// NewDefaultsCommandForTest returns a defaultsCommand with the api provided as specified. func NewDefaultsCommandForTest(api defaultsCommandAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command { cmd := &defaultsCommand{ api: api, } cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.WrapController(cmd) }
func NewAddCommandForTest(api StorageAddAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command { cmd := &addCommand{newAPIFunc: func() (StorageAddAPI, error) { return api, nil }} cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd) }
func NewShowUserCommandForTest(api UserInfoAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command { cmd := &infoCommand{infoCommandBase: infoCommandBase{ clock: clock.WallClock, api: api}} cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.WrapController(cmd) }
// NewGrantCommandForTest returns a GrantCommand with the api provided as specified. func NewGrantCommandForTest(api GrantModelAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) (cmd.Command, *GrantCommand) { cmd := &grantCommand{ api: api, } cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.WrapController(cmd), &GrantCommand{cmd} }
func NewPoolCreateCommandForTest(api PoolCreateAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command { cmd := &poolCreateCommand{newAPIFunc: func() (PoolCreateAPI, error) { return api, nil }} cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd) }
// NewRevokeCommandForTest returns an revokeCommand with the api provided as specified. func NewRevokeCommandForTest(api RevokeModelAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) (cmd.Command, *RevokeCommand) { cmd := &revokeCommand{ api: api, } cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.WrapController(cmd), &RevokeCommand{cmd} }
func (s *MigrateSuite) runCommand(c *gc.C, args ...string) (*cmd.Context, error) { cmd := &migrateCommand{ api: s.api, } cmd.SetClientStore(s.store) return testing.RunCommand(c, modelcmd.WrapController(cmd), args...) }
// NewDefaultsCommandForTest returns a defaultsCommand with the api provided as specified. func NewDefaultsCommandForTest(apiRoot api.Connection, dAPI defaultsCommandAPI, cAPI cloudAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command { cmd := &defaultsCommand{ newAPIRoot: func() (api.Connection, error) { return apiRoot, nil }, newDefaultsAPI: func(caller base.APICallCloser) defaultsCommandAPI { return dAPI }, newCloudAPI: func(caller base.APICallCloser) cloudAPI { return cAPI }, } cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.WrapController(cmd) }
func (s *ValidateToolsMetadataSuite) TestInitErrors(c *gc.C) { for i, t := range validateInitToolsErrorTests { c.Logf("test %d", i) cmd := &validateToolsMetadataCommand{} cmd.SetClientStore(s.store) err := coretesting.InitCommand(modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), t.args) c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err) } }
func (s *MigrateSuite) makeCommand() *migrateCommand { cmd := &migrateCommand{ api: s.api, newAPIRoot: func(jujuclient.ClientStore, string, string) (api.Connection, error) { return s.targetControllerAPI, nil }, } cmd.SetClientStore(s.store) return cmd }
// NewDestroyCommandForTest returns a DestroyCommand with the api provided as specified. func NewDestroyCommandForTest(api DestroyEnvironmentAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command { cmd := &destroyCommand{ api: api, } cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.Wrap( cmd, modelcmd.ModelSkipDefault, modelcmd.ModelSkipFlags, ) }
// NewDestroyCommandForTest returns a DestroyCommand with the api provided as specified. func NewDestroyCommandForTest(api DestroyModelAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command { cmd := &destroyCommand{ api: api, } cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.Wrap( cmd, modelcmd.WrapSkipDefaultModel, modelcmd.WrapSkipModelFlags, ) }
// In the case where we cannot examine the client store, we want the // error to propagate back up to the user. func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapPropagatesStoreErrors(c *gc.C) { const controllerName = "devcontroller" bootstrappedControllerName(controllerName) s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring") store := jujuclienttesting.NewStubStore() store.SetErrors(errors.New("oh noes")) cmd := &bootstrapCommand{} cmd.SetClientStore(store) _, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), controllerName, "dummy", "--auto-upgrade") c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `loading credentials: oh noes`) }
// NewDestroyCommandForTest returns a DestroyCommand with the api provided as specified. func NewDestroyCommandForTest( api DestroyModelAPI, refreshFunc func(jujuclient.ClientStore, string) error, store jujuclient.ClientStore, sleepFunc func(time.Duration), ) cmd.Command { cmd := &destroyCommand{ api: api, RefreshModels: refreshFunc, sleepFunc: sleepFunc, } cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.Wrap( cmd, modelcmd.WrapSkipDefaultModel, modelcmd.WrapSkipModelFlags, ) }
// NewDestroyCommandForTest returns a DestroyCommand with the controller and // client endpoints mocked out. func NewDestroyCommandForTest( api destroyControllerAPI, clientapi destroyClientAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore, apierr error, ) cmd.Command { cmd := &destroyCommand{ destroyCommandBase: destroyCommandBase{ api: api, clientapi: clientapi, apierr: apierr, }, } cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.WrapController( cmd, modelcmd.WrapControllerSkipControllerFlags, modelcmd.WrapControllerSkipDefaultController, ) }
func NewUpgradeCharmCommandForTest( store jujuclient.ClientStore, apiOpener modelcmd.APIOpener, deployResources resourceadapters.DeployResourcesFunc, resolveCharm ResolveCharmFunc, newCharmAdder NewCharmAdderFunc, newCharmClient func(api.Connection) CharmClient, newCharmUpgradeClient func(api.Connection) CharmUpgradeClient, newModelConfigGetter func(api.Connection) ModelConfigGetter, newResourceLister func(api.Connection) (ResourceLister, error), ) cmd.Command { cmd := &upgradeCharmCommand{ DeployResources: deployResources, ResolveCharm: resolveCharm, NewCharmAdder: newCharmAdder, NewCharmClient: newCharmClient, NewCharmUpgradeClient: newCharmUpgradeClient, NewModelConfigGetter: newModelConfigGetter, NewResourceLister: newResourceLister, } cmd.SetClientStore(store) cmd.SetAPIOpener(apiOpener) return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd) }
func runValidateImageMetadata(c *gc.C, store jujuclient.ClientStore, args ...string) (*cmd.Context, error) { cmd := &validateImageMetadataCommand{} cmd.SetClientStore(store) return coretesting.RunCommand(c, modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), args...) }
// NewShowCommandForTest returns a ShowCommand with the api provided as specified. func NewShowCommandForTest(api ShowModelAPI, refreshFunc func(jujuclient.ClientStore, string) error, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command { cmd := &showModelCommand{api: api, RefreshModels: refreshFunc} cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd) }
// NewUsersCommandForTest returns a UsersCommand with the api provided as specified. func NewUsersCommandForTest(api UsersAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command { cmd := &usersCommand{api: api} cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd) }
// NewDumpDBCommandForTest returns a DumpDBCommand with the api provided as specified. func NewDumpDBCommandForTest(api DumpDBAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command { cmd := &dumpDBCommand{api: api} cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.WrapController(cmd) }
// NewShowCommandForTest returns a ShowCommand with the api provided as specified. func NewShowCommandForTest(api ShowModelAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command { cmd := &showModelCommand{api: api} cmd.SetClientStore(store) return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd) }
func (s *syncToolsSuite) runSyncToolsCommand(c *gc.C, args ...string) (*cmd.Context, error) { cmd := &syncToolsCommand{} cmd.SetClientStore(s.store) return coretesting.RunCommand(c, modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), args...) }