Exemple #1
func outputPrincipal() {
	if path := *options.String["program"]; path != "" {
		subprin, err := makeProgramSubPrin(path)
		options.FailIf(err, "Can't create program principal")
		pt := auth.PrinTail{Ext: subprin}
	if path := *options.String["container"]; path != "" {
		subprin, err := makeContainerSubPrin(path)
		options.FailIf(err, "Can't create container principal")
		pt := auth.PrinTail{Ext: subprin}
	if *options.Bool["tpm"] {
		tpmPath, aikFile, pcrVals := getTPMConfig()
		prin := makeTPMPrin(tpmPath, aikFile, pcrVals)
		// In the domain template the host name is in quotes. We need to escape
		// quote strings in the Principal string so that domain_template.pb gets
		// parsed correctly.
		name := strings.Replace(prin.String(), "\"", "\\\"", -1)
	if lhpath := *options.String["soft"]; lhpath != "" {
		if !path.IsAbs(lhpath) {
			lhpath = path.Join(apps.TaoDomainPath(), lhpath)
		k, err := tao.NewOnDiskPBEKeys(tao.Signing, nil, lhpath, nil)
		options.FailIf(err, "Can't create soft tao keys")
Exemple #2
func hostPath() string {
	hostPath := *options.String["host"]
	if hostPath == "" {
		hostPath = "linux_tao_host"
	if !path.IsAbs(hostPath) {
		hostPath = path.Join(apps.TaoDomainPath(), hostPath)
	return hostPath
Exemple #3
func hostPath() string {
	hostPath := *options.String["host"]
	if hostPath == "" {
		// options.Usage("Must supply a -host path")
		hostPath = "linux_tao_host"
	if !path.IsAbs(hostPath) {
		hostPath = path.Join(apps.TaoDomainPath(), hostPath)
	return hostPath
Exemple #4
func Main() {
	flag.Usage = help

	// Get options before the command verb
	// Get command verb
	cmd := "help"
	if flag.NArg() > 0 {
		cmd = flag.Arg(0)
	// Get options after the command verb
	if flag.NArg() > 1 {

	// Load the domain.
	cpath := path.Join(apps.TaoDomainPath(), "tao.config")
	domain, err := tao.LoadDomain(cpath, nil)
	options.FailIf(err, "Can't load domain")

	// Set $TAO_DOMAIN so it will be inherited by hosted programs
	err = os.Setenv("TAO_DOMAIN", apps.TaoDomainPath())
	options.FailIf(err, "Can't set $TAO_DOMAIN")

	switch cmd {
	case "help":
	case "init":
	case "show":
	case "start":
	case "stop", "shutdown":
		options.Usage("Unrecognized command: %s", cmd)
Exemple #5
func template() *tao.DomainTemplate {
	if savedTemplate == nil {
		configTemplate := *options.String["config_template"]
		if configTemplate == "" {
			configTemplate = path.Join(apps.TaoDomainPath(), "domain_template.pb")
		savedTemplate = new(tao.DomainTemplate)
		pbtext, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configTemplate)
		options.FailIf(err, "Can't read config template. Try -config_template instead?")
		err = proto.UnmarshalText(string(pbtext), savedTemplate)
		options.FailIf(err, "Can't parse config template: %s", configTemplate)
	return savedTemplate
Exemple #6
func loadHost(domain *tao.Domain, cfg *tao.LinuxHostConfig) (*tao.LinuxHost, error) {
	var tc tao.Config

	// Sanity check host type
	var stacked bool
	switch cfg.GetType() {
	case "root":
		stacked = false
	case "stacked":
		stacked = true
	case "":
		options.Usage("Must supply -root or -stacked flag")
		options.Usage("Invalid host type: %s", cfg.GetType())

	// Sanity check hosting type
	hosting := make(map[string]bool)
	for _, h := range cfg.GetHosting() {
		switch h {
		case "process", "docker", "kvm_coreos", "kvm_coreos_linuxhost":
			hosting[h] = true
			options.Usage("Invalid hosting type: %s", cfg.GetHosting())
	if len(hosting) == 0 {
		options.Usage("Must supply -hosting flag")

	// For stacked hosts, figure out the channel type: TPM, pipe, file, or unix
	if stacked {
		switch cfg.GetParentType() {
		case "TPM":
			tc.HostChannelType = "tpm"
		case "pipe":
			tc.HostChannelType = "pipe"
		case "file":
			tc.HostChannelType = "file"
		case "unix":
			tc.HostChannelType = "unix"
		case "":
			// leave channel type blank, tao may find it in env vars
			tc.HostChannelType = ""
			options.Usage("Invalid parent type: %s", cfg.GetParentType())

		// For stacked hosts, we may also have a parent spec from command line
		tc.HostSpec = cfg.GetParentSpec()

		// For stacked hosts on a TPM, we may also have tpm info from domain config
		if domain.Config.TpmInfo != nil {
			tc.TPMAIKPath = path.Join(apps.TaoDomainPath(), domain.Config.TpmInfo.GetAikPath())
			tc.TPMPCRs = domain.Config.TpmInfo.GetPcrs()
			tc.TPMDevice = domain.Config.TpmInfo.GetTpmPath()

	rulesPath := ""
	if p := domain.RulesPath(); p != "" {
		rulesPath = path.Join(apps.TaoDomainPath(), p)

	// Create the hosted program factory
	socketPath := hostPath()
	if subPath := cfg.GetSocketDir(); subPath != "" {
		if path.IsAbs(subPath) {
			socketPath = subPath
		} else {
			socketPath = path.Join(socketPath, subPath)

	// TODO(cjpatton) How do the NewLinuxDockerContainterFactory and the
	// NewLinuxKVMCoreOSHostFactory need to be modified to support the new
	// CachedGuard? They probably don't.
	childFactory := make(map[string]tao.HostedProgramFactory)
	if hosting["process"] {
		childFactory["process"] = tao.NewLinuxProcessFactory("pipe", socketPath)
	if hosting["docker"] {
		childFactory["docker"] = tao.NewLinuxDockerContainerFactory(socketPath, rulesPath)
	if hosting["kvm_coreos"] {
		// TODO(kwalsh) re-enable this code path in new kvm factory
		// sshFile := cfg.GetKvmCoreosSshAuthKeys()
		// if sshFile != "" {
		// if !path.IsAbs(sshFile) {
		// 	sshFile = path.Join(apps.TaoDomainPath(), sshFile)
		// }
		// sshKeysCfg, err := io.ReadFile(sshFile)
		// options.FailIf(err, "Can't read ssh authorized keys")

		coreOSImage := cfg.GetKvmCoreosImg()
		if coreOSImage == "" {
			options.Usage("Must specify -kvm_coreos_image for hosting QEMU/KVM CoreOS")
		if !path.IsAbs(coreOSImage) {
			coreOSImage = path.Join(apps.TaoDomainPath(), coreOSImage)

		// TODO(kwalsh) re-enable this code path in new kvm factory
		// vmMemory := cfg.GetKvmCoreosVmMemory()
		// if vmMemory == 0 {
		// 	vmMemory = 1024
		// }

		var err error
		childFactory["kvm_coreos"], err = tao.NewKVMCoreOSFactory(coreOSImage, false)
		options.FailIf(err, "Can't create KVM CoreOS factory")
	if hosting["kvm_coreos_linuxhost"] {
		sshFile := cfg.GetKvmCoreosSshAuthKeys()
		if sshFile == "" {
			options.Usage("Must specify -kvm_coreos_ssh_auth_keys for hosting QEMU/KVM CoreOS")
		if !path.IsAbs(sshFile) {
			sshFile = path.Join(apps.TaoDomainPath(), sshFile)
		sshKeysCfg, err := tao.CloudConfigFromSSHKeys(sshFile)
		options.FailIf(err, "Can't read ssh keys")

		coreOSImage := cfg.GetKvmCoreosImg()
		if coreOSImage == "" {
			options.Usage("Must specify -kvm_coreos_image for hosting QEMU/KVM CoreOS")
		if !path.IsAbs(coreOSImage) {
			coreOSImage = path.Join(apps.TaoDomainPath(), coreOSImage)

		vmMemory := cfg.GetKvmCoreosVmMemory()
		if vmMemory == 0 {
			vmMemory = 1024

		cfg := &tao.CoreOSLinuxhostConfig{
			ImageFile:  coreOSImage,
			Memory:     int(vmMemory),
			RulesPath:  rulesPath,
			SSHKeysCfg: sshKeysCfg,

		childFactory["kvm_coreos_linuxhost"], err = tao.NewLinuxKVMCoreOSHostFactory(socketPath, cfg)
		options.FailIf(err, "Can't create KVM CoreOS LinuxHost factory")

	if !stacked {
		pwd := options.Password("root host key password", "pass")
		return tao.NewRootLinuxHost(hostPath(), domain.Guard, pwd, childFactory)
	} else {
		parent := tao.ParentFromConfig(tc)
		if parent == nil {
			options.Usage("No host tao available, verify -parent_type (or $%s) and associated variables\n", tao.HostChannelTypeEnvVar)
		return tao.NewStackedLinuxHost(hostPath(), domain.Guard, parent, childFactory)
Exemple #7
func configPath() string {
	return path.Join(apps.TaoDomainPath(), "tao.config")