Exemple #1
// watchAllocations is used to scan for updates to allocations
func (c *Client) watchAllocations(allocUpdates chan []*structs.Allocation) {
	req := structs.NodeSpecificRequest{
		NodeID: c.Node().ID,
		QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
			Region:     c.config.Region,
			AllowStale: true,
	var resp structs.NodeAllocsResponse

	for {
		// Get the allocations, blocking for updates
		resp = structs.NodeAllocsResponse{}
		err := c.RPC("Node.GetAllocs", &req, &resp)
		if err != nil {
			c.logger.Printf("[ERR] client: failed to query for node allocations: %v", err)
			retry := c.retryIntv(getAllocRetryIntv)
			select {
			case <-time.After(retry):
			case <-c.shutdownCh:

		// Check for shutdown
		select {
		case <-c.shutdownCh:

		// Check for updates
		if resp.Index <= req.MinQueryIndex {
		req.MinQueryIndex = resp.Index
		c.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client: updated allocations at index %d (%d allocs)", resp.Index, len(resp.Allocs))

		// Push the updates
		select {
		case allocUpdates <- resp.Allocs:
		case <-c.shutdownCh:
Exemple #2
// watchAllocations is used to scan for updates to allocations
func (c *Client) watchAllocations(updates chan *allocUpdates) {
	// The request and response for getting the map of allocations that should
	// be running on the Node to their AllocModifyIndex which is incremented
	// when the allocation is updated by the servers.
	req := structs.NodeSpecificRequest{
		NodeID: c.Node().ID,
		QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
			Region:     c.Region(),
			AllowStale: true,
	var resp structs.NodeClientAllocsResponse

	// The request and response for pulling down the set of allocations that are
	// new, or updated server side.
	allocsReq := structs.AllocsGetRequest{
		QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
			Region:     c.Region(),
			AllowStale: true,
	var allocsResp structs.AllocsGetResponse

	for {
		// Get the allocation modify index map, blocking for updates. We will
		// use this to determine exactly what allocations need to be downloaded
		// in full.
		resp = structs.NodeClientAllocsResponse{}
		err := c.RPC("Node.GetClientAllocs", &req, &resp)
		if err != nil {
			c.logger.Printf("[ERR] client: failed to query for node allocations: %v", err)
			retry := c.retryIntv(getAllocRetryIntv)
			select {
			case <-time.After(retry):
			case <-c.shutdownCh:

		// Check for shutdown
		select {
		case <-c.shutdownCh:

		// Filter all allocations whose AllocModifyIndex was not incremented.
		// These are the allocations who have either not been updated, or whose
		// updates are a result of the client sending an update for the alloc.
		// This lets us reduce the network traffic to the server as we don't
		// need to pull all the allocations.
		var pull []string
		filtered := make(map[string]struct{})
		runners := c.getAllocRunners()
		for allocID, modifyIndex := range resp.Allocs {
			// Pull the allocation if we don't have an alloc runner for the
			// allocation or if the alloc runner requires an updated allocation.
			runner, ok := runners[allocID]
			if !ok || runner.shouldUpdate(modifyIndex) {
				pull = append(pull, allocID)
			} else {
				filtered[allocID] = struct{}{}

		c.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client: updated allocations at index %d (pulled %d) (filtered %d)",
			resp.Index, len(pull), len(filtered))

		// Pull the allocations that passed filtering.
		allocsResp.Allocs = nil
		if len(pull) != 0 {
			// Pull the allocations that need to be updated.
			allocsReq.AllocIDs = pull
			allocsResp = structs.AllocsGetResponse{}
			if err := c.RPC("Alloc.GetAllocs", &allocsReq, &allocsResp); err != nil {
				c.logger.Printf("[ERR] client: failed to query updated allocations: %v", err)
				retry := c.retryIntv(getAllocRetryIntv)
				select {
				case <-time.After(retry):
				case <-c.shutdownCh:

			// Check for shutdown
			select {
			case <-c.shutdownCh:

		// Update the query index.
		if resp.Index > req.MinQueryIndex {
			req.MinQueryIndex = resp.Index

		// Push the updates.
		pulled := make(map[string]*structs.Allocation, len(allocsResp.Allocs))
		for _, alloc := range allocsResp.Allocs {
			pulled[alloc.ID] = alloc
		update := &allocUpdates{
			filtered: filtered,
			pulled:   pulled,
		select {
		case updates <- update:
		case <-c.shutdownCh: