Exemple #1
func (s *listSuite) TestInfo(c *gc.C) {
	var command status.ListCommand
	info := command.Info()

	c.Check(info, jc.DeepEquals, &cmd.Info{
		Name:    "payloads",
		Args:    "[pattern ...]",
		Purpose: "display status information about known payloads",
		Doc: `
This command will report on the runtime state of defined payloads.

When one or more pattern is given, Juju will limit the results to only
those payloads which match *any* of the provided patterns. Each pattern
will be checked against the following info in Juju:

- unit name
- machine id
- payload type
- payload class
- payload id
- payload tag
- payload status
		Aliases: []string{"list-payloads"},