Exemple #1
func TestMockPluginLoad(t *testing.T) {
	// These tests only work if SNAP_PATH is known.
	// It is the responsibility of the testing framework to
	// build the plugins first into the build dir.
	if SnapPath != "" {
		// Helper plugin trigger build if possible for this plugin
		helper.BuildPlugin(PluginType, PluginName)
		Convey("ensure plugin loads and responds", t, func() {
			c := control.New()
			rp, _ := core.NewRequestedPlugin(PluginPath)
			_, err := c.Load(rp)

			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("SNAP_PATH not set. Cannot test %s plugin.\n", PluginName)
Exemple #2
func TestFilePublisherLoad(t *testing.T) {
	// These tests only work if SNAP_PATH is known.
	// It is the responsibility of the testing framework to
	// build the plugins first into the build dir.
	if SnapPath != "" {
		// Helper plugin trigger build if possible for this plugin
		helper.BuildPlugin(PluginType, PluginName)
		//TODO cannot test this locally. We need AMQP and integration tests.
		SkipConvey("ensure plugin loads and responds", t, func() {
			c := control.New(control.GetDefaultConfig())
			rp, _ := core.NewRequestedPlugin(PluginPath)
			_, err := c.Load(rp)

			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("SNAP_PATH not set. Cannot test %s plugin.\n", PluginName)