Exemple #1
// filterIdentList removes unexported names from list in place
// and returns the resulting list.
func filterIdentList(list []*ast.Ident) []*ast.Ident {
	j := 0
	for _, x := range list {
		if ast.IsExported(x.Name) {
			list[j] = x
	return list[0:j]
Exemple #2
func (r *reader) filterDecl(decl ast.Decl) bool {
	switch d := decl.(type) {
	case *ast.GenDecl:
		d.Specs = r.filterSpecList(d.Specs, d.Tok)
		return len(d.Specs) > 0
	case *ast.FuncDecl:
		// ok to filter these methods early because any
		// conflicting method will be filtered here, too -
		// thus, removing these methods early will not lead
		// to the false removal of possible conflicts
		return ast.IsExported(d.Name.Name)
	return false
Exemple #3
// filterFieldList removes unexported fields (field names) from the field list
// in place and reports whether fields were removed. Anonymous fields are
// recorded with the parent type. filterType is called with the types of
// all remaining fields.
func (r *reader) filterFieldList(parent *namedType, fields *ast.FieldList, ityp *ast.InterfaceType) (removedFields bool) {
	if fields == nil {
	list := fields.List
	j := 0
	for _, field := range list {
		keepField := false
		if n := len(field.Names); n == 0 {
			// anonymous field
			fname := r.recordAnonymousField(parent, field.Type)
			if ast.IsExported(fname) {
				keepField = true
			} else if ityp != nil && fname == "error" {
				// possibly the predeclared error interface; keep
				// it for now but remember this interface so that
				// it can be fixed if error is also defined locally
				keepField = true
		} else {
			field.Names = filterIdentList(field.Names)
			if len(field.Names) < n {
				removedFields = true
			if len(field.Names) > 0 {
				keepField = true
		if keepField {
			r.filterType(nil, field.Type)
			list[j] = field
	if j < len(list) {
		removedFields = true
	fields.List = list[0:j]
Exemple #4
// Id returns name if it is exported, otherwise it
// returns the name qualified with the package path.
func Id(pkg *Package, name string) string {
	if ast.IsExported(name) {
		return name
	// unexported names need the package path for differentiation
	// (if there's no package, make sure we don't start with '.'
	// as that may change the order of methods between a setup
	// inside a package and outside a package - which breaks some
	// tests)
	path := "_"
	// TODO(gri): shouldn't !ast.IsExported(name) => pkg != nil be an precondition?
	// if pkg == nil {
	// 	panic("nil package in lookup of unexported name")
	// }
	if pkg != nil {
		path = pkg.path
		if path == "" {
			path = "_"
	return path + "." + name
Exemple #5
func (r *reader) filterSpec(spec ast.Spec, tok token.Token) bool {
	switch s := spec.(type) {
	case *ast.ImportSpec:
		// always keep imports so we can collect them
		return true
	case *ast.ValueSpec:
		s.Names = filterIdentList(s.Names)
		if len(s.Names) > 0 {
			r.filterType(nil, s.Type)
			return true
	case *ast.TypeSpec:
		if name := s.Name.Name; ast.IsExported(name) {
			r.filterType(r.lookupType(s.Name.Name), s.Type)
			return true
		} else if name == "error" {
			// special case: remember that error is declared locally
			r.errorDecl = true
	return false
Exemple #6
func sortedFuncs(m methodSet, allMethods bool) []*Func {
	list := make([]*Func, len(m))
	i := 0
	for _, m := range m {
		// determine which methods to include
		switch {
		case m.Decl == nil:
			// exclude conflict entry
		case allMethods, m.Level == 0, !ast.IsExported(removeStar(m.Orig)):
			// forced inclusion, method not embedded, or method
			// embedded but original receiver type not exported
			list[i] = m
	list = list[0:i]
		func(i, j int) bool { return list[i].Name < list[j].Name },
		func(i, j int) { list[i], list[j] = list[j], list[i] },
	return list
Exemple #7
func (obj *object) Exported() bool      { return ast.IsExported(obj.name) }
Exemple #8
func (r *reader) isVisible(name string) bool {
	return r.mode&AllDecls != 0 || ast.IsExported(name)