func connector(context *cli.Context) int {
	config, configFilename, err := lib.GetConfig(context)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to read config file: %s", err)
		return 1

	logFileMaxBytes := config.LogFileMaxMegabytes * 1024 * 1024
	var logWriter io.Writer
	logWriter, err = log.NewLogRoller(config.LogFileName, logFileMaxBytes, config.LogMaxFiles)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to start log roller: %s", err)
		return 1

	if context.Bool("log-to-console") {
		logWriter = io.MultiWriter(logWriter, os.Stderr)
	logLevel, ok := log.LevelFromString(config.LogLevel)
	if !ok {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Log level %s is not recognized", config.LogLevel)
		return 1

	if configFilename == "" {
		log.Info("No config file was found, so using defaults")


	if !config.CloudPrintingEnable && !config.LocalPrintingEnable {
		log.Error("Cannot run connector with both local_printing_enable and cloud_printing_enable set to false")
		return 1

	if _, err := os.Stat(config.MonitorSocketFilename); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to stat monitor socket: %s", err)
		} else {
				"A connector is already running, or the monitoring socket %s wasn't cleaned up properly",
		return 1

	jobs := make(chan *lib.Job, 10)
	xmppNotifications := make(chan xmpp.PrinterNotification, 5)

	var g *gcp.GoogleCloudPrint
	var x *xmpp.XMPP
	if config.CloudPrintingEnable {
		xmppPingTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(config.XMPPPingTimeout)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to parse xmpp ping timeout: %s", err)
			return 1
		xmppPingInterval, err := time.ParseDuration(config.XMPPPingInterval)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to parse xmpp ping interval default: %s", err)
			return 1

		g, err = gcp.NewGoogleCloudPrint(config.GCPBaseURL, config.RobotRefreshToken,
			config.UserRefreshToken, config.ProxyName, config.GCPOAuthClientID,
			config.GCPOAuthClientSecret, config.GCPOAuthAuthURL, config.GCPOAuthTokenURL,
			config.GCPMaxConcurrentDownloads, jobs)
		if err != nil {
			return 1

		x, err = xmpp.NewXMPP(config.XMPPJID, config.ProxyName, config.XMPPServer, config.XMPPPort,
			xmppPingTimeout, xmppPingInterval, g.GetRobotAccessToken, xmppNotifications)
		if err != nil {
			return 1
		defer x.Quit()

	cupsConnectTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(config.CUPSConnectTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to parse CUPS connect timeout: %s", err)
		return 1
	c, err := cups.NewCUPS(config.CopyPrinterInfoToDisplayName, config.PrefixJobIDToJobTitle,
		config.DisplayNamePrefix, config.CUPSPrinterAttributes, config.CUPSMaxConnections,
	if err != nil {
		return 1
	defer c.Quit()

	var s *snmp.SNMPManager
	if config.SNMPEnable {
		log.Info("SNMP enabled")
		s, err = snmp.NewSNMPManager(config.SNMPCommunity, config.SNMPMaxConnections)
		if err != nil {
			return 1
		defer s.Quit()

	var priv *privet.Privet
	if config.LocalPrintingEnable {
		if g == nil {
			priv, err = privet.NewPrivet(jobs, config.GCPBaseURL, nil)
		} else {
			priv, err = privet.NewPrivet(jobs, config.GCPBaseURL, g.ProximityToken)
		if err != nil {
			return 1
		defer priv.Quit()

	cupsPrinterPollInterval, err := time.ParseDuration(config.CUPSPrinterPollInterval)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to parse CUPS printer poll interval: %s", err)
		return 1
	pm, err := manager.NewPrinterManager(c, g, priv, s, cupsPrinterPollInterval,
		config.CUPSJobQueueSize, config.CUPSJobFullUsername, config.CUPSIgnoreRawPrinters,
		config.ShareScope, jobs, xmppNotifications)
	if err != nil {
		return 1
	defer pm.Quit()

	m, err := monitor.NewMonitor(c, g, priv, pm, config.MonitorSocketFilename)
	if err != nil {
		return 1
	defer m.Quit()

	if config.CloudPrintingEnable {
		if config.LocalPrintingEnable {
			log.Errorf("Ready to rock as proxy '%s' and in local mode", config.ProxyName)
			fmt.Printf("Ready to rock as proxy '%s' and in local mode\n", config.ProxyName)
		} else {
			log.Errorf("Ready to rock as proxy '%s'", config.ProxyName)
			fmt.Printf("Ready to rock as proxy '%s'\n", config.ProxyName)
	} else {
		log.Error("Ready to rock in local-only mode")
		fmt.Println("Ready to rock in local-only mode")


	log.Error("Shutting down")
	fmt.Println("Shutting down")

	return 0
// updateConfigFile opens the config file, adds any missing fields,
// writes the config file back.
func updateConfigFile(context *cli.Context) {
	config, configFilename, err := lib.GetConfig(context)
	if err != nil {
	if configFilename == "" {
		fmt.Println("Could not find a config file to update")

	// Same config in []byte format.
	configRaw, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFilename)
	if err != nil {

	// Same config in map format so that we can detect missing keys.
	var configMap map[string]interface{}
	if err = json.Unmarshal(configRaw, &configMap); err != nil {

	dirty := updateConfig(config, configMap)

	if dirty {
		fmt.Printf("Wrote %s\n", configFilename)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Nothing to update")
// getConfig returns a config object
func getConfig(context *cli.Context) *lib.Config {
	config, _, err := lib.GetConfig(context)
	if err != nil {
	return config
// getConfig returns a config object
func getConfig() *lib.Config {
	config, _, err := lib.GetConfig()
	if err != nil {
	return config
Exemple #5
func monitorConnector() {
	config, filename, err := lib.GetConfig()
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to read config file: %s", err))
	if filename == "" {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "No config file was found, so using defaults")

	if _, err := os.Stat(config.MonitorSocketFilename); err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			"No connector is running, or the monitoring socket %s is mis-configured",

	timer := time.AfterFunc(*monitorTimeoutFlag, func() {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("timeout after %s", monitorTimeoutFlag.String()))

	conn, err := net.DialTimeout("unix", config.MonitorSocketFilename, time.Second)
	if err != nil {
			"No connector is running, or it is not listening to socket %s",
	defer conn.Close()

	buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(conn)
	if err != nil {


Exemple #6
func monitorConnector(context *cli.Context) {
	config, filename, err := lib.GetConfig(context)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to read config file: %s\n", err)
	if filename == "" {
		fmt.Println("No config file was found, so using defaults")

	if _, err := os.Stat(config.MonitorSocketFilename); err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			"No connector is running, or the monitoring socket %s is mis-configured\n",

	timer := time.AfterFunc(context.Duration("monitor-timeout"), func() {
		log.Fatalf("Timeout after %s\n", context.Duration("monitor-timeout").String())

	conn, err := net.DialTimeout("unix", config.MonitorSocketFilename, time.Second)
	if err != nil {
			"No connector is running, or it is not listening to socket %s\n",
	defer conn.Close()

	buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(conn)
	if err != nil {


// updateConfigFile opens the config file, adds any missing fields,
// writes the config file back.
func updateConfigFile(context *cli.Context) {
	config, configFilename, err := lib.GetConfig(context)
	if err != nil {
	if configFilename == "" {
		fmt.Println("Could not find a config file to update")

	// Same config in []byte format.
	configRaw, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFilename)
	if err != nil {

	// Same config in map format so that we can detect missing keys.
	var configMap map[string]interface{}
	if err = json.Unmarshal(configRaw, &configMap); err != nil {

	// No changes detected yet.
	dirty := false

	if _, exists := configMap["gcp_max_concurrent_downloads"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added gcp_max_concurrent_downloads")
		config.GCPMaxConcurrentDownloads = lib.DefaultConfig.GCPMaxConcurrentDownloads
	if _, exists := configMap["cups_max_connections"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added cups_max_connections")
		config.CUPSMaxConnections = lib.DefaultConfig.CUPSMaxConnections
	if _, exists := configMap["cups_connect_timeout"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added cups_connect_timeout")
		config.CUPSConnectTimeout = lib.DefaultConfig.CUPSConnectTimeout
	if _, exists := configMap["cups_job_queue_size"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added cups_job_queue_size")
		config.CUPSJobQueueSize = lib.DefaultConfig.CUPSJobQueueSize
	if _, exists := configMap["cups_printer_poll_interval"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added cups_printer_poll_interval")
		config.CUPSPrinterPollInterval = lib.DefaultConfig.CUPSPrinterPollInterval
	if _, exists := configMap["cups_printer_attributes"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added cups_printer_attributes")
		config.CUPSPrinterAttributes = lib.DefaultConfig.CUPSPrinterAttributes
	} else {
		// Make sure all required attributes are present.
		s := make(map[string]struct{}, len(config.CUPSPrinterAttributes))
		for _, a := range config.CUPSPrinterAttributes {
			s[a] = struct{}{}
		for _, a := range lib.DefaultConfig.CUPSPrinterAttributes {
			if _, exists := s[a]; !exists {
				dirty = true
				fmt.Printf("Added %s to cups_printer_attributes\n", a)
				config.CUPSPrinterAttributes = append(config.CUPSPrinterAttributes, a)
	if _, exists := configMap["cups_job_full_username"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added cups_job_full_username")
		config.CUPSJobFullUsername = lib.DefaultConfig.CUPSJobFullUsername
	if _, exists := configMap["cups_ignore_class_printers"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added cups_ignore_class_printers")
		config.CUPSIgnoreClassPrinters = lib.DefaultConfig.CUPSIgnoreClassPrinters
	if _, exists := configMap["cups_ignore_raw_printers"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added cups_ignore_raw_printers")
		config.CUPSIgnoreRawPrinters = lib.DefaultConfig.CUPSIgnoreRawPrinters
	if _, exists := configMap["copy_printer_info_to_display_name"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added copy_printer_info_to_display_name")
		config.CopyPrinterInfoToDisplayName = lib.DefaultConfig.CopyPrinterInfoToDisplayName
	if _, exists := configMap["display_name_prefix"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added display_name_prefix")
		config.DisplayNamePrefix = lib.DefaultConfig.DisplayNamePrefix
	if _, exists := configMap["monitor_socket_filename"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added monitor_socket_filename")
		config.MonitorSocketFilename = lib.DefaultConfig.MonitorSocketFilename
	if _, exists := configMap["gcp_base_url"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added gcp_base_url")
		config.GCPBaseURL = lib.DefaultConfig.GCPBaseURL
	if _, exists := configMap["xmpp_server"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added xmpp_server")
		config.XMPPServer = lib.DefaultConfig.XMPPServer
	if _, exists := configMap["xmpp_port"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added xmpp_port")
		config.XMPPPort = lib.DefaultConfig.XMPPPort
	if _, exists := configMap["gcp_xmpp_ping_timeout"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added gcp_xmpp_ping_timeout")
		config.XMPPPingTimeout = lib.DefaultConfig.XMPPPingTimeout
	if _, exists := configMap["gcp_xmpp_ping_interval_default"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added gcp_xmpp_ping_interval_default")
		config.XMPPPingInterval = lib.DefaultConfig.XMPPPingInterval
	if _, exists := configMap["gcp_oauth_client_id"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added gcp_oauth_client_id")
		config.GCPOAuthClientID = lib.DefaultConfig.GCPOAuthClientID
	if _, exists := configMap["gcp_oauth_client_secret"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added gcp_oauth_client_secret")
		config.GCPOAuthClientSecret = lib.DefaultConfig.GCPOAuthClientSecret
	if _, exists := configMap["gcp_oauth_auth_url"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added gcp_oauth_auth_url")
		config.GCPOAuthAuthURL = lib.DefaultConfig.GCPOAuthAuthURL
	if _, exists := configMap["gcp_oauth_token_url"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added gcp_oauth_token_url")
		config.GCPOAuthTokenURL = lib.DefaultConfig.GCPOAuthTokenURL
	if _, exists := configMap["snmp_enable"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added snmp_enable")
		config.SNMPEnable = lib.DefaultConfig.SNMPEnable
	if _, exists := configMap["snmp_community"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added snmp_community")
		config.SNMPCommunity = lib.DefaultConfig.SNMPCommunity
	if _, exists := configMap["snmp_max_connections"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added snmp_max_connections")
		config.SNMPMaxConnections = lib.DefaultConfig.SNMPMaxConnections
	if _, exists := configMap["local_printing_enable"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added local_printing_enable")
		config.LocalPrintingEnable = lib.DefaultConfig.LocalPrintingEnable
	if _, exists := configMap["cloud_printing_enable"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		_, robot_token_exists := configMap["robot_refresh_token"]
		fmt.Println("Added cloud_printing_enable")
		if robot_token_exists {
			config.CloudPrintingEnable = true
		} else {
			config.CloudPrintingEnable = lib.DefaultConfig.CloudPrintingEnable
	if _, exists := configMap["log_file_name"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added log_file_name")
		config.LogFileName = lib.DefaultConfig.LogFileName
	if _, exists := configMap["log_file_max_megabytes"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added log_file_max_megabytes")
		config.LogFileMaxMegabytes = lib.DefaultConfig.LogFileMaxMegabytes
	if _, exists := configMap["log_max_files"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added log_max_files")
		config.LogMaxFiles = lib.DefaultConfig.LogMaxFiles
	if _, exists := configMap["log_level"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added log_level")
		config.LogLevel = lib.DefaultConfig.LogLevel
	if _, exists := configMap["log_to_journal"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added log_to_journal")
		config.LogToJournal = lib.DefaultConfig.LogToJournal
	if _, exists := configMap["printer_blacklist"]; !exists {
		dirty = true
		fmt.Println("Added printer_blacklist")
		config.PrinterBlacklist = lib.DefaultConfig.PrinterBlacklist

	if dirty {
		fmt.Printf("Wrote %s\n", configFilename)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Nothing to update")
func main() {
	defer glog.Flush()

	config, configFilename, err := lib.GetConfig()
	if err != nil {
	if configFilename == "" {
		glog.Info("No config file was found, so using defaults")

	if !config.CloudPrintingEnable && !config.LocalPrintingEnable {
		glog.Fatal("Cannot run connector with both local_printing_enable and cloud_printing_enable set to false")

	if _, err := os.Stat(config.MonitorSocketFilename); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err != nil {
			"A connector is already running, or the monitoring socket %s wasn't cleaned up properly",

	cupsConnectTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(config.CUPSConnectTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Failed to parse cups connect timeout: %s", err)

	gcpXMPPPingTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(config.XMPPPingTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Failed to parse xmpp ping timeout: %s", err)
	gcpXMPPPingIntervalDefault, err := time.ParseDuration(config.XMPPPingIntervalDefault)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Failed to parse xmpp ping interval default: %s", err)

	jobs := make(chan *lib.Job, 10)
	xmppNotifications := make(chan xmpp.PrinterNotification, 5)

	var g *gcp.GoogleCloudPrint
	var x *xmpp.XMPP
	if config.CloudPrintingEnable {
		g, err = gcp.NewGoogleCloudPrint(config.GCPBaseURL, config.RobotRefreshToken,
			config.UserRefreshToken, config.ProxyName, config.GCPOAuthClientID,
			config.GCPOAuthClientSecret, config.GCPOAuthAuthURL, config.GCPOAuthTokenURL,
			config.GCPMaxConcurrentDownloads, jobs)
		if err != nil {

		x, err = xmpp.NewXMPP(config.XMPPJID, config.ProxyName, config.XMPPServer, config.XMPPPort,
			gcpXMPPPingTimeout, gcpXMPPPingIntervalDefault, g.GetRobotAccessToken, xmppNotifications)
		if err != nil {
		defer x.Quit()

	c, err := cups.NewCUPS(config.CopyPrinterInfoToDisplayName, config.PrefixJobIDToJobTitle,
		config.DisplayNamePrefix, config.CUPSPrinterAttributes, config.CUPSMaxConnections,
	if err != nil {
	defer c.Quit()

	var s *snmp.SNMPManager
	if config.SNMPEnable {
		glog.Info("SNMP enabled")
		s, err = snmp.NewSNMPManager(config.SNMPCommunity, config.SNMPMaxConnections)
		if err != nil {
		defer s.Quit()

	var priv *privet.Privet
	if config.LocalPrintingEnable {
		if g == nil {
			priv, err = privet.NewPrivet(jobs, config.GCPBaseURL, nil)
		} else {
			priv, err = privet.NewPrivet(jobs, config.GCPBaseURL, g.ProximityToken)
		if err != nil {
		defer priv.Quit()

	pm, err := manager.NewPrinterManager(c, g, priv, s, config.CUPSPrinterPollInterval,
		config.CUPSJobQueueSize, config.CUPSJobFullUsername, config.CUPSIgnoreRawPrinters,
		config.ShareScope, jobs, xmppNotifications)
	if err != nil {
	defer pm.Quit()

	m, err := monitor.NewMonitor(c, g, priv, pm, config.MonitorSocketFilename)
	if err != nil {
	defer m.Quit()

	if config.CloudPrintingEnable {
		if config.LocalPrintingEnable {
			glog.Errorf("Ready to rock as proxy '%s' and in local mode", config.ProxyName)
			fmt.Printf("Ready to rock as proxy '%s' and in local mode\n", config.ProxyName)
		} else {
			glog.Errorf("Ready to rock as proxy '%s'", config.ProxyName)
			fmt.Printf("Ready to rock as proxy '%s'\n", config.ProxyName)
	} else {
		glog.Error("Ready to rock in local-only mode")
		fmt.Println("Ready to rock in local-only mode")


	glog.Error("Shutting down")
	fmt.Println("Shutting down")
func connector(context *cli.Context) int {
	config, configFilename, err := lib.GetConfig(context)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to read config file: %s", err)
		return 1


	logLevel, ok := log.LevelFromString(config.LogLevel)
	if !ok {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Log level %s is not recognized", config.LogLevel)
		return 1

	if configFilename == "" {
		log.Info("No config file was found, so using defaults")


	if !config.CloudPrintingEnable && !config.LocalPrintingEnable {
		log.Fatal("Cannot run connector with both local_printing_enable and cloud_printing_enable set to false")
		return 1
	} else if config.LocalPrintingEnable {
		log.Fatal("Local printing has not been implemented in this version of the Windows connector.")
		return 1

	jobs := make(chan *lib.Job, 10)
	xmppNotifications := make(chan xmpp.PrinterNotification, 5)

	var g *gcp.GoogleCloudPrint
	var x *xmpp.XMPP
	if config.CloudPrintingEnable {
		xmppPingTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(config.XMPPPingTimeout)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to parse xmpp ping timeout: %s", err)
			return 1
		xmppPingInterval, err := time.ParseDuration(config.XMPPPingInterval)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to parse xmpp ping interval default: %s", err)
			return 1

		g, err = gcp.NewGoogleCloudPrint(config.GCPBaseURL, config.RobotRefreshToken,
			config.UserRefreshToken, config.ProxyName, config.GCPOAuthClientID,
			config.GCPOAuthClientSecret, config.GCPOAuthAuthURL, config.GCPOAuthTokenURL,
			config.GCPMaxConcurrentDownloads, jobs)
		if err != nil {
			return 1

		x, err = xmpp.NewXMPP(config.XMPPJID, config.ProxyName, config.XMPPServer, config.XMPPPort,
			xmppPingTimeout, xmppPingInterval, g.GetRobotAccessToken, xmppNotifications)
		if err != nil {
			return 1
		defer x.Quit()

	ws, err := winspool.NewWinSpool(config.PrefixJobIDToJobTitle, config.DisplayNamePrefix, config.PrinterBlacklist)
	if err != nil {
		return 1

	nativePrinterPollInterval, err := time.ParseDuration(config.NativePrinterPollInterval)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to parse printer poll interval: %s", err)
		return 1
	pm, err := manager.NewPrinterManager(ws, g, nil, nil, nativePrinterPollInterval,
		config.NativeJobQueueSize, false, false, config.ShareScope, jobs, xmppNotifications)
	if err != nil {
		return 1
	defer pm.Quit()

	if config.CloudPrintingEnable {
		if config.LocalPrintingEnable {
			log.Infof("Ready to rock as proxy '%s' and in local mode", config.ProxyName)
			fmt.Printf("Ready to rock as proxy '%s' and in local mode\n", config.ProxyName)
		} else {
			log.Infof("Ready to rock as proxy '%s'", config.ProxyName)
			fmt.Printf("Ready to rock as proxy '%s'\n", config.ProxyName)
	} else {
		log.Info("Ready to rock in local-only mode")
		fmt.Println("Ready to rock in local-only mode")


	log.Info("Shutting down")
	fmt.Println("Shutting down")

	return 0