Exemple #1
// Ensure an identifier's segments can be quoted.
func TestQuoteIdent(t *testing.T) {
	for i, tt := range []struct {
		ident []string
		s     string
		{[]string{``}, `""`},
		{[]string{`foo`, `bar`}, `"foo"."bar"`},
		{[]string{`foo bar`, `baz`}, `"foo bar"."baz"`},
		{[]string{`foo.bar`, `baz`}, `"foo.bar"."baz"`},
	} {
		if s := influxql.QuoteIdent(tt.ident); tt.s != s {
			t.Errorf("%d. %s: mismatch: %s != %s", i, tt.ident, tt.s, s)
Exemple #2
// normalizeStatement adds a default database and policy to the measurements in statement.
func (q *QueryExecutor) normalizeStatement(stmt influxql.Statement, defaultDatabase string) (err error) {
	// Track prefixes for replacing field names.
	prefixes := make(map[string]string)

	// Qualify all measurements.
	influxql.WalkFunc(stmt, func(n influxql.Node) {
		if err != nil {
		switch n := n.(type) {
		case *influxql.Measurement:
			e := q.normalizeMeasurement(n, defaultDatabase)
			if e != nil {
				err = e
			prefixes[n.Name] = n.Name
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Replace all variable references that used measurement prefixes.
	influxql.WalkFunc(stmt, func(n influxql.Node) {
		switch n := n.(type) {
		case *influxql.VarRef:
			for k, v := range prefixes {
				if strings.HasPrefix(n.Val, k+".") {
					n.Val = v + "." + influxql.QuoteIdent(n.Val[len(k)+1:])

Exemple #3
// CreateMappers will create a set of mappers that need to be run to execute the map phase of a MapReduceJob.
func (tx *tx) CreateMapReduceJobs(stmt *influxql.SelectStatement, tagKeys []string) ([]*influxql.MapReduceJob, error) {
	jobs := []*influxql.MapReduceJob{}
	for _, src := range stmt.Sources {
		mm, ok := src.(*influxql.Measurement)
		if !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid source type: %#v", src)

		// get the index and the retention policy
		rp, err := tx.meta.RetentionPolicy(mm.Database, mm.RetentionPolicy)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		m := tx.store.Measurement(mm.Database, mm.Name)
		if m == nil {
			return nil, ErrMeasurementNotFound(influxql.QuoteIdent([]string{mm.Database, "", mm.Name}...))

		tx.measurement = m

		// Validate the fields and tags asked for exist and keep track of which are in the select vs the where
		var selectFields []string
		var whereFields []string
		var selectTags []string

		for _, n := range stmt.NamesInSelect() {
			if m.HasField(n) {
				selectFields = append(selectFields, n)
			if !m.HasTagKey(n) {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown field or tag name in select clause: %s", n)
			selectTags = append(selectTags, n)
			tagKeys = append(tagKeys, n)
		for _, n := range stmt.NamesInWhere() {
			if n == "time" {
			if m.HasField(n) {
				whereFields = append(whereFields, n)
			if !m.HasTagKey(n) {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown field or tag name in where clause: %s", n)

		if len(selectFields) == 0 && len(stmt.FunctionCalls()) == 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("select statement must include at least one field or function call")

		// Validate that group by is not a field
		for _, d := range stmt.Dimensions {
			switch e := d.Expr.(type) {
			case *influxql.VarRef:
				if !m.HasTagKey(e.Val) {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can not use field in group by clause: %s", e.Val)

		// Grab time range from statement.
		tmin, tmax := influxql.TimeRange(stmt.Condition)
		if tmax.IsZero() {
			tmax = tx.now
		if tmin.IsZero() {
			tmin = time.Unix(0, 0)

		// Find shard groups within time range.
		var shardGroups []*meta.ShardGroupInfo
		for _, group := range rp.ShardGroups {
			if group.Overlaps(tmin, tmax) {
				g := group
				shardGroups = append(shardGroups, &g)
		if len(shardGroups) == 0 {
			return nil, nil

		// get the group by interval, if there is one
		var interval int64
		if d, err := stmt.GroupByInterval(); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		} else {
			interval = d.Nanoseconds()

		// get the sorted unique tag sets for this query.
		tagSets, err := m.TagSets(stmt, tagKeys)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		for _, t := range tagSets {
			// make a job for each tagset
			job := &influxql.MapReduceJob{
				MeasurementName: m.Name,
				TagSet:          t,
				TMin:            tmin.UnixNano(),
				TMax:            tmax.UnixNano(),

			// make a mapper for each shard that must be hit. We may need to hit multiple shards within a shard group
			var mappers []influxql.Mapper

			// create mappers for each shard we need to hit
			for _, sg := range shardGroups {
				// TODO: implement distributed queries
				if len(sg.Shards) != 1 {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("distributed queries aren't supported yet. You have a replication policy with RF < # of servers in cluster")
				shard := tx.store.Shard(sg.Shards[0].ID)
				if shard == nil {
					// the store returned nil which means we haven't written any data into this shard yet, so ignore it

				// get the codec for this measuremnt. If this is nil it just means this measurement was
				// never written into this shard, so we can skip it and continue.
				codec := shard.FieldCodec(m.Name)
				if codec == nil {

				var mapper influxql.Mapper

				mapper = &LocalMapper{
					seriesKeys:   t.SeriesKeys,
					shard:        shard,
					db:           shard.DB(),
					job:          job,
					decoder:      codec,
					filters:      t.Filters,
					whereFields:  whereFields,
					selectFields: selectFields,
					selectTags:   selectTags,
					tmin:         tmin.UnixNano(),
					tmax:         tmax.UnixNano(),
					interval:     interval,
					// multiple mappers may need to be merged together to get the results
					// for a raw query. So each mapper will have to read at least the
					// limit plus the offset in data points to ensure we've hit our mark
					limit: uint64(stmt.Limit) + uint64(stmt.Offset),

				mappers = append(mappers, mapper)

			job.Mappers = mappers

			jobs = append(jobs, job)

	// always return them in sorted order so the results from running the jobs are returned in a deterministic order
	return jobs, nil