Exemple #1
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetRetainedWorktree(retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer waitg.Done()

	// Retain other worktree HEADs too
	// Working copy, branch & maybe commit is different but repo is shared
	allWorktreeRefs, err := git.GetAllWorkTreeHEADs(config.LocalGitStorageDir)
	if err != nil {
		errorChan <- err
	// Don't repeat any commits, worktrees are always on their own branches but
	// may point to the same commit
	commits := tools.NewStringSet()
	// current HEAD is done elsewhere
	headref, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		errorChan <- err
	for _, ref := range allWorktreeRefs {
		if commits.Add(ref.Sha) {
			// Worktree is on a different commit
			// Don't need to 'cd' to worktree since we share same repo
			go pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref.Sha, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)

Exemple #2
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetRetainedCurrentAndRecentRefs(fetchconf config.FetchPruneConfig, retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer waitg.Done()

	// We actually increment the waitg in this func since we kick off sub-goroutines
	// Make a list of what unique commits to keep, & search backward from
	commits := tools.NewStringSet()
	// Do current first
	ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		errorChan <- err
	go pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref.Sha, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)

	// Now recent
	if fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsDays > 0 {
		pruneRefDays := fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsDays + fetchconf.PruneOffsetDays
		tracerx.Printf("PRUNE: Retaining non-HEAD refs within %d (%d+%d) days", pruneRefDays, fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsDays, fetchconf.PruneOffsetDays)
		refsSince := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -pruneRefDays)
		// Keep all recent refs including any recent remote branches
		refs, err := git.RecentBranches(refsSince, fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsIncludeRemotes, "")
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Could not scan for recent refs")
		for _, ref := range refs {
			if commits.Add(ref.Sha) {
				// A new commit
				go pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref.Sha, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)

	// For every unique commit we've fetched, check recent commits too
	// Only if we're fetching recent commits, otherwise only keep at refs
	if fetchconf.FetchRecentCommitsDays > 0 {
		pruneCommitDays := fetchconf.FetchRecentCommitsDays + fetchconf.PruneOffsetDays
		for commit := range commits.Iter() {
			// We measure from the last commit at the ref
			summ, err := git.GetCommitSummary(commit)
			if err != nil {
				errorChan <- fmt.Errorf("Couldn't scan commits at %v: %v", commit, err)
			commitsSince := summ.CommitDate.AddDate(0, 0, -pruneCommitDays)
			go pruneTaskGetPreviousVersionsOfRef(commit, commitsSince, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)
Exemple #3
// Get additional arguments needed to limit 'git rev-list' to just the changes
// in revTo that are also not on remoteName.
// Returns a slice of string command arguments, and a slice of string git
// commits to pass to `git rev-list` via STDIN.
func revListArgsRefVsRemote(refTo, remoteName string) ([]string, []string) {
	// We need to check that the locally cached versions of remote refs are still
	// present on the remote before we use them as a 'from' point. If the
	// server implements garbage collection and a remote branch had been deleted
	// since we last did 'git fetch --prune', then the objects in that branch may
	// have also been deleted on the server if unreferenced.
	// If some refs are missing on the remote, use a more explicit diff

	cachedRemoteRefs, _ := git.CachedRemoteRefs(remoteName)
	actualRemoteRefs, _ := git.RemoteRefs(remoteName)

	// Only check for missing refs on remote; if the ref is different it has moved
	// forward probably, and if not and the ref has changed to a non-descendant
	// (force push) then that will cause a re-evaluation in a subsequent command anyway
	missingRefs := tools.NewStringSet()
	for _, cachedRef := range cachedRemoteRefs {
		found := false
		for _, realRemoteRef := range actualRemoteRefs {
			if cachedRef.Type == realRemoteRef.Type && cachedRef.Name == realRemoteRef.Name {
				found = true
		if !found {

	if len(missingRefs) > 0 {
		// Use only the non-missing refs as 'from' points
		commits := make([]string, 1, len(cachedRemoteRefs)+1)
		commits[0] = refTo
		for _, cachedRef := range cachedRemoteRefs {
			if !missingRefs.Contains(cachedRef.Name) {
				commits = append(commits, "^"+cachedRef.Sha)
		return []string{"--stdin"}, commits
	} else {
		// Safe to use cached
		return []string{refTo, "--not", "--remotes=" + remoteName}, nil
Exemple #4
func newUploadContext(dryRun bool) *uploadContext {
	return &uploadContext{
		DryRun:       dryRun,
		uploadedOids: tools.NewStringSet(),