Exemple #1
// TestWatchMeterStatus tests the meter status watcher functionality.
func TestWatchMeterStatus(c *gc.C, status meterstatus.MeterStatus, unit *jujustate.Unit, state *jujustate.State, resources *common.Resources) {
	c.Assert(resources.Count(), gc.Equals, 0)

	args := params.Entities{Entities: []params.Entity{
		{Tag: unit.UnitTag().String()},
		{Tag: "unit-foo-42"},
	result, err := status.WatchMeterStatus(args)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(result, gc.DeepEquals, params.NotifyWatchResults{
		Results: []params.NotifyWatchResult{
			{NotifyWatcherId: "1"},
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},

	// Verify the resource was registered and stop when done
	c.Assert(resources.Count(), gc.Equals, 1)
	resource := resources.Get("1")
	defer statetesting.AssertStop(c, resource)

	// Check that the Watch has consumed the initial event ("returned" in
	// the Watch call)
	wc := statetesting.NewNotifyWatcherC(c, state, resource.(jujustate.NotifyWatcher))

	err = unit.SetMeterStatus("GREEN", "No additional information.")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)