, ixName)
	} else {
		for _, f := range ixTpl.Fields {
			paramNames = append(paramNames, f.Name)

	// store resulting name back
	ixTpl.FuncName = funcName + strings.Join(paramNames, "")
Exemple #6
func Plural(s string) string {
	return inflector.Pluralize(s)
Exemple #7
// Pluralize returns the pluralization of a noun.
func Pluralize(word string) string {
	return inflector.Pluralize(word)
Exemple #8
func (n *Naming) Pluralize() {
	n.ResourceName = inflector.Pluralize(n.ResourceName)
Exemple #9
func (h HasOne) TableName() string {
	return inflector.Pluralize(toSnakeCase(h.Func()))
Exemple #10
// PgLoadIdx loads indexes from the database.
func PgLoadIdx(args *internal.ArgType, db *sql.DB, typeMap map[string]*bytes.Buffer, tableMap map[string]*templates.TableTemplate) (map[string]*templates.IdxTemplate, error) {
	var err error

	// load idx's
	idxMap := map[string]*templates.IdxTemplate{}
	for _, t := range tableMap {
		// find relevant columns
		fields := []*models.Column{}
		for _, f := range t.Fields {
			if f.IsIndex && !f.IsForeignKey {
				if _, ok := idxMap[f.IndexName]; !ok {
					i := &templates.IdxTemplate{
						Type:        t.Type,
						Name:        snaker.SnakeToCamel(f.IndexName),
						TableSchema: t.TableSchema,
						TableName:   f.TableName,
						IndexName:   f.IndexName,
						IsUnique:    f.IsUnique,
						Fields:      fields,
						Table:       t,

					// non unique lookup
					if !f.IsUnique {
						idxName := i.IndexName

						// chop off tablename_
						if strings.HasPrefix(idxName, f.TableName+"_") {
							idxName = idxName[len(f.TableName)+1:]

						// chop off _idx or _index
						switch {
						case strings.HasSuffix(idxName, "_idx"):
							idxName = idxName[:len(idxName)-len("_idx")]
						case strings.HasSuffix(idxName, "_index"):
							idxName = idxName[:len(idxName)-len("_index")]

						i.Name = snaker.SnakeToCamel(idxName)
						i.Plural = inflector.Pluralize(t.Type)

					idxMap[f.IndexName] = i

				idxMap[f.IndexName].Fields = append(idxMap[f.IndexName].Fields, f)

	// idx keys
	idxKeys := []string{}
	for k := range idxMap {
		idxKeys = append(idxKeys, k)

	// generate templates
	for _, k := range idxKeys {
		buf := GetBuf(typeMap, strings.ToLower(idxMap[k].Type))
		err = templates.Tpls["postgres.idx.go.tpl"].Execute(buf, idxMap[k])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return idxMap, nil
Exemple #11
func (s structType) TableName() string {
	return toSnakeCase(inflector.Pluralize(s.Name))
Exemple #12
func (sd *ShortDesc) Pluralize() string {
	return inflector.Pluralize(sd.Value)
Exemple #13
func PluralizedModelName(m interface{}) (string, error) {
	typ := reflect.TypeOf(m)
	start := strings.Index(typ.String(), ".") + 1
	end := len(typ.String())
	return inflector.Pluralize(strings.ToLower(typ.String()[start:end])), nil
Exemple #14
func (i *extensionPoint) Var() string {
	return inflector.Pluralize(i.Name)
func handleString(schemas []ColumnSchema, table string) string {
	pk := primaryKey(schemas, table)
	updateLastUpdated := hasLastUpdated(schemas, table)

	out := ""
	out += "// @Title get" + formatName(table) + "ById\n"
	out += "// @Description retrieves the " + table + " information for a certain id\n"
	out += "// @Accept  application/json\n"
	out += "// @Param   id              path    int     false        \"The row id\"\n"
	out += "// @Success 200 {array}    " + formatName(table) + "\n"
	out += "// @Resource /api/2.0\n"
	out += "// @Router /api/2.0/" + table + "/{id} [get]\n"
	out += "func get" + inflector.Singularize(formatName(table)) + "(" + getPkGoFuncParamString(pk) + ", db *sqlx.DB) (interface{}, error) {\n"
	out += "    ret := []" + formatName(table) + "{}\n"
	out += "    arg := " + formatName(table) + "{}\n"
	out += setStructPkFields(pk)
	out += "    queryStr := \"select *, " + selfQueryStr(pk, table) + "\"\n"
	out += setFkHALQueryStr(schemas, table)
	out += "    queryStr += \" from " + table + " " + pkWhereStr(pk) + "\"\n"
	out += "    nstmt, err := db.PrepareNamed(queryStr)\n"
	out += "    err = nstmt.Select(&ret, arg)\n"
	out += "	if err != nil {\n"
	out += "	    log.Println(err)\n"
	out += "	    return nil, err\n"
	out += "	}\n"
	out += "    nstmt.Close()\n"
	out += "	return ret, nil\n"
	out += "}\n\n"

	out += "// @Title get" + formatName(table) + "s\n"
	out += "// @Description retrieves the " + table + "\n"
	out += "// @Accept  application/json\n"
	out += "// @Success 200 {array}    " + formatName(table) + "\n"
	out += "// @Resource /api/2.0\n"
	out += "// @Router /api/2.0/" + table + " [get]\n"
	out += "func get" + inflector.Pluralize(formatName(table)) + "(db *sqlx.DB) (interface{}, error) {\n"
	out += "    ret := []" + formatName(table) + "{}\n"
	out += "    queryStr := \"select *, " + selfQueryStr(pk, table) + "\"\n"
	out += setFkHALQueryStr(schemas, table)
	out += "queryStr += \" from " + table + "\"\n"
	out += "	err := db.Select(&ret, queryStr)\n"
	out += "	if err != nil {\n"
	out += "	   log.Println(err)\n"
	out += "	   return nil, err\n"
	out += "	}\n"
	out += "	return ret, nil\n"
	out += "}\n\n"

	out += "// @Title post" + formatName(table) + "\n"
	out += "// @Description enter a new " + table + "\n"
	out += "// @Accept  application/json\n"
	out += "// @Param                 Body body     " + formatName(table) + "   true \"" + formatName(table) + " object that should be added to the table\"\n"
	out += "// @Success 200 {object}    output_format.ApiWrapper\n"
	out += "// @Resource /api/2.0\n"
	out += "// @Router /api/2.0/" + table + " [post]\n"
	out += "func post" + inflector.Singularize(formatName(table)) + "(payload []byte, db *sqlx.DB) (interface{}, error) {\n"
	out += "	var v " + formatName(table) + "\n"
	out += "	err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &v)\n"
	out += "	if err != nil {\n"
	out += "		log.Println(err)\n"
	out += "    	return nil, err\n"
	out += "	}\n"
	out += genInsertVarLines(schemas, table)
	out += "    result, err := db.NamedExec(sqlString, v)\n"
	out += "    if err != nil {\n"
	out += "        log.Println(err)\n"
	out += "    	return nil, err\n"
	out += "    }\n"
	out += "    return result, err\n"
	out += "}\n\n"

	out += "// @Title put" + formatName(table) + "\n"
	out += "// @Description modify an existing " + table + "entry\n"
	out += "// @Accept  application/json\n"
	out += "// @Param   id              path    int     true        \"The row id\"\n"
	out += "// @Param                 Body body     " + formatName(table) + "   true \"" + formatName(table) + " object that should be added to the table\"\n"
	out += "// @Success 200 {object}    output_format.ApiWrapper\n"
	out += "// @Resource /api/2.0\n"
	out += "// @Router /api/2.0/" + table + "/{id}  [put]\n"
	out += "func put" + inflector.Singularize(formatName(table)) + "(" + getPkGoFuncParamString(pk) + ", payload []byte, db *sqlx.DB) (interface{}, error) {\n"
	out += "    var arg " + formatName(table) + "\n"
	out += "    err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &arg)\n"
	out += setStructPkFields(pk)
	out += "    if err != nil {\n"
	out += "    	log.Println(err)\n"
	out += "    	return nil, err\n"
	out += "    }\n"
	if updateLastUpdated {
		out += "    arg.LastUpdated = time.Now()\n"
	out += genUpdateVarLines(schemas, table)
	out += "    result, err := db.NamedExec(sqlString, arg)\n"
	out += "    if err != nil {\n"
	out += "    	log.Println(err)\n"
	out += "    	return nil, err\n"
	out += "    }\n"
	out += "    return result, err\n"
	out += "}\n\n"

	out += "// @Title del" + formatName(table) + "ById\n"
	out += "// @Description deletes " + table + " information for a certain id\n"
	out += "// @Accept  application/json\n"
	out += "// @Param   id              path    int     false        \"The row id\"\n"
	out += "// @Success 200 {array}    " + formatName(table) + "\n"
	out += "// @Resource /api/2.0\n"
	out += "// @Router /api/2.0/" + table + "/{id} [delete]\n"
	out += "func del" + inflector.Singularize(formatName(table)) + "(" + getPkGoFuncParamString(pk) + ", db *sqlx.DB) (interface{}, error) {\n"
	out += "    arg := " + formatName(table) + "{}\n"
	out += setStructPkFields(pk)
	out += "    result, err := db.NamedExec(\"DELETE FROM " + table + " " + pkWhereStr(pk) + "\", arg)\n"
	out += "    if err != nil {\n"
	out += "    	log.Println(err)\n"
	out += "    	return nil, err\n"
	out += "    }\n"
	out += "    return result, err\n"
	out += "}\n\n"
	return out
func (str String) Pluralize() string {
	return inflector.Pluralize(string(str))
Exemple #17
func (b BelongsTo) TableName() string {
	return inflector.Pluralize(toSnakeCase(b.Func()))
Exemple #18
// PgParseQuery parses the query and generates a type for it.
func PgParseQuery(args *internal.ArgType, db *sql.DB, typeMap map[string]*bytes.Buffer) error {
	var err error

	// parse supplied query
	queryStr, params := parseQuery(args, args.Query, "$%d")
	inspectStr, _ := parseQuery(args, args.Query, "NULL")

	// strip out
	if args.QueryStrip {
		queryStr = queryStripRE.ReplaceAllString(queryStr, "")

	// split up query and inspect based on lines
	query := strings.Split(queryStr, "\n")
	inspect := strings.Split(inspectStr, "\n")

	// build query comments with stripped values
	// FIXME: this is off by one, because of golang template syntax limitations
	queryComments := make([]string, len(query)+1)
	if args.QueryStrip {
		for i, l := range inspect {
			pos := queryStripRE.FindStringIndex(l)
			if pos != nil {
				queryComments[i+1] = l[pos[0]:pos[1]]
			} else {
				queryComments[i+1] = ""

	// trim whitespace if applicable
	if args.QueryTrim {
		for n, l := range query {
			query[n] = strings.TrimSpace(l)
			if n < len(query)-1 {
				query[n] = query[n] + " "

		for n, l := range inspect {
			inspect[n] = strings.TrimSpace(l)
			if n < len(inspect)-1 {
				inspect[n] = inspect[n] + " "

	// create temporary view xoid
	xoid := "_xo_" + genRandomID()
	viewq := `CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW ` + xoid + ` AS (` + strings.Join(inspect, "\n") + `)`
	_, err = db.Exec(viewq)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// determine schema name temporary view was created on
	// sql query
	var nspq = `SELECT n.nspname ` +
		`FROM pg_class c ` +
		`JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace ` +
		`WHERE n.nspname LIKE 'pg_temp%' AND c.relname = $1`

	// run schema query
	var schema string
	err = db.QueryRow(nspq, xoid).Scan(&schema)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// load column information ("v" == view)
	cols, err := models.ColumnsByRelkindSchema(db, "v", schema)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// create template for query type
	typeTpl := &templates.TableTemplate{
		Type:        args.QueryType,
		TableSchema: args.Schema,
		Fields:      []*models.Column{},
		Comment:     args.QueryTypeComment,

	// process columns
	for _, c := range cols {
		c.Field = snaker.SnakeToCamel(c.ColumnName)
		c.Len, c.NilType, c.Type = PgParseType(args, c.DataType, false)
		typeTpl.Fields = append(typeTpl.Fields, c)

	// generate query type template
	buf := GetBuf(typeMap, strings.ToLower(args.QueryType))
	err = templates.Tpls["postgres.model.go.tpl"].Execute(buf, typeTpl)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// build func name
	funcName := args.QueryFunc
	if funcName == "" {
		// no func name specified, so generate based on type
		if args.QueryOnlyOne {
			funcName = args.QueryType
		} else {
			funcName = inflector.Pluralize(args.QueryType)

		// affix any params
		if len(params) == 0 {
			funcName = "Get" + funcName
		} else {
			funcName = funcName + "By"
			for _, p := range params {
				funcName = funcName + strings.ToUpper(p[0][:1]) + p[0][1:]

	// create func template
	funcTpl := &templates.FuncTemplate{
		Name:          funcName,
		Type:          args.QueryType,
		Query:         query,
		QueryComments: queryComments,
		Parameters:    params,
		OnlyOne:       args.QueryOnlyOne,
		Comment:       args.QueryFuncComment,
		Table:         typeTpl,

	// generate template
	err = templates.Tpls["postgres.func.go.tpl"].Execute(buf, funcTpl)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Exemple #19
Fichier : loader.go Projet : knq/xo
// ParseQuery satisfies Loader's ParseQuery.
func (tl TypeLoader) ParseQuery(args *ArgType) error {
	var err error

	// parse supplied query
	queryStr, params := args.ParseQuery(tl.Mask(), true)
	inspectStr, _ := args.ParseQuery("NULL", false)

	// split up query and inspect based on lines
	query := strings.Split(queryStr, "\n")
	inspect := strings.Split(inspectStr, "\n")

	// query comment placeholder
	queryComments := make([]string, len(query)+1)

	// trim whitespace if applicable
	if args.QueryTrim {
		for n, l := range query {
			query[n] = strings.TrimSpace(l)
			if n < len(query)-1 {
				query[n] = query[n] + " "

		for n, l := range inspect {
			inspect[n] = strings.TrimSpace(l)
			if n < len(inspect)-1 {
				inspect[n] = inspect[n] + " "

	// query strip
	if args.QueryStrip && tl.QueryStrip != nil {
		tl.QueryStrip(query, queryComments)

	// create template for query type
	typeTpl := &Type{
		Name:    args.QueryType,
		RelType: Table,
		Fields:  []*Field{},
		Table: &models.Table{
			TableName: "[custom " + strings.ToLower(snaker.CamelToSnake(args.QueryType)) + "]",
		Comment: args.QueryTypeComment,

	if args.QueryFields == "" {
		// if no query fields specified, then pass to inspector
		colList, err := tl.QueryColumnList(args, inspect)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// process columns
		for _, c := range colList {
			f := &Field{
				Name: SnakeToIdentifier(c.ColumnName),
				Col:  c,
			f.Len, f.NilType, f.Type = tl.ParseType(args, c.DataType, false)
			typeTpl.Fields = append(typeTpl.Fields, f)
	} else {
		// extract fields from query fields
		for _, qf := range strings.Split(args.QueryFields, ",") {
			qf = strings.TrimSpace(qf)
			colName := qf
			colType := "string"

			i := strings.Index(qf, " ")
			if i != -1 {
				colName = qf[:i]
				colType = qf[i+1:]

			typeTpl.Fields = append(typeTpl.Fields, &Field{
				Name: colName,
				Type: colType,
				Col: &models.Column{
					ColumnName: snaker.CamelToSnake(colName),

	// generate query type template
	err = args.ExecuteTemplate(QueryTypeTemplate, args.QueryType, "", typeTpl)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// build func name
	funcName := args.QueryFunc
	if funcName == "" {
		// no func name specified, so generate based on type
		if args.QueryOnlyOne {
			funcName = args.QueryType
		} else {
			funcName = inflector.Pluralize(args.QueryType)

		// affix any params
		if len(params) == 0 {
			funcName = "Get" + funcName
		} else {
			funcName = funcName + "By"
			for _, p := range params {
				funcName = funcName + strings.ToUpper(p.Name[:1]) + p.Name[1:]

	// create func template
	queryTpl := &Query{
		Name:          funcName,
		Query:         query,
		QueryComments: queryComments,
		QueryParams:   params,
		OnlyOne:       args.QueryOnlyOne,
		Interpolate:   args.QueryInterpolate,
		Type:          typeTpl,
		Comment:       args.QueryFuncComment,

	// generate template
	err = args.ExecuteTemplate(QueryTemplate, args.QueryType, "", queryTpl)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil