Exemple #1
// RemoveAll removes a tree recursively.
func RemoveAll(path string, vfs rwvfs.WalkableFileSystem) error {
	w := fs.WalkFS(path, vfs)

	remove := func(par *parallel.Run, path string) {
		par.Do(func() error { return vfs.Remove(path) })

	var dirs []string // remove dirs after removing all files
	filesPar := parallel.NewRun(20)
	for w.Step() {
		if err := w.Err(); err != nil {
			return err
		if w.Stat().IsDir() {
			dirs = append(dirs, w.Path())
		} else {
			remove(filesPar, w.Path())

	if err := filesPar.Wait(); err != nil {
		return err

	dirsPar := parallel.NewRun(20)
	sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.StringSlice(dirs))) // reverse so we delete leaf dirs first
	for _, dir := range dirs {
		remove(dirsPar, dir)
	return dirsPar.Wait()
Exemple #2
func (s repoStores) Defs(f ...DefFilter) ([]*graph.Def, error) {
	rss, err := openRepoStores(s.opener, f)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var (
		allDefs   []*graph.Def
		allDefsMu sync.Mutex
	par := parallel.NewRun(storeFetchPar)
	for repo_, rs_ := range rss {
		repo, rs := repo_, rs_
		if rs == nil {

		par.Do(func() error {
			defs, err := rs.Defs(filtersForRepo(repo, f).([]DefFilter)...)
			if err != nil && !isStoreNotExist(err) {
				return err
			for _, def := range defs {
				def.Repo = repo
			allDefs = append(allDefs, defs...)
			return nil
	err = par.Wait()
	return allDefs, err
Exemple #3
func (s repoStores) Units(f ...UnitFilter) ([]*unit.SourceUnit, error) {
	rss, err := openRepoStores(s.opener, f)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var (
		allUnits   []*unit.SourceUnit
		allUnitsMu sync.Mutex
	par := parallel.NewRun(storeFetchPar)
	for repo_, rs_ := range rss {
		repo, rs := repo_, rs_
		if rs == nil {

		par.Do(func() error {
			units, err := rs.Units(filtersForRepo(repo, f).([]UnitFilter)...)
			if err != nil && !isStoreNotExist(err) {
				return err
			for _, unit := range units {
				unit.Repo = repo
			allUnits = append(allUnits, units...)
			return nil
	err = par.Wait()
	return allUnits, err
Exemple #4
func (s unitStores) Defs(fs ...DefFilter) ([]*graph.Def, error) {
	uss, err := openUnitStores(s.opener, fs)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var (
		allDefs   []*graph.Def
		allDefsMu sync.Mutex
	par := parallel.NewRun(storeFetchPar)
	for u_, us_ := range uss {
		u, us := u_, us_
		if us == nil {

		par.Do(func() error {
			defs, err := us.Defs(filtersForUnit(u, fs).([]DefFilter)...)
			if err != nil && !isStoreNotExist(err) {
				return err
			for _, def := range defs {
				def.UnitType = u.Type
				def.Unit = u.Name
			allDefs = append(allDefs, defs...)
			return nil
	err = par.Wait()
	return allDefs, err
Exemple #5
// refsAtOffsets reads the refs at the given serialized byte offsets
// from the ref data file and returns them in arbitrary order.
func (s *fsUnitStore) refsAtOffsets(ofs byteOffsets, fs []RefFilter) (refs []*graph.Ref, err error) {
	vlog.Printf("%s: reading refs at %d offsets with filters %v...", s, len(ofs), fs)
	f, err := openFetcherOrOpen(s.fs, unitRefsFilename)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer func() {
		err2 := f.Close()
		if err == nil {
			err = err2

	ffs := refFilters(fs)

	p := parFetches(s.fs, fs)
	if p == 0 {
		return nil, nil

	var refsLock sync.Mutex
	par := parallel.NewRun(p)
	for _, ofs_ := range ofs {
		ofs := ofs_
		par.Do(func() error {
			if _, moreOK := LimitRemaining(fs); !moreOK {
				return nil

			// Guess how many bytes this ref is. The s3vfs (if that's the
			// VFS impl in use) will autofetch beyond that if needed.
			const byteEstimate = decodeBufSize
			r, err := rangeReader(s.fs, unitRefsFilename, f, ofs, byteEstimate)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			dec := Codec.NewDecoder(r)
			var ref graph.Ref
			if _, err := dec.Decode(&ref); err != nil {
				return err
			if ffs.SelectRef(&ref) {
				refs = append(refs, &ref)
			return nil
	if err := par.Wait(); err != nil {
		return refs, err
	vlog.Printf("%s: read %v refs at %d offsets with filters %v.", s, len(refs), len(ofs), fs)
	return refs, nil
Exemple #6
func (c *BuildDataFetchCmd) Execute(args []string) error {
	localFS, localRepoLabel, err := c.getLocalFileSystem()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	remoteFS, remoteRepoLabel, repoRevSpec, err := c.getRemoteFileSystem()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Use uncached API client because the .srclib-cache already
	// caches it, and we want to be able to stream large files.
	// TODO(sqs): this uncached client isn't authed because it doesn't
	// have the other API client's http.Client or http.RoundTripper
	cl := newAPIClientWithAuth(false)
	remoteFS, err = cl.BuildData.FileSystem(repoRevSpec)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if GlobalOpt.Verbose {
		log.Printf("Fetching remote build files for %s to %s...", remoteRepoLabel, localRepoLabel)

	// TODO(sqs): check if file exists in local cache and don't fetch it if it does and if it is identical

	par := parallel.NewRun(8)
	w := fs.WalkFS(".", rwvfs.Walkable(remoteFS))
	for w.Step() {
		path := w.Path()
		if err := w.Err(); err != nil {
			if path == "." {
				log.Printf("# No build data to pull from %s", remoteRepoLabel)
				return nil
			return fmt.Errorf("walking remote dir tree: %s", err)
		fi := w.Stat()
		if fi == nil {
		if !fi.Mode().IsRegular() {
		par.Do(func() error {
			return fetchFile(remoteFS, localFS, path, fi, c.DryRun)
	if err := par.Wait(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error fetching: %s", err)
	return nil
Exemple #7
// BuildIndexes builds all indexes on store and its lower-level stores
// that match the specified criteria. It returns the status of each
// index that was built (or rebuilt).
func BuildIndexes(store interface{}, c IndexCriteria, indexChan chan<- IndexStatus) ([]IndexStatus, error) {
	var built []IndexStatus
	var builtMu sync.Mutex
	indexChan2 := make(chan IndexStatus)
	done := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		var par *parallel.Run
		lastDependsOnChildren := false
		for sx := range indexChan2 {
			doBuild := func(sx IndexStatus) {
				start := time.Now()
				err := sx.store.BuildIndex(sx.Name, sx.index)
				sx.BuildDuration = time.Since(start)
				if err == nil {
					sx.Stale = false
				} else {
					sx.BuildError = err.Error()
				built = append(built, sx)
				if indexChan != nil {
					indexChan <- sx

			// Run indexes in parallel, but if we
			// encounter an index that depends on children, wait for
			// all previously seen indexes to finish before building
			// those indexes.
			if sx.DependsOnChildren != lastDependsOnChildren && par != nil {
				par = nil
			if par == nil {
				par = parallel.NewRun(MaxIndexParallel)
			sx_ := sx
			par.Do(func() error { doBuild(sx_); return nil })

			lastDependsOnChildren = sx.DependsOnChildren
		if par != nil {
		done <- struct{}{}
	err := listIndexes(store, c, indexChan2, nil)
	return built, err
Exemple #8
// ReadCached reads a Tree's configuration from all of its source unit
// definition files (which may either be in a local VFS rooted at a
// .srclib-cache/<COMMITID> dir, or a remote VFS). It does not read
// the Srcfile; the Srcfile's directives are already accounted for in
// the cached source unit definition files.
// bdfs should be a VFS obtained from a call to
// (buildstore.RepoBuildStore).Commit.
func ReadCached(bdfs vfs.FileSystem) (*Tree, error) {
	if _, err := bdfs.Lstat("."); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("build cache dir does not exist (did you run `src config` to create it)?")
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Collect all **/*.unit.json files.
	var unitFiles []string
	unitSuffix := buildstore.DataTypeSuffix(unit.SourceUnit{})
	w := fs.WalkFS(".", rwvfs.Walkable(rwvfs.ReadOnly(bdfs)))
	for w.Step() {
		if err := w.Err(); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if path := w.Path(); strings.HasSuffix(path, unitSuffix) {
			unitFiles = append(unitFiles, path)

	// Parse units
	units := make([]*unit.SourceUnit, len(unitFiles))
	par := parallel.NewRun(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0))
	for i_, unitFile_ := range unitFiles {
		i, unitFile := i_, unitFile_
		par.Do(func() error {
			f, err := bdfs.Open(unitFile)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if err := json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&units[i]); err != nil {
				return err
			if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
				return err
			return nil
	if err := par.Wait(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &Tree{SourceUnits: units}, nil
Exemple #9
func brokenRefsOnly(refs []*graph.Ref, s interface{}) ([]*graph.Ref, error) {
	uniqRefDefs := map[graph.DefKey][]*graph.Ref{}
	loggedDefRepos := map[string]struct{}{}
	for _, ref := range refs {
		if ref.Repo != ref.DefRepo {
			if _, logged := loggedDefRepos[ref.DefRepo]; !logged {
				// TODO(sqs): need to skip these because we don't know the
				// "DefCommitID" in the def's repo, and ByDefKey requires
				// the key to have a CommitID.
				log.Printf("WARNING: Can't check resolution of cross-repo ref (ref.Repo=%q != ref.DefRepo=%q) - cross-repo ref checking is not yet implemented. (This log message will not be repeated.)", ref.Repo, ref.DefRepo)
				loggedDefRepos[ref.DefRepo] = struct{}{}
		def := ref.DefKey()
		def.CommitID = ref.CommitID
		uniqRefDefs[def] = append(uniqRefDefs[def], ref)

	var (
		brokenRefs  []*graph.Ref
		brokenRefMu sync.Mutex
		par         = parallel.NewRun(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0))
	for def_, refs_ := range uniqRefDefs {
		def, refs := def_, refs_
		par.Do(func() error {
			defs, err := s.(store.RepoStore).Defs(store.ByDefKey(def))
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if len(defs) == 0 {
				brokenRefs = append(brokenRefs, refs...)
			return nil
	err := par.Wait()
	return brokenRefs, err
Exemple #10
func TestParallelMaxPar(t *testing.T) {
	const (
		totalDo = 10
		maxPar  = 3
	var mu sync.Mutex
	max := 0
	n := 0
	tot := 0
	r := parallel.NewRun(maxPar)
	for i := 0; i < totalDo; i++ {
		r.Do(func() error {
			if n > max {
				max = n
			return nil
	err := r.Wait()
	if n != 0 {
		t.Errorf("%d functions still running", n)
	if tot != totalDo {
		t.Errorf("all functions not executed; want %d got %d", totalDo, tot)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("wrong error; want nil got %v", err)
	if max != maxPar {
		t.Errorf("wrong number of do's ran at once; want %d got %d", maxPar, max)
Exemple #11
func OpenRepo(dir string) (*Repo, error) {
	if fi, err := os.Stat(dir); err != nil || !fi.Mode().IsDir() {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a directory: %q", dir)

	rc := new(Repo)

	// VCS and root directory
	var err error
	rc.RootDir, rc.VCSType, err = getRootDir(dir)
	if err != nil || rc.RootDir == "" {
		log.Printf("Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for %q; continuing.", dir)
		// Be permissive and return a repo even if there is no git/hg repository.
		wd, err := os.Getwd()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		rc.RootDir = wd
		// TODO: Ensure that builds without commit ids are successful.
		rc.CommitID = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"
		rc.VCSType = ""
		rc.CloneURL = ""
		return rc, nil

	par := parallel.NewRun(4)
	par.Do(func() error {
		// Current commit ID
		var err error
		rc.CommitID, err = resolveWorkingTreeRevision(rc.VCSType, rc.RootDir)
		return err
	par.Do(func() error {
		// Get repo URI from clone URL.
		rc.CloneURL = getVCSCloneURL(rc.VCSType, rc.RootDir)
		return nil
	return rc, par.Wait()
Exemple #12
func (c *BuildDataUploadCmd) Execute(args []string) error {
	localFS, localRepoLabel, err := c.getLocalFileSystem()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	remoteFS, remoteRepoLabel, _, err := c.getRemoteFileSystem()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if GlobalOpt.Verbose {
		log.Printf("Uploading build files from %s to %s...", localRepoLabel, remoteRepoLabel)

	// TODO(sqs): check if file exists remotely and don't upload it if it does and if it is identical

	par := parallel.NewRun(8)
	w := fs.WalkFS(".", rwvfs.Walkable(localFS))
	for w.Step() {
		if err := w.Err(); err != nil {
			return err
		fi := w.Stat()
		if fi == nil {
		if !fi.Mode().IsRegular() {
		path := w.Path()
		par.Do(func() error {
			return uploadFile(localFS, remoteFS, path, fi, c.DryRun)
	return par.Wait()
Exemple #13
func TestParallelError(t *testing.T) {
	const (
		totalDo = 10
		errDo   = 5
	r := parallel.NewRun(6)
	for i := 0; i < totalDo; i++ {
		i := i
		if i >= errDo {
			r.Do(func() error {
				return intError(i)
		} else {
			r.Do(func() error {
				return nil
	err := r.Wait()
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("expected error, got none")
	errs := err.(parallel.Errors)
	if len(errs) != totalDo-errDo {
		t.Fatalf("wrong error count; want %d got %d", len(errs), totalDo-errDo)
	ints := make([]int, len(errs))
	for i, err := range errs {
		ints[i] = int(err.(intError))
	for i, n := range ints {
		if n != i+errDo {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error value; want %d got %d", i+errDo, n)
Exemple #14
// ScanMulti runs multiple scanner tools in parallel. It passes command-line
// options from opt to each one, and it sends the JSON representation of cfg
// (the repo/tree's Config) to each tool's stdin.
func ScanMulti(scanners []toolchain.Tool, opt Options, treeConfig map[string]interface{}) ([]*unit.SourceUnit, error) {
	if treeConfig == nil {
		treeConfig = map[string]interface{}{}

	var (
		units []*unit.SourceUnit
		mu    sync.Mutex

	run := parallel.NewRun(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0))
	for _, scanner_ := range scanners {
		scanner := scanner_
		run.Do(func() error {
			units2, err := Scan(scanner, opt, treeConfig)
			if err != nil {
				cmd, newErr := scanner.Command()
				if newErr != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("cmd error: %s", newErr)
				return fmt.Errorf("scanner %v: %s", cmd.Args, err)

			defer mu.Unlock()
			units = append(units, units2...)
			return nil
	err := run.Wait()
	// Return error only if none of the commands succeeded.
	if len(units) == 0 {
		return nil, err
	return units, nil
Exemple #15
// Import calls to the underlying fsUnitStore to write the def
// and ref data files. It also builds and writes the indexes.
func (s *indexedUnitStore) Import(data graph.Output) error {
	cleanForImport(&data, "", "", "")

	var defOfs, refOfs byteOffsets
	var refFBRs fileByteRanges

	par := parallel.NewRun(2)
	par.Do(func() (err error) {
		defOfs, err = s.fsUnitStore.writeDefs(data.Defs)
		return err
	par.Do(func() (err error) {
		refFBRs, refOfs, err = s.fsUnitStore.writeRefs(data.Refs)
		return err
	if err := par.Wait(); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := s.buildIndexes(s.Indexes(), &data, defOfs, refFBRs, refOfs); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Exemple #16
// Import imports build data into a RepoStore or MultiRepoStore.
func Import(buildDataFS vfs.FileSystem, stor interface{}, opt ImportOpt) error {
	// Traverse the build data directory for this repo and commit to
	// create the makefile that lists the targets (which are the data
	// files we will import).
	treeConfig, err := config.ReadCached(buildDataFS)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	mf, err := plan.CreateMakefile(".", nil, "", treeConfig, plan.Options{NoCache: true})
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var (
		mu               sync.Mutex
		hasIndexableData bool

	par := parallel.NewRun(10)
	for _, rule_ := range mf.Rules {
		rule := rule_

		if opt.Unit != "" || opt.UnitType != "" {
			type ruleForSourceUnit interface {
				SourceUnit() *unit.SourceUnit
			if rule, ok := rule.(ruleForSourceUnit); ok {
				u := rule.SourceUnit()
				if (opt.Unit != "" && u.Name != opt.Unit) || (opt.UnitType != "" && u.Type != opt.UnitType) {
			} else {
				// Skip all non-source-unit rules if --unit or
				// --unit-type are specified.

		par.Do(func() error {
			switch rule := rule.(type) {
			case *grapher.GraphUnitRule:
				var data graph.Output
				if err := readJSONFileFS(buildDataFS, rule.Target(), &data); err != nil {
					if os.IsNotExist(err) {
						log.Printf("Warning: no build data for unit %s %s.", rule.Unit.Type, rule.Unit.Name)
						return nil
					return err
				if opt.DryRun || GlobalOpt.Verbose {
					log.Printf("# Importing graph data (%d defs, %d refs, %d docs, %d anns) for unit %s %s", len(data.Defs), len(data.Refs), len(data.Docs), len(data.Anns), rule.Unit.Type, rule.Unit.Name)
					if opt.DryRun {
						return nil

				// HACK: Transfer docs to [def].Docs.
				docsByPath := make(map[string]*graph.Doc, len(data.Docs))
				for _, doc := range data.Docs {
					docsByPath[doc.Path] = doc
				for _, def := range data.Defs {
					if doc, present := docsByPath[def.Path]; present {
						def.Docs = append(def.Docs, graph.DefDoc{Format: doc.Format, Data: doc.Data})

				switch imp := stor.(type) {
				case store.RepoImporter:
					if err := imp.Import(opt.CommitID, rule.Unit, data); err != nil {
						return err
				case store.MultiRepoImporter:
					if err := imp.Import(opt.Repo, opt.CommitID, rule.Unit, data); err != nil {
						return err
					return fmt.Errorf("store (type %T) does not implement importing", stor)

				hasIndexableData = true
			return nil
	if err := par.Wait(); err != nil {
		return err

	if hasIndexableData && !opt.NoIndex {
		if GlobalOpt.Verbose {
			log.Printf("# Building indexes")
		switch s := stor.(type) {
		case store.RepoIndexer:
			if err := s.Index(opt.CommitID); err != nil {
				return err
		case store.MultiRepoIndexer:
			if err := s.Index(opt.Repo, opt.CommitID); err != nil {
				return err

	return nil
Exemple #17
func (s *indexedTreeStore) buildIndexes(xs map[string]Index, units []*unit.SourceUnit, unitRefIndexes map[unit.ID2]*defRefsIndex, unitDefQueryIndexes map[unit.ID2]*defQueryIndex) error {
	// TODO(sqs): there's a race condition here if multiple imports
	// are running concurrently, they could clobber each other's
	// indexes. (S3 is eventually consistent.)

	var getUnitsErr error
	var getUnitsOnce sync.Once
	getUnits := func() ([]*unit.SourceUnit, error) {
		getUnitsOnce.Do(func() {
			if getUnitsErr == nil && units == nil {
				units, getUnitsErr = s.fsTreeStore.Units()
			if units == nil {
				units = []*unit.SourceUnit{}
		return units, getUnitsErr

	var getUnitRefIndexesErr error
	var getUnitRefIndexesOnce sync.Once
	var unitRefIndexesLock sync.Mutex
	getUnitRefIndexes := func() (map[unit.ID2]*defRefsIndex, error) {
		getUnitRefIndexesOnce.Do(func() {
			if getUnitRefIndexesErr == nil && unitRefIndexes == nil {
				// Read in the defRefsIndex for all source units.
				units, err := getUnits()
				if err != nil {
					getUnitRefIndexesErr = err

				// Use openUnitStore on the list from getUnits so we
				// don't need to traverse the FS tree to enumerate all
				// the source units again (which is slow).
				uss := make(map[unit.ID2]UnitStore, len(units))
				for _, u := range units {
					uss[u.ID2()] = s.fsTreeStore.openUnitStore(u.ID2())

				unitRefIndexes = make(map[unit.ID2]*defRefsIndex, len(units))
				par := parallel.NewRun(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0))
				for u_, us_ := range uss {
					u := u_
					us, ok := us_.(*indexedUnitStore)
					if !ok {

					par.Do(func() error {
						x := us.indexes[defToRefsIndexName]
						if err := prepareIndex(us.fs, defToRefsIndexName, x); err != nil {
							return err
						defer unitRefIndexesLock.Unlock()
						unitRefIndexes[u] = x.(*defRefsIndex)
						return nil
				getUnitRefIndexesErr = par.Wait()
			if unitRefIndexes == nil {
				unitRefIndexes = map[unit.ID2]*defRefsIndex{}
		return unitRefIndexes, getUnitRefIndexesErr

	var getUnitDefQueryIndexesErr error
	var getUnitDefQueryIndexesOnce sync.Once
	var unitDefQueryIndexesLock sync.Mutex
	getUnitDefQueryIndexes := func() (map[unit.ID2]*defQueryIndex, error) {
		getUnitDefQueryIndexesOnce.Do(func() {
			if getUnitDefQueryIndexesErr == nil && unitDefQueryIndexes == nil {
				// Read in the defQueryIndex for all source units.
				units, err := getUnits()
				if err != nil {
					getUnitDefQueryIndexesErr = err

				// Use openUnitStore on the list from getUnits so we
				// don't need to traverse the FS tree to enumerate all
				// the source units again (which is slow).
				uss := make(map[unit.ID2]UnitStore, len(units))
				for _, u := range units {
					uss[u.ID2()] = s.fsTreeStore.openUnitStore(u.ID2())

				unitDefQueryIndexes = make(map[unit.ID2]*defQueryIndex, len(units))
				par := parallel.NewRun(len(units))
				for u_, us_ := range uss {
					u := u_
					us, ok := us_.(*indexedUnitStore)
					if !ok {

					par.Do(func() error {
						x := us.indexes[defQueryIndexName]
						if err := prepareIndex(us.fs, defQueryIndexName, x); err != nil {
							return err
						defer unitDefQueryIndexesLock.Unlock()
						unitDefQueryIndexes[u] = x.(*defQueryIndex)
						return nil
				getUnitDefQueryIndexesErr = par.Wait()
			if unitDefQueryIndexes == nil {
				unitDefQueryIndexes = map[unit.ID2]*defQueryIndex{}
		return unitDefQueryIndexes, getUnitDefQueryIndexesErr

	par := parallel.NewRun(len(xs))
	for name_, x_ := range xs {
		name, x := name_, x_
		par.Do(func() error {
			switch x := x.(type) {
			case unitIndexBuilder:
				units, err := getUnits()
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if err := x.Build(units); err != nil {
					return err
			case unitRefIndexBuilder:
				unitRefIndexes, err := getUnitRefIndexes()
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if err := x.Build(unitRefIndexes); err != nil {
					return err
			case defQueryTreeIndexBuilder:
				unitDefQueryIndexes, err := getUnitDefQueryIndexes()
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if err := x.Build(unitDefQueryIndexes); err != nil {
					return err
				return fmt.Errorf("don't know how to build index %q of type %T", name, x)
			if x, ok := x.(persistedIndex); ok {
				if err := writeIndex(s.fs, name, x); err != nil {
					return err
			return nil
	return par.Wait()
Exemple #18
// listIndexes lists indexes in s (a store) asynchronously, sending
// status objects to ch. If f != nil, it is called to set/modify
// fields on each status object before the IndexStatus object is sent to
// the channel.
func listIndexes(s interface{}, c IndexCriteria, ch chan<- IndexStatus, f func(*IndexStatus)) error {
	switch s := s.(type) {
	case indexedStore:
		xx := s.Indexes()
		var waitingOnChildren []IndexStatus
		for name, x := range xx {
			st := IndexStatus{
				Name:  name,
				Type:  strings.TrimPrefix(reflect.TypeOf(x).String(), "*store."),
				index: x,
				store: s,

			if !strings.Contains(st.Name, c.Name) {
			if !strings.Contains(st.Type, c.Type) {

			fi, err := s.statIndex(name)
			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
				st.Stale = true
			} else if err != nil {
				st.Error = err.Error()
			} else {
				st.Size = fi.Size()

			switch x.(type) {
			case unitRefIndexBuilder, defQueryTreeIndexBuilder:
				st.DependsOnChildren = true

			if c.Stale != nil && st.Stale != *c.Stale {

			if f != nil {

			if c.Unit != nil && c.Unit != NoSourceUnit {
				if st.Unit == nil || *c.Unit != *st.Unit {

			if st.DependsOnChildren {
				waitingOnChildren = append(waitingOnChildren, st)
			} else {
				ch <- st

		switch s := s.(type) {
		case *indexedTreeStore:
			if err := listIndexes(s.fsTreeStore, c, ch, f); err != nil {
				return err
		case *indexedUnitStore:
			if err := listIndexes(s.fsUnitStore, c, ch, f); err != nil {
				return err

		for _, si := range waitingOnChildren {
			ch <- si

	case repoStoreOpener:
		var rss map[string]RepoStore
		if c.Repo == "" {
			var err error
			rss, err = s.openAllRepoStores()
			if err != nil && !isStoreNotExist(err) {
				return err
		} else {
			rss = map[string]RepoStore{c.Repo: s.openRepoStore(c.Repo)}

		// Sort repos for determinism.
		repos := make([]string, 0, len(rss))
		for repo := range rss {
			repos = append(repos, repo)

		if c.ReposOffset != 0 {
			if c.ReposOffset < len(repos) {
				repos = repos[c.ReposOffset:]
			} else {
				log.Printf("Warning: A ReposOffset (%d) was specified that equals or exceeds the total number of repos (%d).", c.ReposOffset, len(repos))
		if c.ReposLimit != 0 && c.ReposLimit < len(repos) {
			repos = repos[:c.ReposLimit]

		for _, repo := range repos {
			rs := rss[repo]
			err := listIndexes(rs, c, ch, func(x *IndexStatus) {
				x.Repo = repo
				if f != nil {
			if err != nil {
				return err

	case treeStoreOpener:
		var tss map[string]TreeStore
		if c.CommitID == "" {
			var err error
			tss, err = s.openAllTreeStores()
			if err != nil && !isStoreNotExist(err) {
				return err
		} else {
			tss = map[string]TreeStore{c.CommitID: s.openTreeStore(c.CommitID)}
		for commitID, ts := range tss {
			err := listIndexes(ts, c, ch, func(x *IndexStatus) {
				x.CommitID = commitID
				if f != nil {
			if err != nil {
				return err

	case unitStoreOpener:
		if c.Unit == NoSourceUnit {
			return nil
		var uss map[unit.ID2]UnitStore
		if c.Unit == nil {
			var err error
			uss, err = s.openAllUnitStores()
			if err != nil && !isStoreNotExist(err) {
				return err
		} else {
			uss = map[unit.ID2]UnitStore{*c.Unit: s.openUnitStore(*c.Unit)}
		if len(uss) > 0 {
			par := parallel.NewRun(MaxIndexParallel)
			for unit_, us_ := range uss {
				unit, us := unit_, us_
				par.Do(func() error {
					unitCopy := unit
					return listIndexes(us, c, ch, func(x *IndexStatus) {
						x.Unit = &unitCopy
						if f != nil {
			if err := par.Wait(); err != nil {
				return err

	return nil
Exemple #19
func (s *indexedUnitStore) buildIndexes(xs map[string]Index, data *graph.Output, defOfs byteOffsets, refFBRs fileByteRanges, refOfs byteOffsets) error {
	var defs []*graph.Def
	var refs []*graph.Ref
	if data != nil {
		// Allow us to distinguish between empty (empty slice) and not-yet-fetched (nil).
		defs = data.Defs
		if defs == nil {
			defs = []*graph.Def{}
		refs = data.Refs
		if refs == nil {
			refs = []*graph.Ref{}

	var getDefsErr error
	var getDefsOnce sync.Once
	getDefs := func() ([]*graph.Def, byteOffsets, error) {
		getDefsOnce.Do(func() {
			// Don't refetch if passed in as arg or if getData was
			// already called.
			if defs == nil {
				defs, defOfs, getDefsErr = s.fsUnitStore.readDefs()
			if defs == nil {
				defs = []*graph.Def{}
		return defs, defOfs, getDefsErr

	var getRefsErr error
	var getRefsOnce sync.Once
	getRefs := func() ([]*graph.Ref, fileByteRanges, byteOffsets, error) {
		getRefsOnce.Do(func() {
			// Don't refetch if passed in as arg or if getData was
			// already called.
			if refs == nil {
				refs, refFBRs, refOfs, getRefsErr = s.fsUnitStore.readRefs()
			if refs == nil {
				refs = []*graph.Ref{}
		return refs, refFBRs, refOfs, getRefsErr

	par := parallel.NewRun(len(xs))
	for name_, x_ := range xs {
		name, x := name_, x_
		par.Do(func() error {
			switch x := x.(type) {
			case defIndexBuilder:
				defs, defOfs, err := getDefs()
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if err := x.Build(defs, defOfs); err != nil {
					return err
			case refIndexBuilder:
				refs, refFBRs, refOfs, err := getRefs()
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if err := x.Build(refs, refFBRs, refOfs); err != nil {
					return err
				return fmt.Errorf("don't know how to build index %q of type %T", name, x)
			if x, ok := x.(persistedIndex); ok {
				if err := writeIndex(s.fs, name, x); err != nil {
					return err
			return nil
	return par.Wait()
Exemple #20
// refsAtByteRanges reads the refs at the given serialized byte ranges
// from the ref data file and returns them in arbitrary order.
func (s *fsUnitStore) refsAtByteRanges(brs []byteRanges, fs []RefFilter) (refs []*graph.Ref, err error) {
	vlog.Printf("%s: reading refs at %d byte ranges with filters %v...", s, len(brs), fs)
	f, err := openFetcherOrOpen(s.fs, unitRefsFilename)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer func() {
		err2 := f.Close()
		if err == nil {
			err = err2

	ffs := refFilters(fs)

	p := parFetches(s.fs, fs)
	if p == 0 {
		return nil, nil

	// See how many bytes we need to read to get the refs in all
	// byteRanges.
	readLengths := make([]int64, len(brs))
	totalRefs := 0
	for i, br := range brs {
		var n int64
		for _, b := range br[1:] {
			n += b
		readLengths[i] = n

	var refsLock sync.Mutex
	par := parallel.NewRun(p)
	for i_, br_ := range brs {
		i, br := i_, br_
		par.Do(func() error {
			if _, moreOK := LimitRemaining(fs); !moreOK {
				return nil

			r, err := rangeReader(s.fs, unitRefsFilename, f, br.start(), readLengths[i])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			dec := Codec.NewDecoder(r)
			for range br[1:] {
				var ref graph.Ref
				if _, err := dec.Decode(&ref); err != nil {
					return err
				if ffs.SelectRef(&ref) {
					refs = append(refs, &ref)
			return nil
	if err := par.Wait(); err != nil {
		return refs, err
	vlog.Printf("%s: read %d refs at %d byte ranges with filters %v.", s, len(refs), len(brs), fs)
	return refs, nil