Exemple #1
func (ls *LinesearchMethod) initNextLinesearch(loc *Location, xNext []float64) (EvaluationType, IterationType, error) {
	copy(ls.x, loc.X)

	var stepSize float64
	if ls.first {
		stepSize = ls.NextDirectioner.InitDirection(loc, ls.dir)
		ls.first = false
	} else {
		stepSize = ls.NextDirectioner.NextDirection(loc, ls.dir)

	projGrad := floats.Dot(loc.Gradient, ls.dir)
	if projGrad >= 0 {
		ls.evalType = NoEvaluation
		ls.iterType = NoIteration
		return ls.evalType, ls.iterType, ErrNonNegativeStepDirection

	ls.evalType = ls.Linesearcher.Init(loc.F, projGrad, stepSize)

	floats.AddScaledTo(xNext, ls.x, stepSize, ls.dir)
	// Compare the starting point for the current iteration with the next
	// evaluation point to make sure that rounding errors do not prevent progress.
	if floats.Equal(ls.x, xNext) {
		ls.evalType = NoEvaluation
		ls.iterType = NoIteration
		return ls.evalType, ls.iterType, ErrNoProgress

	ls.iterType = MinorIteration
	return ls.evalType, ls.iterType, nil
Exemple #2
// startingStepSize implements the algorithm for estimating the starting step
// size as described in:
//  - Hairer, E., Wanner, G., Nørsett, S.: Solving Ordinary Differential
//    Equations I: Nonstiff Problems. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (1993)
func startingStepSize(rhs Function, init, tmp *State, weight Weighting, w []float64, order float64, s *Settings) float64 {
	// Store 1 / (rtol * |Y_i| + atol) into w.
	weight(init.Y, w)
	d0 := s.Norm(init.Y, w)
	d1 := s.Norm(init.YDot, w)

	var h0 float64
	if math.Min(d0, d1) < 1e-5 {
		h0 = 1e-6
	} else {
		// Make the increment of an explicit Euler step small compared to the
		// size of the initial value.
		h0 = 0.01 * d0 / d1

	// Perform one explicit Euler step.
	floats.AddScaledTo(tmp.Y, init.Y, h0, init.YDot)
	// Evaluate the right-hand side f(init.Time+h, tmp.Y).
	rhs(tmp.YDot, init.Time+h0, tmp.Y)
	// Estimate the second derivative of the solution.
	floats.Sub(tmp.YDot, init.YDot)
	d2 := s.Norm(tmp.YDot, w) / h0

	var h1 float64
	if math.Max(d1, d2) < 1e-15 {
		h1 = math.Max(1e-6, 1e-3*h0)
	} else {
		h1 = math.Pow(0.01/math.Max(d1, d2), 1/(order+1))

	return math.Min(100*h0, h1)
Exemple #3
// initNextLinesearch initializes the next linesearch using the previous
// complete location stored in loc. It fills loc.X and returns an evaluation
// to be performed at loc.X.
func (ls *LinesearchMethod) initNextLinesearch(loc *Location) (Operation, error) {
	copy(ls.x, loc.X)

	var step float64
	if ls.first {
		ls.first = false
		step = ls.NextDirectioner.InitDirection(loc, ls.dir)
	} else {
		step = ls.NextDirectioner.NextDirection(loc, ls.dir)

	projGrad := floats.Dot(loc.Gradient, ls.dir)
	if projGrad >= 0 {
		return ls.error(ErrNonNegativeStepDirection)

	op := ls.Linesearcher.Init(loc.F, projGrad, step)
	if !op.isEvaluation() {
		panic("linesearch: Linesearcher returned invalid operation")

	floats.AddScaledTo(loc.X, ls.x, step, ls.dir)
	if floats.Equal(ls.x, loc.X) {
		// Step size is so small that the next evaluation point is
		// indistinguishable from the starting point for the current iteration
		// due to rounding errors.
		return ls.error(ErrNoProgress)

	ls.lastStep = step
	ls.eval = NoOperation // Invalidate all fields of loc.

	ls.lastOp = op
	return ls.lastOp, nil
Exemple #4
func (ls *LinesearchMethod) Iterate(loc *Location, xNext []float64) (EvaluationType, IterationType, error) {
	if ls.iterType == SubIteration {
		// We needed to evaluate invalid fields of Location. Now we have them
		// and can announce MajorIteration.
		copy(xNext, loc.X)
		ls.evalType = NoEvaluation
		ls.iterType = MajorIteration
		return ls.evalType, ls.iterType, nil

	if ls.iterType == MajorIteration {
		// The linesearch previously signaled MajorIteration. Since we're here,
		// it means that the previous location is not good enough to converge,
		// so start the next linesearch.
		return ls.initNextLinesearch(loc, xNext)

	projGrad := floats.Dot(loc.Gradient, ls.dir)
	if ls.Linesearcher.Finished(loc.F, projGrad) {
		copy(xNext, loc.X)
		// Check if the last evaluation evaluated all fields of Location.
		ls.evalType = complementEval(loc, ls.evalType)
		if ls.evalType == NoEvaluation {
			// Location is complete and MajorIteration can be announced directly.
			ls.iterType = MajorIteration
		} else {
			// Location is not complete, evaluate its invalid fields in SubIteration.
			ls.iterType = SubIteration
		return ls.evalType, ls.iterType, nil

	// Line search not done, just iterate.
	stepSize, evalType, err := ls.Linesearcher.Iterate(loc.F, projGrad)
	if err != nil {
		ls.evalType = NoEvaluation
		ls.iterType = NoIteration
		return ls.evalType, ls.iterType, err

	floats.AddScaledTo(xNext, ls.x, stepSize, ls.dir)
	// Compare the starting point for the current iteration with the next
	// evaluation point to make sure that rounding errors do not prevent progress.
	if floats.Equal(ls.x, xNext) {
		ls.evalType = NoEvaluation
		ls.iterType = NoIteration
		return ls.evalType, ls.iterType, ErrNoProgress

	ls.evalType = evalType
	ls.iterType = MinorIteration
	return ls.evalType, ls.iterType, nil
Exemple #5
func (ls *LinesearchMethod) Iterate(loc *Location) (Operation, error) {
	switch ls.lastOp {
	case NoOperation:
		// TODO(vladimir-ch): Either Init has not been called, or the caller is
		// trying to resume the optimization run after Iterate previously
		// returned with an error. Decide what is the proper thing to do. See also #125.

	case MajorIteration:
		// The previous updated location did not converge the full
		// optimization. Initialize a new Linesearch.
		return ls.initNextLinesearch(loc)

		// Update the indicator of valid fields of loc.
		ls.eval |= ls.lastOp

		if ls.nextMajor {
			ls.nextMajor = false

			// Linesearcher previously finished, and the invalid fields of loc
			// have now been validated. Announce MajorIteration.
			ls.lastOp = MajorIteration
			return ls.lastOp, nil

	// Continue the linesearch.

	f := math.NaN()
	if ls.eval&FuncEvaluation != 0 {
		f = loc.F
	projGrad := math.NaN()
	if ls.eval&GradEvaluation != 0 {
		projGrad = floats.Dot(loc.Gradient, ls.dir)
	op, step, err := ls.Linesearcher.Iterate(f, projGrad)
	if err != nil {
		return ls.error(err)

	switch op {
	case MajorIteration:
		// Linesearch has been finished.

		ls.lastOp = complementEval(loc, ls.eval)
		if ls.lastOp == NoOperation {
			// loc is complete, MajorIteration can be declared directly.
			ls.lastOp = MajorIteration
		} else {
			// Declare MajorIteration on the next call to Iterate.
			ls.nextMajor = true

	case FuncEvaluation, GradEvaluation, FuncEvaluation | GradEvaluation:
		if step != ls.lastStep {
			// We are moving to a new location, and not, say, evaluating extra
			// information at the current location.

			// Compute the next evaluation point and store it in loc.X.
			floats.AddScaledTo(loc.X, ls.x, step, ls.dir)
			if floats.Equal(ls.x, loc.X) {
				// Step size has become so small that the next evaluation point is
				// indistinguishable from the starting point for the current
				// iteration due to rounding errors.
				return ls.error(ErrNoProgress)
			ls.lastStep = step
			ls.eval = NoOperation // Indicate all invalid fields of loc.
		ls.lastOp = op

		panic("linesearch: Linesearcher returned invalid operation")

	return ls.lastOp, nil
Exemple #6
func plusScaled(a []float64, k float64, b []float64) []float64 {
	dst := make([]float64, len(a))
	floats.AddScaledTo(dst, a, k, b)
	return dst