Exemple #1
		// Wait for the load balancer to be created asynchronously, which is
		// currently indicated by ingress point(s) being added to the status.
		result, err = waitForLoadBalancerIngress(c, serviceName, ns)
		if len(result.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) != 1 {
			Failf("got unexpected number (%v) of ingress points for externally load balanced service: %v", result.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress, result)
		ingress := result.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0]
		if len(result.Spec.Ports) != 1 {
			Failf("got unexpected len(Spec.Ports) for LoadBalancer service: %v", result)
		port := result.Spec.Ports[0]
		if port.NodePort == 0 {
			Failf("got unexpected Spec.Ports[0].nodePort for LoadBalancer service: %v", result)
		if !ServiceNodePortRange.Contains(port.NodePort) {
			Failf("got unexpected (out-of-range) port for LoadBalancer service: %v", result)

		By("creating pod to be part of service " + serviceName)

		By("hitting the pod through the service's NodePort")
		testReachable(pickMinionIP(c), port.NodePort)

		By("hitting the pod through the service's external load balancer")
		testLoadBalancerReachable(ingress, inboundPort)

	It("should be able to create a functioning NodePort service", func() {
		serviceName := "nodeportservice-test"