func (*destroyEnvSuite) TestDestroyEnvironmentCommandConfirmationFlag(c *gc.C) {
	com := new(DestroyEnvironmentCommand)
	c.Check(coretesting.InitCommand(com, []string{"dummyenv"}), gc.IsNil)
	c.Check(com.assumeYes, gc.Equals, false)

	com = new(DestroyEnvironmentCommand)
	c.Check(coretesting.InitCommand(com, []string{"dummyenv", "-y"}), gc.IsNil)
	c.Check(com.assumeYes, gc.Equals, true)

	com = new(DestroyEnvironmentCommand)
	c.Check(coretesting.InitCommand(com, []string{"dummyenv", "--yes"}), gc.IsNil)
	c.Check(com.assumeYes, gc.Equals, true)
Exemple #2
// CheckAgentCommand is a utility function for verifying that common agent
// options are handled by a Command; it returns an instance of that
// command pre-parsed, with any mandatory flags added.
func CheckAgentCommand(c *gc.C, create acCreator, args []string) cmd.Command {
	com, conf := create()
	err := coretesting.InitCommand(com, args)
	c.Assert(conf.dataDir, gc.Equals, "/var/lib/juju")
	badArgs := append(args, "--data-dir", "")
	com, conf = create()
	err = coretesting.InitCommand(com, badArgs)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "--data-dir option must be set")

	args = append(args, "--data-dir", "jd")
	com, conf = create()
	c.Assert(coretesting.InitCommand(com, args), gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(conf.dataDir, gc.Equals, "jd")
	return com
func (s *ValidateImageMetadataSuite) TestInitErrors(c *gc.C) {
	for i, t := range validateInitImageErrorTests {
		c.Logf("test %d", i)
		err := coretesting.InitCommand(envcmd.Wrap(&ValidateImageMetadataCommand{}), t.args)
		c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err)
Exemple #4
func (s *DeleteCharmSuite) TestInit(c *gc.C) {
	config := &DeleteCharmCommand{}
	err := testing.InitCommand(config, []string{"--config", "/etc/charmd.conf", "--url", "cs:go"})
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(config.ConfigPath, gc.Equals, "/etc/charmd.conf")
	c.Assert(config.Url, gc.Equals, "cs:go")
Exemple #5
func (s *DeploySuite) TestInitErrors(c *gc.C) {
	for i, t := range initErrorTests {
		c.Logf("test %d", i)
		err := coretesting.InitCommand(envcmd.Wrap(&DeployCommand{}), t.args)
		c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err)
Exemple #6
// testInit checks that a command initialises correctly
// with the given set of arguments.
func testInit(c *gc.C, com cmd.Command, args []string, errPat string) {
	err := coretesting.InitCommand(com, args)
	if errPat != "" {
		c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, errPat)
	} else {
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
Exemple #7
func (s *PortsSuite) TestBadArgs(c *gc.C) {
	for _, name := range []string{"open-port", "close-port"} {
		for _, t := range badPortsTests {
			hctx := s.GetHookContext(c, -1, "")
			com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, name)
			c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
			err = testing.InitCommand(com, t.args)
			c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err)
Exemple #8
func runCommand(ctx *cmd.Context, com cmd.Command, args ...string) (opc chan dummy.Operation, errc chan error) {
	if ctx == nil {
		panic("ctx == nil")
	errc = make(chan error, 1)
	opc = make(chan dummy.Operation, 200)
	go func() {
		// signal that we're done with this ops channel.
		defer dummy.Listen(nil)

		err := coretesting.InitCommand(com, args)
		if err != nil {
			errc <- err

		err = com.Run(ctx)
		errc <- err
Exemple #9
func (s *BootstrapSuite) initBootstrapCommand(c *gc.C, jobs []params.MachineJob, args ...string) (machineConf agent.ConfigSetterWriter, cmd *BootstrapCommand, err error) {
	if len(jobs) == 0 {
		// Add default jobs.
		jobs = []params.MachineJob{
			params.JobManageEnviron, params.JobHostUnits,
	// NOTE: the old test used an equivalent of the NewAgentConfig, but it
	// really should be using NewStateMachineConfig.
	agentParams := agent.AgentConfigParams{
		LogDir:            s.logDir,
		DataDir:           s.dataDir,
		Jobs:              jobs,
		Tag:               "machine-0",
		UpgradedToVersion: version.Current.Number,
		Password:          testPasswordHash(),
		Nonce:             state.BootstrapNonce,
		StateAddresses:    []string{testing.MgoServer.Addr()},
		APIAddresses:      []string{""},
		CACert:            testing.CACert,
		Values:            map[string]string{agent.Namespace: "foobar"},
	servingInfo := params.StateServingInfo{
		Cert:       "some cert",
		PrivateKey: "some key",
		APIPort:    3737,
		StatePort:  testing.MgoServer.Port(),

	machineConf, err = agent.NewStateMachineConfig(agentParams, servingInfo)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	err = machineConf.Write()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	cmd = &BootstrapCommand{}

	err = testing.InitCommand(cmd, append([]string{"--data-dir", s.dataDir}, args...))
	return machineConf, cmd, err
Exemple #10
func (s *UnitGetSuite) TestUnknownArg(c *gc.C) {
	com := s.createCommand(c)
	err := testing.InitCommand(com, []string{"private-address", "blah"})
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `unrecognized args: \["blah"\]`)
Exemple #11
func (s *UnitGetSuite) TestUnknownSetting(c *gc.C) {
	com := s.createCommand(c)
	err := testing.InitCommand(com, []string{"protected-address"})
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `unknown setting "protected-address"`)
Exemple #12
func (s *OwnerGetSuite) TestUnknownSetting(c *gc.C) {
	com := s.createCommand(c)
	err := testing.InitCommand(com, []string{"unknown-setting"})
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `unknown setting "unknown-setting"`)
Exemple #13
func initDefenestrate(args []string) (*cmd.SuperCommand, *TestCommand, error) {
	jc := cmd.NewSuperCommand(cmd.SuperCommandParams{Name: "jujutest"})
	tc := &TestCommand{Name: "defenestrate"}
	return jc, tc, testing.InitCommand(jc, args)
Exemple #14
// initAgent initialises the given agent command with additional
// arguments as provided.
func (s *agentSuite) initAgent(c *gc.C, a cmd.Command, args ...string) {
	args = append([]string{"--data-dir", s.DataDir()}, args...)
	err := coretesting.InitCommand(a, args)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
Exemple #15
func initAddUnitCommand(args ...string) (*AddUnitCommand, error) {
	com := &AddUnitCommand{}
	return com, coretesting.InitCommand(com, args)
Exemple #16
func initRemoveUnitCommand(args ...string) (*RemoveUnitCommand, error) {
	com := &RemoveUnitCommand{}
	return com, coretesting.InitCommand(com, args)
Exemple #17
func initUnsetCommand(args ...string) (*UnsetCommand, error) {
	com := &UnsetCommand{}
	return com, coretesting.InitCommand(com, args)
Exemple #18
func initSCPCommand(args ...string) (*SCPCommand, error) {
	com := &SCPCommand{}
	return com, coretesting.InitCommand(com, args)
Exemple #19
func initExposeCommand(args ...string) (*ExposeCommand, error) {
	com := &ExposeCommand{}
	return com, coretesting.InitCommand(com, args)
Exemple #20
// ParseAgentCommand is a utility function that inserts the always-required args
// before parsing an agent command and returning the result.
func ParseAgentCommand(ac cmd.Command, args []string) error {
	common := []string{
		"--data-dir", "jd",
	return coretesting.InitCommand(ac, append(common, args...))
Exemple #21
func initDeployCommand(args ...string) (*DeployCommand, error) {
	com := &DeployCommand{}
	return com, coretesting.InitCommand(envcmd.Wrap(com), args)