func TestCharSetChange(t *testing.T) {
	var req *request.Request
	//req = request.NewRequest("", "jsonp")
	req = request.NewRequest("", "html", "", "GET", "", nil, nil, nil, nil)

	var dl downloader.Downloader
	dl = downloader.NewHttpDownloader()

	var p *page.Page
	p = dl.Download(req)

	//hp := p.GetHtmlParser()
	//fmt.Printf("%v", jsonMap)

	body := p.GetBodyStr()

Exemple #2
func (this MyPageProcesser) Process(p *page.Page) {
	query := p.GetHtmlParser()

	if p.GetUrlTag() == "index" {
		query.Find(`div[class="main area"] div[class="lc"] ul li a`).Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
			url, isExsit := s.Attr("href")
			if isExsit {
				reg := regexp.MustCompile(`^do not know what is this`)
				var fmtStr string
				if rxYule.MatchString(url) {
					reg = rxYule
					fmtStr = wkSohuYule

				if rxPic.MatchString(url) {
					reg = rxPic
					fmtStr = wkSohuPic

				regxpArrag := reg.FindStringSubmatch(url)
				if len(regxpArrag) == 2 {
					addRequest(p, "changyan", fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, regxpArrag[1]), "", s.Text())

	if p.GetUrlTag() == "changyan" {
		jsonMap := ChangyanJson{}
		err := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(p.GetBodyStr())).Decode(&jsonMap)
		if err == nil {
			content, ok := p.GetRequest().GetMeta().(string)
			if ok {
				fmt.Println("Title:", content, " CommentCount:", jsonMap.ListData.OuterCmtSum, " ParticipationCount:", jsonMap.ListData.ParticipationSum)
Exemple #3
// Parse html dom here and record the parse result that we want to Page.
// Package goquery ( is used to parse html.
func (this *MyPageProcesser) Process(p *page.Page) {
	if !p.IsSucc() {
	var fetch_content string
	query := p.GetHtmlParser()
	content := p.GetBodyStr()
	reg := regexp.MustCompile(`class="([0-9a-zA-Z_-]*content[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*)"`)
	reg_res := reg.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1)
	class_content := make([]string, 0)
	for _, class := range reg_res {
		submatch := class[1]
		class_content = append(class_content, submatch)

	for _, class := range class_content {

		query.Find("." + class).Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
			text := strings.Trim(s.Text(), " \t\n")
			text = strings.Replace(text, " ", "", -1)
			text = strings.Replace(text, "\n", "", -1)
			text = strings.Replace(text, "\t", "", -1)

			if text != "" {
				fetch_content = fetch_content + text

	if fetch_content != "" {
		p.AddField("content", fetch_content)

// Parse html dom here and record the parse result that we want to Page.
// Package goquery ( is used to parse html.
func (this *MyPageProcesser) Process(p *page.Page) {
	if !p.IsSucc() {
	var crawok bool
	crawok = false
	//query := p.GetHtmlParser()
	//var urls []string

	re := regexp.MustCompile(`<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)`)

	sectUrlsTemp := re.FindAllSubmatch([]byte(p.GetBodyStr()), -1)

	for _, url := range sectUrlsTemp {
		for _, url1 := range url {
			crawok = true

			http_index := strings.Index(string(url1), "")

			http_note := strings.Index(string(url1), "\"")
			http_quote := strings.Index(string(url1), "#")

			if http_index >= 0 && http_quote < 0 {
				if http_note > 0 && http_note < http_index {

				var http_url string
				if http_note <= 0 {
					http_url = string(url1)[http_index:]
				} else {
					http_url = string(url1)[http_index:http_note]

				if this.visit_url[http_url] == 0 {
					this.visit_url[http_url] = 1

					fmt.Println("####unvisited:", http_url)
					//fmt.Println("###AddTargetRequest:", http_url)
					p.AddTargetRequest(http_url, "html")
	if crawok == false {
		fmt.Println("crawl false:*****************", p.GetRequest().GetUrl())
		http_page := strings.Index(p.GetRequest().GetUrl(), "")
		http_post := strings.Index(p.GetRequest().GetUrl(), "")
		fmt.Println("http_page:", http_page, "http_post:", http_post)
		if http_page >= 0 || http_post >= 0 {
			//this.visit_url[p.GetRequest().GetUrl()] = 0
			p.AddTargetRequest(p.GetRequest().GetUrl(), "html")
	http_index := strings.Index(p.GetRequest().GetUrl(), "")

	//	rex, _ := regexp.Compile("\\/")
	//replaceurl := rex.ReplaceAllString(p.GetRequest().GetUrl(), ".")
	//fmt.Println("http_index=", http_index)
	//fmt.Println("replaceurl=", p.GetRequest().GetUrl()[http_index:], "....", http_index)
	if http_index >= 0 {

		cuturl := p.GetRequest().GetUrl()[34:]
		//fmt.Println("replaceurl=", cuturl)
		rex, _ := regexp.Compile("\\/")
		replaceurl := rex.ReplaceAllString(cuturl, ".")

		filedir := fmt.Sprintf("/home/shinichr/diandian_post/%s", replaceurl)

		fout, err := os.Create(filedir)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println(filedir, err)
		defer fout.Close()

		src := p.GetBodyStr()
		re, _ := regexp.Compile("\\<[\\S\\s]+?\\>")
		src = re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(src, strings.ToLower)

		re, _ = regexp.Compile("\\<style[\\S\\s]+?\\</style\\>")
		src = re.ReplaceAllString(src, "")

		re, _ = regexp.Compile("\\<script[\\S\\s]+?\\</script\\>")
		src = re.ReplaceAllString(src, "")

		re, _ = regexp.Compile("\\<[\\S\\s]+?\\>")
		src = re.ReplaceAllString(src, "\n")

		re, _ = regexp.Compile("\\s{2,}")
		src = re.ReplaceAllString(src, "\n")


		fmt.Println("save file ", filedir)
	//query.Find(`div[class="rich-content] div[class="post"] div[class="post-top"] div[class="post-content post-text"] a`).Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
	/*query.Find("div.content").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
		href, _ := s.Attr("href")
		http_index := strings.Index(href, "http")
		http_url := href[http_index:]

		//fmt.Println("###url:\n", http_url, "=", this.visit_url[http_url])
		//this.newurl <- http_url
		if this.visit_url[http_url] == 0 {
			this.visit_url[http_url] = 1
			fmt.Println("###AddTargetRequest:", http_url)
			p.AddTargetRequest(http_url, "html")
		urls = append(urls, href)
	// these urls will be saved and crawed by other coroutines.
	/*doc, _ := goquery.NewDocument("")

	doc.Find("a").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
		href, _ := s.Attr("href")
		fmt.Println("####href=", href)
	//p.AddField("readme", readme)