Exemple #1
func BenchmarkExcerptPerform_RadiosSeparator(b *testing.B) {
	exc := stringfy.NewExcerpt()
	exc.Options(stringfy.AddRadius(1), stringfy.AddSeparator(" "))
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		exc.Perform(text, "popular")
Exemple #2
func Test_Truncate(t *testing.T) {

	tests := []struct {
		in           string
		length       int
		addLength    bool
		omission     string
		addOmission  bool
		separator    string
		addSeparator bool
		out          string
			in:  "Lorem ipsum.",
			out: "Lorem ipsum.",
			in:        "Lor",
			addLength: true,
			length:    3,
			out:       "Lor",
			in:  "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
			out: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,...",
			in:          "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
			addOmission: true,
			omission:    "... (continued)",
			out:         "Lorem ipsum dol... (continued)",
			in:           "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
			addLength:    true,
			length:       13,
			addSeparator: true,
			separator:    " ",
			out:          "Lorem ipsum...",

			in:           "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
			addLength:    true,
			length:       13,
			addSeparator: true,
			separator:    " ",
			addOmission:  true,
			omission:     "... (continued) ...",
			out:          "Lorem ipsum... (continued) ...",
			in:           "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, c",
			addLength:    true,
			length:       13,
			addSeparator: true,
			separator:    " ",
			addOmission:  true,
			omission:     "... (continued) ...",
			out:          "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, c",

	for _, test := range tests {
		tr := stringfy.NewTruncate()

		if test.addLength {

		if test.addOmission {

		if test.addSeparator {

		trf := tr.Perform(test.in)
		if trf != test.out {
			t.Errorf("\nExpected: %s\nGot:      %s", test.out, trf)

Exemple #3
func Test_Excerpt(t *testing.T) {

	tests := []struct {
		text         string
		phrase       string
		radious      int
		addRadious   bool
		omission     string
		addOmission  bool
		separator    string
		addSeparator bool
		out          string
		errorOut     string
			text:       text,
			phrase:     "bhtk",
			addRadious: true,
			radious:    5,
			out:        "",
			errorOut:   "Phrase (bhtk) not found.",
			text:       text,
			phrase:     "to",
			addRadious: true,
			radious:    5,
			out:        "...rary to popu...",
			errorOut:   "",
			text:       text,
			phrase:     "tra",
			addRadious: true,
			radious:    5,
			out:        "Contrary to...",
			errorOut:   "",
			text:       text,
			phrase:     "Rackham",
			addRadious: true,
			radious:    5,
			out:        "...y H. Rackham.",
			errorOut:   "",
			text:        text,
			phrase:      "sit",
			addRadious:  true,
			radious:     5,
			addOmission: true,
			omission:    "(...)",
			out:         "(...)olor sit amet(...)",
			errorOut:    "",
			text:         text,
			phrase:       "popular",
			addRadious:   true,
			radious:      1,
			addSeparator: true,
			separator:    " ",
			out:          "...to popular belief,...",
			errorOut:     "",
			text:         text,
			phrase:       "to",
			addRadious:   true,
			radious:      2,
			addSeparator: true,
			separator:    " ",
			out:          "Contrary to popular belief,...",
			errorOut:     "",
			text:         text,
			phrase:       "bhtk",
			addRadious:   true,
			radious:      1,
			addSeparator: true,
			separator:    " ",
			out:          "",
			errorOut:     "Phrase (bhtk) not found.",
			text:         text,
			phrase:       "to",
			addRadious:   true,
			radious:      5,
			addSeparator: true,
			separator:    "-",
			out:          "...rary to popu...",
			errorOut:     "",
			text:         text,
			phrase:       "to popular",
			addRadious:   true,
			radious:      5,
			addSeparator: true,
			separator:    " ",
			out:          "",
			errorOut:     "When composing the excerpt, your phrase should not contain more than one word.",
			text:         text,
			phrase:       "to popular",
			addRadious:   true,
			radious:      5,
			addSeparator: true,
			separator:    "-",
			out:          "",
			errorOut:     "When composing the excerpt, your phrase should not contain more than one word.",

	for _, test := range tests {
		exc := stringfy.NewExcerpt()

		if test.addRadious {

		if test.addOmission {

		if test.addSeparator {

		excf, err := exc.Perform(test.text, test.phrase)
		if err != nil {
			if err.Error() != test.errorOut {
				t.Errorf("\nError Expected: %s\nError Got:      %s", test.errorOut, err.Error())

		if excf != test.out {
			t.Errorf("\nExpected: %s\nGot:      %s", test.out, excf)