Exemple #1
func ok(kp *js.Object) {
	fmt.Printf("%d\n", kp.Get("byteLength").Int())
	x := tmp.Call("view", kp)
Exemple #2
// TriggerBindEvent connects the giving event with the provided dom target.
func (dm *DOMRenderer) TriggerBindEvent(event *gjs.Object, root *gjs.Object, source *trees.Event) {
	target := event.Get("target")

	children := root.Call("querySelectorAll", source.Target())
	if children == nil || children == gjs.Undefined {

	kids := js.DOMObjectToList(children)
	var match bool

	for _, item := range kids {
		if item != target {

		match = true

	// if we match then run the listeners registered.
	if match {
			EventID: source.EventID,
			Event:   trees.NewWrapperEvent(event),
Exemple #3
func copyStruct(dst, src *js.Object, typ Type) {
	fields := jsType(typ).Get("fields")
	for i := 0; i < fields.Length(); i++ {
		prop := fields.Index(i).Get("prop").String()
		dst.Set(prop, src.Get(prop))
Exemple #4
// NewContext takes an HTML5 canvas object and optional context attributes.
// If an error is returned it means you won't have access to WebGL
// functionality.
func NewContext(canvas js.Object, ca *ContextAttributes) (*Context, error) {
	if js.Global.Get("WebGLRenderingContext") == js.Undefined {
		return nil, errors.New("Your browser doesn't appear to support webgl.")

	if ca == nil {
		ca = DefaultAttributes()

	attrs := map[string]bool{
		"alpha":                 ca.Alpha,
		"depth":                 ca.Depth,
		"stencil":               ca.Stencil,
		"antialias":             ca.Antialias,
		"premultipliedAlpha":    ca.PremultipliedAlpha,
		"preserveDrawingBuffer": ca.PreserveDrawingBuffer,
	gl := canvas.Call("getContext", "webgl", attrs)
	if gl == nil {
		gl = canvas.Call("getContext", "experimental-webgl", attrs)
		if gl == nil {
			return nil, errors.New("Creating a webgl context has failed.")
	ctx := new(Context)
	ctx.Object = gl
	return ctx, nil
Exemple #5
func ConsoleEvent(name string, event *jquery.Event, data *js.Object) {
	page := data.Get("toPage").String()
	if page == "[object Object]" {
		page = data.Get("toPage").Call("jqmData", "url").String()
	console.Log("Event: %s, Current page: %s", name, page)
Exemple #6
func stringable(t *js.Object) bool {
	switch t.Get("kind").Int() {
	case boolKind, int8Kind, int16Kind, int32Kind, intKind, uint8Kind, uint16Kind, uint32Kind, uintKind, int64Kind, uint64Kind, float32Kind, float64Kind, stringKind:
		return true
	return false
Exemple #7
func (ws *webSocket) sendPayload(action *Action) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		err = jsError(recover())

	decodeDataURI := (action.String() == "update_user")

	for _, frame := range action.Payload {
		var data *js.Object = frame

		if decodeDataURI {
			base64 := data.Call("split", ",").Index(1)
			binaryString := js.Global.Call("atob", base64)
			length := binaryString.Length()
			data = js.Global.Get("ArrayBuffer").New(length)
			array := js.Global.Get("Uint8Array").New(data)

			for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
				array.SetIndex(i, binaryString.Call("charCodeAt", i))

		ws.impl.Call("send", data)

Exemple #8
func (v Value) Slice3(i, j, k int) Value {
	var (
		cap int
		typ Type
		s   *js.Object
	switch kind := v.kind(); kind {
	case Array:
		if v.flag&flagAddr == 0 {
			panic("reflect.Value.Slice: slice of unaddressable array")
		tt := (*arrayType)(unsafe.Pointer(v.typ))
		cap = int(tt.len)
		typ = SliceOf(tt.elem)
		s = jsType(typ).New(v.object())

	case Slice:
		typ = v.typ
		s = v.object()
		cap = s.Get("$capacity").Int()

		panic(&ValueError{"reflect.Value.Slice3", kind})

	if i < 0 || j < i || k < j || k > cap {
		panic("reflect.Value.Slice3: slice index out of bounds")

	return makeValue(typ, js.Global.Call("$subslice", s, i, j, k), v.flag&flagRO)
Exemple #9
func copyStruct(dst, src js.Object, typ Type) {
	fields := jsType(typ).Get("fields")
	for i := 0; i < fields.Length(); i++ {
		name := fields.Index(i).Index(0).Str()
		dst.Set(name, src.Get(name))
Exemple #10
func makeValue(t Type, v *js.Object, fl flag) Value {
	rt := t.common()
	if t.Kind() == Array || t.Kind() == Struct || t.Kind() == Ptr {
		return Value{rt, unsafe.Pointer(v.Unsafe()), fl | flag(t.Kind())}
	return Value{rt, unsafe.Pointer(js.Global.Call("$newDataPointer", v, jsType(rt.ptrTo())).Unsafe()), fl | flag(t.Kind()) | flagIndir}
Exemple #11
func cvtDirect(v Value, typ Type) Value {
	var srcVal = v.object()
	if srcVal == jsType(v.typ).Get("nil") {
		return makeValue(typ, jsType(typ).Get("nil"), v.flag)

	var val *js.Object
	switch k := typ.Kind(); k {
	case Slice:
		slice := jsType(typ).New(srcVal.Get("$array"))
		slice.Set("$offset", srcVal.Get("$offset"))
		slice.Set("$length", srcVal.Get("$length"))
		slice.Set("$capacity", srcVal.Get("$capacity"))
		val = js.Global.Call("$newDataPointer", slice, jsType(PtrTo(typ)))
	case Ptr:
		if typ.Elem().Kind() == Struct {
			if typ.Elem() == v.typ.Elem() {
				val = srcVal
			val = jsType(typ).New()
			copyStruct(val, srcVal, typ.Elem())
		val = jsType(typ).New(srcVal.Get("$get"), srcVal.Get("$set"))
	case Struct:
		val = jsType(typ).Get("ptr").New()
		copyStruct(val, srcVal, typ)
	case Array, Bool, Chan, Func, Interface, Map, String:
		val = js.InternalObject(v.ptr)
		panic(&ValueError{"reflect.Convert", k})
	return Value{typ.common(), unsafe.Pointer(val.Unsafe()), v.flag&(flagRO|flagIndir) | flag(typ.Kind())}
Exemple #12
func makeValue(t Type, v js.Object, fl flag) Value {
	rt := t.common()
	if t.Size() > ptrSize && t.Kind() != Array && t.Kind() != Struct {
		return Value{rt, unsafe.Pointer(js.Global.Call("go$newDataPointer", v, jsType(rt.ptrTo())).Unsafe()), fl | flag(t.Kind())<<flagKindShift | flagIndir}
	return Value{rt, unsafe.Pointer(v.Unsafe()), fl | flag(t.Kind())<<flagKindShift}
Exemple #13
func (d *Domain) Register(endpoint string, handler *js.Object) *js.Object {
	cb := core.NewID()
	var p promise.Promise

	go func() {
		// From the want wrapper pull out the types they defined,
		// and pass them down into the core.
		h := handler.Get("types")
		tmp := h.Interface()
		types, hasTypes := tmp.([]interface{})

		// handler can either be:
		// 1. an object that contains "types" and "fp" attributes.
		// 2. a naked function, in which case we tell the core that it doesn't
		// care about types.
		handlerFunction := handler
		handlerTypes := []interface{}{nil}
		if hasTypes {
			handlerFunction = handler.Get("fp")
			handlerTypes = types

		if err := d.coreDomain.Register(endpoint, cb, handlerTypes); err == nil {
			d.app.registrations[cb] = handlerFunction
		} else {

	return p.Js()
Exemple #14
// QuerySelectorAll returns the result of querySelectorAll on an object
func QuerySelectorAll(o *js.Object, sel string) []*js.Object {
	if sad := o.Get("querySelectorAll"); sad == nil || sad == js.Undefined {
		return nil

	return DOMObjectToList(o.Call("querySelectorAll", sel))
Exemple #15
//horrific way to do map(func)
func extractAllLetters(obj js.Object) js.Object {
	result := js.Global.Get("Array").New()
	for i := 0; i < obj.Length(); i++ {
		result.SetIndex(i, extractLetter(obj.Index(i)))
	return result
Exemple #16
func MakeWorkspace(canvas *js.Object) *Workspace {
	doc := js.Global.Get("document")
	ctx := canvas.Call("getContext", "2d")
	w := &Workspace{
		doc:       doc,
		canvas:    canvas,
		ctx:       ctx,
		x:         canvas.Get("offsetLeft").Int(),
		y:         canvas.Get("offsetTop").Int(),
		dx:        canvas.Get("offsetWidth").Int(),
		dy:        canvas.Get("offsetHeight").Int(),
		images:    make(chan schema.ImageManifest),
		disks:     make(chan string),
		ingresses: make(chan int),
		draw:      make(chan struct{}),
		mouseDown: make(chan point),
		mouseMove: make(chan point),
		mouseUp:   make(chan point),
		makeItSo:  make(chan struct{}),
		cut:       make(chan struct{}),
	doc.Call("addEventListener", "mousedown", js.MakeFunc(w.onMouseDown), "false")
	doc.Call("addEventListener", "mousemove", js.MakeFunc(w.onMouseMove), "false")
	doc.Call("addEventListener", "mouseup", js.MakeFunc(w.onMouseUp), "false")
	go w.run()
	return w
Exemple #17
// DOMObjectToList takes a jsobjects and returns a list of internal objects by calling the item method
func DOMObjectToList(o *js.Object) []*js.Object {
	var out []*js.Object
	length := o.Get("length").Int()
	for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
		out = append(out, o.Call("item", i))
	return out
Exemple #18
func handleInputKeyUp(event *js.Object) {
	if keycode := event.Get("keyCode").Int(); keycode == 13 {
		// user press enter key
		w := word.Get("value").String()
		go httpGetWordJson(w)
Exemple #19
func (c *controllerWrapper) SendVolume(ident string, volume int, cb *js.Object) {
	go func() {
		err := c.controller.SendVolume(ident, volume)
		if err != nil {
			cb.Invoke("Hello failed: " + err.Error())
Exemple #20
func wrapNodes(o *js.Object) []dom.Node {
	l := o.Length()
	toRet := make([]dom.Node, l)
	for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
		toRet[i] = dom.WrapNode(o.Index(i))
	return toRet
Exemple #21
func setMouseCursorFromEvent(e *js.Object) {
	scale := currentUI.scale
	rect := canvas.Call("getBoundingClientRect")
	x, y := e.Get("clientX").Int(), e.Get("clientY").Int()
	x -= rect.Get("left").Int()
	y -= rect.Get("top").Int()
	currentInput.setMouseCursor(int(float64(x)/scale), int(float64(y)/scale))
Exemple #22
func (c *controllerWrapper) LoadTrack(ident string, gids []string, cb *js.Object) {
	go func() {
		err := c.controller.LoadTrack(ident, gids)
		if err != nil {
			cb.Invoke("Hello failed: " + err.Error())
func NewContextMenus(contextMenusObj *js.Object) *ContextMenus {
	c := new(ContextMenus)
	c.o = contextMenusObj
	if c.o.String() != "undefined" {
	return c
Exemple #24
func (c *controllerWrapper) SendHello(cb *js.Object) {
	go func() {
		err := c.controller.SendHello()
		if err != nil {
			cb.Invoke("Hello failed: " + err.Error())
Exemple #25
func setMouseCursorFromEvent(e *js.Object) {
	scale := canvas.Get("dataset").Get("ebitenScale").Int()
	rect := canvas.Call("getBoundingClientRect")
	x, y := e.Get("clientX").Int(), e.Get("clientY").Int()
	x -= rect.Get("left").Int()
	y -= rect.Get("top").Int()
	currentInput.SetMouseCursor(x/scale, y/scale)
Exemple #26
func NewProxy(proxyObj *js.Object) *Proxy {
	p := new(Proxy)
	p.o = proxyObj
	if proxyObj.String() != "undefined" {
		p.Settings = proxyObj.Get("settings")
	return p
Exemple #27
func NewExtension(extensionObj *js.Object) *Extension {
	e := new(Extension)
	e.o = extensionObj
	if extensionObj.String() != "undefined" {
		e.LastError = e.o.Get("lastError")
		e.InIncognitoContext = e.o.Get("inIncognitoContext").Bool()
	return e
Exemple #28
func uint8ArrayToArrayBuffer(p *js.Object) *js.Object {
	buffer := p.Get("buffer")
	byteOffset := p.Get("byteOffset").Int()
	byteLength := p.Get("byteLength").Int()
	if byteOffset != 0 || byteLength != buffer.Get("byteLength").Int() {
		return buffer.Call("slice", byteOffset, byteOffset+byteLength)
	return buffer
Exemple #29
// CleanAllTextNode removes all texts nodes within the container root
func CleanAllTextNode(o *js.Object) {
	for _, to := range ChildNodeList(o) {
		if istx, isem := EmptyTextNode(to); istx {
			if !isem {
				o.Call("removeChild", to)
Exemple #30
func getFrameData(obj *js.Object) []byte {
	// Check if it's an array buffer. If so, convert it to a Go byte slice.
	if constructor := obj.Get("constructor"); constructor == js.Global.Get("ArrayBuffer") {
		int8Array := js.Global.Get("Uint8Array").New(obj)
		return int8Array.Interface().([]byte)

	return []byte(obj.String())