func TestCopySchemaShard(t *testing.T) {
	ts := zktopo.NewTestServer(t, []string{"cell1", "cell2"})
	wr := wrangler.New(logutil.NewConsoleLogger(), ts, time.Minute, time.Second)

	sourceMaster := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 0,
		topo.TYPE_MASTER, TabletKeyspaceShard(t, "ks", "-80"))
	sourceRdonly := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 1,
		topo.TYPE_RDONLY, TabletKeyspaceShard(t, "ks", "-80"),

	destinationMaster := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 10,
		topo.TYPE_MASTER, TabletKeyspaceShard(t, "ks", "-40"))
	// one destination RdOnly, so we know that schema copies propogate from masters
	destinationRdonly := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 11,
		topo.TYPE_RDONLY, TabletKeyspaceShard(t, "ks", "-40"),

	for _, ft := range []*FakeTablet{sourceMaster, sourceRdonly, destinationMaster, destinationRdonly} {
		ft.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
		defer ft.StopActionLoop(t)

	sourceRdonly.FakeMysqlDaemon.Schema = &myproto.SchemaDefinition{
		DatabaseSchema: "CREATE DATABASE `{{.DatabaseName}}` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */",
		TableDefinitions: []*myproto.TableDefinition{
				Name:   "table1",
				Schema: "CREATE TABLE `resharding1` (\n  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `msg` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `keyspace_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n  KEY `by_msg` (`msg`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8",
				Type:   myproto.TABLE_BASE_TABLE,
				Name:   "view1",
				Schema: "CREATE TABLE `view1` (\n  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `msg` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `keyspace_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n  KEY `by_msg` (`msg`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8",
				Type:   myproto.TABLE_VIEW,

	destinationMaster.FakeMysqlDaemon.DbaConnectionFactory = DestinationsFactory(t)
	destinationRdonly.FakeMysqlDaemon.DbaConnectionFactory = DestinationsFactory(t)

	if err := wr.CopySchemaShard(sourceRdonly.Tablet.Alias, nil, nil, true, "ks", "-40"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("CopySchemaShard failed: %v", err)

// TestTabletExternallyReparentedWithDifferentMysqlPort makes sure
// that if mysql is restarted on the master-elect tablet and has a different
// port, we pick it up correctly.
func TestTabletExternallyReparentedWithDifferentMysqlPort(t *testing.T) {
	ts := zktopo.NewTestServer(t, []string{"cell1"})
	wr := wrangler.New(logutil.NewConsoleLogger(), ts, time.Minute, time.Second)

	// Create an old master, a new master, two good slaves, one bad slave
	oldMaster := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 0, topo.TYPE_MASTER)
	newMaster := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 1, topo.TYPE_REPLICA,
	goodSlave := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 2, topo.TYPE_REPLICA,

	// Now we're restarting mysql on a different port, 3301->3303
	// but without updating the Tablet record in topology.

	// On the elected master, we will respond to
	// TABLET_ACTION_SLAVE_WAS_PROMOTED, so we need a MysqlDaemon
	// that returns no master, and the new port (as returned by mysql)
	newMaster.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = ""
	newMaster.FakeMysqlDaemon.MysqlPort = 3303
	newMaster.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer newMaster.StopActionLoop(t)

	// On the old master, we will only respond to
	// TABLET_ACTION_SLAVE_WAS_RESTARTED and point to the new mysql port
	oldMaster.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = ""
	oldMaster.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer oldMaster.StopActionLoop(t)

	// On the good slaves, we will respond to
	// TABLET_ACTION_SLAVE_WAS_RESTARTED and point to the new mysql port
	goodSlave.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = ""
	goodSlave.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer goodSlave.StopActionLoop(t)

	// This tests the good case, where everything works as planned
	t.Logf("TabletExternallyReparented(new master) expecting success")
	tmc := tmclient.NewTabletManagerClient()
	ti, err := ts.GetTablet(newMaster.Tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTablet failed: %v", err)
	if err := tmc.TabletExternallyReparented(wr.Context(), ti, ""); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("TabletExternallyReparented(replica) failed: %v", err)
Exemple #3
// CreateTopoServer returns the test topo server properly configured
func CreateTopoServer(t *testing.T) topo.Server {
	return zktopo.NewTestServer(t, []string{"cell1", "cell2"})
Exemple #4
func TestRebuildShardRace(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	cells := []string{"test_cell"}
	logger := logutil.NewMemoryLogger()
	timeout := 10 * time.Second
	interrupted := make(chan struct{})

	// Set up topology.
	ts := zktopo.NewTestServer(t, cells)
	f := faketopo.New(t, logger, ts, cells)
	defer f.TearDown()

	keyspace := faketopo.TestKeyspace
	shard := faketopo.TestShard
	master := f.AddTablet(1, "test_cell", topo.TYPE_MASTER, nil)
	f.AddTablet(2, "test_cell", topo.TYPE_REPLICA, master)

	// Do an initial rebuild.
	if _, err := RebuildShard(ctx, logger, f.Topo, keyspace, shard, cells, timeout, interrupted); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("RebuildShard: %v", err)

	// Check initial state.
	ep, err := ts.GetEndPoints(cells[0], keyspace, shard, topo.TYPE_MASTER)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetEndPoints: %v", err)
	if got, want := len(ep.Entries), 1; got != want {
		t.Fatalf("len(Entries) = %v, want %v", got, want)
	ep, err = ts.GetEndPoints(cells[0], keyspace, shard, topo.TYPE_REPLICA)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetEndPoints: %v", err)
	if got, want := len(ep.Entries), 1; got != want {
		t.Fatalf("len(Entries) = %v, want %v", got, want)

	// Install a hook that hands out locks out of order to simulate a race.
	trigger := make(chan struct{})
	stalled := make(chan struct{})
	done := make(chan struct{})
	wait := make(chan bool, 2)
	wait <- true  // first guy waits for trigger
	wait <- false // second guy doesn't wait
	ts.HookLockSrvShardForAction = func() {
		if <-wait {

	// Make a change and start a rebuild that will stall when it tries to get
	// the SrvShard lock.
	masterInfo := f.GetTablet(1)
	masterInfo.Type = topo.TYPE_SPARE
	if err := topo.UpdateTablet(ctx, ts, masterInfo); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("UpdateTablet: %v", err)
	go func() {
		if _, err := RebuildShard(ctx, logger, f.Topo, keyspace, shard, cells, timeout, interrupted); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("RebuildShard: %v", err)

	// Wait for first rebuild to stall.

	// While the first rebuild is stalled, make another change and start a rebuild
	// that doesn't stall.
	replicaInfo := f.GetTablet(2)
	replicaInfo.Type = topo.TYPE_SPARE
	if err := topo.UpdateTablet(ctx, ts, replicaInfo); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("UpdateTablet: %v", err)
	if _, err := RebuildShard(ctx, logger, f.Topo, keyspace, shard, cells, timeout, interrupted); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("RebuildShard: %v", err)

	// Now that the second rebuild is done, un-stall the first rebuild and wait
	// for it to finish.

	// Check that the rebuild picked up both changes.
	if _, err := ts.GetEndPoints(cells[0], keyspace, shard, topo.TYPE_MASTER); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "node doesn't exist") {
		t.Errorf("first change wasn't picked up by second rebuild")
	if _, err := ts.GetEndPoints(cells[0], keyspace, shard, topo.TYPE_REPLICA); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "node doesn't exist") {
		t.Errorf("second change was overwritten by first rebuild finishing late")
func testSplitClone(t *testing.T, strategy string) {
	ts := zktopo.NewTestServer(t, []string{"cell1", "cell2"})
	wr := wrangler.New(logutil.NewConsoleLogger(), ts, time.Minute, time.Second)

	sourceMaster := testlib.NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 0,
		topo.TYPE_MASTER, testlib.TabletKeyspaceShard(t, "ks", "-80"))
	sourceRdonly1 := testlib.NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 1,
		topo.TYPE_RDONLY, testlib.TabletKeyspaceShard(t, "ks", "-80"),
	sourceRdonly2 := testlib.NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 2,
		topo.TYPE_RDONLY, testlib.TabletKeyspaceShard(t, "ks", "-80"),

	leftMaster := testlib.NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 10,
		topo.TYPE_MASTER, testlib.TabletKeyspaceShard(t, "ks", "-40"))
	leftRdonly := testlib.NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 11,
		topo.TYPE_RDONLY, testlib.TabletKeyspaceShard(t, "ks", "-40"),

	rightMaster := testlib.NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 20,
		topo.TYPE_MASTER, testlib.TabletKeyspaceShard(t, "ks", "40-80"))
	rightRdonly := testlib.NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 21,
		topo.TYPE_RDONLY, testlib.TabletKeyspaceShard(t, "ks", "40-80"),

	for _, ft := range []*testlib.FakeTablet{sourceMaster, sourceRdonly1, sourceRdonly2, leftMaster, leftRdonly, rightMaster, rightRdonly} {
		ft.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
		defer ft.StopActionLoop(t)

	// add the topo and schema data we'll need
	if err := topo.CreateShard(ts, "ks", "80-"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("CreateShard(\"-80\") failed: %v", err)
	if err := wr.SetKeyspaceShardingInfo("ks", "keyspace_id", key.KIT_UINT64, 4, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("SetKeyspaceShardingInfo failed: %v", err)
	if err := wr.RebuildKeyspaceGraph("ks", nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("RebuildKeyspaceGraph failed: %v", err)

	gwrk, err := NewSplitCloneWorker(wr, "cell1", "ks", "-80", nil, strategy, 10 /*sourceReaderCount*/, 4 /*destinationPackCount*/, 1 /*minTableSizeForSplit*/, 10 /*destinationWriterCount*/)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Worker creation failed: %v", err)
	wrk := gwrk.(*SplitCloneWorker)

	for _, sourceRdonly := range []*testlib.FakeTablet{sourceRdonly1, sourceRdonly2} {
		sourceRdonly.FakeMysqlDaemon.Schema = &myproto.SchemaDefinition{
			DatabaseSchema: "",
			TableDefinitions: []*myproto.TableDefinition{
					Name:              "table1",
					Columns:           []string{"id", "msg", "keyspace_id"},
					PrimaryKeyColumns: []string{"id"},
					Type:              myproto.TABLE_BASE_TABLE,
					// This informs how many rows we can pack into a single insert
					DataLength: 2048,
		sourceRdonly.FakeMysqlDaemon.DbaConnectionFactory = SourceRdonlyFactory(t)
		sourceRdonly.FakeMysqlDaemon.CurrentSlaveStatus = &myproto.ReplicationStatus{
			Position: myproto.ReplicationPosition{
				GTIDSet: myproto.MariadbGTID{Domain: 12, Server: 34, Sequence: 5678},
		sourceRdonly.RpcServer.Register(&SqlQuery{t: t})

	// We read 100 source rows. sourceReaderCount is set to 10, so
	// we'll have 100/10=10 rows per table chunk.
	// destinationPackCount is set to 4, so we take 4 source rows
	// at once. So we'll process 4 + 4 + 2 rows to get to 10.
	// That means 3 insert statements on each target (each
	// containing half of the rows, i.e. 2 + 2 + 1 rows). So 3 * 10
	// = 30 insert statements on each destination.
	leftMaster.FakeMysqlDaemon.DbaConnectionFactory = DestinationsFactory(t, 30)
	leftRdonly.FakeMysqlDaemon.DbaConnectionFactory = DestinationsFactory(t, 30)
	rightMaster.FakeMysqlDaemon.DbaConnectionFactory = DestinationsFactory(t, 30)
	rightRdonly.FakeMysqlDaemon.DbaConnectionFactory = DestinationsFactory(t, 30)

	status := wrk.StatusAsText()
	t.Logf("Got status: %v", status)
	if wrk.err != nil || wrk.state != stateSCDone {
		t.Errorf("Worker run failed")
func TestTabletExternallyReparentedFailedOldMaster(t *testing.T) {
	ts := zktopo.NewTestServer(t, []string{"cell1", "cell2"})
	wr := wrangler.New(logutil.NewConsoleLogger(), ts, time.Minute, time.Second)

	// Create an old master, a new master, two good slaves
	oldMaster := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 0, topo.TYPE_MASTER)
	newMaster := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 1, topo.TYPE_REPLICA,
	goodSlave := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 2, topo.TYPE_REPLICA,

	// Reparent to a replica, and pretend the old master is not responding

	// On the elected master, we will respond to
	newMaster.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = ""
	newMaster.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer newMaster.StopActionLoop(t)

	// On the old master, we will only get a
	// TABLET_ACTION_SLAVE_WAS_RESTARTED call, let's just not
	// respond to it at all

	// On the good slave, we will respond to
	goodSlave.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = newMaster.Tablet.MysqlIpAddr()
	goodSlave.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer goodSlave.StopActionLoop(t)

	// The reparent should work as expected here
	t.Logf("TabletExternallyReparented(new master) expecting success")
	tmc := tmclient.NewTabletManagerClient()
	ti, err := ts.GetTablet(newMaster.Tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTablet failed: %v", err)
	if err := tmc.TabletExternallyReparented(wr.Context(), ti, ""); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("TabletExternallyReparented(replica) failed: %v", err)

	// Now double-check the serving graph is good.
	// Should only have one good replica left.
	addrs, err := ts.GetEndPoints("cell1", "test_keyspace", "0", topo.TYPE_REPLICA)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetEndPoints failed at the end: %v", err)
	if len(addrs.Entries) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("GetEndPoints has too many entries: %v", addrs)

	// check the old master was converted to spare
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(oldMaster.Tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTablet(%v) failed: %v", oldMaster.Tablet.Alias, err)
	if tablet.Type != topo.TYPE_SPARE {
		t.Fatalf("old master should be spare but is: %v", tablet.Type)
	if tablet.Parent != newMaster.Tablet.Alias {
		t.Fatalf("old master has the wrong master, got %v expected %v", tablet.Parent, newMaster.Tablet.Alias)
func TestTabletExternallyReparented(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	ts := zktopo.NewTestServer(t, []string{"cell1", "cell2"})
	wr := wrangler.New(logutil.NewConsoleLogger(), ts, time.Minute, time.Second)

	// Create an old master, a new master, two good slaves, one bad slave
	oldMaster := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 0, topo.TYPE_MASTER)
	newMaster := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 1, topo.TYPE_REPLICA,
	goodSlave1 := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 2, topo.TYPE_REPLICA,
	goodSlave2 := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell2", 3, topo.TYPE_REPLICA,
	badSlave := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 4, topo.TYPE_REPLICA,

	// Add a new Cell to the Shard, that doesn't map to any read topo cell,
	// to simulate a data center being unreachable.
	si, err := ts.GetShard("test_keyspace", "0")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetShard failed: %v", err)
	si.Cells = append(si.Cells, "cell666")
	if err := topo.UpdateShard(ctx, ts, si); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("UpdateShard failed: %v", err)

	// Slightly unrelated test: make sure we can find the tablets
	// even with a datacenter being down.
	tabletMap, err := topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(ctx, ts, "test_keyspace", "0", []string{"cell1"})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTabletMapForShardByCell should have worked but got: %v", err)
	master, err := topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, oldMaster.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", oldMaster.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != nil || master != oldMaster.Tablet.Alias {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(master) failed: %v %v", err, master)
	slave1, err := topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, goodSlave1.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", goodSlave1.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != nil || slave1 != goodSlave1.Tablet.Alias {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(slave1) failed: %v %v", err, master)
	slave2, err := topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, goodSlave2.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", goodSlave2.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(slave2) worked: %v %v", err, slave2)

	// Make sure the master is not exported in other cells
	tabletMap, err = topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(ctx, ts, "test_keyspace", "0", []string{"cell2"})
	master, err = topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, oldMaster.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", oldMaster.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(master) worked in cell2: %v %v", err, master)

	tabletMap, err = topo.GetTabletMapForShard(ctx, ts, "test_keyspace", "0")
	if err != topo.ErrPartialResult {
		t.Fatalf("GetTabletMapForShard should have returned ErrPartialResult but got: %v", err)
	master, err = topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, oldMaster.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", oldMaster.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != nil || master != oldMaster.Tablet.Alias {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(master) failed: %v %v", err, master)

	// On the elected master, we will respond to
	newMaster.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = ""
	newMaster.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer newMaster.StopActionLoop(t)

	// On the old master, we will only respond to
	oldMaster.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = newMaster.Tablet.MysqlIpAddr()
	oldMaster.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer oldMaster.StopActionLoop(t)

	// On the good slaves, we will respond to
	goodSlave1.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = newMaster.Tablet.MysqlIpAddr()
	goodSlave1.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer goodSlave1.StopActionLoop(t)

	goodSlave2.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = newMaster.Tablet.MysqlIpAddr()
	goodSlave2.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer goodSlave2.StopActionLoop(t)

	// On the bad slave, we will respond to
	badSlave.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = ""
	badSlave.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer badSlave.StopActionLoop(t)

	// First test: reparent to the same master, make sure it works
	// as expected.
	tmc := tmclient.NewTabletManagerClient()
	ti, err := ts.GetTablet(oldMaster.Tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTablet failed: %v", err)
	if err := tmc.TabletExternallyReparented(wr.Context(), ti, ""); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("TabletExternallyReparented(same master) should have worked")

	// Second test: reparent to a replica, and pretend the old
	// master is still good to go.

	// This tests a bad case; the new designated master is a slave,
	// but we should do what we're told anyway
	ti, err = ts.GetTablet(goodSlave1.Tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTablet failed: %v", err)
	if err := tmc.TabletExternallyReparented(wr.Context(), ti, ""); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("TabletExternallyReparented(slave) error: %v", err)

	// This tests the good case, where everything works as planned
	t.Logf("TabletExternallyReparented(new master) expecting success")
	ti, err = ts.GetTablet(newMaster.Tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTablet failed: %v", err)
	if err := tmc.TabletExternallyReparented(wr.Context(), ti, ""); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("TabletExternallyReparented(replica) failed: %v", err)

	// Now double-check the serving graph is good.
	// Should only have one good replica left.
	addrs, err := ts.GetEndPoints("cell1", "test_keyspace", "0", topo.TYPE_REPLICA)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetEndPoints failed at the end: %v", err)
	if len(addrs.Entries) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("GetEndPoints has too many entries: %v", addrs)