Exemple #1
func (i *Image) PixelAt(p math.Point) (math.Point, bool) {
	ir := i.calculateDrawRect()
	if tex := i.Texture(); tex != nil {
		s := tex.SizePixels()
		p = p.Sub(ir.Min).
			ScaleX(float32(s.W) / float32(ir.W())).
			ScaleY(float32(s.H) / float32(ir.H()))
		if s.Rect().Contains(p) {
			return p, true
	return math.Point{X: -1, Y: -1}, false
func draw(p Pendulum, canvas gxui.Canvas, x, y int) {
	attachment := math.Point{X: ANIMATION_WIDTH/2 + x, Y: y}

	phi := p.GetPhi()
	ball := math.Point{X: x + ANIMATION_WIDTH/2 + math.Round(float32(l*omath.Sin(phi))), Y: y + math.Round(float32(l*omath.Cos(phi)))}

	line := gxui.Polygon{gxui.PolygonVertex{attachment, 0}, gxui.PolygonVertex{ball, 0}}

	canvas.DrawLines(line, gxui.DefaultPen)

	m := math.Point{int(BALL_RADIUS), int(BALL_RADIUS)}
	rect := math.Rect{ball.Sub(m), ball.Add(m)}
	canvas.DrawRoundedRect(rect, BALL_RADIUS, BALL_RADIUS, BALL_RADIUS, BALL_RADIUS, gxui.TransparentPen, gxui.CreateBrush(gxui.Yellow))
Exemple #3
func (c *Container) ContainsPoint(p math.Point) bool {
	if !c.outer.IsVisible() || !c.outer.Size().Rect().Contains(p) {
		return false
	for _, v := range c.children {
		if v.Control.ContainsPoint(p.Sub(v.Offset)) {
			return true
	if c.IsMouseEventTarget() {
		return true
	return false
Exemple #4
func TopControlsUnder(p math.Point, c Parent) ControlPointList {
	children := c.Children()
	for i := len(children) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		child := children[i]
		cp := p.Sub(child.Offset)
		if child.Control.ContainsPoint(cp) {
			l := ControlPointList{ControlPoint{child.Control, cp}}
			if cc, ok := child.Control.(Parent); ok {
				l = append(l, TopControlsUnder(cp, cc)...)
			return l
	return ControlPointList{}
Exemple #5
func BreadcrumbsAt(p Container, pnt math.Point) string {
	s := reflect.TypeOf(p).String()
	for _, c := range p.Children() {
		b := c.Control.Size().Rect().Offset(c.Offset)
		if b.Contains(pnt) {
			switch t := c.Control.(type) {
			case Container:
				return s + " > " + BreadcrumbsAt(t, pnt.Sub(c.Offset))
				return s + " > " + reflect.TypeOf(c.Control).String()
	return s
Exemple #6
func ControlsUnder(p math.Point, c Parent) ControlPointList {
	toVisit := []ParentPoint{ParentPoint{c, p}}
	l := ControlPointList{}
	for len(toVisit) > 0 {
		c = toVisit[0].C
		p = toVisit[0].P
		toVisit = toVisit[1:]
		for _, child := range c.Children() {
			cp := p.Sub(child.Offset)
			if child.Control.ContainsPoint(cp) {
				l = append(l, ControlPoint{child.Control, cp})
				if cc, ok := child.Control.(Parent); ok {
					toVisit = append(toVisit, ParentPoint{cc, cp})
	return l
Exemple #7
func WindowToChild(coord math.Point, to Control) math.Point {
	c := to
	for {
		p := c.Parent()
		if p == nil {
			panic("Control's parent was nil")
		child := p.Children().Find(c)
		if child == nil {
			panic(fmt.Errorf("Control's parent (%p %T) did not contain control (%p %T).", &p, p, &c, c))
		coord = coord.Sub(child.Offset)
		if _, ok := p.(Window); ok {
			return coord
		c = p.(Control)
Exemple #8
func ParentToChild(coord math.Point, from Parent, to Control) math.Point {
	return coord.Sub(ChildToParent(math.ZeroPoint, to, from))