Exemple #1
func TestLintEmptyChartYaml(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "badChart"

	Create(chartName, tmpHome)

	badChartYaml, _ := yaml.Marshal(make(map[string]string))

	chartYaml := util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName, Chartfile)

	ioutil.WriteFile(chartYaml, badChartYaml, 0644)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName))

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart.yaml has a name field : false")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart.yaml has a version field : false")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart.yaml has a description field : false")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart.yaml has a maintainers field : false")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, fmt.Sprintf("Chart [%s] has failed some necessary checks", chartName))
Exemple #2
// Fetch gets a chart from the source repo and copies to the workdir.
// - chartName is the source
// - lname is the local name for that chart (chart-name); if blank, it is set to the chart.
// - homedir is the home directory for the user
func Fetch(chartName, lname, homedir string) {

	r := mustConfig(homedir).Repos
	repository, chartName := r.RepoChart(chartName)

	if lname == "" {
		lname = chartName

	fetch(chartName, lname, homedir, repository)

	chartFilePath := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, lname, Chartfile)
	cfile, err := chart.LoadChartfile(chartFilePath)
	if err != nil {
		log.Die("Source is not a valid chart. Missing Chart.yaml: %s", err)

	deps, err := dependency.Resolve(cfile, helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir))
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Could not check dependencies: %s", err)

	if len(deps) > 0 {
		log.Warn("Unsatisfied dependencies:")
		for _, d := range deps {
			log.Msg("\t%s %s", d.Name, d.Version)

	log.Info("Fetched chart into workspace %s", helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, lname))
Exemple #3
// Install loads a chart into Kubernetes.
// If the chart is not found in the workspace, it is fetched and then installed.
// During install, manifests are sent to Kubernetes in the ordered specified by InstallOrder.
func Install(chartName, home, namespace string, force bool, generate bool, exclude []string, client kubectl.Runner) {
	ochart := chartName
	r := mustConfig(home).Repos
	table, chartName := r.RepoChart(chartName)

	if !chartFetched(chartName, home) {
		log.Info("No chart named %q in your workspace. Fetching now.", ochart)
		fetch(chartName, chartName, home, table)

	cd := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(home, chartName)
	c, err := chart.Load(cd)
	if err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to load chart: %s", err)

	// Give user the option to bale if dependencies are not satisfied.
	nope, err := dependency.Resolve(c.Chartfile, helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(home))

	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Failed to check dependencies: %s", err)
		if !force {
			log.Die("Re-run with --force to install anyway.")
	} else if len(nope) > 0 {
		log.Warn("Unsatisfied dependencies:")
		for _, d := range nope {
			log.Msg("\t%s %s", d.Name, d.Version)
		if !force {
			log.Die("Stopping install. Re-run with --force to install anyway.")

	// Run the generator if -g is set.
	if generate {
		Generate(chartName, home, exclude, force)


	log.Info("Running `kubectl create -f` ...")
	if err := uploadManifests(c, namespace, client); err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to upload manifests: %s", err)

	PrintREADME(chartName, home)
Exemple #4
func TestLintMissingReadme(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "badChart"

	Create(chartName, tmpHome)

	os.Remove(filepath.Join(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName), "README.md"))

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName))

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "README.md is present and not empty : false")
Exemple #5
// Publish a chart from the workspace to the cache directory
// - chartName being published
// - homeDir is the helm home directory for the user
// - force publishing even if the chart directory already exists
func Publish(chartName, homeDir, repo string, force bool) {
	if repo == "" {
		repo = "charts"

	if !mustConfig(homeDir).Repos.Exists(repo) {
		log.Err("Repo %s does not exist", repo)
		log.Info("Available repositories")

	src := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homeDir, chartName)
	dst := helm.CacheDirectory(homeDir, repo, chartName)

	if _, err := os.Stat(dst); err == nil {
		if force != true {
			log.Info("chart already exists, use -f to force")

	if err := helm.CopyDir(src, dst); err != nil {
		log.Die("failed to publish directory: %v", err)
Exemple #6
func fetch(chartName, lname, homedir, chartpath string) {
	src := helm.CacheDirectory(homedir, chartpath, chartName)
	dest := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, lname)

	fi, err := os.Stat(src)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Oops. Looks like there was an issue finding the chart, %s, in %s. Running `helmc update` to ensure you have the latest version of all Charts from Github...", lname, src)
		fi, err = os.Stat(src)
		if err != nil {
			log.Die("Chart %s not found in %s", lname, src)
		log.Info("Good news! Looks like that did the trick. Onwards and upwards!")

	if !fi.IsDir() {
		log.Die("Malformed chart %s: Chart must be in a directory.", chartName)

	if err := os.MkdirAll(dest, 0755); err != nil {
		log.Die("Could not create %q: %s", dest, err)

	log.Debug("Fetching %s to %s", src, dest)
	if err := helm.CopyDir(src, dest); err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed copying %s to %s", src, dest)

	if err := updateChartfile(src, dest, lname); err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to update Chart.yaml: %s", err)
Exemple #7
func lint(c *cli.Context) {
	home := home(c)

	all := c.Bool("all")

	if all {

	minArgs(c, 1, "lint")

	a := c.Args()
	chartNameOrPath := a[0]

	fromHome := util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(home, chartNameOrPath)
	fromAbs := filepath.Clean(chartNameOrPath)

	_, err := os.Stat(fromAbs)

	if err == nil {
	} else {
Exemple #8
// Uninstall removes a chart from Kubernetes.
// Manifests are removed from Kubernetes in the order specified by
// chart.UninstallOrder. Any unknown types are removed before that sequence
// is run.
func Uninstall(chartName, home, namespace string, force bool, client kubectl.Runner) {
	// This is a stop-gap until kubectl respects namespaces in manifests.
	if namespace == "" {
		log.Die("This command requires a namespace. Did you mean '-n default'?")
	if !chartFetched(chartName, home) {
		log.Info("No chart named %q in your workspace. Nothing to delete.", chartName)

	cd := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(home, chartName)
	c, err := chart.Load(cd)
	if err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to load chart: %s", err)
	if err := deleteChart(c, namespace, true, client); err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to list charts: %s", err)
	if !force && !promptConfirm("Uninstall the listed objects?") {
		log.Info("Aborted uninstall")


	log.Info("Running `kubectl delete` ...")
	if err := deleteChart(c, namespace, false, client); err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to completely delete chart: %s", err)
Exemple #9
func createWithChart(chart *chart.Chartfile, chartName, homeDir string) {
	chartDir := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homeDir, chartName)

	// create directories
	if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(chartDir, "manifests"), 0755); err != nil {
		log.Die("Could not create %q: %s", chartDir, err)

	// create Chartfile.yaml
	if err := chart.Save(filepath.Join(chartDir, Chartfile)); err != nil {
		log.Die("Could not create Chart.yaml: err", err)

	// create README.md
	if err := createReadme(chartDir, chart); err != nil {
		log.Die("Could not create README.md: err", err)

	// create example-pod
	if err := createExampleManifest(chartDir); err != nil {
		log.Die("Could not create example manifest: err", err)

	log.Info("Created chart in %s", chartDir)
Exemple #10
func TestLintMissingChartYaml(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "badChart"

	Create(chartName, tmpHome)

	os.Remove(filepath.Join(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName), Chartfile))

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName))

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart.yaml is present : false")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart [badChart] has failed some necessary checks.")
Exemple #11
func TestLintMissingManifestDirectory(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "brokeChart"

	Create(chartName, tmpHome)

	os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName), "manifests"))

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName))

	test.ExpectMatches(t, output, "Manifests directory is present : false")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart ["+chartName+"] has failed some necessary checks")
Exemple #12
// Check by chart directory name whether a chart is fetched into the workspace.
// This does NOT check the Chart.yaml file.
func chartFetched(chartName, home string) bool {
	p := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(home, chartName, Chartfile)
	log.Debug("Looking for %q", p)
	if fi, err := os.Stat(p); err != nil || fi.IsDir() {
		log.Debug("No chart: %s", err)
		return false
	return true
Exemple #13
// Edit charts using the shell-defined $EDITOR
// - chartName being edited
// - homeDir is the Helm Classic home directory for the user
func Edit(chartName, homeDir string) {

	chartDir := util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homeDir, chartName)

	if _, err := os.Stat(chartDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		log.Die("Could not find chart: %s", chartName)

Exemple #14
func TestLintBadPath(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()
	chartName := "badChart"

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName))

	msg := "Chart found at " + tmpHome + "/workspace/charts/" + chartName + " : false"
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, msg)
Exemple #15
func TestFetch(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()
	chartName := "kitchensink"

	actual := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Fetch(chartName, "", tmpHome)

	workspacePath := util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName)
	test.ExpectContains(t, actual, "Fetched chart into workspace "+workspacePath)
Exemple #16
func TestLintChartByPath(t *testing.T) {
	home1 := test.CreateTmpHome()
	home2 := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "goodChart"
	action.Create(chartName, home1)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Cli().Run([]string{"helmc", "--home", home2, "lint", util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(home1, chartName)})

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, fmt.Sprintf("Chart [%s] has passed all necessary checks", chartName))
Exemple #17
func TestLintMismatchedChartNameAndDir(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()
	chartName := "chart-0"
	chartDir := "chart-1"
	chart := newSkelChartfile(chartName)
	createWithChart(chart, chartDir, tmpHome)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartDir))

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Name declared in Chart.yaml is the same as directory name. : false")
Exemple #18
// List lists all of the local charts.
func List(homedir string) {
	md := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, "*")
	charts, err := filepath.Glob(md)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Could not find any charts in %q: %s", md, err)
	for _, c := range charts {
		cname := filepath.Base(c)
		if ch, err := chart.LoadChartfile(filepath.Join(c, Chartfile)); err == nil {
			log.Info("\t%s (%s %s) - %s", cname, ch.Name, ch.Version, ch.Description)
		log.Info("\t%s (unknown)", cname)
Exemple #19
// LintAll vlaidates all charts are well-formed
// - homedir is the home directory for the user
func LintAll(homedir string) {
	md := util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, "*")
	chartPaths, err := filepath.Glob(md)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Could not find any charts in %q: %s", md, err)

	if len(chartPaths) == 0 {
		log.Warn("Could not find any charts in %q", md)
	} else {
		for _, chartPath := range chartPaths {
Exemple #20
func TestLintSuccess(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "goodChart"

	Create(chartName, tmpHome)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName))

	expected := "Chart [goodChart] has passed all necessary checks"

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, expected)
Exemple #21
func TestGenerate(t *testing.T) {
	ch := "generate"
	homedir := test.CreateTmpHome()
	Fetch(ch, ch, homedir)

	Generate(ch, homedir, []string{"ignore"}, true)

	// Now we should be able to load and read the `pod.yaml` file.
	path := util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, "generate/manifests/pod.yaml")
	d, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
	if err != nil {
	pod := string(d)
	test.ExpectContains(t, pod, "image: ozo")
	test.ExpectContains(t, pod, "name: www-server")
Exemple #22
func TestLintAll(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	missingReadmeChart := "missingReadme"

	action.Create(missingReadmeChart, tmpHome)
	os.Remove(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, missingReadmeChart, "README.md"))

	action.Create("goodChart", tmpHome)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Cli().Run([]string{"helmc", "--home", tmpHome, "lint", "--all"})

	test.ExpectMatches(t, output, "A README file was not found.*"+missingReadmeChart)
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart [goodChart] has passed all necessary checks")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart [missingReadme] failed some checks")
Exemple #23
// Generate runs generators on the entire chart.
// By design, this only operates on workspaces, as it should never be run
// on the cache.
func Generate(chart, homedir string, exclude []string, force bool) {
	if abs, err := filepath.Abs(homedir); err == nil {
		homedir = abs
	chartPath := util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, chart)

	// Although helmc itself may use the new HELMC_HOME environment variable to optionally define its
	// home directory, to maintain compatibility with charts created for the ORIGINAL helm, we
	// continue to support expansion of these "legacy" environment variables, including HELM_HOME.
	os.Setenv("HELM_HOME", homedir)
	os.Setenv("HELM_DEFAULT_REPO", mustConfig(homedir).Repos.Default)
	os.Setenv("HELM_FORCE_FLAG", strconv.FormatBool(force))

	count, err := generator.Walk(chartPath, exclude, force)
	if err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to complete generation: %s", err)
	log.Info("Ran %d generators.", count)
Exemple #24
// PrintREADME prints the README file (if it exists) to the console.
func PrintREADME(chart, home string) {
	p := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(home, chart, "README.*")
	files, err := filepath.Glob(p)
	if err != nil || len(files) == 0 {
		// No README. Skip.
		log.Debug("No readme in %s", p)

	f, err := os.Open(files[0])
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Could not read README: %s", err)
	log.Msg(strings.Repeat("=", 40))
	io.Copy(log.Stdout, f)
	log.Msg(strings.Repeat("=", 40))

Exemple #25
// Remove removes a chart from the workdir.
// - chart is the source
// - homedir is the home directory for the user
// - force will remove installed charts from workspace
func Remove(chart, homedir string, force bool) {
	chartPath := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, chart)
	if _, err := os.Stat(chartPath); err != nil {
		log.Err("Chart not found. %s", err)

	if !force {
		var connectionFailure bool

		// check if any chart manifests are installed
		installed, err := checkManifests(chartPath)
		if err != nil {
			if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "unable to connect") {
				connectionFailure = true
			} else {

		if connectionFailure {
			log.Err("Could not determine if %s is installed.  To remove the chart --force flag must be set.", chart)
		} else if len(installed) > 0 {
			log.Err("Found %d installed manifests for %s.  To remove a chart that has been installed the --force flag must be set.", len(installed), chart)

	// remove local chart files
	if err := os.RemoveAll(chartPath); err != nil {
		log.Die("Could not remove chart. %s", err)

	log.Info("All clear! You have successfully removed %s from your workspace.", chart)
Exemple #26
func TestCreate(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	Create("mychart", tmpHome)

	// assert chartfile
	chartfile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, "mychart/Chart.yaml"))
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Could not read chartfile: %s", err)
	actualChartfile := string(chartfile)
	expectedChartfile := `name: mychart
home: http://example.com/your/project/home
version: 0.1.0
description: Provide a brief description of your application here.
- Your Name <email@address>
details: |-
  This section allows you to provide additional details about your application.
  Provide any information that would be useful to users at a glance.
	test.ExpectEquals(t, actualChartfile, expectedChartfile)

	// asset readme
	readme, err := ioutil.ReadFile(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, "mychart/README.md"))
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Could not read README.md: %s", err)
	actualReadme := string(readme)
	expectedReadme := `# mychart

Describe your chart here. Link to upstream repositories, Docker images or any
external documentation.

If your application requires any specific configuration like Secrets, you may
include that information here.
	test.ExpectEquals(t, expectedReadme, actualReadme)

	// assert example manifest
	manifest, err := ioutil.ReadFile(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, "mychart/manifests/example-pod.yaml"))
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Could not read manifest: %s", err)
	actualManifest := string(manifest)
	expectedManifest := `---
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: example-pod
    heritage: helm
  restartPolicy: Never
  - name: example
    image: "alpine:3.2"
    command: ["/bin/sleep","9000"]
	test.ExpectEquals(t, actualManifest, expectedManifest)