Exemple #1
// buildsFindByRepoSha finds a build by repository and sha.
func buildsFindByRepoSha(tx *sqlx.Tx, repoSha string) (*Build, error) {
	parts := strings.Split(repoSha, "@")
	var sql = `SELECT * FROM builds
WHERE repository = ?
AND sha = ?
ORDER BY seq desc
	var b Build
	err := tx.Get(&b, tx.Rebind(sql), parts[0], parts[1])
	return &b, err
Exemple #2
// artifactsFindByRepoSha finds an artifact by image.
func artifactsFindByRepoSha(tx *sqlx.Tx, repoSha string) (*Artifact, error) {
	parts := strings.Split(repoSha, "@")
	var sql = `SELECT * FROM artifacts
WHERE repository = ?
AND sha = ?
ORDER BY seq desc
	var a Artifact
	err := tx.Get(&a, tx.Rebind(sql), parts[0], parts[1])
	return &a, err
Exemple #3
// buildsUpdateState changes the state of a build.
func buildsUpdateState(tx *sqlx.Tx, buildID string, state BuildState) error {
	var sql string
	switch state {
	case StateBuilding:
		sql = `UPDATE builds SET state = ?, started_at = ? WHERE id = ?`
	case StateSucceeded, StateFailed:
		sql = `UPDATE builds SET state = ?, completed_at = ? WHERE id = ?`
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("not implemented for %s", state))

	_, err := tx.Exec(tx.Rebind(sql), state, time.Now(), buildID)
	return err
Exemple #4
// buildsFind finds a build by ID.
func buildsFind(tx *sqlx.Tx, buildID string) (*Build, error) {
	const (
		findBuildSql     = `SELECT * FROM builds where id = ?`
		findArtifactsSql = `SELECT image FROM artifacts WHERE build_id = ?`

	var b Build
	err := tx.Get(&b, tx.Rebind(findBuildSql), buildID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	err = tx.Select(&b.Artifacts, tx.Rebind(findArtifactsSql), buildID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &b, err
Exemple #5
// buildsFindByID finds a build by ID.
func buildsFindByID(tx *sqlx.Tx, buildID string) (*Build, error) {
	const findBuildSql = `SELECT * FROM builds WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1`
	var b Build
	err := tx.Get(&b, tx.Rebind(findBuildSql), buildID)
	return &b, err
Exemple #6
// artifactsFindByID finds an artifact by ID.
func artifactsFindByID(tx *sqlx.Tx, artifactID string) (*Artifact, error) {
	var sql = `SELECT * FROM artifacts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1`
	var a Artifact
	err := tx.Get(&a, tx.Rebind(sql), artifactID)
	return &a, err