Exemple #1
// GetVoxels copies voxels from the storage engine to Voxels, a requested subvolume or 2d image.
func (d *Data) GetVoxels(v dvid.VersionID, vox *Voxels, r *ROI) error {
	timedLog := dvid.NewTimeLog()
	defer timedLog.Infof("GetVoxels %s", vox)

	store, err := storage.MutableStore()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Data type imageblk had error initializing store: %v\n", err)

	// Only do one request at a time, although each request can start many goroutines.
	defer server.SpawnGoroutineMutex.Unlock()

	ctx := datastore.NewVersionedCtx(d, v)

	wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
	for it, err := vox.IndexIterator(d.BlockSize()); err == nil && it.Valid(); it.NextSpan() {
		indexBeg, indexEnd, err := it.IndexSpan()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		begTKey := NewTKey(indexBeg)
		endTKey := NewTKey(indexEnd)

		// Get set of blocks in ROI if ROI provided
		var chunkOp *storage.ChunkOp
		if r != nil && r.Iter != nil {
			ptBeg := indexBeg.Duplicate().(dvid.ChunkIndexer)
			ptEnd := indexEnd.Duplicate().(dvid.ChunkIndexer)
			begX := ptBeg.Value(0)
			endX := ptEnd.Value(0)

			blocksInROI := make(map[string]bool, (endX - begX + 1))
			c := dvid.ChunkPoint3d{begX, ptBeg.Value(1), ptBeg.Value(2)}
			for x := begX; x <= endX; x++ {
				c[0] = x
				curIndex := dvid.IndexZYX(c)
				if r.Iter.InsideFast(curIndex) {
					indexString := string(curIndex.Bytes())
					blocksInROI[indexString] = true
			chunkOp = &storage.ChunkOp{&getOperation{vox, blocksInROI, r.attenuation}, wg}
		} else {
			chunkOp = &storage.ChunkOp{&getOperation{vox, nil, 0}, wg}

		// Send the entire range of key-value pairs to chunk processor
		err = store.ProcessRange(ctx, begTKey, endTKey, chunkOp, storage.ChunkFunc(d.ReadChunk))
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to GET data %s: %v", ctx, err)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Exemple #2
// CreateComposite creates a new rgba8 image by combining hash of labels + the grayscale
func (d *Data) CreateComposite(request datastore.Request, reply *datastore.Response) error {
	timedLog := dvid.NewTimeLog()

	// Parse the request
	var uuidStr, dataName, cmdStr, grayscaleName, destName string
	request.CommandArgs(1, &uuidStr, &dataName, &cmdStr, &grayscaleName, &destName)

	// Get the version
	uuid, v, err := datastore.MatchingUUID(uuidStr)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Log request
	if err = datastore.AddToNodeLog(uuid, []string{request.Command.String()}); err != nil {
		return err

	// Get the grayscale data.
	dataservice, err := datastore.GetDataByUUIDName(uuid, dvid.InstanceName(grayscaleName))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	grayscale, ok := dataservice.(*imageblk.Data)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%s is not the name of uint8 data", grayscaleName)

	// Create a new rgba8blk data.
	var compservice datastore.DataService
	compservice, err = datastore.GetDataByUUIDName(uuid, dvid.InstanceName(destName))
	if err == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Data instance with name %q already exists", destName)
	typeService, err := datastore.TypeServiceByName("rgba8blk")
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Could not get rgba8 type service from DVID")
	config := dvid.NewConfig()
	compservice, err = datastore.NewData(uuid, typeService, dvid.InstanceName(destName), config)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	composite, ok := compservice.(*imageblk.Data)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error: %s was unable to be set to rgba8 data", destName)

	// Iterate through all labels and grayscale chunks incrementally in Z, a layer at a time.
	wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
	op := &compositeOp{grayscale, composite, v}
	chunkOp := &storage.ChunkOp{op, wg}

	store, err := d.GetOrderedKeyValueDB()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ctx := datastore.NewVersionedCtx(d, v)
	extents := d.Extents()
	blockBeg := imageblk.NewTKey(extents.MinIndex)
	blockEnd := imageblk.NewTKey(extents.MaxIndex)
	err = store.ProcessRange(ctx, blockBeg, blockEnd, chunkOp, storage.ChunkFunc(d.CreateCompositeChunk))

	// Set new mapped data to same extents.
	composite.Properties.Extents = grayscale.Properties.Extents
	if err := datastore.SaveDataByUUID(uuid, composite); err != nil {
		dvid.Infof("Could not save new data '%s': %v\n", destName, err)

	timedLog.Infof("Created composite of %s and %s", grayscaleName, destName)
	return nil
Exemple #3
// GetLabels copies labels from the storage engine to Labels, a requested subvolume or 2d image.
func (d *Data) GetLabels(v dvid.VersionID, vox *Labels, r *imageblk.ROI) error {
	store, err := d.GetOrderedKeyValueDB()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Data type imageblk had error initializing store: %v\n", err)

	// Only do one request at a time, although each request can start many goroutines.
	defer server.SpawnGoroutineMutex.Unlock()

	ctx := datastore.NewVersionedCtx(d, v)

	iv := dvid.InstanceVersion{d.DataUUID(), v}
	mapping := labels.LabelMap(iv)

	wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)

	okv := store.(storage.BufferableOps)
	// extract buffer interface
	req, hasbuffer := okv.(storage.KeyValueRequester)
	if hasbuffer {
		okv = req.NewBuffer(ctx)

	for it, err := vox.IndexIterator(d.BlockSize()); err == nil && it.Valid(); it.NextSpan() {
		indexBeg, indexEnd, err := it.IndexSpan()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		begTKey := NewTKey(indexBeg)
		endTKey := NewTKey(indexEnd)

		// Get set of blocks in ROI if ROI provided
		var chunkOp *storage.ChunkOp
		if r != nil && r.Iter != nil {
			ptBeg := indexBeg.Duplicate().(dvid.ChunkIndexer)
			ptEnd := indexEnd.Duplicate().(dvid.ChunkIndexer)
			begX := ptBeg.Value(0)
			endX := ptEnd.Value(0)

			blocksInROI := make(map[string]bool, (endX - begX + 1))
			c := dvid.ChunkPoint3d{begX, ptBeg.Value(1), ptBeg.Value(2)}
			for x := begX; x <= endX; x++ {
				c[0] = x
				curIndex := dvid.IndexZYX(c)
				if r.Iter.InsideFast(curIndex) {
					indexString := string(curIndex.Bytes())
					blocksInROI[indexString] = true
			chunkOp = &storage.ChunkOp{&getOperation{vox, blocksInROI, mapping}, wg}
		} else {
			chunkOp = &storage.ChunkOp{&getOperation{vox, nil, mapping}, wg}

		// Send the entire range of key-value pairs to chunk processor
		err = okv.ProcessRange(ctx, begTKey, endTKey, chunkOp, storage.ChunkFunc(d.ReadChunk))
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to GET data %s: %v", ctx, err)

	if hasbuffer {
		// submit the entire buffer to the DB
		err = okv.(storage.RequestBuffer).Flush()

		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to GET data %s: %v", ctx, err)


	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil