Exemple #1
func (srv *Server) describeSecurityGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, reqId string) interface{} {
	// BUG similar bug to describeInstances, but for GroupName and GroupId
	defer srv.mu.Unlock()

	var groups []*securityGroup
	for name, vals := range req.Form {
		var g ec2.SecurityGroup
		switch {
		case strings.HasPrefix(name, "GroupName."):
			g.Name = vals[0]
		case strings.HasPrefix(name, "GroupId."):
			g.Id = vals[0]
		sg := srv.group(g)
		if sg == nil {
			fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "no such group %v", g)
		groups = append(groups, sg)
	if len(groups) == 0 {
		for _, g := range srv.groups {
			groups = append(groups, g)

	f := newFilter(req.Form)
	var resp ec2.SecurityGroupsResp
	resp.RequestId = reqId
	for _, group := range groups {
		ok, err := f.ok(group)
		if ok {
			resp.Groups = append(resp.Groups, ec2.SecurityGroupInfo{
				OwnerId:       ownerId,
				SecurityGroup: group.ec2SecurityGroup(),
				Description:   group.description,
				IPPerms:       group.ec2Perms(),
		} else if err != nil {
			fatalf(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "describe security groups: %v", err)
	return &resp
Exemple #2
// parsePerms returns a slice of permKey values extracted
// from the permission fields in req.
func (srv *Server) parsePerms(req *http.Request) []permKey {
	// perms maps an index found in the form to its associated
	// IPPerm. For instance, the form value with key
	// "IpPermissions.3.FromPort" will be stored in perms[3].FromPort
	perms := make(map[int]ec2.IPPerm)

	type subgroupKey struct {
		id1, id2 int
	// Each IPPerm can have many source security groups.  The form key
	// for a source security group contains two indices: the index
	// of the IPPerm and the sub-index of the security group. The
	// sourceGroups map maps from a subgroupKey containing these
	// two indices to the associated security group. For instance,
	// the form value with key "IPPermissions.3.Groups.2.GroupName"
	// will be stored in sourceGroups[subgroupKey{3, 2}].Name.
	sourceGroups := make(map[subgroupKey]ec2.UserSecurityGroup)

	// For each value in the form we store its associated information in the
	// above maps. The maps are necessary because the form keys may
	// arrive in any order, and the indices are not
	// necessarily sequential or even small.
	for name, vals := range req.Form {
		val := vals[0]
		var id1 int
		var rest string
		if x, _ := fmt.Sscanf(name, "IpPermissions.%d.%s", &id1, &rest); x != 2 {
		ec2p := perms[id1]
		switch {
		case rest == "FromPort":
			ec2p.FromPort = atoi(val)
		case rest == "ToPort":
			ec2p.ToPort = atoi(val)
		case rest == "IpProtocol":
			switch val {
			case "tcp", "udp", "icmp":
				ec2p.Protocol = val
				// check it's a well formed number
				ec2p.Protocol = val
		case strings.HasPrefix(rest, "Groups."):
			k := subgroupKey{id1: id1}
			if x, _ := fmt.Sscanf(rest[len("Groups."):], "%d.%s", &k.id2, &rest); x != 2 {
			g := sourceGroups[k]
			switch rest {
			case "UserId":
				// BUG if the user id is blank, this does not conform to the
				// way that EC2 handles it - a specified but blank owner id
				// can cause RevokeSecurityGroupIngress to fail with
				// "group not found" even if the security group id has been
				// correctly specified.
				// By failing here, we ensure that we fail early in this case.
				if !ownerIdPat.MatchString(val) {
					fatalf(400, "InvalidUserID.Malformed", "Invalid user ID: %q", val)
				g.OwnerId = val
			case "GroupName":
				g.Name = val
			case "GroupId":
				if !secGroupPat.MatchString(val) {
					fatalf(400, "InvalidGroupId.Malformed", "Invalid group ID: %q", val)
				g.Id = val
				fatalf(400, "UnknownParameter", "unknown parameter %q", name)
			sourceGroups[k] = g
		case strings.HasPrefix(rest, "IpRanges."):
			var id2 int
			if x, _ := fmt.Sscanf(rest[len("IpRanges."):], "%d.%s", &id2, &rest); x != 2 {
			switch rest {
			case "CidrIp":
				if !ipPat.MatchString(val) {
					fatalf(400, "InvalidPermission.Malformed", "Invalid IP range: %q", val)
				ec2p.SourceIPs = append(ec2p.SourceIPs, val)
				fatalf(400, "UnknownParameter", "unknown parameter %q", name)
			fatalf(400, "UnknownParameter", "unknown parameter %q", name)
		perms[id1] = ec2p
	// Associate each set of source groups with its IPPerm.
	for k, g := range sourceGroups {
		p := perms[k.id1]
		p.SourceGroups = append(p.SourceGroups, g)
		perms[k.id1] = p

	// Now that we have built up the IPPerms we need, we check for
	// parameter errors and build up a permKey for each permission,
	// looking up security groups from srv as we do so.
	var result []permKey
	for _, p := range perms {
		if p.FromPort > p.ToPort {
			fatalf(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "invalid port range")
		k := permKey{
			protocol: p.Protocol,
			fromPort: p.FromPort,
			toPort:   p.ToPort,
		for _, g := range p.SourceGroups {
			if g.OwnerId != "" && g.OwnerId != ownerId {
				fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "group %q not found", g.Name)
			var ec2g ec2.SecurityGroup
			switch {
			case g.Id != "":
				ec2g.Id = g.Id
			case g.Name != "":
				if g.OwnerId == "" {
					fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "group name %q not found", g.Name)
				ec2g.Name = g.Name
			k.group = srv.group(ec2g)
			if k.group == nil {
				fatalf(400, "InvalidGroup.NotFound", "group %v not found", g)
			result = append(result, k)
		k.group = nil
		for _, ip := range p.SourceIPs {
			k.ipAddr = ip
			result = append(result, k)
	return result