Exemple #1
// Generates steps to test out various role permutations
func generateRoleSteps(t *testing.T, useCSRs bool) []logicaltest.TestStep {
	roleVals := roleEntry{
		MaxTTL:  "12h",
		KeyType: "rsa",
		KeyBits: 2048,
	issueVals := certutil.IssueData{}
	ret := []logicaltest.TestStep{}

	roleTestStep := logicaltest.TestStep{
		Operation: logical.WriteOperation,
		Path:      "roles/test",
	var issueTestStep logicaltest.TestStep
	if useCSRs {
		issueTestStep = logicaltest.TestStep{
			Operation: logical.WriteOperation,
			Path:      "sign/test",
	} else {
		issueTestStep = logicaltest.TestStep{
			Operation: logical.WriteOperation,
			Path:      "issue/test",

	genericErrorOkCheck := func(resp *logical.Response) error {
		if resp.IsError() {
			return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("Expected an error, but did not seem to get one")

	// Adds tests with the currently configured issue/role information
	addTests := func(testCheck logicaltest.TestCheckFunc) {
		//fmt.Printf("role vals: %#v\n", roleVals)
		//fmt.Printf("issue vals: %#v\n", issueTestStep)
		roleTestStep.Data = structs.New(roleVals).Map()
		ret = append(ret, roleTestStep)
		issueTestStep.Data = structs.New(issueVals).Map()
		switch {
		case issueTestStep.ErrorOk:
			issueTestStep.Check = genericErrorOkCheck
		case testCheck != nil:
			issueTestStep.Check = testCheck
			issueTestStep.Check = nil
		ret = append(ret, issueTestStep)

	// Returns a TestCheckFunc that performs various validity checks on the
	// returned certificate information, mostly within checkCertsAndPrivateKey
	getCnCheck := func(name string, role roleEntry, key crypto.Signer, usage certUsage, validity time.Duration) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc {
		var certBundle certutil.CertBundle
		return func(resp *logical.Response) error {
			err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			parsedCertBundle, err := checkCertsAndPrivateKey(role.KeyType, key, usage, validity, &certBundle)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error checking generated certificate: %s", err)
			cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate
			if cert.Subject.CommonName != name {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error: returned certificate has CN of %s but %s was requested", cert.Subject.CommonName, name)
			if strings.Contains(cert.Subject.CommonName, "@") {
				if len(cert.DNSNames) != 0 || len(cert.EmailAddresses) != 1 {
					return fmt.Errorf("Error: found more than one DNS SAN or not one Email SAN but only one was requested, cert.DNSNames = %#v, cert.EmailAddresses = %#v", cert.DNSNames, cert.EmailAddresses)
			} else {
				if len(cert.DNSNames) != 1 || len(cert.EmailAddresses) != 0 {
					return fmt.Errorf("Error: found more than one Email SAN or not one DNS SAN but only one was requested, cert.DNSNames = %#v, cert.EmailAddresses = %#v", cert.DNSNames, cert.EmailAddresses)
			var retName string
			if len(cert.DNSNames) > 0 {
				retName = cert.DNSNames[0]
			if len(cert.EmailAddresses) > 0 {
				retName = cert.EmailAddresses[0]
			if retName != name {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error: returned certificate has a DNS SAN of %s but %s was requested", retName, name)
			return nil

	// Common names to test with the various role flags toggled
	var commonNames struct {
		Localhost            bool `structs:"localhost"`
		BareDomain           bool `structs:"example.com"`
		SecondDomain         bool `structs:"foobar.com"`
		SubDomain            bool `structs:"foo.example.com"`
		Wildcard             bool `structs:"*.example.com"`
		SubSubdomain         bool `structs:"foo.bar.example.com"`
		SubSubdomainWildcard bool `structs:"*.bar.example.com"`
		NonHostname          bool `structs:"daɪˈɛrɨsɨs"`
		AnyHost              bool `structs:"porkslap.beer"`

	// Adds a series of tests based on the current selection of
	// allowed common names; contains some (seeded) randomness
	// This allows for a variety of common names to be tested in various
	// combinations with allowed toggles of the role
	addCnTests := func() {
		cnMap := structs.New(commonNames).Map()
		// For the number of tests being run, this is known to hit all
		// of the various values below
		mathRand := mathrand.New(mathrand.NewSource(1))
		for name, allowedInt := range cnMap {
			roleVals.KeyType = "rsa"
			roleVals.KeyBits = 2048
			if mathRand.Int()%2 == 1 {
				roleVals.KeyType = "ec"
				roleVals.KeyBits = 224

			roleVals.ServerFlag = false
			roleVals.ClientFlag = false
			roleVals.CodeSigningFlag = false
			roleVals.EmailProtectionFlag = false
			var usage certUsage
			i := mathRand.Int()
			switch {
			case i%5 == 0:
				usage = emailProtectionUsage
				roleVals.EmailProtectionFlag = true
			case i%3 == 0:
				usage = serverUsage
				roleVals.ServerFlag = true
			case i%2 == 0:
				usage = clientUsage
				roleVals.ClientFlag = true
				usage = codeSigningUsage
				roleVals.CodeSigningFlag = true

			allowed := allowedInt.(bool)
			issueVals.CommonName = name
			if roleVals.EmailProtectionFlag {
				if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "*") {
					issueVals.CommonName = "user@" + issueVals.CommonName
			if allowed {
				issueTestStep.ErrorOk = false
			} else {
				issueTestStep.ErrorOk = true

			validity, _ := time.ParseDuration(roleVals.MaxTTL)
			if useCSRs {
				var privKey crypto.Signer
				switch roleVals.KeyType {
				case "rsa":
					privKey, _ = rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, roleVals.KeyBits)
				case "ec":
					var curve elliptic.Curve
					switch roleVals.KeyBits {
					case 224:
						curve = elliptic.P224()
					case 256:
						curve = elliptic.P256()
					case 384:
						curve = elliptic.P384()
					case 521:
						curve = elliptic.P521()
					privKey, _ = ecdsa.GenerateKey(curve, rand.Reader)
				templ := &x509.CertificateRequest{
					Subject: pkix.Name{
						CommonName: issueVals.CommonName,
				csr, err := x509.CreateCertificateRequest(rand.Reader, templ, privKey)
				if err != nil {
					t.Fatalf("Error creating certificate request: %s", err)
				block := pem.Block{
					Bytes: csr,
				issueVals.CSR = strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&block)))
				addTests(getCnCheck(issueVals.CommonName, roleVals, privKey, usage, validity))
			} else {
				addTests(getCnCheck(issueVals.CommonName, roleVals, nil, usage, validity))

	// Common Name tests
		// common_name not provided
		issueVals.CommonName = ""
		issueTestStep.ErrorOk = true

		// Nothing is allowed

		roleVals.AllowLocalhost = true
		commonNames.Localhost = true

		roleVals.AllowedDomains = "foobar.com"

		roleVals.AllowedDomains = "example.com"
		roleVals.AllowSubdomains = true
		commonNames.SubDomain = true
		commonNames.Wildcard = true
		commonNames.SubSubdomain = true
		commonNames.SubSubdomainWildcard = true

		roleVals.AllowedDomains = "foobar.com,example.com"
		commonNames.SecondDomain = true
		roleVals.AllowBareDomains = true
		commonNames.BareDomain = true

		roleVals.AllowAnyName = true
		roleVals.EnforceHostnames = true
		commonNames.AnyHost = true

		roleVals.EnforceHostnames = false
		commonNames.NonHostname = true
	// IP SAN tests
		issueVals.IPSANs = ",::1"
		issueTestStep.ErrorOk = true

		roleVals.AllowIPSANs = true
		issueTestStep.ErrorOk = false

		issueVals.IPSANs = "foobar"
		issueTestStep.ErrorOk = true

		issueTestStep.ErrorOk = false
		issueVals.IPSANs = ""

	// Lease tests
		roleTestStep.ErrorOk = true
		roleVals.Lease = ""
		roleVals.MaxTTL = ""

		roleVals.Lease = "12h"
		roleVals.MaxTTL = "6h"

		roleTestStep.ErrorOk = false

	return ret
Exemple #2
// Generates steps to test out various role permutations
func generateRoleSteps(t *testing.T, useCSRs bool) []logicaltest.TestStep {
	roleVals := roleEntry{
		MaxTTL:  "12h",
		KeyType: "rsa",
		KeyBits: 2048,
	issueVals := certutil.IssueData{}
	ret := []logicaltest.TestStep{}

	roleTestStep := logicaltest.TestStep{
		Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
		Path:      "roles/test",
	var issueTestStep logicaltest.TestStep
	if useCSRs {
		issueTestStep = logicaltest.TestStep{
			Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
			Path:      "sign/test",
	} else {
		issueTestStep = logicaltest.TestStep{
			Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
			Path:      "issue/test",

		// For the number of tests being run, a seed of 1 has been tested
		// to hit all of the various values below. However, for normal
		// testing we use a randomized time for maximum fuzziness.
	var seed int64 = 1
	fixedSeed := os.Getenv("VAULT_PKITESTS_FIXED_SEED")
	if len(fixedSeed) == 0 {
		seed = time.Now().UnixNano()
	} else {
		var err error
		seed, err = strconv.ParseInt(fixedSeed, 10, 64)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error parsing fixed seed of %s: %v", fixedSeed, err)
	mathRand := mathrand.New(mathrand.NewSource(seed))
	t.Logf("seed under test: %v", seed)

	// Used by tests not toggling common names to turn off the behavior of random key bit fuzziness
	keybitSizeRandOff := false

	genericErrorOkCheck := func(resp *logical.Response) error {
		if resp.IsError() {
			return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("Expected an error, but did not seem to get one")

	// Adds tests with the currently configured issue/role information
	addTests := func(testCheck logicaltest.TestCheckFunc) {
		stepCount += 1
		//t.Logf("test step %d\nrole vals: %#v\n", stepCount, roleVals)
		stepCount += 1
		//t.Logf("test step %d\nissue vals: %#v\n", stepCount, issueTestStep)
		roleTestStep.Data = structs.New(roleVals).Map()
		ret = append(ret, roleTestStep)
		issueTestStep.Data = structs.New(issueVals).Map()
		switch {
		case issueTestStep.ErrorOk:
			issueTestStep.Check = genericErrorOkCheck
		case testCheck != nil:
			issueTestStep.Check = testCheck
			issueTestStep.Check = nil
		ret = append(ret, issueTestStep)

	// Returns a TestCheckFunc that performs various validity checks on the
	// returned certificate information, mostly within checkCertsAndPrivateKey
	getCnCheck := func(name string, role roleEntry, key crypto.Signer, usage certUsage, validity time.Duration) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc {
		var certBundle certutil.CertBundle
		return func(resp *logical.Response) error {
			err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			parsedCertBundle, err := checkCertsAndPrivateKey(role.KeyType, key, usage, validity, &certBundle)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error checking generated certificate: %s", err)
			cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate
			if cert.Subject.CommonName != name {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error: returned certificate has CN of %s but %s was requested", cert.Subject.CommonName, name)
			if strings.Contains(cert.Subject.CommonName, "@") {
				if len(cert.DNSNames) != 0 || len(cert.EmailAddresses) != 1 {
					return fmt.Errorf("Error: found more than one DNS SAN or not one Email SAN but only one was requested, cert.DNSNames = %#v, cert.EmailAddresses = %#v", cert.DNSNames, cert.EmailAddresses)
			} else {
				if len(cert.DNSNames) != 1 || len(cert.EmailAddresses) != 0 {
					return fmt.Errorf("Error: found more than one Email SAN or not one DNS SAN but only one was requested, cert.DNSNames = %#v, cert.EmailAddresses = %#v", cert.DNSNames, cert.EmailAddresses)
			var retName string
			if len(cert.DNSNames) > 0 {
				retName = cert.DNSNames[0]
			if len(cert.EmailAddresses) > 0 {
				retName = cert.EmailAddresses[0]
			if retName != name {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error: returned certificate has a DNS SAN of %s but %s was requested", retName, name)
			return nil

	// Common names to test with the various role flags toggled
	var commonNames struct {
		Localhost            bool `structs:"localhost"`
		BareDomain           bool `structs:"example.com"`
		SecondDomain         bool `structs:"foobar.com"`
		SubDomain            bool `structs:"foo.example.com"`
		Wildcard             bool `structs:"*.example.com"`
		SubSubdomain         bool `structs:"foo.bar.example.com"`
		SubSubdomainWildcard bool `structs:"*.bar.example.com"`
		NonHostname          bool `structs:"daɪˈɛrɨsɨs"`
		AnyHost              bool `structs:"porkslap.beer"`

	// Adds a series of tests based on the current selection of
	// allowed common names; contains some (seeded) randomness
	// This allows for a variety of common names to be tested in various
	// combinations with allowed toggles of the role
	addCnTests := func() {
		cnMap := structs.New(commonNames).Map()
		for name, allowedInt := range cnMap {
			roleVals.KeyType = "rsa"
			roleVals.KeyBits = 2048
			if mathRand.Int()%2 == 1 {
				roleVals.KeyType = "ec"
				roleVals.KeyBits = 224

			roleVals.ServerFlag = false
			roleVals.ClientFlag = false
			roleVals.CodeSigningFlag = false
			roleVals.EmailProtectionFlag = false
			var usage certUsage
			i := mathRand.Int()
			switch {
			case i%5 == 0:
				usage = emailProtectionUsage
				roleVals.EmailProtectionFlag = true
			case i%3 == 0:
				usage = serverUsage
				roleVals.ServerFlag = true
			case i%2 == 0:
				usage = clientUsage
				roleVals.ClientFlag = true
				usage = codeSigningUsage
				roleVals.CodeSigningFlag = true

			allowed := allowedInt.(bool)
			issueVals.CommonName = name
			if roleVals.EmailProtectionFlag {
				if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "*") {
					issueVals.CommonName = "user@" + issueVals.CommonName

			issueTestStep.ErrorOk = !allowed

			validity, _ := time.ParseDuration(roleVals.MaxTTL)

			var testBitSize int

			if useCSRs {
				rsaKeyBits := []int{2048, 4096}
				ecKeyBits := []int{224, 256, 384, 521}

				var privKey crypto.Signer
				switch roleVals.KeyType {
				case "rsa":
					roleVals.KeyBits = rsaKeyBits[mathRand.Int()%2]

					// If we don't expect an error already, randomly choose a
					// key size and expect an error if it's less than the role
					// setting
					testBitSize = roleVals.KeyBits
					if !keybitSizeRandOff && !issueTestStep.ErrorOk {
						testBitSize = rsaKeyBits[mathRand.Int()%2]

					if testBitSize < roleVals.KeyBits {
						issueTestStep.ErrorOk = true

					privKey, _ = rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, testBitSize)

				case "ec":
					roleVals.KeyBits = ecKeyBits[mathRand.Int()%4]

					var curve elliptic.Curve

					// If we don't expect an error already, randomly choose a
					// key size and expect an error if it's less than the role
					// setting
					testBitSize = roleVals.KeyBits
					if !keybitSizeRandOff && !issueTestStep.ErrorOk {
						testBitSize = ecKeyBits[mathRand.Int()%4]

					switch testBitSize {
					case 224:
						curve = elliptic.P224()
					case 256:
						curve = elliptic.P256()
					case 384:
						curve = elliptic.P384()
					case 521:
						curve = elliptic.P521()

					if curve.Params().BitSize < roleVals.KeyBits {
						issueTestStep.ErrorOk = true

					privKey, _ = ecdsa.GenerateKey(curve, rand.Reader)
				templ := &x509.CertificateRequest{
					Subject: pkix.Name{
						CommonName: issueVals.CommonName,
				csr, err := x509.CreateCertificateRequest(rand.Reader, templ, privKey)
				if err != nil {
					t.Fatalf("Error creating certificate request: %s", err)
				block := pem.Block{
					Bytes: csr,
				issueVals.CSR = strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&block)))

				addTests(getCnCheck(issueVals.CommonName, roleVals, privKey, usage, validity))
			} else {
				addTests(getCnCheck(issueVals.CommonName, roleVals, nil, usage, validity))

	// Common Name tests
		// common_name not provided
		issueVals.CommonName = ""
		issueTestStep.ErrorOk = true

		// Nothing is allowed

		roleVals.AllowLocalhost = true
		commonNames.Localhost = true

		roleVals.AllowedDomains = "foobar.com"

		roleVals.AllowedDomains = "example.com"
		roleVals.AllowSubdomains = true
		commonNames.SubDomain = true
		commonNames.Wildcard = true
		commonNames.SubSubdomain = true
		commonNames.SubSubdomainWildcard = true

		roleVals.AllowedDomains = "foobar.com,example.com"
		commonNames.SecondDomain = true
		roleVals.AllowBareDomains = true
		commonNames.BareDomain = true

		roleVals.AllowAnyName = true
		roleVals.EnforceHostnames = true
		commonNames.AnyHost = true

		roleVals.EnforceHostnames = false
		commonNames.NonHostname = true

		// Ensure that we end up with acceptable key sizes since they won't be
		// toggled any longer
		keybitSizeRandOff = true
	// IP SAN tests
		issueVals.IPSANs = ",::1"
		issueTestStep.ErrorOk = true

		roleVals.AllowIPSANs = true
		issueTestStep.ErrorOk = false

		issueVals.IPSANs = "foobar"
		issueTestStep.ErrorOk = true

		issueTestStep.ErrorOk = false
		issueVals.IPSANs = ""

	// Lease tests
		roleTestStep.ErrorOk = true
		roleVals.Lease = ""
		roleVals.MaxTTL = ""

		roleVals.Lease = "12h"
		roleVals.MaxTTL = "6h"

		roleTestStep.ErrorOk = false

	// Listing test
	ret = append(ret, logicaltest.TestStep{
		Operation: logical.ListOperation,
		Path:      "roles/",
		Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error {
			if resp.Data == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("nil data")

			keysRaw, ok := resp.Data["keys"]
			if !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("no keys found")

			keys, ok := keysRaw.([]string)
			if !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("could not convert keys to a string list")

			if len(keys) != 1 {
				return fmt.Errorf("unexpected keys length of %d", len(keys))

			if keys[0] != "test" {
				return fmt.Errorf("unexpected key value of %d", keys[0])

			return nil

	return ret